GWBmistletoe - Tumblr Posts

Introducing the ❄️ H/D Mistletoe Exchange 2020 ❄️
A Harry/Draco winter anonymous gift exchange hosted by the GWB Discord server.
Sign ups have already taken place and assignments handed out, so fest posting will soon begin over on ao3! Stay tuned for cosy snow-filled fics & fanart for these wintery months.
Assignments due: December 31st 2020 Posting begins: January 6th 2021 Creator reveals: January 31st 2021*
*This is our first annual winter exchange, so the reveals schedule might get extended slightly, depending on if we’re still waiting on any extensions granted. The very latest we will push reveals back is to February 12th.
- From the mod team: @triggerlil, @bronwenackeley and @zzledri ☃️
Banner art by @chuckalart!

Where the treetops glisten (and children listen)
Author: Anonymous
For: @oliverwilde105
Pairings: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Word Count: 16,654
Rating: Teen and Up
Content: Post-Hogwarts, Christmas Fluff, Kid Fic, Babysitting
Warnings: None
When Andromeda goes out of town over the holidays, she needs someone to watch six-year-old Teddy. Determined to make it Teddy’s best Christmas ever, Harry jumps at the chance, even if he is stuck co-babysitting with Draco Malfoy for the week.
Read it now on AO3!
⛄️ This work is part of H/D Mistletoe, a Gay Wizard Boys server gift exchange. Please help spread the love by sharing your favourite works and leaving kudos and comments. If you would like to join the GWB, you can do so with this link: here. 🌨
Banner image: here

A Warm Weasley Welcome
Author: Anonymous
For: false_heteros
Pairings: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Word Count: 2,066
Rating: Teen & up
Content: Fluff, Christmas at the Burrow, Ugly Christmas Jumpers, Meeting the Family
Warnings: None
Harry invites Draco to the Weasley family Christmas gathering on a whim. Draco imagines a large gathering, like the ones they used to host at Malfoy Manor. He is very wrong.
Read it now on AO3!
⛄️ This work is part of H/D Mistletoe, a Gay Wizard Boys server gift exchange. Please help spread the love by sharing your favourite works and leaving kudos and comments. If you would like to join the GWB, you can do so with this link: here. 🌨
Banner image: here

Happy Christmas, Daddy!
Artist: Anonymous
For: @kellerific-writing / kellerific
Pairings: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Medium: Digital Art
Rating: General
Content: Christmas, Fluff, Daddy Kink, Non-Sexual Age Play
Warnings: None
Prompt: Daddy Draco gives Little Harry the Christmas he always deserved.
Read it now on AO3!
⛄️ This work is part of H/D Mistletoe, a Gay Wizard Boys server gift exchange. Please help spread the love by sharing your favourite works and leaving kudos and comments. If you would like to join the GWB, you can do so with this link: here. 🌨

Christmas Lists
Author: Anonymous
For: Aristi
Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Word Count: 1,726
Rating: General
Content: Gift giving, Fluff, Established relationship, Post-Hogwarts
Warnings: None
Harry thought he was being ridiculously clever and romantic when he proposed that for their first Christmas together they must give each other gifts from the heart - nothing store-bought. They are both wealthy enough to buy whatever they want anyway. But he never expected that it would be this hard.
Read it now on AO3!
⛄️ This work is part of H/D Mistletoe, a Gay Wizard Boys server gift exchange. Please help spread the love by sharing your favourite works and leaving kudos and comments. If you would like to join the GWB, you can do so with this link: here. 🌨

Good Will Towards Men
Author: Anonymous
For: @crapfaerie / crapfaerie
Pairings: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, hints of Ginny Weasley/Pansy Parkinson, past Ginny Weasley/Harry Potter
Word Count: 16,654
Rating: General
Content: Auror Partners, Christmas Fluff, Pining, Banter, EWE
Warnings: None
Harry slowly falling for his partner? Approved. Stuck in a small room together over Christmas filling out paperwork? Approved.
Having an honest conversation about his feelings? Request denied.
Read it now on AO3!
⛄️ This work is part of H/D Mistletoe, a Gay Wizard Boys server gift exchange. Please help spread the love by sharing your favourite works and leaving kudos and comments. If you would like to join the GWB, you can do so with this link: here. 🌨

Help Draco Get Laid Brigade
Author: Anonymous
For: quacklinq
Pairings: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Word Count: 3,774
Rating: Teen & up
Content: Texting Fic, Christmas Fluff, Gift Exchange, Getting Together
Warnings: None
Draco is coerced into attending a holiday party hosted by the Gryffs. Who should he get for the anonymous gift swap but Harry Potter? What could he possibly get for his school rival?
Read it now on AO3!
⛄️ This work is part of H/D Mistletoe, a Gay Wizard Boys server gift exchange. Please help spread the love by sharing your favourite works and leaving kudos and comments. If you would like to join the GWB, you can do so with this link: here. 🌨

❄️ H/D Mistletoe Week One Wrap Up ❄️
We’re wrapping up the first week of Mistletoe with six wonderful, wintery gifts! Thank you to all the anon creators, as well as everyone following and cheering them along.
Links and summaries for all five fics and one artwork are listed below the cut 💝⬇
Keep reading

Draco Malfoy and the World’s Best Tree Topper
Author: Anonymous
For: moondraconis
Pairings: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Word Count: 7,284
Rating: Explicit
Content: Established Relationship, Fluff and Smut, Sex Toys
Warnings: None (bar a Christmas tree shaped butt plug)
It’s Draco’s first Christmas with the Weasley’s and Harry has a little something extra under the tree to take his boyfriend’s mind off things.
Read it now on AO3!
⛄️ This work is part of H/D Mistletoe, a Gay Wizard Boys server gift exchange. Please help spread the love by sharing your favourite works and leaving kudos and comments. If you would like to join the GWB, you can do so with this link: here. 🌨
Banner image: here

I wanna ruin our friendship
Author: Anonymous
For: @ziezie13 / ZieZie13
Pairings: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Word Count: 5,104
Rating: Teen & up
Content: Auror Partners, Jealous Harry, Pining, Nargles in the Mistletoe
Warnings: None
Harry isn’t homophobic, obviously, but why does he feel sick every time he sees Draco with his new boyfriend?
Read it now on AO3!
⛄️ This work is part of H/D Mistletoe, a Gay Wizard Boys server gift exchange. Please help spread the love by sharing your favourite works and leaving kudos and comments. If you would like to join the GWB, you can do so with this link: here. 🌨
Banner image: here

Devious Darling Delights
Author: Anonymous
For: @fluxweeed / fluxweed
Pairings: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Word Count: 3,491
Rating: Explicit
Content: Auror Partners, Aphrodisiacs, Banter, Pining, PWP, Accidental Voyeurism, Love Confessions
Warnings: None (the lightest Dom/sub)
In which Harry is a slob, Draco is a chocolate thief, and they both get exactly what they deserve.
Read it now on AO3!
⛄️ This work is part of H/D Mistletoe, a Gay Wizard Boys server gift exchange. Please help spread the love by sharing your favourite works and leaving kudos and comments. If you would like to join the GWB, you can do so with this link: here. 🌨

that softness which i hold so close and dear
Author: Anonymous
For: @blue-rose-smalls / This_Time_I_Wont_Regret_My_Username
Pairings: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Word Count: 19,567
Rating: Teen & up
Content: EWE, Hogwarts Professors, Letter Writing, Late Night Conversations, Oblivious Harry Potter
Warnings: None
When DADA Professor Harry finds out that the new Charms Professor is Draco Malfoy, he’s surprised to say the least. But what’s worse is that Malfoy seems to be steadfastly avoiding him, and Harry doesn’t know why. What he does know, however, is that it bothers him, even if he can’t explain why.
Read it now on AO3!
⛄️ This work is part of H/D Mistletoe, a Gay Wizard Boys server gift exchange. Please help spread the love by sharing your favourite works and leaving kudos and comments. If you would like to join the GWB, you can do so with this link: here. 🌨

❄️ H/D Mistletoe Week Two Wrap Up ❄️
The second week of Mistletoe is wrapping up with six wonderful, wintery gifts! Thank you so much to all the creators this week, as well as everyone reading and commenting along.
Links and summaries for all five fics and one artwork are listed below the cut ⬇
Keep reading

All Our Tomorrows (I Want Forever with You)
Author: Anonymous
For: @manixzen
Pairings: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Word Count: 12,668
Rating: Teen & up
Content: Fic & Art, Hogwarts Professors, Getting Together, Love Confessions, Fluff and Humour, Light Angst, Snow, Earl Grey Tea, Matchmaker Cat
Warnings: None
Spoiler: they kiss.
Read it now on AO3!
⛄️ This work is part of H/D Mistletoe, a Gay Wizard Boys server gift exchange. Please help spread the love by sharing your favourite works and leaving kudos and comments. If you would like to join the GWB, you can do so with this link: here. 🌨
Banner image: here

Read this. No, seriously. Go read it right now. It's so fucking good, y'all. I don't even have the right words to convey the depth of my love for this fic. 😭😭😭💛💛💛

Author: Anonymous
For: @maesmora / MaesMora
Pairings: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Word Count: 10,315
Rating: Explicit
Content: Auror Partners, Pining, Idiots in Love, Ribbons, Light Bondage, Christmas Smut
Warnings: None
“Harry,” Draco said slowly. “You understand how Christmas presents work, don’t you?”
Harry attempted a smile. “Well, I thought I did until about ten minutes ago.”
Read it now on AO3!
⛄️ This work is part of H/D Mistletoe, a Gay Wizard Boys server gift exchange. Please help spread the love by sharing your favourite works and leaving kudos and comments. If you would like to join the GWB, you can do so with this link: here. 🌨
Banner image: here

Wishful thinking
Author: Anonymous
For: @corinalannister
Pairings: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Word Count: 1,862
Rating: General
Content: Eighth Year, Post-War, Pre-Slash
Warnings: None
“Together,” Harry offered. “Very well then,” Draco accepted. “Together.”
Read it now on AO3!
⛄️ This work is part of H/D Mistletoe, a Gay Wizard Boys server gift exchange. Please help spread the love by sharing your favourite works and leaving kudos and comments. If you would like to join the GWB, you can do so with this link: here. 🌨

little paper memories
Author: Anonymous
For: @jackvbriefs
Pairings: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Word Count: 3,593
Rating: Mature
Content: Domestic Fluff, Ex-Aurors, Pensieves, Memories, Baking, Crafts, Creative use of magic/charms
Warnings: None
All of these years later, Harry still liked working with Draco: on a case, in the field, at home, on secret Christmas heirlooms.
Read it now on AO3!
⛄️ This work is part of H/D Mistletoe, a Gay Wizard Boys server gift exchange. Please help spread the love by sharing your favourite works and leaving kudos and comments. If you would like to join the GWB, you can do so with this link: here. 🌨

❄️ H/D Mistletoe Week Three Wrap Up ❄️
For our third week of posting we had four utterly delightful fics! Again, thank you so much to all the creators this week, and thank you to everyone reading and commenting along. There are only a few more gifts left to go now before reveals (fics & art & podfic galore!) 💝
Links and summaries for all four fics listed below the cut ⬇
Keep reading

Funny Seeing Yule Here
Author: Anonymous
For: @lastontheboat
Pairings: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, background Luna Lovegood/Pansy Parkinson
Word Count: 5,956
Rating: Teen & up
Content: Yuletide, Chance Meetings, 5+1 Things, Christmas parties, Wizard fashion, Single Parent Harry Potter
Warnings: None
Four times Harry “ran into” Draco Malfoy, and the one time Draco called him out on it.
Read it now on AO3!
⛄️ This work is part of H/D Mistletoe, a Gay Wizard Boys server gift exchange. Please help spread the love by sharing your favourite works and leaving kudos and comments. If you would like to join the GWB, you can do so with this link: here. 🌨
Banner image: here

The Last Bachelor’s Eve
Author: Anonymous
For: @withgreatelan
Pairings: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Word Count: 6,340
Rating: Mature
Content: Christmas Party, Fluff, Gift Giving, Banter, Being In Your Thirties, Draco Likes Harry’s Hands, Attorney!Draco, Oblivious Harry Potter (past)
Warnings: None
Pansy picked up the package and gave it a shake. “Please tell me you got him something outrageous, like personalized bed sheets that say ‘The Next Mr. Malfoy.’”
Draco glared at her and welcomed the arrival of his drink. “A scarf, actually.”
“Let me guess: is it a lovely emerald green?”
“No.” It was forest green. Totally different. “But it is a lovely colour,” he said, tugging the gift out of her reach. She was going to crunch the paper.
Read it now on AO3!
⛄️ This work is part of H/D Mistletoe, a Gay Wizard Boys server gift exchange. Please help spread the love by sharing your favourite works and leaving kudos and comments. If you would like to join the GWB, you can do so with this link: here. 🌨
Banner image: here