Wanna Do This For Mazerunner And Bitrik - Tumblr Posts
here is an ask game based off destiny 2 exotics! 🟡 feel free to reblog and have fun
Riskrunner - What was the very first weapon that your Guardian knew was truly theirs? Do they still use it?
Sunshot - What is your Guardian's temper? How do they handle stressful situations? How do they relax?
Ace of Spades - What's your Guardian's relationship with the Vanguard?
Crimson - Does your Guardian often compete in the Crucible arena? How successfully?
Le Monarque - How does your Guardian feel about puzzles and mysteries?
Ager's Scepter - Does your Guardian enjoy hunting down lore, transmissions, stories? Do they know much outside of the Vanguard network?
Touch of Malice - Is your Guardian often participating in raids?
Hard Light - Is your Guardian proficient in all subclasses or do they specialize? Do they have a favorite subclass power?
Gjallarhorn - Was your Guardian risen during the D1 or D2 events, or even earlier?
Black Talon - What is your Guardian's aesthetic?
Malfeasance - Did your Guardian side with the Vanguard or the Drifter when he asked? (or what would they have picked if didn't get a chance back then)
Witherhoard - Does your Guardian wield the Darkness? How does it make them feel?
One Thousand Voices - Is your Guardian lucky with loot drops?
Outbreak Perfected - Does your Guardian have any body modifications? Do they want any?
Trinity Ghoul - Does your Guardian prefer to work alone or do they have a fireteam?
Huckleberry - What is your Guardian's approach to combat? Are they subtle, all guns blazing or prefer to avoid it altogether?