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Society's Fraternal Twins: White Privilege & Black Rage
Slave, obey your Master
Turn the other cheek
Your Reward awaits you in Heaven
These were the 3 Pillars of Black Christianity. Regardless of denomination, Slave Masters taught their slaves the 3 Pillars, as part of a bigger plot of Indoctrination. Former Attorney General Jeff Session's use of Bible text to condone separating Immigrant Families rang an old, familiar bell... According to The Catholic Church, the purpose of Chattel Slavery, was to 'Christianize the Heathen'; even though these 'Heathens' practiced a higher form of Culture & Civility, than the 'Enlightened' Europeans putting them in chains.
Centuries of Societal reinforcenent (of Racial Bigotry) has created 2 undercurrents. They are White Privilege & Black Rage. A lot of effort has gone into promoting one, while simultaneously stifiling the other. The imbalance created, has morphed into a Spiritual Unrest that can't be ignored. Those in Power, as usual, are attempting to kick the proverbial can down the Road. Judging from the # of recent natural disasters (i.e. 500 Yr Events), it looks like Mother Nature is intervening
''White Privilege', can be viewed as a Courtesy extended to proponents of White Supremacy. It usually involves some effort to handicap the Black Community: Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, Socially, or Financially. In a general sense, it gives 'Wealthier Classes' freedom to act Above The Law. Ironically, these 'proponents' don't have to be White, or even Caucasian; just like Zionists don't have to be European Jews... Both belief systems are founded in Western Hegemony, & the philosophy of domination. They require 'Classes' or a Caste System. Members of the 'Lowest Class', are most likely defeated adversaries that are singled out- shamed & abused @ the leisure of The Masses.
In Europe, adversaries were identified tribally or nationally; i.e. The French (Gaul, Norman) versus The Italian (Roman), or German (Vandal, Goth). They created 'boogey man' propaganda about each other to preoccupy The Masses w/ thoughts of Nationalism. In truth, they were All servants of some sort... In the Western Hemisphere, the Black People (Copper toned Aborigines) they encountered, possessed skills (Farming, Building, Mining), inferior weapons, & they physically stood out. Unlike Serfs, the 'Indios' couldn't blend in. They also out numbered the Europeans... Making them 'The Adversary', was a No Brainer.
Black People have been globally oppressed for Centuries. The Colonial Powers tell them to 'Get over it, that was a Long Time ago!' [So called] Arabs (Seljuk Turks), don't even acknowledge their role in the East Afrikan Slave Trade- creating the divide between Northern & Sub Saharan Afrika. The advent of the 'Arab Spring', & the recent Splitting of Sudan, is proof that it continues, over 1,000 Yrs later... European Jews either deny, or outright challenge the role their descendants played in Chattel Slavery; the mere insinuation brings calls of antisemitism(?!)
If the 'Black World' saw real, concrete Social Change, moving forward may be possible. Unfortunately, the Oppression has not ended; rather, it has become more refined. In recent years, Racial Bigotry has become more overt. So called 'Honorary Whites', or People of Color are back to taking their [cheap] shots @ Black People. These Groups are now looking for their turn to exploit the Resources of Black Nations. There is a rise of 'monkey business', traditionally associated w/ Classic Populism.
If We express a need for a discussion on Race, White Supremacists & their protagonists are quick to point out Black on Black Crime Stats. The implication, is that Black America needs to 'Clean its Own House', before passing blame. Putting aside my knee jerk urge to report White on White Crime Stats; instead, I ask: Have Conservatives, & alt- right folk looked @ the "Why"? Do they ever delve into what causes the data tabulated in those Stats they are so quick to offer up?
Blackfolk, mostly Christian, have been indoctrinated into believing They are the 'Forgiving Race'(?). They were taught that Vengence, belongs to God. Sounds good in theory, but The Truth is, Black People are Morally Conservative. Regardless of Religious Denomination (Christian, Muslim, Israelite, ect...) We collectively want Retribution. We have been indoctrinated into believing We want 'Justice', but the Subconscious has its Own Agenda. This inner turmoil has led Black People to be patient w/ Oppressors, but combative & disrespectful w/ each other over the smallest infraction; especially Tribally.
The number of Black Men, Women, & Children that are being violated w/o reprisal, is reaching Critical Mass. Nature appears to be taking over. Wo/Man may be the 'Planetery Custodian', but KARMA is the Great Equalizer. It is a Key to Natural (Universal) Law. Even Athiests agree w/ its application in Physics. Retribution, is one of many expressions of Karma under Natural Law. It may even be argued that it is part of the Indemnification process.
Black People in America- ADOS in particular, suffer from PTSD. Some cases are more extreme than others, but most result from some instance where White Privilege was enforced & Black Excellence suppressed. 'Black Pride', is the [Self] acknowledgement & acceptance of 'Black Excellence'. An attack on Black Pride, is a direct attack on Black Excellence. Society goes to great lengths to limit the 'Pride' of Black People Globally; We see it's by Design.
Speaking of 'Design', 'The (American) Ghetto', is an example of a Socially Engineered Environment created to challenge Black Excellence. The Testing Ground for 'Materials & Methods', is called "The Project(s)". Desired outcomes Here (e.g.- broken families, drug abuse, deviant behavior), are expanded into the larger Black Community via Mainstream Media outlets... 'Black Rage', is a cumulative response. In most cases, it results from a 'last straw scenario', where Black Excellence is being stifled to some degree. In the System of Racism/ White Supremacy, Black Excellence is only acknowledged, when it's profitable to those in Power. Otherwise, it is circumvented @ All Costs.
White Guilt, is in fact that 'gut feeling' White Supremacists & their proxies (Honorary Whites) have, that they deserve whatever retribution Black America dishes out. A Realistic discussion about Reparations would go a long way toward ending this dilemma; but instead, The 'Powers that Be' work to stall the inevitable balancing of The Scales. The Tried & True method involves the Wealthy Class getting the (Mainstream) Poor & Middle Classes to rationalize why they deserve what they have. It is also rationalized that Black America has had ample time to get their Act together, why should Everyone Else suffer for their Lot?
White Indignation, is a joke. It is clearly a smokescreen used to justify Barbaric behavior generally, & the System of Racism/ White Supremacy specifically. Recent acts by proponents involve aggressive talk, that escalates to Violent acts in many cases. YouTube is full of these scenarios. What makes these people think it's okay to put their hands on Black People?... LAW ENFORCEMENT. Black Americans are 2nd Class Citizens- 1st to be roused, last to be defended.
The School Admissions Scandal involving 33 Wealthy Families bribing their children's way into Prestigious Universities, is just the latest violation. Lori Loughlin & Felicity Huffman have become The (Current) Faces of White Privilege & 'Above The Law' behavior. Both Women have been arrested, but no mugshot has been televised. While Black Women have served Prison Time for daring to get their children into better Elementary School Districts, these 'Women of Privilege' will probably get reduced Sentences, Probation, & Community Service.
This leads to Affirmative Action Programs that have been decimated over the last 20yrs. Conservatives argued that 'Quotas' weren't fair; even though White Women were the biggest recipient of Affirmative Action Benefits. A Program that was Specifically Designed to grant Black America ACCESS, was circumvented, & transformed into 'Diversity Initiatives'. Front & Center, was The Woman's Initiative. To see White Women accused of cheating a System that they have benefited from- to the perpetual chagrin of Black America, only proves how stacked The Deck really is.
A lot of effort has been devoted to making Black People feel inferior. If an individual or group is 'below the curve', don't we usually offer a helping hand? Don't we try to improve their Lot? What does it say about a Group that:
Excels in Every Endeavor that they are allowed to participate in?
Made contributions in EVERY FIELD from Agriculture to Astrophysics?
Sets the World Standard in Culture, Fashion, Sports & Music?
What do you do, when you see This Group's contributions being appropriated by The World, getting little Credit, & even less Respect? We know there is a contingent looking to instigate an eruption of Black Rage; intent on using it as an excuse for the Wholesale Murder of Black People... What does it say about those who remain silent?
Is White Supremacy A Group Sport?
I have been engaging in Comment Sections lately, mainly in response to Comments that I found disturbing. They mostly take place on 'Black Specific' spaces, & involve what appear to be young Whitefolk looking to 'cut their teeth'. Some engage w/ 'Shock & Awe' tactics, while others use the method of 'Deflect & Accuse', by way of pseudo intellectual arguments commonly used on FOX News Shows.
I became particularly involved w/ a respondent on the issue of 'The White Collective'. The respondent didn't think there was such a thing. He argued that the 'wicked acts' are the result of a few White People, not a Collective. His 'Thesis' was that: Racism, is a thing of the past, & Blackfolk are antagonizing Whitefolk because We are bitter about Our inability to compete w/ them. He accused me of living in a fantasy, & deflected to an argument of Black (BLM inspired) vandalism & Anti- White Racism(?).
I countered w/ White on White Crime & Anti- Black Hate Crime Stats, along w/ an explanation of how 'The White Collective' operates. They're a Group that acts in anonymity, but condone continual Acts of Institutionalized White Supremacy, w/ their collective silence. I'm still waiting for his reply. While this respondent was the first to contest the notion of a 'White Collective', he isn't the only person I encountered w/ his Point Of View.
This got me thinking, why are so many 'Right leaning' Whitefolk going to Black Spaces & trying to 'mix it up'? Why aren't they doing their Thing, & allowing Us to do Ours? Most of these people are far removed from ANY Black Community, why do they feel such a need to 'bring it to Us'? Most of the comments that I read, are arguments against something Blackfolk are fighting for. BLM Protests & Marches have been mostly peaceful events, but these respondents only focus on the events that were infiltrated by Antifa & overzealous folk that thought they were acting in Black People's best interests.
I began to think about what motivates this attitude? How does it relate to that Group Collective? I found my answer in History. America likes to tout that It's a Nation of Immigrants. If we're being completely honest, America, is a Nation of Peasants & Serfs looking to improve their Quality of Life. That is the essence of The American Dream. To understand the 'White Collective', We have to understand the Peasant & Serf Experience in Europe.
History shows that Black Oppression actually galvanizes Whitefolk. It gives them something to Collectively agree on. Most of 'White' America descends from the Lower Classes of their Mother Countries. It appears that the White Supremacists among them relish the opportunity to dominate Blackfolk, as they were dominated in Europe. This appears to be a Cultural phenomenon that occurs generation after generation. To find a current example of this 'Projection', We need to look no further than Israel.
The Zionists in Israel have subjected the Palestinian population to the same degree of hegemony that they themselves experienced in Europe. Israeli children are indoctrinated into a belief that Palestinians need to be marginalized, if not outright exterminated. While many single out a Zionist Agenda, I see a Talmudic expression of White Supremacy. Remember, it was The Talmud that gave The World 'The Curse of Ham'. Their brand of White Supremacy is no different than the Christian variety.
Generally speaking, this Group Collective functions in a 'Better Them, than Me' dynamic. In Feudal Europe, the Masses were bullied into compliance. The Few were made examples of, to keep The Many in check. In The New World, gangs rose up & gained power using the same tactic. The General Public noticed, but did little to nothing to collectively stop them. They quietly gave the gangs permission to terrorize their neighborhoods. As immigrants began to compete w/ Blackfolk for work, attention shifted to Us.
The Group didn't (necessarily) share the views of these gangs, but the focus on Blackfolk meant less focus on them. Of course there were those that spoke out against the mobs & gangs, but collectively, The Public was silent. This went on during the Rise of the Ku Klux Klan, The Black Codes & Jim Crow... Immigrants & Poor Whites were offered opportunities out West to improve their Lot. These groups saw Blackfolk as competition for jobs & threats to their 'American Dream', so they welcomed Anti- Black measures. Several generations later, it is ingrained into America's Social Fabric. So is The Silence.
50Yrs ago, Richard Nixon kicked off the (Modern Day) Conservative Movement by referring to a group called 'The Silent Majority'. This group was said to represent the views of Mainstream America (i.e. Republicans & Reagan Democrats). No one appeared to disagree w/ him; in fact, Democrats tried to counter the philosophy of Conservatism w/ 'Progressive Liberalism'. Today, We have the extremes of 'Trump Republicans' & 'Progressive Extremists', like Antifa. The actions of both Groups come dangerously close to Anarchy.
The Trump Republicans resemble the Vassals of feudal Europe. They shamelessly 'cape' for their wealthy Lords (of Industry & Influence), w/ the hope that they will gain some concession that will allow them to live above the fray of The Masses. They willingly bow down to the forces of White Supremacy & the position of the Anglo- Saxon Alpha Male (WASP) at the Top of the Totem Pole. Even the staunchest feminists bow before them. What really amazes me, is the intensity of Caucasians, Catholics, & Honorary Whites (People of Color/ BiPOC) in their practice of White Supremacy. It's pretty clear that they crave The American Dream 'By any means necessary'.
Neely Fuller taught Us that "White Supremacy takes both sides of The Argument", so the Liberal/ Progressive position has to be viewed through a panoramic lense. Their overall message is revolutionary- Power to The People! Social Uplift & Equality are the common phrases used. In This Day & Age, that means 'A Living Wage', 'Medicare for All', a 'Green New Deal', & building up America's 'Social/ Human Infrastructure'. The problem is, many of these 'Progressives' are really Vassals in disguise. Jimmy Dore has revealed time & time again how Progressives aren't much different from Trump Republicans; in fact, they may be worse.
Progressive Leaders are vociferous in front of their supporters, but in Congress, they have either been silent or supportive of Joe Biden's Agenda of double speak. Despite all of the rhetoric & a 'Force The Vote' campaign, Progressive Leaders fell in line w/ House Speaker Pelosi on Medicare for All. They also remain silent, as America takes on an increasingly authoritative stance- in both Domestic & Foreign Affairs. The Biden Administration has abandoned Afghanistan, in addition to bombing Syria, & Somalia. Domestically, they are pushing a new 'Crime Bill' that invests in Law Enforcement at a time when The Public has asked for measures to defund, or at least divert funding earmarked for the paramilitary operations of Local Police Precincts.
I find some Liberals & Progressives genuine, but I have little respect for their leaders. I'm old enough to remember the 'Progressive Politics' of the 1970s & 1980s. The Policies of Daniel Patrick Moynihan & Joe Biden starved Black Communities [Nationwide] of basic services, transforming them into Ghettos & Slums. The current Social Climate reminds me of those Times. The curious rise in gun violence is also familiar. Young White Males toting assault rifles have committed mass shootings for over 20Yrs, but the focus appears to be on a rash of local shootings in areas going through, or slated for gentrification. Is this just a coincidence?
This makes me ask: What is Progressive Liberalism? The Talking Points say one thing, but the actions speak differently. 30Yrs ago, Joe Biden touted The Liberal Party as a 'Tough on Crime' Party. Liberal Policies disenfranchised Black America/ ADOS, in favor of 'Diversity Initiatives'. Community Programs dried up, which opened the door to gang activity. Based on the legislation passed by This Group, it looks like The Liberal- Progressive Caucus are the 'Good Cop' side of Systemic Anti- Black Racism. While Conservatives are straight forward w/ their opinion of Black America/ ADOS, Liberals & Progressives take more of a 'Kill Them Softly' approach.
From a Black perspective, this takes Us back to LBJ. He famously touted how tossing Black America a few carrots would lead to at least 50Yrs of Voter loyalty. For his part, Joe Biden aligned w/ 'The Old Guard' (i.e. DixieCrats), & has consistently taken a conservative position when it comes to Black America/ ADOS. His Policies speak volumes. The Biden Administration's pivot away from 'Black Issues' is not surprising to many of Us. It was always a question of 'when', not 'if'. What IS surprising, is how quickly Progressive Leaders fell in line w/ The Biden Agenda. While a segment of Progressives cry foul, most are silent.
Coalitions between Working Class Blackfolk & Whitefolk are not new. They go back to the partnerships between The Enslaved & Indentured Servants. Country Music, is a product of that partnership. But like the Populist Movement of 1888- 1892, these coalitions were broken by a greater solidarity to Whiteness, than Common Cause. Plantation Owners granted Indentured Servants land, & positions of authority over Enslaved Workers (as Overseers & Slave Catchers), in an effort to break any bond that existed between them. Despite having more in common w/ Us than the Wealthy Plantation Owner, Poor Whites chose a 'Come up' over camaraderie w/ a group that they worked, played, & prayed w/... America would look much different, if they held their ground.
The fall of The Populist Party ushered in Jim Crow & Separate But Equal Laws that rewarded Whitefolk for disenfranchising Black Excellence. The mantra of the time was: 'America, is a White Man's Country!' The political coup by White Supremacists in Wilmington, N.C. in 1898 set a new bar. The Ku Klux Klan ran rampant, while White America remained silent. At the 'Turn of The Century', Black Politicians were removed (forced) from Office, & Anti Black Songs became a popular theme. During this Period, Blackfaced performers were celebrated. Al Jolson became The King of Vaudeville, but few complained. Meanwhile, White Politicians & Newspapers expressed concern w/ the 'Threat of Black Rule', which motivated White Mobs to loot & burn dozens of Independent Black Towns & Enclaves. Even today, White America (collectively) doubts that these Events really happened.
White Supremacist sentiment has been on the rise over the last 5Yrs. Charlottesville 'Tiki Marchers' were followed by a series of 'Blackface' incidents by notable politicians, & International Fashion Brands. It appeared that a (global) message was being sent. Bad Actors seemed emboldened under The Trump Administration, but it looks like The Biden Administration is doing very little to reel them in. News of Anti Black racial attacks have all but dried up, as Black America/ ADOS is being depicted as The Face of Anti Asian, Anti Semitic, & Homophobic attacks. The rise in shooting incidents are being attributed to Black Youth, but many of the assailants shown appear to be Black Immigrants.
Antonio Moore of 'Tonetalks' regularly points out the disparities between ADOS & White America. According to his data, White America represents about 83 million families that are collectively worth about $115 Trillion; about $40 Trillion are liquid assets. Black America/ ADOS number about 20 million families that are collectively worth about $6 Trillion; about $450 Billion are liquid assets. The Racial or Lineage Wealth Gap can be clearly seen. If Black America/ ADOS is 25% of the White American population, shouldn't We also represent 25% of their wealth? Black Wealth in America should be closer to $30 Trillion; almost 5X Our actual worth. Our liquid assets are only 1% of White America's- THIS explains the degree of poverty We experience.
Jeff Bezos is personally worth $211 Billion, while Black America's Private Sector is collectively worth about $270 Billion. Are We supposed to believe that Bezos single handedly outperformed an entire Sector in just 25Yrs? I say, not w/o Institutionalized help. The 'White Collective' celebrates the possibility that Bezos represents, while condoning the social practices that keep Blackfolk tethered to poverty. The practice of Red Lining Black/ ADOS Communities undervalued the commercial & private property of that area, which makes it difficult for residents to leverage their property into wealth building projects. It also makes these areas very attractive to non Black Communities (w/ much more Collective Wealth) seeking the same opportunity.
Whitefolk are moving into Black 'Low Income Neighborhoods', but few talk about how Black Residents are being priced out of the Communities that they were born & raised in. Where are they supposed to go? It's ironic, when U consider the fact that Whitefolk 'migrated' en masse out of the Cities & into Suburbia, when Black Communities 'expanded' too close to their enclaves. Two generations later, their grand children have no problem living in 'The Ghetto'. Suddenly, the streets are being cleaned, & Quality of Life issues that persisted for decades are being corrected. Why did it take the appearance of White Residents to necessitate a 'fix'?
Another curious feature of gentrification, at least in NYC, are the number of 'Whites Only' buildings popping up throughout Brooklyn- from East New York, to Metrotech/ Downtown Brooklyn. Harlem, is another area where this is happening. I thought that I understood gentrification, but what We are witnessing, is 21st Century Homesteading. These people obviously plan to create enclaves w/i Black Communities. Gated buildings are popping up throughout 'The Hood'. History is repeating itself, as White Residents become increasingly intolerant of 'Cultural Expression' in these areas, as their numbers in the area increase. What's the End Game?
I asked the question: 'Is White Supremacy a Group Sport?', because I see one segment acting aggressively against Our interests, while another segment [supposedly] stands w/ Us, but watches in silence. Black America/ ADOS is being squeezed into the 'Marginalized Minority' box from All Sides. At a time when We are pushing for Reparations, Whitefolk & People Of Color (POC, BIPOC) seem united in the task of silencing Us. We were forced off Our land & into Chattel Slavery. Emancipation gave Us the freedom to start over, but once again, We were forced off Our land & 'encouraged' to migrate North & West. There, We survived Gang & Mob violence, eventually creating Communities of Our Own. Despite Imminent Domain, Drugs, Criminality, Police Brutality, & other practices. Many of Us endured in these Communities for decades; through Good & Bad Times.
Jason Black, of "The Black Authority" has pointed out how CNN & MSNBC have recently taken a FOX News stance on the issue of 'Wokeness'. For some reason, Wokeness is being associated more w/ Black Issues, than Progressive Politics; which includes Women, Immigrants/ Asians, & LGBTQ... Issues. Progressives have [again] remained silent, as a growing 'anti- Wokeness' Agenda is being laid out. Where are We supposed to go next? Why is it so important to keep Us from having a Right of Expression? Why are tens of millions of people okay w/ this? I have said on more than one occasion: If White Supremacy is so 'Superior', why do 'believers' have to go to the extremes that they do to substantiate it? Supremacy is irrefutable, & doesn't warrant a need to compete... I still don't understand the Collective Silence- How does it fit into the narrative of a 'Judeo- Christian' morality?
-Just My 2 Cents
Is Scott Adams an exception, or The Rule?

The hoopla over 'Dilbert' Creator, Scott Adams, is a classic example of 'White Fragility' in a Real Life situation. He (sarcastically) claimed that he 'identified as Black' (because he wanted to be on 'The Winning Team'), & supported Black Causes for years. Suddenly, a Rasmussen Reports survey on 'Whiteness' got him so worked up, that he now reidentifies as White. On top of that, he now says that 1/2 of Black America is a Racist Hate Group. His claim is based on the survey results to the question: 'Is it okay to be White?'
According to the Report, 53% of Black respondents answered 'Yes'. Adams is reported to have gone on an Anti- Black racist rant during the airing of his podcast- 'Morning Coffee w/ Scott Adams'. During his 'rant', Adams suggested staying the hell away from Black America, because 'it can't be fixed'. Keep in mind that his comments are based on the survey results of a right winged conservative Organization. The question itself is Open Ended, & necessitates additional probing. The response to Adams' comments has been swift & decisive. Hundreds of News Publications have cancelled 'Dilbert'.
So far, Adams is standing behind his comments. He acknowledges that he is likely Cancelled, saying 'you can't come back from this'. I'm not sure how much he really cares about cancellation, being 64Yrs Old & having a net worth of $70M... Regarding his comments, Adams says that he wasn't being emotional. He said that his words had context, & so far, No One has disagreed w/ him. I appreciate his honesty. I think his rush to judgement was sincere & should be taken at face value. If I were to interview Scott Adams, I would ask: Did he take the 'context' of the 47% into consideration? What motivated their response? 26% answered 'No' & 21% 'Not Sure'- did Adams consider why?
As someone who supposedly 'identified as Black', I would've expected him to pause. Maybe take a moment to ascertain the reasons 47% of Black respondents may not think of 'Whiteness' as a good thing. Instead, he deadpanned that those respondents represent a 'Racist Hate Group'. Then he says that he doesn't want anything to do w/ them, & suggests that All Whitefolk do the same. Judging from his 'racist rant', it sounds like Scott Adams was being less than facetious about his identification w/ Blackfolk. What I did hear in his comments, was the use of Black people, like Don Lemon, to support his racist actions.
His comments aren't unique. Marjorie Taylor Greene's recent demand for a 'Secession' of Red & Blue States; due to rampant Wokeness & Biden's failure to 'Make America Great', is a similar sentiment. Add to that, Ben Stein's lamentation over 'Aunt Jermaima' syrup, along w/ Elon Musk's comments in support of Scott Adams, & a pretty easy connection can be made. These are the thoughts of The Silent Majority. Their collective fear of Black Expression goes back 50Yrs. They tend to come from 'Middle America' or 'Flyover States', but they generally represent White Families that migrated to Suburbia (White Flight). 'Dilbert', is basically a chronicle of individuals from this background, so I wouldn't be surprised if Adams isn't alone in his sentiment.
What I found intriguing about Scott Adams' comments, was his tonality. He wasn't ranting to me. He was clear & concise in his deduction & conclusion. What stands out, is how easy it was for Scott Adams to discard the 53% of Blackfolk that felt that it was 'Ok to be 'White'. Why didn't he consider working w/ that group, while changing hearts & minds of the Other? Instead, he threw Everyone into the same 'Racist Hate Group' pot, & concluded that 'it can't be fixed'. I'm immediately reminded of those Black Veterans that faced angry White Mobs in full uniform, & saluting... I imagine they were of that 53%.
Our Ancestors were morally upright, & idealistic, but were naive. They actually believed that The American Dream applied to them. It's clear that it didn't. Recent comments prove that it still doesn't. There is a direct correlation between the increase in discussions regarding National Reparations for American Descendants Of Chattal Slavery (ADOS), & the cries of Anti- White Racism, Wokeism, & the Bringing down of America. The Biden Administration has spent $113B in Ukraine over the last 12 months, w/ billions more promised; but Flint, Detroit, & now Jackson are forced to wait for Water Filtration Systems. East Palestine however, is an 'All hands On Deck' scenario... America's priorities are brutally clear.
Elon Musk's assertion that Mainstream Media is Anti- White & Anti- Asian, is confusing, when we consider the fact that Asian Americans are the wealthiest demographic in America. As a White Man & an immigrant, Elon (The Afrikaner) Musk has outpaced EVERY Black American financially, so We fail to see the 'racism'. What Adams,Musk, Stein, & Taylor- Greene all have in common, is a fear of an inevitable 'Leveling of The Playing Field'. America, as an Institution (Columbia), has perpetually propped up Whites & Honorary Whites in a position of dominion over Black America. Clear examples can be seen from The Homestead Acts to The New Deal.
White Supremacy dictates survival of the fittest, but Poor Whites are assured Living Wages, or Federal Assistance (in worse case scenarios) to maintain a lifestyle above the 'average Black family', in return for their participation in America's collective Anti- Black agenda. Small wonder how the most brutal Anti- Black attacks occur in Poor White areas. As I said numerous times before, NOTHING IS ABSOLUTE. There were Allies in the past, & there are Allies now. Unfortunately, their number has dropped over the last 50Yrs. Hard Times makes scapegoating easy. Groups that might have been indifferent to an issue, may be motivated into taking a side.
This is the Case of America over the last 50Yrs. When Working Class Black & White Americans were feeding their families & living their lives, both Communities prospered. As Benign Neglect hit Black Communities, Factory Closings hit White Communities. The American Institution once again bailed White America out, by extending Credit Lines (MasterCard, Visa) & Bankruptcy Law to individuals; allowing them to offset current debt. Few Black Americans were able to take advantage of this. In addition, White Families were given the opportunity to refinance their homes, while Black Families were largely denied. As White Families struggled, it's understandable how Self Preservation can kick in. They can't really emphathize w/ another's Struggle, when they're going through their Own.
That said, this group took the Reagan narrative of ''Black Welfare Mothers' & 'Black Male Degenerates' & ran w/ it. They raised their children on it, Educational Systems taught it in Schools & Citizenship Classes. Meanwhile, some White Teens & Young Adults 'Raged Against The Machine', & developed a love affair w/ HipHop- that continues today. Despite this, a good number of Today's Parents still hold the values of their upbringing. The Age of Political Correctness stalled a lot of tongues, but a collective frustration w/ Quality of Life is motivating them to speak frankly. Again, I welcome it.
Regardless of their Economic or Political Standing, Whitefolk that express a problem w/ Black America collectively, are using some variation of the Segregationist Era 'Fear Of Black Rule' argument. This rhetoric goes back to Reconstruction, when the Post Slavery Era saw the largest & fastest expansion of ANY GROUP in American History. The number of Black Landowners, Businessmen, & Politicians that rose to prominence from 1865- 1875 scared Whitefolk. The result was the rise of The KKK & Daughters Of The Confederacy, along w/ Black Codes; that stalled Black progressive efforts, while terrorizing Black Citizens under Local & State Law.
All of the individuals mentioned express some impending threat of Black 'Rage' & Violence. Meanwhile, Police Officers & Anti- Black Racist 'Vigilantes' are allowed to assault and kill Black Men & Women wantonly, and w/ impunity. This is by virtue of the Collective Silence of Mainstream America. It is especially important to take note of this, as America cultivates roughly 2 Million illegal immigrants, 100,000 Afgans, & 100,000 Ukrainians- All of whom identify as 'White'. As an Indigenous Black American, I sense a Lesson In American Protocol being taught: How to Engage Black America 101. Meanwhile, NO ONE of Any Ethnic Group can tell you about a Time when 'Black American Hegemony' ravished their Community, Town, or City...
These passive aggressive Anti- Black Racist types are a funny breed. They talk ad naseum about why they should be separate from Black America; but despite being far removed from ANY Black person, these people still can't seem to leave Us alone... Makes me question What Scott Adams & Co. are REALLY afraid of.
The War in Gaza: Terrorism or Resistance?

Few would disagree that there are No Winners in the newly erupted 'War' between Israel & Hamas. Mainstream Media has already begun to make excuses for the expected carnage that Benjamin Netanyahu will rain on Gaza. The Israeli Prime Minister singles out Hamas for destruction, but is pretty general about his Military Targets; situated among an urban population of over 2 Million Palestinians. What's scary, is how easily News Correspondents & Political Contributors downplay Israeli 'revenge' as Collateral Damage.
58% of Palestinians support Hamas, but Mainstream Media collectively behaves like the Citizens of Gaza are ALL connected to Hamas. The same way that All Black Males are gang affiliated... I guess that's their punishment for voting Hamas into Political Power. The irony lies in the fact that Israel brought Hamas into existence, as a counter balance to Yasser Arafat & The PLO. The Media is already calling Hamas' Attack 'Israel's 9/11'- I find that classification curious. That 2001 Event looks more & more like a smokescreen for a larger Agenda. Despite the thousands of Americans killed, the Legacy of 9/11 are: The Iraqi War & The Patriot Act. There are correlations to point out between the 2 Events.
Benjamin Netanyahu's current political position resembles Rudy Giuliani's position, pre- 9/11. Rudy faced Police Brutality & Corruption in his Administration, while Bibi faces Fraud, Breach of Trust, & accepting Bribes on @ least 3 different occasions. Post 9/11, Rudy Giuliani became 'America's Mayor'. Israelis that screamed for Netanyahu's resignation last week, are now standing behind his 'War' on Hamas. The Patriot Act was what came out of 9/11, & increasing Jewish Settlements appears to be Israel's goal in Gaza. Pro- Israel supporters are calling for the complete destruction of Gaza. There is no regard for the welfare of Palestinians caught in the middle.
The Media Narrative has been Israeli Centered. Big Bad Hamas caught Israel off guard, & wreaked as much havoc as they could. Israel is known for their Security & Intelligence, so it's more than curious how Hamas could execute such a large scale Operation. Over 1,000 Hamas Soldiers stormed breached sections of Israel's Security Fence, along w/ other Soldiers attacking by Air & by Sea. Over 2,200 Military Grade Rockets were launched w/i the City of Tel Aviv. Nothing like this has ever happened in Israel's History. The Police & Military were both caught unaware... How?
Benjamin Netanyahu rose to power on the promise that he could protect Israel better than anyone that preceded him. The fact that Mossad, Shin Bet, & Unit 8200 all failed to anticipate such an attack is mindboggling. When we consider the fact that Netanyahu did not anticipate an attack on, or around the 50th Anniversary of the Yom Kippur War (back in 1973), it's not hard to consider conspiracy theories. Some call it silly to think that Bibi Netanyahu would allow Hamas to breach Israeli territory & kill hundreds, but the alternative is to think that 3 Intelligence Agencies failed to gather Intel on a coordinated attack that took up to 2 Years to plan.
Benjamin Netanyahu's Legacy as Israeli Leader, is a continuous oppression of the Palestinian population. Under his leadership, Israel openly practices a System of Apartheid. Many refer to Gaza as an 'Open Air Prison', while Others call it a 'Concentration Camp'. Despite The 1993 Oslo Accords that laid out the foundation for a 2 State solution, Netanyahu still allows the development of Illegal Settlements in Gaza. It has become so rampant, that Pro- Israel Supporters are calling for the compete removal of All Palestinians from the Gaza Strip. Israel's Minister of Defense, Yoav Gallant referred to Hamas as 'Human Animals' that will be dealt w/ in a similar manner... Where is the compromise?
It's crazy to say, but Israel is planning a full blitzkrieg on The Gaza Strip. 300,000 Israeli Soldiers have been called to the Gaza Border, following days of incessant bombing on an urban population of over 2 million people. Over 300,000 people have already been displaced. Netanyahu says he issued warnings for Gaza Residents to leave, but where are they going? Access to Israel & Egypt has been completely cut off. Israeli Officials brag how Food, Water, Fuel, & Electricity supplies to Gaza have been shut off. Some News Correspondents mention Israel's clear violation of Human Rights & The Geneva Convention, but most News Reports focus on the Israeli perspective.
Volodomyr Zelenskyy is blaming Vladimir Putin for the War in Gaza; America's focus on Israel means less focus on Ukraine. The Pentagon has a limited surplus of weapons & ammunition. Zelenskyy understands Ukraine's place in the pecking order, so he's probably uneasy. The Geopolitics behind this Event are interesting. GOP Presidential Hopefuls, Sen. Lindsey Graham & Former Ambassador/ Governor Nikki Haley have blamed Iran for financing Hamas (through Hezbollah), & both called for an American attack on Iran. History shows that Israel supported Iran 40Yrs ago. They supplied the Ayatollah Khomeini w/ weapons in his War w/ Iraq. When Iran financed Hezbollah in 1983, leading to attacks on Israeli Occupations & U.S. Marines barracks (in Lebanon), Israel continued to supply Iran.
The U.S. has a Memorandum Of Understanding w/ Israel that promises $3.8B in Annual Military Aid. On top of this, Joe Biden has pledged full support to Israel, & has dispatched the Aircraft Carrier U.S.S. Gerald Ford w/ a Battleship compliment. No one knows what 'support' Biden intends to give, but his Pro- Israel stance ignores the Palestinian view. Nearly 80Yrs ago, roughly 60% of Palestine was seized & renamed 'Israel' by The British Government (via The U.N.). The Palestinians @ that time, explained that They ARE the Israelites! They are the descendants of those who 'accepted Al Islam' centuries ago. Nearly 60Yrs ago, Yasser Arafat formed The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) to fight for the Palestinian Right of Expression on their Own land.
30Yrs ago, Yasser Arafat & Yitzhak Rabin agreed on a 2 State solution, but Israeli Leaders following Rabin have failed to go any further w/ the Oslo Accords. The political rise of Hamas, & their refusal to recognize The State of Israel has been blamed for the breakdown of negotiations. Meanwhile, Palestinians, Black Jews, Hebrew Israelites, & Muslims have all experienced an increase in Ethnic Bias/ Discrimination. Anyone that insinuates Ethnic Bias or Racism in Israel is either treated like a leper, or silenced; but Palestinians have been dealing w/ this Ethnic Bias for nearly 130Yrs.
Israel's problem w/ Gaza, is numbers. While the Israeli population is moderately young, the Palestinian population of Gaza has a Median Age of 19Yrs; half the population is under 18Yrs. This may explain Israel's aggressive stance towards Palestinians. Israel's 'gestapo tactics' run the risk of radicalizing a new generation of Palestinians. Not the best move to make, if Hamas is getting more sophisticated w/ their planning & methods of attack. Whenever Israel goes on the offensive, I always have to look @ their move in respect to 'Greater Israel'. This is Israel's vision for expansion. The Maps that I saw show Israel expanding into Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, & Iraq... I can't help thinking about The Book of Revelations & that 'Battle on the Hill of Megiddo'.
From an Indigenous Black American perspective, Gaza is Must See TV! Israeli UN Ambassador, Gilad Erdan made a comment a few years ago, that Black American Men were the greatest threat to Israel(???) American Police Departments, large & small are invited to visit Israel (All expenses paid), to learn the tactics they use on Palestinians. The Israelis learned from American Police tactics on Black Americans, so it appears that they are sharing Tools of Oppression. By the same token, as Malcolm X vocally supported the Palestinian Right Of Expression; Palestinians return the gesture, by teaching Black American Protestors how to handle tear gas & other 'Urban' Police tactics.
The United States & Israel are tethered to each other. European Jews use Hollywood to present specific images & narratives globally. Among the images are: 'America', The Great Society & 'Israel', The Holy Land. Both nations are White Supremacist Republics, so the goals are: Marginalization of the Indigenous People & Appropriation of the natural resources. Israel is practicing the American Model of 'Jim Crow' Anti- Black Racism, much like the Nazis & South Afrikan Boers practiced. America appears to be copying Israel's Urban Assault Tactics. I wouldn't be surprised if the Cop City Development outside of Atlanta, Ga. is the result of those Police junkets to Israel.
The Civil Rights & Black Power Movements inspired Black & Brown People globally. Our current fight against Police Violence & for (lineage based) Reparations is already having a similar effect. That being said, Palestinians live in an environment that can change forever- in a heartbeat. I don't think that they need to draw inspiration from Us, but it's clear that We are in solidarity w/ each other. Mainstream Media is mourning the dead babies in Southern Israel & uttering curses @ Hamas, but they have been silent for years about the dead babies in Gaza. The Zionists are quick to voice their Right to Retaliate, but are silent when asked if Palestinians have the same Right of Retaliation... It's No Fun when the Rabbit has the Gun.
Is Hamas on the Right side of History?

Hamas' 'Offensive' on Israel, back on Oct. 7th, had The West crying Foul! The days following the assault brought News Stories of concert goers being gunned down, Women raped, Holocaust Survivors assaulted, & babies beheaded. Israel had the support of The West as they began an aerial assault on Gaza, & prepared for a massive ground campaign. After weeks of relentless bombing on residential neighborhoods & daily reports of Human Rights Violations, Israel is losing face. Despite worldwide protests calling for a Cease- Fire, Netanyahu's Administration is deadset on their Agenda to eradicate Hamas.
The carnage in Gaza has made some uneasy, but The Biden Administration continues to be Israel's 'Ride Or Die'. State Dept. Director of Congressional /Public Affairs, Josh Paul & Director the NY Office of The U.N., Craig Mokhiber both resigned in protest, but The Beat goes on... Secretary Of State Anthony Blinken went to Israel to discuss a 'Humanitarian Pause', but The U.S. was the only Member to vote No in the U.N. Security Council's measure to call for a Cease- Fire in Gaza. The U.S.'s lone vote was enough to stop the measure. Meanwhile, Joe Biden wants to send Israel another $14.1B in 'Aid' & $100M in Humanitarian Aid for Palestinians in Gaza. Mike Johnson's House passed a Bill offering Israel $14.3B in Aid, but $0 for the Palestinians; Republicans believe that Hamas will use the money to reinforce their position.
Israel, The U.S. & The E.U. refer to Hamas as a Terrorist Group, but like it or not, they are the Legal Government of Gaza. As the Representative of the Palestinians of Gaza, they have a Legal Right to defend their citizens. Muslim Leaders that never showed support for Hamas, are now speaking out in Solidarity. Egyptian President El- Sissi, King Abdullah II of Jordan, Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei, & Turkish President Erdogan have all expressed support for Hamas; Erdogan called them Mujahideen, or Holy Warriors. Following the Incident @ the Dagestani Airport, President Erdogan offered stronger critique of Israel's Humanitarian Violations. Ayatollah Khamenei & Hezbollah Secretary- General Hassan Nasrallah have both threatened Engagement, if Israel continues their bombardment of Gaza.
Several Independent Correspondents & 'Experts' on The Region have offered alternative views to the Mainstream Media Narrative. All have described Israel as an Apartheid State & Gaza as an Open Air Prison, or a Concentration Camp. They have gone about the business of debunking some of the Stories that initially made News. The 1st to be debunked, was the Story of upwards of 40 Israeli babies getting beheaded by Hamas Soldiers. To date, the youngest Israeli victim listed, is 3Yrs Old. These Men are devout Muslims, so the Stories of raping Women & abusing Holocaust Survivors are also proving false. Footage of Hamas' transfer of 2 Elderly Women shows them being gentle; one of the ladies said 'shalom' to her captor as they parted company.
Of the many Experts that spoke on Israel's War on Gaza, Miko Peled, the son of an Israeli General & Former Marine Corps Officer Scott Ritter stand out. Miko gives Us a History of Israeli Zionism, & the goal of a Greater Israel. Scott gives insight into Israel's Security & Intelligence capabilities. According to Miko Peled, Israeli Leadership was Zionist from The Beginning. The Goal, has always been 'A Jewish State'. Leaders from David Ben- Gurion to Benjamin Netanyahu have All worked to this end. Yitzhak Rabin tried to find a compromise, & was assassinated for making the attempt. The Israeli Government has been consistently building illegal Settlements ever since. Their zeal for territory mirrors the Tribes of The Old Testament.
Scott Ritter has given several interviews since the initial attack. He tends to look @ the 'War On Gaza' from a tactical perspective. From this angle, Hamas carried out a very effective operation. It appears that they had a Plan, & it was carried out in a way that caught The IDF completely off guard. He contests the stories about hundreds of concert goers being gunned down by Hamas. Ritter says that according to his sources on the ground, it was 'Friendly Fire'. The IDF were not prepared for the assault & overreacted; Survivors said that Soldiers were shooting recklessly into the crowd. Israel is focusing on a narrative of Hamas' unspeakable brutality, to mask unpreparedness & inefficiency.
According to Scott Ritter, Israel doesn't have a Battle Plan for Gaza, that's why the focus has been on bombing it to dust. We're being led to believe that Israel is softening up Hamas, & will send in ground troops to 'finish them off'. The problem w/ that Plan, according to Ritter, is the unpreparedness of The IDF. 300,000 'Reserve' Soldiers have been called to Duty, but how many are Battle Ready? Most haven't served in years. Ritter questions their ability to strap on the necessary gear, & actually Run from place to place. He postulates that the IDF will make small excursions into Gaza, mainly for Political Theater, but will not plan a large scale Assault.
Military Minds, like Miko Peled & Col. Douglas McArthur have talked about Israeli Security & Intelligence, but Scott Ritter has been particularly critical of both. He calls Mossad 'A Joke', giving several examples where they were ineffective- starting w/ the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich. Ritter says that Hamas' Assault on Oct. 7th was well planned & executed, but it only proved how clueless Israeli Intelligence really is. He goes on to say that unlike The IDF, Hamas has been fighting non-stop. They are a Battle Ready group prepared to engage, while most Israelis are filling a military requirement. Palestinians are willing to die, while The Israelis are scared to die.
The Zionists appear single minded in their desire to 'turn Gaza into a Parking Lot'. All of the Military Minds interviewed agree that this works in Hamas' favor. The IDF aren't prepared for Gaza's network of tunnels, let alone the terrain. Mainstream Media paints Hamas as unsophisticated barbarians, but their Assault was very sophisticated. Don't think that they designed a Plan w/o considering Best & Worse case scenarios. The Pentagon has been trying to advise Netanyahu on the pitfalls of Urban Warfare, but Bibi doesn't appear to be listening. Meanwhile, the World is watching & responding.
Israel's incessant bombing & Human Rights Violations run the risk of galvanizing the Muslim World. U.S. Politicians have tried to include Iran from The Beginning, but Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Yemen, Syria, & now Turkey are speaking out against their actions. Israel & The West have tried to keep Sunni & Shi'a Tribes @ odds w/ each other, but it's not working now. The incident @ the Dagestani Airport shows that 'Turks' are in solidarity w/ Palestinians. This motivated Erdogan; as the leader of the largest Military Force in the Region, Israel & The West should pay attention. His presence resonates throughout Western Asia. Hezbollah has traded missiles w/ Israel over the last few weeks, but No One expects Netanyahu to escalate.
Doomsday types are forecasting World War III. According to them, the Muslim World will react to the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians; The U.S. will respond, & The West will be obliged to back The U.S. & Israel. Others believe that public outrage is making a 2 State solution a viable option. South Afrika & Bolivia have ended Relations & closed Israeli Embassies. The Global South is in Solidarity w/ Gaza... We have to take a closer look @ Hamas. Gaza is being leveled, & over 1.5 Million Palestinians have been forced from their Homes; over 75Yrs after being forced from their Homes the 1st time. The World tends to forget that Gaza Residents were already Refugees.
Looking @ the Big Picture, Hamas made a major chess move. Their Assault exposed Israel's fundamental weakness & accomplished 2 Goals:
Getting Israel to overreact
Stopping the Abraham Accords
It is pretty Machiavellian in Design, but if Hamas carried out their Assault w/ the anticipation that Israel would overreact, what does that say about their ability to Steal the Narrative? Bibi Netanyahu did his 'Bull Conner' impersonation & is getting a similar result; albeit, more violently than Bull Conner or George Wallace. Many have questioned the timing of Hamas' Assault; was it to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Yom Kippur War? Whatever the reason, Saudi Arabia backed out of the Abraham Accords.
The U.S. brokered Accords were meant to normalize Trade Relations & 'Military Cooperation' w/ Israel & their Arab neighbors (i.e. UAE, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Sudan, & Morocco). Israel favored this agreement, because it completely ignored the question of a Palestinian State. Saudi Arabia & UAE have danced around recognizing Israel for years (some have theorized that The House of Saud, is ethnically Jewish); Both are @ War w/ Yemen's Houthis, & the proximity of Israeli Weapons must be alluring. The Arab World has taken a Not in My Backyard attitude w/ Palestinian Refugees, so The Abraham Accords was a Win- Win.
Although Gaza's Infrastructure is being leveled- w/ over 9,000 Dead, thousands more injured, & more than Half of the Population 'displaced'; Hamas has Israel on the defensive. The World has watched the carnage in horror, as the Palestinian deaths are approaching 10X the number of Israeli Deaths. People are asking out loud: How many Palestinian lives is an Israeli life worth? Others question how The Zionists can be so comfortable w/ blatant acts of Nazism. Everyone, including The U.S. & The West wants to know Israel's End Game. Once again, Israel is surrounded, but The U.S. cannot support them indefinitely. America's munitions surplus is thin; The Iron Dome is running out of missiles.
Benjamin Netanyahu seems intent on forcing Palestinians out of Gaza. Recent Reports that an Oil & Natural Gas Deposit, worth roughly $500 Billion- $1 Trillion Dollars was discovered in N. Gaza, may explain Bibi's motivation. His Plan is the same as his predecessors- push the Palestinians into Egypt, & Jordan. The Problem, is Sisi, & King Abdullah aren't playing ball. The Saudis were willing to normalize Relations w/ Israel, but in light of their 'War' w/ Hamas, MBS appears to have shifted his focus to BRICS. Netanyahu's heavy hand has put Israel's Future in question. The Biden Administration can't do anymore. Arab Americans in Swing States like Michigan, aren't pleased w/ Joe Biden's Israel All the Time rhetoric; his Poll #s are falling.
Meanwhile, Israeli Citizens are flooding the Airports. They are a Settler Nation, so they are DEPENDENT on European & American Immigrants. The Government can use as many stall tactics as they like, if folks don't feel safe, it will be impossible to maintain a Jewish Ethno- State... I'm reminded of Harry Truman, in his own effort to create a 2 State Solution. The President commented on how 'The Jews want to push The Arabs into the Tigris & Euphrates, while The Arabs want to push The Jews into The Red Sea'. He became frustrated w/ both groups, but he felt that the European Jews weren't concerned about the welfare of 5 Million Palestinians. They just wanted The Land.
The Israelis were aggressive from the beginning, seizing 20% of the remaining Palestinian territory, after getting 60% from The U.N. Miko Peled informed Us that Israel instigated the '6 Day War' in 1967. The Egyptian Army was the largest of the Arab Coalition. The Zionists found them to be weak, so they took the offensive. The rest fell like dominoes. The Goal has always been a Greater Israel; going back to Nathan Birbaum's Principle of 'Social Zionism', but that movement was more passive. The Zionists of today follow Theodor (Fyodor) Herzl's Principle of 'Political Zionism', which promoted a more aggressive & robust posture by European Jews... If only someone offered a 'Principle of Sharing'.
-Just Saying