Webtoon Comic - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

At least the calendar says it's Spring. Here's Elsie and Maya from Figments with my cats!

Made a new title card for Figments!

A new episode of Figments is up on Webtoon Canvas!

Tried making a big ol' promo
one thing that will never effect me?
the massive amounts of hate wayne family adventures gets.
say whatever the fuck you want about them, they got me into dc comics and every single week i will be kicking my legs like a little kid waiting for the next episode.
today my lesbian freind said
"i wish i were a biological boy, the best part is you can like women, and be straight"
you could like women and not be ostracised for being gay
that'd be pretty cool
(although it'd be cooler to be gay and not be ostracised for being gay)
and then the genderfluid freind said
"i like boobs, but not on me"
"wait no i like other people's boobs on me just not my boobs on me"
absolutely iconic
you can get more of their quotes that i scribble out here:

Doodleposting because I’m back and I want to post a bit more consistently!

It feels good to be back!
I really needed to take the break I did, but I’m glad I’m back now.
I’ll be posting an update on my webcomic this February, specifically the 14th at the latest.
Creatureposting Peoples from my Webcomic!

These guys are the Inorsu! They're a beastly people from the arid slopes and rough rock formations of the Tanuu Heights region.
They feature in my webcomic!
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Tags + Keywords
oc art of ocs moon of ronos webtoon canvas artist webcomic series original fantasy webseries tapas comics
A commission of the protagonist of the @echos-of-the-past-webtoon ,

I really recommend checking this webtoon out, my friend is the creator and he’s got big plans for it.
Consider checking it out!!

Made OC/Loose sonas for my webcomic with my partner!
Azad is mine, Derehz is my partners!
They’re both original species of mine, which I’ll post info on at some point!

Ladies and gentlemen I present you my new oc Cosima.
This oc was made by me, signature is down bellow her feet
Back in August of 2023, I was actually going to be a web comic artist instead of being an artist here on Tumblr

I have always loved Halloween and scary stories about vampires, ghosts, and werewolves. So this comic was going to be called "A Twisted Tail" and it was going to be about a 13 year old girl who goes out Trick or Treating for the last time before she was too old to go.
She would take a short cut through the woods and step into a fairy ring, which would send her to a world full of monsters. So she pretends to be a real witch as she meets and befriends many different creatures as she tries to figure out a way to get back home. I could not find any sketches or finished drawings of her friends she would meet, but from what I can remember she was going to meet a spider/human hybrid and a vampire
(I don't remember what their names would have been)
This story meant a lot to me when it was first created, and it still does, but now it has broken apart and has helped form two separate stories now.
Which one of the stories happens to be "Colorful Shadows" and the other is still in the making! I hope to have the second story and it's characters completed by October.
Anyway, I just wanted to bring some light to one of my old projects before it becomes forgotten in the mountain of other drawings 😅