Walking Dead Fic - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago


Pairing: Daryl x GN!Reader

Summary: Him, yourself and some others are lined up and meets Negan


Daryl, Glenn, Michonne and Rosita get dragged out the back of a truck and pushed on the graveled ground. 

Glenn and Maggie look at each other as Abraham, Rick, Sasha, Aaron, Carl and Eugene look at the other three. “Daryl?” you furrow your eyebrows at a pale-looking Daryl. He looks at you kneeling in between Maggie and Rick. “Let’s meet the man.” Someone says, hitting the RV’s door.

It opens to show someone with a leather jacket and a barbed-wire bat leaning against his shoulder. “Pissin’ our pants yet?” He walks out of the RV and starts to talk whilst walking around. He almost hits Maggie, but Glenn kinda saved her. Daryl then gets tackled from hitting Negan in the face.

“No!” you move towards him. You get held back with hands on your shoulders. Daryl gets taken back to knee. You lean against your hands with tears going down your face. “Anybody moves, anybody says anything, cut the boy’s other eye out and feed it to his father, and then we’ll start. You can breathe, you can blink, you can cry. Hell,” Negan raises his bat, “you’re all going to be doing that.” He hits Abraham’s head with everyone crying out.

“Suck. My. Nuts.” Abraham says slowly and straightening his back. Negan hits him again and again until his skull has been split open and his brain scattered around it. “You hear that? He said ‘Suck my nuts’.” Negan impersonates Abraham.

Tears blurs everyone’s eyes. Negan continues to bash Abraham’s head in. “Oh, my goodness. Look at this.” He shows everyone his bloody bat whilst chuckling. “I need you to know me. So, back to it.” He turns around, whacking the top of Glenn's skull, making Maggie cry out.

Glenn straightens his back and looks at Maggie with half his face bloodied from the bashes on his head and his left eye popped out of his socket. "M-Maggie, I-I’ll find y-you.” Negan bends down to Glenn’s level and starts to ramble on before continuing to bash it in.

Negan stops and looks in between you and Daryl. “I saw your little movement before when he got tackled.” Negan says to you. “And from that, I’m thinking you two together.” He looks at Daryl. “No exceptions.” Negan says before hitting the bat upwards and peeling the left side of your face, your body falling to the floor with another hit coming in, making a wound on the top of you head.

You struggled to hold yourself up to kneel like you were before to look at Daryl with your face pretty much covered in blood. “Y-You’re g-going to be t-the last m-man s-standing. I l-love y-you.” yod manages to get out before getting more bashes to the head and your body falling to the ground once again. Daryl flinches with each hit with tears flowing down his cheeks. “No.”

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4 years ago

Tiger Cuddles

Pairing: Daryl x M!Reader

Summary: You and Daryl stay in the Kingdom for a few days with some others for a festival. Shiva hangs out with the both of you as you eat and Shiva giving you some cuddles from time to time


You and Daryl walk hand in hand around the Kingdom, who’s holding a festival. 

You hold out a teared pretzel in front of Daryl to let him tear some off and pops it in his mouth. Walking around the festival a little longer with more food in hand, you both sit down somewhere out of the way.

People move out of the way from something walking towards the couple. You observe the King's pet, Shiva the tiger, walking towards you. She walks behind you and nuzzles the side of Daryl's face before doing the same thing to you. “Hi, Shiva.” you wraps your right arm around the tiger's face and scratches behind its ear.

Shiva lays on her stomach. The couple starts to have a conversation. It stops as you stand up and walk off. "I'll be right back." After a few minutes, you come back with meat on a bone. You whistles, getting the attention of the tiger. You throw the bone towards her to eat and lick the bone.

"Where'd ya get that?" Daryl asks. "The meat locker in the kitchen." you answer before eating more of the pretzel. "Ya carried that thing all the way from the kitchen?" He raises an eyebrow at you. "Yeah." you nods. You continue your conversation whilst petting the tiger often.

Shiva stands up after finishing up the bone to lick the side of your face. "Ugh, gross, Shiva." You stands up, pulling your collar to wipe the tiger saliva off your face. Daryl softly laughs at the sight in front of him. "You think this is funny?" you glare at him. "Shiva, kiss him." The tiger does the same thing, Daryl having the same reaction.

You laugh at Daryl as he wipes it off as well. He finishes cleaning it up before lunging towards you. He was about to tickle you, but you moved out of the way just in time before running off. "Shiva!" The tiger runs towards you. You climb on the animal's back and run away from Daryl.

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4 years ago

Get Down

Pairing: Rick x GN!Reader

Summary: You and Rick scout out an abandoned warehouse with some people. Hits against plastic scare you


You, Rick, Daryl, Michonne and Carl wander around an abandoned warehouse for supplies for your small camp of Maggie, Glenn, Sasha, Bob, Tyreese, Tara, Carol and Judith whilst meeting three new people; Abraham, Rosita and Eugene. 

All of you had escaped Terminus from finding out that they eat people if they didn’t join their town or some shit.

"Find anything yet?" You look behind to the small group being on the other side of the building. "Yeah." They walk over to see backpacks. "Isn't this someone's?" Carl asks. "Not anymore." You grab a bag and slip it on, everyone else doing the same.

Clangs and bangs are made against the plastic that's covering the windows. You all take in the view of people making the noise. "Get down." Rick commands quietly. You all run and crouch underneath the bottom of the plastic and slipping the bags off.

The people walk off with more banging coming along. You tilt my head and move your body a bit to see walkers making the noise. You turn my body back around and lean against Rick's arm. "There's a herd outside." you inform everyone quietly.

Rick moves his arm to wrap it around your shoulder, leaning his head against yours. "Hopefully the others will help us out sometime soon." Michonne comments, all of you agreeing. "You did good finding these things." Rick says in your ear.

"Just trying to help out the group." you feel him lean against my head again. "You have. Thank you." He kisses the top of your head.

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