Wat Have I Done - Tumblr Posts
Ok I just got hit with ENLIGHTENMENT.
So I was doing what I was doing when I’m bored, thinking of the Magnus archive. So my mind went from how underrated The Dark is then to what the difference of between The Stranger and The Dark. This quickly turned into other underrated entities.
So obviously I realized how ABSOLUTELY UNDERRATED the extinction is. I mean they don’t even have an avatar. So I was like, ‘I should make an oc extinction avatar”.
So I made criteria’s of what the extinction is and how it would reflect in a human. So The Extinction is the fear of change. Which means a human would have portray some part of change. My mind immediately thought of Michael, who also seemed to be ever-changing, VERY inconsistent UNTIL I thought a bit longer.
Michael is not inconsistent, he is actually VERY consistent. While he is inconsistent in the sense of our perception he’s not actually inconsistent. He’s been consistently odd. No matter what you can expect him to be weird, fueled by rage at everything and madness. He is consistent wearing the lie of inconsistency to act like he’s much more complicated than he is.
So the extinction avatar can’t always be weird and shouldn’t be normal which brought me to a new issue, each character has a personality. Which is a HUGE issue for a character like this. We have to balance being weird as hell as well as not being weird as hell but he can’t be just those 2 cause that’s consistent. It would have to be new each time. Which is bad cause we don’t know what type of personality he would have. Is he chill, philosophical, gets high off barbecue sauce???? We won’t know. So now my mind shifts gear, I can’t make an oc so maybe I can find a template character of sorts? A character with big extinction vibes who I could change enough to act like a extinction avatar.
That’s when it hits me. THE BEST CHARACTER. And someone that I absolutely hate. I hate that This CHARACTER FITS SO WELL INTO THE ROLE. Drumroll please
Junko Enoshima
That’s right Junko Enoshima is the best extinction avatar. Think abt it. She’s always inconsistent but also consistent, she has a personality that people can understand. She turns from smart professor to crazy high schooler. Also the cherry on the top is that she ACTUALLY CAUSES GREAT CHANGE. LIKE APOCALYPTIC LEVEL CHANGE. SHE TOOK OVER THE WORLD.