Walking Dead Angst - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago


Pairing: Daryl x GN!Reader

Summary: Him, yourself and some others are lined up and meets Negan


Daryl, Glenn, Michonne and Rosita get dragged out the back of a truck and pushed on the graveled ground. 

Glenn and Maggie look at each other as Abraham, Rick, Sasha, Aaron, Carl and Eugene look at the other three. “Daryl?” you furrow your eyebrows at a pale-looking Daryl. He looks at you kneeling in between Maggie and Rick. “Let’s meet the man.” Someone says, hitting the RV’s door.

It opens to show someone with a leather jacket and a barbed-wire bat leaning against his shoulder. “Pissin’ our pants yet?” He walks out of the RV and starts to talk whilst walking around. He almost hits Maggie, but Glenn kinda saved her. Daryl then gets tackled from hitting Negan in the face.

“No!” you move towards him. You get held back with hands on your shoulders. Daryl gets taken back to knee. You lean against your hands with tears going down your face. “Anybody moves, anybody says anything, cut the boy’s other eye out and feed it to his father, and then we’ll start. You can breathe, you can blink, you can cry. Hell,” Negan raises his bat, “you’re all going to be doing that.” He hits Abraham’s head with everyone crying out.

“Suck. My. Nuts.” Abraham says slowly and straightening his back. Negan hits him again and again until his skull has been split open and his brain scattered around it. “You hear that? He said ‘Suck my nuts’.” Negan impersonates Abraham.

Tears blurs everyone’s eyes. Negan continues to bash Abraham’s head in. “Oh, my goodness. Look at this.” He shows everyone his bloody bat whilst chuckling. “I need you to know me. So, back to it.” He turns around, whacking the top of Glenn's skull, making Maggie cry out.

Glenn straightens his back and looks at Maggie with half his face bloodied from the bashes on his head and his left eye popped out of his socket. "M-Maggie, I-I’ll find y-you.” Negan bends down to Glenn’s level and starts to ramble on before continuing to bash it in.

Negan stops and looks in between you and Daryl. “I saw your little movement before when he got tackled.” Negan says to you. “And from that, I’m thinking you two together.” He looks at Daryl. “No exceptions.” Negan says before hitting the bat upwards and peeling the left side of your face, your body falling to the floor with another hit coming in, making a wound on the top of you head.

You struggled to hold yourself up to kneel like you were before to look at Daryl with your face pretty much covered in blood. “Y-You’re g-going to be t-the last m-man s-standing. I l-love y-you.” yod manages to get out before getting more bashes to the head and your body falling to the ground once again. Daryl flinches with each hit with tears flowing down his cheeks. “No.”

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4 years ago

I’ll Miss You - Teen!Clementine x F!Reader

You have the same death as Lee and you decide if you have your arm sliced off or if you kept it. Let me know if you want to have a different kinda version where Clementine doesn’t shoot you and you turn into a walker and meet her again a few months or years later

Summary: You get bitten and walk through a herd of walkers with Clementine. You lock yourselves in a shop and Clementine has to shoot you before you turn. And instead of Clem’s parents, let’s have Javier and Gabe


Clementine’s POV I drag (Y/N)’s unconscious body into a store before shutting the metal door. After a couple minutes, (Y/N) wakes up to groan in pain. “Clem?” I look at her slowly sitting up. “I saw Javier and Gabe.” I say sadly.

“They didn’t get to you, right?” Her voice is a bit groggy as if she woke up from a nap. “No, we got away.” (Y/N) looks around the store. “Clem, we need to get out.” I shake my head in response. “We can’t. There’s too many of them outside.”

“Get that door open.”

“I can’t.” I shake my head again. “Do it.” I shuffle to the door, grabbing the handle and trying to lift it up. “It was a little open.”

“On three, Clem.” (Y/N) counts to three before we try to lift it up. The door stays locked.

(Y/N) steadily stands up and looks through a glass window to see a walker trapped in a small room, myself doing the same. “There’s a way out.”

“Good.” (Y/N) leans her good arm on the glass case and slowly walks to the room with some of my help.

(Y/N) goes to the wall to lean against it, slowly falling to the ground in front of the office door. I kneel in front of her. “Come on, we can do it. The door’s right there, (Y/N).” She gives me a tired look. She tries to get up, but doesn’t have enough energy. “I can’t, Clem.” I feel tears fall down my cheeks.

“Have to find a way out for you.” (Y/N) looks over to the counter to see a bat underneath. She tells me to grab it, which I do, to break the glass window. Taking a swing, I instantly shield myself as the glass falls all over the place.

I reach through the broken window and opening the door a bit to open it all the way. The walker is somehow stuck in its seat.

Looking down, a pair of handcuffs is in front of me. “Grab them and try to put them on the walker, Clem. I think it’ll be easier to kill it.” (Y/N) says through breaths. I do as I was told.

Picking them up, I slowly walk to it, hesitantly wrapping one around its left wrist and quickly hooking the other one to the shelf post. I question what to grab first; the gun or the keys. “The gun. Always the gun.” I nod, reaching out to grab it. “In case it comes loos-” As on cue, the walker’s cuffed hand breaks and falls on top of me.

A scream escapes as my body is turned around to see (Y/N)’s eyes widen. “Grab the gun, Clem!” I see the gun in front of me a little further away. I try to crawl away to take the walker’s hand around my ankle off.

My hand wraps around the weapon after a few tries. Turning around on my back, the gun shakes a bit in my hands. I pull the trigger to have its body fall on top of mine. I push him to the side and hitting something, seeing that it’s a some sort of stander with something made out of glass on it.

It falls down to have the glass smash right next to (Y/N)’s leg. Before I could apologize, she reassures me that it’s okay. “I did it. I got him.” She smiles a little and says that she’s proud of me and I can take care of myself.

I move to stand in front of her. Her eyes follow with them staying on the gun in my hands.

Bangs against metal door makes my body jolt and my head looking at it. “Clem.” I go back to (Y/N). “You have to shoot me.” I shake my head with a small whimper coming out. “No, I can’t. I already lost Lee years ago like this and I can’t lose you, too.” My voice cracks a bit.

“I know you’ve been through this, Clem. Lee and the store and the walker. Please, Clementine. Don’t let me turn into one of them.” She begs.

Bowing my head, a few tears escape. “Clementine.” Tears blur my vision as I look back at her. “You can do this. Making decisions are hard, but sometimes, you gotta live with them. We can’t go back in time to change them, doesn’t matter how much we want to.” 

I kneel in between her legs to give her a hug, herself doing the same. As we separate, a smile is on her face as she flicks my hat. A chuckle and a smile comes through from me. Some tears curl in to be on my lips.

Standing back up, I check how much ammo there is. Putting the mag back in, I hold the bottom of the handle in my free hand. “I’ll miss you, (Y/N).” My voice cracks. “I’ll miss you, too, Clem, and I love you. Never forget that.”

With tears blurring my vision more, I pull the trigger to release a bullet into her head. I scream as I fall to my knees. Taking a breath and shakily breathing out, “I love you, too.”

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