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THANK YOU op for posting this!! Literally the amount of yellow that people are wearing in every single scene in Soho haunts my every waking moment. People do NOT wear that much yellow, they just don't! Makes me think about Crowley's eyes though 👀 and then you look at Edinburgh compared to Soho and the visual dissonance is so jarring
If it's anyone's memories, my money is on Aziraphale still, unless it's a red (yellow?) herring idk I'm just insane at this point
Thinking a lot about some memory parallels in season two...
About how everyone in Soho is dressed VERY ANACHRONISTICALLY, but not at all coordinated with each other. Clothes look pristine, brand new, unsullied, unworn. Caricatures of humans from the 40s, 70s, 90s, 2000s. Like an oversimplified idea of what Normal Humans look like.

Like uhhh excuse you white fur coat, leopard print skirt and platform shoes? Weird BRIGHT FUCKING YELLOW shirt, a flowy vest and leather pants? 70s crochet sweater with brown pants, crimped hair and chunky heels?
Rosie the Riveter over here is either wearing big flowy skirts or actual mechanic's overalls like the war posters. She's EVERYWHERE throughout the season:

Rainbow tie dye, big hat, overcoat with pinback buttons? Like the guys in the cemetery?

Lady why are you fully lurking behind a pillar and staring at the Hamm Hams

What's my point? Point is... point is...
Gabriel's memories are the same.
RUSSIA - big hammer and sickle neon sign outside, two guys in back playing chess, one with a big bushy beard and the other a flat cap. Background music sounds like traditional/folk Russian music played on a balalaika, but playback on a ratty old stereo.

USA - Route 66 sign, hubcaps, money wallpaper, budweiser neon sign, bar/pool table/pool cues, American flags fluttering in the wind outside, 50s style radio on the shelf, SAME TWO GUYS IN BACK but now playing cards, and the one on the right has a baseball cap instead. And I don't wanna be like "what modern bar would be playing Buddy Holly on the radio" but... after hearing the background music in the Russian cafe, that is a CHOICE.

Hell, check out Not-Billie-Piper back here and her GIANT 50s up-do:

SAME THING AT THE RESURRECTIONIST, YEAH? ALL THE SONGS ON THE JUKEBOX ARE SCOTTISH OR PERTAINING TO SCOTLAND. "Letter from america" by the PRoclaimers starts playing but it was released in fucking 1987

And of course we know this pub is COVERED in Pressburger references, which we know carry way more meaning than simple fun cameos or whatever. Barring that, this is the Scottishest-Pub-est-looking-pub I've ever fucking seen, and it's SO CLEAN.

A fly IN the movie playing on the screen while we watch Gabriel's memories being returned to him from the fly he receives in this memory? More likely than you think (I can't find the movie name! Not in the X-Ray apparently)...

Anyway all that to say I think the show is trying to tell us SOMETHING is wrong the entire season. There's evidence shit's out of order, everything is WEIRD and high saturation, even people's makeup (Crowley's bloody orange half the time), and it all feels Extremely Set up...
OR poorly remembered.

"To be fond of dancing was a certain step towards falling in love." ~ Jane Austin, brains behind the 1810 Clerkenwell diamond robbery, brandy supplier, master spy author of Pride and Prejudice.
"She Had Balls!" "Well-"

So we all know the part of Episode two where Crowley and Aziraphale are discussing fictitious ways to try and get Nina and Maggie to fall in love. Aziraphale brings up Jane Austen and says the following: "People would gather..and do some formal dancing. And then realized they had misunderstood eachother and were actually, deeply in love!" Then after Crowley states that sounds unlikely, Aziraphale says "Works everytime apparently"
Then later when the actual ball he plans is happening, we see him gearing up and getting all excited to ask Crowley to dance- and then him quickly swooping him away with a giggle.

Now...maybe I'm overthinking things as per usual... But was our dear Mr. Fell under the hopes that dancing with Crowley would get the demon to recognize Aziraphales feelings for him? He had promised it would be a night to remember after all. I mean, Crowley basically described him and Aziraphales meeting in Eden when he was describing his idea of falling in love (that he ""saw in a Richard Curtis film"") Would it be too out of the blue to wonder if Aziraphale would try and use the lovey dovey ball fantasy he was reenacting to his advantage? Constantly insisting that they're safe, nothing could possibly go wrong, and that Crowley was exaggerating? Maybe he just wanted a night of dancing with his crush without anything going wrong so the Jane Austen magic would work.

Look at the little smiiilee! I dunno- random shower thought!