Ushiwaka - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago


Chapter 7: Long time no see

Part 1 - Part 2

Time skip JPN and Seijoh for you!!! Hope you’ll enjoy this chapter, I loved it so much!

Start reading here


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1 year ago

Shiratorizawa's obsession.

Shiratorizawa's captain's obsession over Seijoh's is well known, but what about the Middle Blockers? Based on an official art (in the 2nd pic).

Shiratorizawa's Obsession.
Shiratorizawa's Obsession.

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4 years ago

rip to all our potential s/o who just wouldn’t be enough. not when they’re not ushiwaka using his big, veiny hands to grip every patch of skin he could see in the dimly lit room he rented as your tongues intertwine, a trail of your spit connecting the both of you as you part with hazy eyes from the sheer heat and intensity of the prologue.

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4 years ago

ushijima x reader - “to build a home” 

genre: fluff

word count: 520

warnings: none

Ushijima X Reader -to Build A Home

you looked good, ushijima thought to himself as you approached him in your apron with the most excited and loving glow around you, ready to welcome him back into your arms as you do every single day.

"welcome back 'toshi! i was just making your favorite but you came back earlier than i expected," he chuckled deeply, pressing a kiss onto your head as he showed you a small smile only reserved for you.

"you should take a shower first. it'll help you loosen up your muscles. the water's all warmed up already."

before he could show his appreciation, you were already scurrying away from him as you went back to cooking. you were too perfect, he thought with another chuckle. ushijima moved to follow your suggestion, patting your dog in the head as a greeting that sent his tail wagging madly. you had insisted that getting said dog was a must since he was away quite often. ushijima blinks away the fondness in his eyes as he remembers the memory of that day.

you were too perfect, he thought as he came back from the shower only to see you babying your dog. the sight of you being so nurturing sent him into overdrive and he felt little sparks against his fingertips as he reached out to touch you.

"oh! you're done! let's eat before the food gets cold."

a small part of him felt guilty. you have always gone beyond what he expected you to do even before you two had gotten married. you always gave him the best of you and he tries to return it, he really does but in his opinion, he falls short far too much. as you talked animatedly about your day, he wondered if it was alright for him to feel like this. to feel safe, to feel happy, to feel at home when he was rarely ever home. how many nights were you left sleeping alone?

the feeling returned. an inkling of a ravenous desire. a need. a lifeline with you. his heart raced impossibly fast but he remained calm. it was the same feeling he got when he is seconds away from a spike. his adrenaline pumping, eyes dilated, nervous, excited but steady like the waters before a storm. he is right where he needs to be. one look at your jubilant form, the you who was talking animatedly about you and your dog's shenanigans, and he was stilled. he was ready to go for it. he was ready for this.

"y/n," you blinked, only realizing how this was the first time he spoke to you that night. he was more of a listener so he usually didn't talk until need be but that's okay. his presence speaks loud enough for him.


ushijima stared at you, eyes seemingly blank until you look deeper and you see sparks of a raging flame, "let's have a baby."

sure, you wanted to say after you processed his passive delivery of otherwise weighty words. sure, you wanted to say but only after you dislodge the steak that accidentally went into your windpipe.

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3 years ago


I Think Ushijima Looks Great With Purple
I Think Ushijima Looks Great With Purple

I think Ushijima looks great with purple ♡

I Think Ushijima Looks Great With Purple

[click on images for best quality. reblogs are greatly not repost my art thank you 🌸]

my twitter ♡ my instagram

I Think Ushijima Looks Great With Purple

Tagged: @koutaroucutie @radiofmv @selfishwitch @sugushou @introloves @kiyoobi

* if you would like to be tagged send me an ask. if you were on my tag list on my old account please let me know and i’ll add you if I missed you.

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6 years ago
Ushiwaka From Okami

Ushiwaka from Okami

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4 years ago

If y’all want to know what Ushijima’s English voice would sound like, look up Corpse Husband on YouTube and be prepared to melt (because it’s so smooth and deep and literally I adore corpse hes such a sweetie! Please subscribe to him)

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4 years ago
Ive Accidentally Listened Hikariare Like 20 Times And Here We Go

I’ve accidentally listened “hikariare” like 20 times and here we go

Also wonder why shiratorisawa aren’t been drawn with wings as much as karasunos are

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4 years ago

Haikyuu!! Characters as things people I know have said:

Hinata: “How would I get sick? I was already sick this year.”

Kageyama: “It’s part of my new cruelty policy.”

Nishinoya: “I’m fine. Knee pads offer maximum protection.”

Tsukishima: “I love thinking of new ways to insult people.”

Oikawa: “I would forgive my human imperfections if I had any.”

Bokuto: “I put the o in fun.”

Iwaizumi: “I’m angst-ridden.”

Kuroo: “Be quiet! I’m talking about my son.”

Akaashi: “This is above my pay grade.”

Kenma: “I’ve been gaming ever since I woke up today at 2 pm.”

Daichi: “Now that you’ve killed me...”

Tanaka: “I liked her when I was in high school, and I like her now.”

Yamaguchi: “You might be cruel, but I will love you nevertheless.”

Sugawara: “Come on people. Let’s act a little mature here.”

Ushijima: “Ok, but he should have gone to Shiratorizawa.”

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11 years ago
The Fearsome Warriors At Rest.

The fearsome warriors at rest.

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2 years ago

🚫The Boys Catch

Someone Violating

Their Female SO🚫

 The Boys Catch

 The Boys Catch

Kenma Kuzome x Female reader; Kuroo Tetsuro x Female reader; Ushijima Wakatoshi x Femake Reader; Tendo Satori x Female Reader

Warnings: This could potentially be a very triggering topic so please read the warnings. Unwanted touching, unwanted photography taken, sexual harassment, bullying.

A/N: This is an request from @demonbitterbite last year. I'm usually pretty lighthearted when just write these headcannons but I just want everyone to know that it's NEVER EVER ok for anyone to touch you without your permission! Remember, asking permission/ getting consent is the only way to go 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻

Kenma Kozume

Kenma isn't the most "alpha" of the bunch

But that doesn't mean he's not protective

Not only is he protective but man's is observant

Let's say you are taking the train home with Kenma after practice

It's standing room only so you both hold on

You talk and Kenma listens

He's probably on his phone too

But this is your routine

And kenma is a pro at multitasking

However he's also a pro at observation

So when he sees a guy scooting close to you and putting his phone under your skirt

All bets are off

He's going to grab you and pull you behind him

Then he will stop the train and call the police

He's also probably snapped a picture of the man ir better yet his ID

Kenma doesn't play around with crap like that

Plus he has a wicked glare

He will tend to you while seeing that the police handle the creep

He will ask how you are and what he can do to help you

Kenma may seem aloof but he's the most rational of the bunch

Kuroo Tetsuro

Kuroo is the most irrational of the group

He is SO protective of his partner

Like he knows you can handle yourself but when you are with him

No way is he going to let anyone mess with you

So when you stop by the gym after your club meeting to walk him with him, he will happily oblige

You are waiting for him to get changed in the club room

Minding your own business, checking your socials

Suddenly a group a nasty boys comes up behind you and you hear a picture snap

You turn around only to see one of the boys pull his phone from below your skirt

Seriously how Violating!

You start to cry because that's so messed up

The boys laugh when Kuroo comes out to see what happened

You lean into him and sob

He asks you what's wrong and the boys just laugh

Then one really stupid one says "nothing dude just getting a glimpse up your girls skirt"

Bad idea bro

Kuroo will absolutely lose it

I headcannon kuroo can fight

Like broken noses, brushed ribs the whole shebang

He will totally beat the absolute crap out of anyone who hurts you

Meanwhile, Kenma and Kai have probably come to console you

Yaku is totally helping Kuroo

Kuroo will break the guys phone and tell them to never fuck with any girl ever again

That's all they need

They run off crying

Honestly they deserve it

Kuroo totally grabs you and holds you close

Mans will buy you whatever or do whatever he can to make you feel better

You don't want ro mess with Kuroo's girl

Ushiwaka Wakatoshi

Ushi wins the award for most intimidating

Seriously the man is like 6'3" and scary as hell

Have you seen his hands wrapped around a volleyball?

He could crush someone's throat

But Ushi also isn't the violent type

Unless it comes to his SO

You somehow managed to wiggle your way into the heart of Ushijima Wakatoshi

Seriously a feat in itself yn

He trusts you and you trust him

You often go to tournaments and cheer him on

Ushi secretly loves it trust me

So you are up cheering the boys on with the other partners of Shiratorizawa when there is a creep lurking behind you

You don't pay much attention to them because like some people just give off weird vibes

It isn't until your friend alerts you that the person is taking pictures up your skirt that you lose it

You whip around, slapping the person in the face

The slap heard round the world

Seriously tho, the game just ended and the boys are packing up

You scream and yell at the person

Ushi takes off towards you

Mans is running people over!

You and your friends managed to corner the creep who is denying the accusations

I mean they were caught read handed but ok go off

You tell Wakatoshi what happened

His gaze snaps to the person and his eyes blaze fire

You actually get nervous

I mean he's even more on his game than he was when they played Karasuno

"Delete that photo now or pay" he says

The person instantly complies

Like zero hesitation

"Don't you ever do anything like that ever again"

Ushi just solved the world's creep problems with his stare

Afterwards he will consol you and ask if you are ok

You totally are

Ushiwaka is so proud of you

Tendo Satori

Tendo is absolutely feral

Like mans is a golden retriever boyfriend

Sweetest most caring man

But he's alot like Kuroo

He can be fun but do not get him angry

I think Tendo is one of those guys that takes alot to get angry

But when he is, oof

You and Tendo are on a date

You stop to look over a bridge because it's a nice day

You are wearing the cutest summer dress and sandals

Tendo has his arm around you

It's so cute

Until some jerk ruins it

They just walk by, flip your dress up and snap a picture

Honestly it happened so fast it felt like it didn't happen

But you know it did and so did Tendo

You are so embarrassed and rightfully so

Tendo is enraged

Like he's going to LOSE IT

Without hesitation he will kick the person to the ground and start beating on them

You have to drag him off YN

But like should you?

I'll leave that up to you

The person is totally crying and saying they were "just joking"

Sexual harassment isn't a joke dude

Tendo will whale on the person until they finally apologize and delete the photo

Then he will simply get up, grab you, hug and kiss you and walk off

Like nothing happened

Just another day in paradise for Tendo

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4 years ago

Manga spoilers from haikyuu (chapter 401)

When I was reading it with people around me I had to leave because I was smiling so much because I saw kuroo :) Also how Suga was waiting Kageyama's autograph and how Romero bought his son to Hinata and they started talking and-

Manga Spoilers From Haikyuu (chapter 401)

I could go forever on this. I loved everything about it!! Is it true that the next one will be the last?? Better buy my tissues

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