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7 years ago

Tシャツ 仕事をください。お金が必要なんです。 仕事が無理なら お金だけでも構いません。

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7 years ago

Tシャツ 日本

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7 years ago

Tシャツ 男前と言えばアランドロンか草刈正雄 因業大家と言えば花沢徳衛か多々良純 で、もちろん万博と言えばEXPO’70。

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7 years ago

Tシャツ 職質を うけて一皮 剥ける夜 

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7 years ago
 / 2006Rocket Boom

ロゴ / ロケットブーム(2006) ニューヨークから配信されていたビデオポッドキャスト番組「Rocket Boom」の、日本語版ロゴマーク。

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7 years ago
fredio - GARDEN GARAGE は、引っ越しました。


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7 years ago


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7 years ago


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4 months ago

This is soooo AMAZINGGGG 💕💕 I love abo and especially it’s with daddy too now I need Wolf!Terry inside of me🥴😮‍💨🥵

This Is Soooo AMAZINGGGG I Love Abo And Especially Its With Daddy Too Now I Need Wolf!Terry Inside Of
This Is Soooo AMAZINGGGG I Love Abo And Especially Its With Daddy Too Now I Need Wolf!Terry Inside Of

Halloween Smut Fest 🎃👻

Aaron Pierre as Terrance


HalloweenSmutFestMasterlist / Masterlist / Masterlist 2

request for @notshonaa 🤍

Halloween Smut Fest

Terrance hated when this time of year came around. He dreads this day every year and every year he has to lie to you. You were the greatest thing that has ever happened to him and he didn’t want to lose you.

Terrance stayed up all night thinking about today. He looked over at you snuggled against his side and lightly snoring. That was the cutest thing ever to him. He knew you were hoping that this year would be different and he wished the same but today, you were going to be mad at him and he hated that.

As you started to stir in your sleep, Terrance exhaled while closing his eyes, dreading the moment he has to tell you he can’t be around you tonight once again.

“ Goodmorning baby. “ You stretched beside him before looking over at him.

“ Goodmorning beautiful. How did you sleep? “ He asked while pulling you back into his side.

“ I slept good. I don’t want to get out of bed. “ You pouted.

“ I know baby me either but we still have jobs to do. “

He says making you groan. You leaned over and noticed the time was 6:29 AM and you both don’t get ready until 8.

“ Well it’s only 6:30. We can kill some time until it’s time to get ready. “ You smirked while straddling his lap.

“ Baby we’re going to be late.. “

He chuckled while feeling you kiss along his neck and jawline. Your lips felt so good on him. As badly as he wanted you, he didn’t feel right having sex before pissing you off. He sat up with his arm around your waist.

“ Baby. Wait. We need to talk. “ You sighed while throwing your head.

“ If you’re about to say what I think you’re about to say- “

“ Yes I am. And I still can’t explain to you but you have to trust me baby. “ He sighs while watching you get off his lap and walk into the bathroom.

“ I have to trust you and you won’t tell me why I can’t see my boyfriend on the same day every single year? For the past 4 years I have been trying to trust you but I can’t keep doing this Terrance! “ You exclaimed.

“ Baby I don’t want to keep having this conversation either but I can’t tell you. “

“ You know what, do whatever you want I don’t care. Don’t bother coming in this room for the next few days. “ As he started to get up, you closed and locked the bathroom door before he could make it to you.

He sighed and rubbed his face before snatching his phone up off the nightstand, grabbing his work clothes and walking downstairs. Every year on halloween night, Terrance transforms into an 7 ft tall werewolf looking to hunt. For the past 6 years this has been happening to him and he doesn’t know why. Every halloween night, he hides outside of town in the woods in a cave his werewolf side took him too. At 10pm, Terrance drives out to the woods and waits in his cave until his transition happens at 12.

He went into the guest bedroom and showered before getting dressed and stepping out of the bedroom. As he stepped out, he heard your car engine turn on and the garage door open. He sighed hearing you drive off without saying a word. He slammed his fist on dresser in anger and stressing about losing you. He placed on his Marine camo uniform and grabbed his keys before leaving out.

The entire day he’s been blowing up your phone apologizing and professing his love for you but you didn’t want to talk to him right now. You were currently sitting with your friend and co worker Monae outside and enjoying a caesar salad.

“ He’s doing that shit again?! “ Monae asks in shock.

“ Yes! Monae I swear i’m getting so sick of this. I’ve been trying to trust him these last few years but i’m tired of all the secrets. Before I left home, I placed my spare airtag in his duffel bag in his trunk. so i’ll follow him tonight. “

“ Are you forreal?! I know that’s right. He won’t tell you what’s going on so you find out yourself. “ Monae nodded in agreement.

“ Exactly. I’m tired of being left in the dark. “

Before you pulled out of your garage, you managed to slip an airtag into a small pocket of his duffel bag that had a change of clothes inside. You managed to get inside his trunk by using his spare key that you have. You were determined to get answers.

Terrance spent the day quiet with no emotion on his face. All he thought about was you and the pain of not having you. He hated keeping secrets from you but he told himself that if you found out, you would leave him. His best friend Malik noticed that Terrance wasn’t like his normal self and quickly realized what day it was. He didn’t know the truth but he knew Terrance hated this day and he always disappears. He was always curious about it but he left it alone.

“ Knock Knock. “ Malik knocked on Terrance’s office door and making him look up.

“ What’s up Malik? “ Terrance looked up.

“ You good bro? “ Malik asks while closing the door and sitting in front of his desk.

“ Yeah, why? “

“ You’ve been quiet and I know today’s date. I’m guessing Y/N didn’t take the news well about tonight? “ He asks making Terrance sigh.

“ Yeah man. We got into an argument this morning and she left without saying a word. I hate this shit man. “ Terrance rubbed his face.

“ Why don’t you talk about it? I’m sure whatever it is you can get through it and she’ll understand. “

“ It’s complicated. I can’t explain it. I know she’s not gonna want to hear from me today so i’m gonna call her tomorrow to talk. “ Terrance suggested.

“ Everything is gonna be alright bro. “ Malik reassured.

Terrance spent the remainder of the day dreading tonight and keeping his hopes up that you weren’t leaving him. After you got off work, you went home and showered before putting on black leggings and your grey Harvard hoodie. You placed your small knotless braids in a low ponytail before sitting on the couch and watching the airtag tracker move. He drove straight from work and headed to the outskirts of town which caused you to raise your eyebrow.

The tracker suddenly stopped in the middle of a wooded area leaving you confused. You quickly got up and grabbed your keys to your grey Lexus ES 350 before driving off to his location. The drive to the woods took about an hour and a half. When you arrived, you drove down a trail that lead you deeper into the woods. As you drove up the trail, you started to approach the back of Terrance’s black Ford F-150 SuperCrew.

“ Terrance what the fuck are you up to? “ You asked yourself before taking a deep breath.

You placed your car in park before turning it off and getting out. You looked down at your phone and seen the time was 11:50PM. As you began to walk, you placed the airtag tracker location back into your GPS and followed the directions with your flash light on. You couldn’t believe you were walking in the woods alone in the middle of nowhere. As you approached closer to his location, you noticed a dimming light coming from an entrance of a cave.

“ What the hell.. “

You approached the cave and noticed that the light was coming from deeper within the cave. After taking another deep breath, you crouched down and crawled inside the entrance until it opened up deeper into the cave. You stood up and continued to walk the trail and eventually hit where the source of light was coming from.

On one side of the cave you discovered a small river. You looked up to see the stalactites hanging down from the ceiling. Your eyes trailed down to walls of the caves and the sight of the large claw marks on the walls made your stomach drop. As you stood there in fear, your eyes fell onto Terrance’s duffle bag sitting ontop of a laid out blanket. While you started to approach, a deep voice from behind you startled you.

“ Y/N?! Baby What are you doing here?! “

You turned around to see Terrance standing near another pathway in the cave dressed in a white tank top and his black trousers and slacks. Terrance’s heart dropped when he seen you standing in the cave. His worst fear became reality and he was afraid of what would happen, Just by looking at him you could tell something wasn’t right.

“ What am I doing here? What are YOU doing here? You’ve been coming here every year on this day, all this time for what? This is a creepy ass cave! “ You yelled while walking towards him.

“ Baby I don’t have time to explain but you need to leave. “ He hissed in pain while holding his head and walking past you. He looked on his apple watch and saw the time reading 11:59PM.

“ What’s wrong? Why are you walking away? What the fu- “

Terrance suddenly turned and looked at you with yellow glowing eyes and sharp teeth growing in. Your body froze in shock seeing this impossible sight become possible right before your eyes.

“ Y/N GO NOW! “ He yelled with his animalistic roars coming out.

He turned away and fell to his hands and knees while screaming and groaning in pain as his grew and transition into his werewolf state. You watched with shocking eyes as his clothing ripped into shreds as his body grew. His body quickly transformed from a human to a 7 ft, muscular, grey and black haired werewolf. As his transition finished, Terrance fought mentally for his animalistic side not to take over but he was losing badly. From his time of being a werewolf, his animalistic side only kills and he didn’t want you to get hurt.

As hard as he fought, Terrance lost and his werewolf state took full control. He turned his head slowly until he seen you standing behind him. Seeing his face turned from human to werewolf was unreal. When you finally noticed him staring at you, your heart dropped. Without hesitation, you started run towards the entrance of the cave with Terrance running behind you on all fours.

You didn’t bother looking back, once you saw the opening to the outside, you felt a small relief but that was quickly taken away once you felt yourself being grabbed from behind. Your screams reached nowhere and didn’t affect him one bit as he ran back in the cave with you in his hold.

“ Terrance please don’t do this! It’s me! “ You begged desperately thinking he’s going to kill you.

He laid you back on the blanket and got ontop of you with his hands on each side of you. You turned your head away from him with your eyes closed waiting for the inevitable to happen. Instead, Terrance leaned down to take in your scent. This was the first time Terrance felt anything but killing. He was in heat and wanted you badly.

Your eyes popped open once you felt his tongue lick from your neck and to the side of your mouth. With your mouth open in shock, you turned your head slowly to look up at him. Even as a werewolf, you could see the lust in his eyes. You looked between the both of you to see his 10 inch fleshy dick growing out. Your eyes widened at the sight of it and you slowly looked up at his face before he used one of his nails to cut your hoodie and shirt down the middle in one slice exposing your chest. Your body was frozen in shock as he ripped the clothes off the rest of your body.

He stared at your body in hunger. Terrance looked into your eyes and could see that you were nervous but you were ready for everything he was going give you. He placed his large rough hands over your small arms to pin you down before licking your nipples repeatedly. Your mouth dropped watching him lick all over your chest. You couldn’t believe this was happening. Your boyfriend turned werewolf was about to have his way with you.

He leaned up slightly and forced your legs apart leaving you open and exposed. A shocking gasp left your lips from his aggression. All you could hear was faint rain drops in the background and the sound of Terrance’s growling breathing. He lowered himself to your flesh and gave it a full lick before repeatedly licking your clit.

“ Oh fuck.. “ You moaned while watching him feast on you.

He was stimulating your clit just right. He continued to lick your erect bud until you finally came on his tongue. But that didn’t stop him from licking you. He continued licking your clit while you moaned and reached to push his head from your sensitive bud. He leaned up and flipped you over on your stomach before arching your ass in the air. With your legs pinned to the ground, he continued to lick your clit while you whined and moaned.

“ It’s so sensitive.. Fuck you’re gonna make me cum again.. “ You moaned.

Your body seized up and you released a guttural moan while you squirted onto his tongue. While you were trying to get yourself together, Terrance quietly grabs his rope he uses to tie up his prey and ties your arms behind your back Shibari style.

“ Oh shit.. “

You spoke shockingly as he pulled you up by your restraints, he laid down beside you and parted his legs while he leaned you over his lap, seeing his girthy length pulsate made you gasp. Before you could say anything, he pushed your head down and started sliding his length into your mouth. You whimpered trying to suck as much as you could. He pulled you up causing you to take a deep breath.

“ Fuck you’re so big! “ You moaned before he pushed your head back down on his length.

As he started to thrust his hips, he bobbed your head up and down in the same rhythm. Terrance growled loudly feeling you gag around him. His growls echoed all around the cave. He tasted so good in your mouth, you couldn’t help but moan as he fucked your throat. Terrance was surprised it tonight’s events. He thought he was going to lose you after you found out about his secret but instead, you were fine with it. In this moment, he was as turned on as you were.

Before he could cum, he pulled out and pulled you ontop. Your heart jumped at the thought of his length being stuffed inside you. Before you knew it, Terrance was slowly sinking you down on his length while holding onto your waist. You moaned loudly while feeling him invade your tight walls. With your hands bound, you had no choice but to take it.

“ Oh my god it’s so much.. “

You moaned before he started bouncing you up and down causing your mouth to drop. Feeling his length dig in your stomach made you throw your head back while moaning loudly. Terrance growled nonstop while watching your pussy grip him every time he bounced you up. He stopped bouncing you and leaned you towards him with your head on his shoulder before he spread your cheeks apart with both hands and starts thrusting upwards. While you screamed out, Terrance used his long thick tongue to lick your breast and nipples.

“ Fuck! You’re so deep! Oh fuck! “

He was hitting spots you didn’t know existed. All you could do was take it. He had full control over you and you loved it. He rolled you both over so he’s on top. He growls while pinning your legs to the ground. Without warning, he starts pounding into you making you throw your head back and scream in pleasure. With every thrust, he dug into your stomach causing your eyes to roll to the back of your head.

“ Shit daddy! You’re in my stomach! “ You moaned out before he covered your mouth with his hand.

With his other hand pinning your leg back, he continued to pound you deep with your moans muffled against his hand. Terrance loved how good you took him in his werewolf form. Seeing you cum multiple times all over him drove him wild. After a few more pumps, he slammed himself balls deep inside you before releasing his load. He removed his hand from your mouth and you moaned loudly at the feeling of his thick seed filling you up. He pulled out and watched as his nut spilled out. He filled you up so good but he wasn’t done.

“ Oh shit.. “

You whimpered as he turned you over on your stomach. He arches your ass in the air before hovering over you and slipping back into your pussy. He placed his hand on the side of your face and started pounding you in.

“ Fuck yes! Oh my god fuck me! Use me daddy! “

You moaned loudly while taking his sharp thrusts. Hearing you say that kept him going. He growled and smacked your ass while continuing his assault on your pussy. At this point, you were in a daze. He felt so good that your body was becoming overwhelmed. Thankfully, he buried himself deep and howled out as he exploded his last load inside you. You felt so full. While you laid on your stomach trying to catch your breath, Terrance was changing back to his human form. He quickly untied your arms and rolled you on your back.

“ Baby are you okay? I’m so sorry I didn’t say anything before. I didn’t know how to I- “

“ Baby relax. I get it. I wish you did tell me before but I understand the hesitation. But now that we got passed that, that was so amazing baby. “ You smiled.

“ It was. I got a few more hours until I can’t change back to my wolf state so how about we take advantage of it? “ He asks while slowly changing back to his werewolf form. You parted your legs and started rubbing your pussy.

“ I like the sound of that. “ You smirked.

TAG: @keyera-jackson @4evermyownmuse @novaniskye @blowmymbackout @nashjaysposts @kokokonako @arination99 @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @miyuhpapayuh @smokingangelhoe @skyesthebomb @nicolexnight @weirdosandhopelessromantics @softscorpio17 @playgurlxoxo @keyglockwife @mellowjellow6 @xsweetdellzx @melaninpov @soufcakmistress @murrylove @melaninangel @dxddykenn @crvzy-fujoshi @ms-mosley-ifunastyyy @adoreneee @theblulife @kholdkill @blackwomanarebeautiful @ariieeesworld @twocentuar @1ofmany-renn @babybratzmaraj @hxneyclouds @browngirldominion @planetblaque @disc0fairy @ispywithmylileye @nyifly22 @nahimjustfeelingit-writes @sweethoneycream @short-pimping @kindofaintrovert @roguekiki @blackisy2k @skywalker0809 @mscarter213 @ladymac82 @star017 @thatonecarebear @candelalanegra22 @btitannaaaaa @efonteno

Tags :
- Silas Denver Melvin @sweatermuppet, Grit Poetry Collection
- Silas Denver Melvin @sweatermuppet, Grit Poetry Collection
- Silas Denver Melvin @sweatermuppet, Grit Poetry Collection
- Silas Denver Melvin @sweatermuppet, Grit Poetry Collection

- Silas Denver Melvin @sweatermuppet, Grit Poetry Collection

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7 years ago
Real Soon Ill Be 20 Years Old Based On The Song By Lukas Graham Called 7 Years. Cant Believe Im Turning

Real soon I’ll be 20 years old ♪♫♬ Based on the song by Lukas Graham called 7 years. Can’t believe I’m turning 20 tomorrow already time really flies.

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