Weekly Wrap Up - Tumblr Posts

❄️ H/D Mistletoe Week One Wrap Up ❄️
We’re wrapping up the first week of Mistletoe with six wonderful, wintery gifts! Thank you to all the anon creators, as well as everyone following and cheering them along.
Links and summaries for all five fics and one artwork are listed below the cut 💝⬇
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❄️ H/D Mistletoe Week Two Wrap Up ❄️
The second week of Mistletoe is wrapping up with six wonderful, wintery gifts! Thank you so much to all the creators this week, as well as everyone reading and commenting along.
Links and summaries for all five fics and one artwork are listed below the cut ⬇
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❄️ H/D Mistletoe Week Three Wrap Up ❄️
For our third week of posting we had four utterly delightful fics! Again, thank you so much to all the creators this week, and thank you to everyone reading and commenting along. There are only a few more gifts left to go now before reveals (fics & art & podfic galore!) 💝
Links and summaries for all four fics listed below the cut ⬇
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❄️ H/D Mistletoe Week Four Wrap Up ❄️
We’re wrapping up the last week of Mistletoe with a variety of multimedia works – including fic, art, podfic and poetry.
Keep an eye out for creator reveals happening later today too! 🎁 There are also some works with extensions still to be submitted; they will be added to the collection after reveals.
Links and summaries for all five works listed below the cut ⬇
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