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Always Look For Ya

Always Look For Ya

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Febuwhump Prompt - "Does that hurt?"

Prompt - ‘I never doubted you, not you, never you.’

Sweat pooled on your forehead, slowly making its way down your face as you stood, panting, using all your strength to press against the door, desperately trying to keep it closed despite the horde of walkers pushing against it.

A desperate cry left your lips as you felt the door push open enough so that a few hands manage to slip through the crack and your eyes darted around the cabin you had found yourself in and a huff of relief left you as you saw a walker free exit, thankfully they hadn’t made there way around to it yet. The only problem was that you knew the moment you took your back off the door a swarm of walkers were going to flood into the room, you as their only target.

It was times like this you really wished you’d listened to Daryl.

Still you knew you couldn’t stay there and had to take a chance before the walkers started to block both exits, leaving you trapped in the cabin with nothing but your knife. You let your head fall back against the moving door, scrunching your eyes shut as you took a deep breath, knife gripped tightly in your hands before you pushed off the door.

You were halfway across the room when the first wave of walkers pushed their way in, most of them tripping over each other and falling to the floor but some were quick, moving forward to make grabs at you. You stabbed your knife into the skull of one who got too close for comfort before you pulled it out and struggled a few times to open the exit door.

It took a few attempts but eventually you were out of the door and running down the steps, walkers following you out as you looked around seeing nothing but trees and cursed yourself for never letting Daryl teach you the basics of tracking so you could find your way back to somewhere familiar.

Still, despite no clear destination in mind you took off running as more and more walkers made their way out of the cabin and over towards you.

You didn’t stop until you were forced to by the burning in your sides, panting as you slumped against a tree in an attempt to slow your racing heart. Looking up you grimaced as you saw the sun was beginning to set, the air turning cooler, a relief for your sweat stained skin, but you knew it wouldn’t be long until night, the walkers even more active as darkness fell.

You knew you had to find Daryl, you knew he would be looking for you, no way would that man ever leave you behind.

You heard a groan from behind you and quickly took off running again, feeling like you were getting nowhere as the scenery stayed the same and it wasn’t long before you were stopping again, though this time not on your own accord.

You barely even registered what had happened, only feeling the sharp pain against your forehead and a stinging in your hands as suddenly you were looking down at the forest floor. Your head shot up as you felt a tight grip on your ankle and the sound of snarling and teeth gnashing together but had to paused when a wave of dizziness spread through your head.

You pushed through it and turned to look at the walker who was hidden in the bushes, lower body missing as it tried to take a chunk out of your lower leg. You thrashed against its hold, a cry leaving your lips as you tried to pull your ankle away from it, eventually pushing yourself up and piercing its skull with your knife.

With a tired huff you let yourself fall back down, wincing as twigs and stones poked into your back but all the energy you had was drained from your body as you looked up at the darkening sky. You winced again and lifted your hand to your forehead only to frown at the blood that stained your fingers before your gaze shifted to the cuts littered across the palm of your hands from where you’d tried to stop the fall.

Your eyes fell shut as you once again cursed yourself for not listening to Daryl earlier that morning.

You had been sitting on one of the car bonnets, listening as Daryl and Rick spoke about supplies that were running low. Daryl had offered to go on a run, a building a few miles out that they hadn’t checked yet could give them what they needed.

You’d perked up from your position as you grabbed the chance to leave the prison but Daryl was shaking his head at you before you even opened your mouth, leaving you pouting over at him.

“Y’not coming, we don’t know anythin’ about this place.” He had told you but you’d just shaken your head right back at him, giving him your best pleading expression and watched as his stern expression crumbled. “It’s dangerous, Y/N/N.” He’d warned you but you didn’t back down, anything to have a few hours away from the prison and who better to spend them hours with than Daryl. “Fine,” He finally relented and you grinned over at him as no words were needed to persuade the man, “but you stay with me the whole time, no wanderin’ off.”

You’d agreed to his rules, not planning on going anywhere without him anyway. Though you had been a member of the group from pretty much the beginning you rarely went on supply runs because whilst you could deal with walkers it wasn’t your forte.

Losing Daryl hadn’t been your fault, not when the building you were in had caved in on itself and you searched everywhere for the man without success. You figured he’d be looking for you and when he couldn’t find you he’d make his way back to the bike you’d left a few miles back, the place he’d told you to go if things went south.

Too bad you weren’t half as good as he was at navigating yourself through the woods, you swore you knew exactly which way you’d come in from but somehow you’d ended up in the middle of a herd, finding the cabin before one of them bit you.

You knew you had to pull yourself up, knew you had to find Daryl and if not him then at least find somewhere safe to hole up whilst you waited for the man to use those tracking skills of his to find you.

With a groan you finally stood up, steadying yourself against a tree as you blinked away the pain in your head before picking a direction and sticking to it, knowing you were well and truly lost with only less than an hour of light left to find something.

Your knife was gripped in your fist as you walked for another half an hour, two walkers dead somewhere behind you as you kept moving, knowing that if you stopped the exhaustion would take over and you’d be done for.

You heard a rustle somewhere to your left, twigs snapped under shoes as they made their way closer to you and you could have cried at the thought of fighting another walker, tiredness flooding your system but you still gripped your knife tighter, not prepared to go down without somewhat of a fight.

Just as you stepped forward with your arm raised to bring the knife down into the skull of another walker you felt your wrist get grabbed in a soft grip before it was pulled down and the knife was taken out of your hand.

“Ya alright, s’just me,” your eyes widened as you let out a huff of laughter as relief ran through you at Daryl’s soft voice, letting your head lean forward to rest against his chest with a slight wince.

Daryl frowned down at you, somehow more concerned now that he had found you than he had been whilst searching the woods. He let go of your wrist and wrapped his arm around your waist, the other coming up to rest against the back of your neck as he held you close, letting you hold onto him tightly as you assured yourself that he was there.

He pulled away soon after though, not going far just far enough so that he could see your face. One hand stayed around your waist as the other came up to gently hold your chin as he tilted your head to the side so he could get a better look at the cut on your head, grimacing when you winced as his thumb moved to brush gently below it.

“Y’alright,” He told you again, forcing his grimace into a smile. “We’ll get ya patched up back at the prison, yeah?” He said, watching as your eyes squinted against the tiredness you felt before you nodded.

“C’mon, let’s get ya home.” He said keeping his voice soft as he tucked your knife away before taking one of your hands in his, ready to lead you back to the bike before a wince from you stopped him. “What’s wrong?” He asked, eyes darting across your body, trying to identify what had caused the wince.

“I’m fine, I just hurt my hands when I fell.” You told him, watching as he gently took a hold of your wrists and turned them so your palms were upwards. He winced down at the various cuts and let his thumb brush against your wrist.

“Let’s get ya home.” He repeated, moving so that his arm was around your shoulder and you didn’t stop yourself from leaning into him. Daryl looked down at you and couldn’t stop the soft smile that spread across his lips as he watched you turn your head into his chest, trusting him to guide you back to the bike.

And he did without failure, his grip secure on you and it wasn’t long before he took a helmet he had found months ago for you from the bike and lifted it as carefully as he could over your head.

“Does that hurt?” He asked, sure that he had positioned it so it wasn’t brushing against your cut but wanting to make sure you weren’t in pain.

“No,” You said, smiling tiredly up at him.

Daryl smiled back at you before he was helping you onto the bike and climbing on himself. The roar of the engine was the only sound to be heard for the next few miles, sometimes Daryl’s voice, slightly raised to be heard above the bike, cut through making sure you were still awake, assuring you that you were almost home.

It took just over an hour and a half before the gates to the prison were being opened for the two of you, the sky had long since gone dark and Daryl had felt your grip loosening repeatedly as your eyes drifted closed.

The sound of the bike’s engine being shut off had you blinking your eyes open, you hadn’t fallen asleep but your eyes had eventually become too tired to keep open. You felt Daryl move from in front of you before he pulled you from the bike and gently pulled the helmet off your head and looked at the cut.

It didn’t look too bad, not bad enough to require stitches but he’d still feel better getting Hershel to clean it before he finally took you to bed.

He grabbed the bag of supplies and wrapped his arm around you again, guiding you through the prison and into cell block C with the intention of sitting you down in front of Hershel but before he could Rick looked up and was over to the pair of you in a few strides.

You smiled as he copied Daryl’s actions from earlier, taking your chin in his fingers before he tilted your head up to examine the cut on your forehead before wincing.

“What happened?” He asked in concern.

“I’m fine.” You told him, smile still in place as you swiped his hand away.

“You two have been gone for hours?” Rick questioned, following the two of you over to the table where Hershel sat, supplies already being brought over to him as you were placed onto the chair next to him, Daryl taking a seat next to you.

“Ran into a herd of walkers and got separated, took me a while t’find her.” Daryl explained, rubbing a hand up and down your back as you winced from Hershel’s touch.

“You’re both ok?” Rick asked looking from you to Daryl, checking him for injuries.

“We’re fine, she just needs patchin’ up and some sleep.” Daryl assured, looking away from you to glance up at Rick, showing that his words were true, short of the cut on your head and a few scratches on your hands you were both fine.

“You make sure you get some rest too.” Rick said, patting Daryl’s shoulder before he did the same to you.

“Don’t worry,” You said, exhaustion clear in your voice, “I’ll make sure he sleeps.”

Daryl and Rick smiled over at you before Rick turned to head back to Carl and it wasn’t long before Hershel had given you the all clear, nothing serious, just a bump and some dizziness for the next few days.

You took Daryl’s hand gently in yours, mindful of the cuts that stung if you brushed them, and led him up the stairs and into your cell. It was the first cell on the landing and you’d picked it purely because on the first night at the prison Daryl had refused to sleep in a cell, refused to be caged up, so you took the cell as close to him as you could get.

It hadn’t taken you long to convince him into your cell, a tight squeeze on the single bed but the two of you made it work, mostly with you laying your body on him, on nights were he needed to be held he’d often find himself laying between your legs, head on your chest and your fingers in his hair.

Tonight, however, it was you who needed him and you lay with your back against the wall, Daryl’s arm wrapped tightly around you as he drew you closer, laying you so half of your body rested atop of his.

Your eyes felt heavy with exhaustion, felt even heavier than they had before now that you were in a bed, in Daryl’s arms. You felt him lean down until his lips touched your head, he felt you smile into his chest and enough of a silence stretched that you thought he’d gone to sleep when his voice broke it.

“You knew I’d find ya, right?” The words were barely there, whispered so softly that they were nearly lost in the silence, if you hadn’t been laying on top of him there was a chance you would have missed those words.

But you didn’t, you heard them as loudly and as clearly as if he’d shouted them. A smile stretched across your face without you meaning for it to as you registered his question and sure you’d been scared, alone in those woods, scared that you couldn’t handle your own against the walkers or whatever else lurked in the trees but never for a second had it crossed your mind that Daryl wouldn’t come looking for you.

“I never doubted it.” You told him honestly, your words just as soft as his and you heard the smile in his voice at his next words.

“Good, cause I’ll always look for ya.” He promised and you knew his words were truthful, knew that Daryl would hold himself to that promise for the rest of his life.

And that gave you hope, hope that even if the world didn’t get better, even if things stayed like this, it gave you hope that you could continue living and not just living but it gave you hope for a future.

A future with you and Daryl, the two of you getting to live your lives together no matter how and no matter what. You knew that whatever was to come that you’d be fine because you had something nobody else had.

You had Daryl Dixon.

“I’ll try not to lose you again.” You told him and felt the chuckle rumble through his chest as he kissed your head again.

“Never have to worry about that.” He assured you and you couldn’t help but smile wider, “Go t’sleep, Y/N/N.” He whispered and you nodded against him, shuffling in his arms so you were looking up at him and leaned up to press your lips together in a soft kiss, not lasting for more than a few seconds but somehow managing to leave you both breathless.


Daryl Dixon Taglist (Click the link in my bio to add yourself!) - @lovinnholland, @canadailluminate , @janesofia7, @cinderellacauseshebroke, @black-rose-29, @classyunknownlover, @cole22ann, @levisbloodcut, @alexxavicry, @mystic-writings, @lizamango, @urbestgrrl, @morganaah, @kaitieskidmore1, @loki-laufeysons-wife, @am-wd-ma, @srhxpci, @jelliebeanss

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4 years ago


Pairing: Daryl x GN!Reader

Summary: Him, yourself and some others are lined up and meets Negan


Daryl, Glenn, Michonne and Rosita get dragged out the back of a truck and pushed on the graveled ground. 

Glenn and Maggie look at each other as Abraham, Rick, Sasha, Aaron, Carl and Eugene look at the other three. “Daryl?” you furrow your eyebrows at a pale-looking Daryl. He looks at you kneeling in between Maggie and Rick. “Let’s meet the man.” Someone says, hitting the RV’s door.

It opens to show someone with a leather jacket and a barbed-wire bat leaning against his shoulder. “Pissin’ our pants yet?” He walks out of the RV and starts to talk whilst walking around. He almost hits Maggie, but Glenn kinda saved her. Daryl then gets tackled from hitting Negan in the face.

“No!” you move towards him. You get held back with hands on your shoulders. Daryl gets taken back to knee. You lean against your hands with tears going down your face. “Anybody moves, anybody says anything, cut the boy’s other eye out and feed it to his father, and then we’ll start. You can breathe, you can blink, you can cry. Hell,” Negan raises his bat, “you’re all going to be doing that.” He hits Abraham’s head with everyone crying out.

“Suck. My. Nuts.” Abraham says slowly and straightening his back. Negan hits him again and again until his skull has been split open and his brain scattered around it. “You hear that? He said ‘Suck my nuts’.” Negan impersonates Abraham.

Tears blurs everyone’s eyes. Negan continues to bash Abraham’s head in. “Oh, my goodness. Look at this.” He shows everyone his bloody bat whilst chuckling. “I need you to know me. So, back to it.” He turns around, whacking the top of Glenn's skull, making Maggie cry out.

Glenn straightens his back and looks at Maggie with half his face bloodied from the bashes on his head and his left eye popped out of his socket. "M-Maggie, I-I’ll find y-you.” Negan bends down to Glenn’s level and starts to ramble on before continuing to bash it in.

Negan stops and looks in between you and Daryl. “I saw your little movement before when he got tackled.” Negan says to you. “And from that, I’m thinking you two together.” He looks at Daryl. “No exceptions.” Negan says before hitting the bat upwards and peeling the left side of your face, your body falling to the floor with another hit coming in, making a wound on the top of you head.

You struggled to hold yourself up to kneel like you were before to look at Daryl with your face pretty much covered in blood. “Y-You’re g-going to be t-the last m-man s-standing. I l-love y-you.” yod manages to get out before getting more bashes to the head and your body falling to the ground once again. Daryl flinches with each hit with tears flowing down his cheeks. “No.”

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9 months ago

Title: Bittersweet

Title: Bittersweet

The world had ended long ago. For Carl Grimes, this reality had become as constant as the ache in his chest. He no longer flinched at the sight of walkers or the sound of gunfire. He had lost too many people to count, each one a scar etched into his heart. But you were different. You had been the light in the relentless darkness, a beacon of hope in a world gone mad.

The remnants of the old world had faded, and now, survival was all that mattered. But within the walls of Alexandria, Carl had found a semblance of normalcy, however fleeting. It was here that he found you. You were a survivor too, haunted by your own ghosts, yet you brought something to his life that he hadn't felt in a long time: happiness.

Your presence was bittersweet, like the song that once played on forgotten radios. The memory of Ellie Goulding’s "Bittersweet" came to mind often, its lyrics an echo of his feelings. The way she sang about a love that was both a solace and a source of pain resonated deeply with him. Carl often found himself lost in thought, the melody playing in his mind as he watched you move through the day-to-day struggles.

In the beginning, it had been easy to fall for you. Your strength, your kindness, your ability to find beauty in a world covered in death. He remembered the nights you spent on watch together, talking about everything and nothing. He had told you stories of his childhood, of his mother and father, of his dreams before the world collapsed. You had listened, your eyes reflecting the flickering light of the campfire, your hand warm in his.

But as the days turned into months, the weight of the world began to press down on him. The constant danger, the endless loss, it all started to take its toll. Carl found himself pulling away, afraid of the depth of his feelings for you. He couldn't bear the thought of losing you, but the fear of holding onto something so fragile in such a brutal world was just as terrifying.

One cold night, as the wind howled outside the walls, you found him sitting alone in the watchtower. He was staring into the darkness, his mind a thousand miles away. You sat beside him, your presence a comforting warmth against the chill.

"Carl," you said softly, "what's going on?"

He didn't look at you, afraid that his eyes would betray the turmoil inside him. "Nothing. Just thinking."

"About what?"

"About everything. About us."

You reached out, your fingers brushing against his. "You can talk to me, you know. Whatever it is, we can face it together."

He finally turned to look at you, his heart aching at the sight of your concerned expression. "I don't want to lose you," he admitted, his voice barely more than a whisper. "But I'm scared that if I let myself love you too much, I'll lose you anyway. This world... it takes everything."

You squeezed his hand, your grip firm and reassuring. "I know it's scary. But we can't live in fear, Carl. We have to hold onto whatever happiness we can find, no matter how fleeting. That's the only way we survive."

He closed his eyes, your words sinking in. He wanted to believe them, wanted to hold onto the hope that you represented. But the fear was always there, lurking just beneath the surface. "What if something happens to you?" he asked, his voice breaking. "What if I can't protect you?"

You moved closer, wrapping your arms around him. "Then we face it together," you said simply. "Whatever happens, we face it together."

Carl felt a tear escape, rolling down his cheek. He buried his face in your shoulder, the scent of you grounding him. For the first time in a long while, he allowed himself to cry. You held him, your fingers running through his hair, your presence a balm to his wounded soul.

As the night wore on, the two of you stayed there, wrapped in each other's arms. The world outside was still a nightmare, but in that moment, there was a semblance of peace. Carl knew that the road ahead would be difficult, but with you by his side, he felt a glimmer of hope.

The bittersweet nature of your love was a constant reminder of the fragility of life, but it was also a testament to your strength. In a world that had taken so much, you had found each other. And that, Carl realized, was worth fighting for. Even in the darkest of times, there was a light to hold onto, a love that could transcend the chaos.

He pulled back slightly, looking into your eyes. "I love you," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "And no matter what happens, I'm not letting go."

You smiled, your eyes shining with unshed tears. "I love you too, Carl. Always."

As dawn broke over the horizon, casting a pale light over Alexandria, Carl felt a renewed sense of purpose. The road ahead would be hard, but with you by his side, he was ready to face whatever came next. Together, you would navigate the bittersweet symphony of survival, finding moments of joy amidst the sorrow, and holding onto the love that made it all worthwhile.

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5 months ago

Title:A Fight For Survival

Title:A Fight For Survival


In the desolate wasteland, the abandoned warehouse stood as a grim reminder of the world’s collapse. Its skeletal remains were dimly lit by the weak light seeping through broken windows. The oppressive silence was occasionally broken by distant groans and the shuffle of the undead, signaling the encroaching danger.

Daryl Dixon was slumped against a rusted metal pillar, his face a mask of pain. A severe wound along his side had him barely able to move, his bow resting uselessly on the floor beside him. His breath came in labored gasps as he tried to stay alert despite his injuries. The warehouse had become a trap, overrun by walkers, their guttural growls growing louder with each passing moment.

You, a skilled survivor and his steadfast companion, had been through countless perils together. This time, however, the stakes were higher. Daryl’s injury left him vulnerable, and the threat was imminent. You were determined to protect him. With a deep breath, you readied yourself, gripping a makeshift weapon—a metal shard attached to a sturdy stick.

The first walkers appeared, their groans filling the space with a chilling certainty. Without hesitation, you sprang into action. The clash was immediate and fierce. Each movement was a blend of desperation and precision, your weapon cutting through the encroaching threat. The walkers’ unnatural, jerky motions made them unpredictable, and every successful strike was met with the unsettling sounds of crumbling flesh and bone.

Daryl’s eyes, usually so steely, now held a mix of fear and frustration. He tried to rise, but pain kept him grounded. “Leave,” he rasped, his voice barely audible over the chaos. “Save yourself.” But you weren’t about to abandon him. You pushed through the throng of walkers, defending him with every ounce of strength you had.

Amid the battle, you carved out a temporary safe zone. The weight of your task was immense, each decision a matter of life or death. The relentless walkers seemed to multiply, their numbers overwhelming. Your focus was laser-sharp, every swing of your weapon purposeful and driven by the need to keep Daryl safe.

Slowly, the tide of battle began to shift. The walkers' numbers dwindled, their advance slowing as their bodies accumulated on the floor. You could feel your strength waning, but the sight of fewer walkers gave you renewed energy. With the immediate threat reduced, you hurried back to Daryl’s side.

You knelt beside him, breathless and worn. “We need to get you patched up,” you said, your voice shaky but determined. Daryl looked at you with a mix of gratitude and relief. The battle had forged an unspoken bond between you, a testament to the trust and reliance that had deepened over time.

Carefully, you assisted Daryl to his feet, guiding him through the wreckage of the warehouse. Exhaustion was evident in every step, but the silent understanding between you made the journey bearable. As you reached a safer corner, the immediate danger had passed, leaving a heavy but welcome silence.

In that moment of quiet, the severity of your situation and the strength of your connection became clear. The world outside remained perilous, but together, you had faced another deadly challenge and emerged stronger for it.

Title:A Fight For Survival

Request if you want something different 😊

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