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2 years ago

Is Scott Adams an exception, or The Rule?

Is Scott Adams An Exception, Or The Rule?

The hoopla over 'Dilbert' Creator, Scott Adams, is a classic example of 'White Fragility' in a Real Life situation. He (sarcastically) claimed that he 'identified as Black' (because he wanted to be on 'The Winning Team'), & supported Black Causes for years. Suddenly, a Rasmussen Reports survey on 'Whiteness' got him so worked up, that he now reidentifies as White. On top of that, he now says that 1/2 of Black America is a Racist Hate Group. His claim is based on the survey results to the question: 'Is it okay to be White?'

According to the Report, 53% of Black respondents answered 'Yes'. Adams is reported to have gone on an Anti- Black racist rant during the airing of his podcast- 'Morning Coffee w/ Scott Adams'. During his 'rant', Adams suggested staying the hell away from Black America, because 'it can't be fixed'. Keep in mind that his comments are based on the survey results of a right winged conservative Organization. The question itself is Open Ended, & necessitates additional probing. The response to Adams' comments has been swift & decisive. Hundreds of News Publications have cancelled 'Dilbert'.

So far, Adams is standing behind his comments. He acknowledges that he is likely Cancelled, saying 'you can't come back from this'. I'm not sure how much he really cares about cancellation, being 64Yrs Old & having a net worth of $70M... Regarding his comments, Adams says that he wasn't being emotional. He said that his words had context, & so far, No One has disagreed w/ him. I appreciate his honesty. I think his rush to judgement was sincere & should be taken at face value. If I were to interview Scott Adams, I would ask: Did he take the 'context' of the 47% into consideration? What motivated their response? 26% answered 'No' & 21% 'Not Sure'- did Adams consider why?

As someone who supposedly 'identified as Black', I would've expected him to pause. Maybe take a moment to ascertain the reasons 47% of Black respondents may not think of 'Whiteness' as a good thing. Instead, he deadpanned that those respondents represent a 'Racist Hate Group'. Then he says that he doesn't want anything to do w/ them, & suggests that All Whitefolk do the same. Judging from his 'racist rant', it sounds like Scott Adams was being less than facetious about his identification w/ Blackfolk. What I did hear in his comments, was the use of Black people, like Don Lemon, to support his racist actions.

His comments aren't unique. Marjorie Taylor Greene's recent demand for a 'Secession' of Red & Blue States; due to rampant Wokeness & Biden's failure to 'Make America Great', is a similar sentiment. Add to that, Ben Stein's lamentation over 'Aunt Jermaima' syrup, along w/ Elon Musk's comments in support of Scott Adams, & a pretty easy connection can be made. These are the thoughts of The Silent Majority. Their collective fear of Black Expression goes back 50Yrs. They tend to come from 'Middle America' or 'Flyover States', but they generally represent White Families that migrated to Suburbia (White Flight). 'Dilbert', is basically a chronicle of individuals from this background, so I wouldn't be surprised if Adams isn't alone in his sentiment.

What I found intriguing about Scott Adams' comments, was his tonality. He wasn't ranting to me. He was clear & concise in his deduction & conclusion. What stands out, is how easy it was for Scott Adams to discard the 53% of Blackfolk that felt that it was 'Ok to be 'White'. Why didn't he consider working w/ that group, while changing hearts & minds of the Other? Instead, he threw Everyone into the same 'Racist Hate Group' pot, & concluded that 'it can't be fixed'. I'm immediately reminded of those Black Veterans that faced angry White Mobs in full uniform, & saluting... I imagine they were of that 53%.

Our Ancestors were morally upright, & idealistic, but were naive. They actually believed that The American Dream applied to them. It's clear that it didn't. Recent comments prove that it still doesn't. There is a direct correlation between the increase in discussions regarding National Reparations for American Descendants Of Chattal Slavery (ADOS), & the cries of Anti- White Racism, Wokeism, & the Bringing down of America. The Biden Administration has spent $113B in Ukraine over the last 12 months, w/ billions more promised; but Flint, Detroit, & now Jackson are forced to wait for Water Filtration Systems. East Palestine however, is an 'All hands On Deck' scenario... America's priorities are brutally clear.

Elon Musk's assertion that Mainstream Media is Anti- White & Anti- Asian, is confusing, when we consider the fact that Asian Americans are the wealthiest demographic in America. As a White Man & an immigrant, Elon (The Afrikaner) Musk has outpaced EVERY Black American financially, so We fail to see the 'racism'. What Adams,Musk, Stein, & Taylor- Greene all have in common, is a fear of an inevitable 'Leveling of The Playing Field'. America, as an Institution (Columbia), has perpetually propped up Whites & Honorary Whites in a position of dominion over Black America. Clear examples can be seen from The Homestead Acts to The New Deal.

White Supremacy dictates survival of the fittest, but Poor Whites are assured Living Wages, or Federal Assistance (in worse case scenarios) to maintain a lifestyle above the 'average Black family', in return for their participation in America's collective Anti- Black agenda. Small wonder how the most brutal Anti- Black attacks occur in Poor White areas. As I said numerous times before, NOTHING IS ABSOLUTE. There were Allies in the past, & there are Allies now. Unfortunately, their number has dropped over the last 50Yrs. Hard Times makes scapegoating easy. Groups that might have been indifferent to an issue, may be motivated into taking a side.

This is the Case of America over the last 50Yrs. When Working Class Black & White Americans were feeding their families & living their lives, both Communities prospered. As Benign Neglect hit Black Communities, Factory Closings hit White Communities. The American Institution once again bailed White America out, by extending Credit Lines (MasterCard, Visa) & Bankruptcy Law to individuals; allowing them to offset current debt. Few Black Americans were able to take advantage of this. In addition, White Families were given the opportunity to refinance their homes, while Black Families were largely denied. As White Families struggled, it's understandable how Self Preservation can kick in. They can't really emphathize w/ another's Struggle, when they're going through their Own.

That said, this group took the Reagan narrative of ''Black Welfare Mothers' & 'Black Male Degenerates' & ran w/ it. They raised their children on it, Educational Systems taught it in Schools & Citizenship Classes. Meanwhile, some White Teens & Young Adults 'Raged Against The Machine', & developed a love affair w/ HipHop- that continues today. Despite this, a good number of Today's Parents still hold the values of their upbringing. The Age of Political Correctness stalled a lot of tongues, but a collective frustration w/ Quality of Life is motivating them to speak frankly. Again, I welcome it.

Regardless of their Economic or Political Standing, Whitefolk that express a problem w/ Black America collectively, are using some variation of the Segregationist Era 'Fear Of Black Rule' argument. This rhetoric goes back to Reconstruction, when the Post Slavery Era saw the largest & fastest expansion of ANY GROUP in American History. The number of Black Landowners, Businessmen, & Politicians that rose to prominence from 1865- 1875 scared Whitefolk. The result was the rise of The KKK & Daughters Of The Confederacy, along w/ Black Codes; that stalled Black progressive efforts, while terrorizing Black Citizens under Local & State Law.

All of the individuals mentioned express some impending threat of Black 'Rage' & Violence. Meanwhile, Police Officers & Anti- Black Racist 'Vigilantes' are allowed to assault and kill Black Men & Women wantonly, and w/ impunity. This is by virtue of the Collective Silence of Mainstream America. It is especially important to take note of this, as America cultivates roughly 2 Million illegal immigrants, 100,000 Afgans, & 100,000 Ukrainians- All of whom identify as 'White'. As an Indigenous Black American, I sense a Lesson In American Protocol being taught: How to Engage Black America 101. Meanwhile, NO ONE of Any Ethnic Group can tell you about a Time when 'Black American Hegemony' ravished their Community, Town, or City...

These passive aggressive Anti- Black Racist types are a funny breed. They talk ad naseum about why they should be separate from Black America; but despite being far removed from ANY Black person, these people still can't seem to leave Us alone... Makes me question What Scott Adams & Co. are REALLY afraid of.

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2 years ago

The Difference between The Black Agenda & The Reparations Movement

Reparations Commissions are popping up across the Country, but none of them come close to addressing the true spirit of Reparations. There are several reasons for this:

Neither Democrats nor Republicans in Congress have a real interest in discussing Reparations; let alone dispensing anything tangible.

Minorities involved in these Reparations Projects have either tried to include their demographic into the discussion, or they have been against it.

Infighting amongst members of the ADOS, FBA, Freemen, & Indigenous Community have weakened the overall message of Reparations. The Masses don't realize that they are All THE SAME LINEAGE GROUP. This division weakens Our collective argument, but has allowed some to eat well over the past few Yrs.

Organizations like The NAACP, The Urban League, The National Action Network, NCOBRA, NAARC, & other like minded Groups have promoted a Trans Atlantic Reparations Agenda that ignores CARICOM. In effect, it 'Centers' Black Immigrants (including Afro Latinos) in the Black American Experience. Most arrived at least 10Yrs after Jim Crow ended- how do they qualify for American Reparations?

The recent kerfuffle over San Francisco NAACP President Rev. Amos Brown's rejection of that City's Reparations Proposal spotlights the problem w/ letting Our (so called) 'Established Leaders' drive the Reparations Bus. They drove the Bus into Our current situation, why should We expect anything different from them? Many of these individuals chose Corporate Donations over Black Community Development. They arent 'Leaders', they're Corporate Lobbyists. These are the Same People that let HR- 40 rot on the 'Social Action vine' for over 30Yrs; If they REALLY wanted Reparations...

Another issue, are the individuals & Organizations narrating 'The Black Agenda' into the Reparations Argument. They are separate & distinct. The White Noise of their rhetoric has confused The Masses, which weakens the magnitude of Our Fight. For the sake of clarity, I want to point out the difference between The Black Agenda & The Reparations Movement.

The Black Agenda, is an All inclusive Program for Black & Afrikan Americans, regardless of their Country of Origin. This includes Africans, Caribbeans, Afro Latinos, & Afro Asians. All of Us share in the current experience of being Black in America. It is an experience that is unique to Us, & is also what unites Us.

The Black Agenda is about Equity. America loves to promote 'Equality', but equal measure doesn't guarantee that Everyone will somehow end up on equal ground. We have been collectively marginalized in America, so it's only fair that they level the playing field. 'Rising Tide' Programs, like those offered by The Democratic Party are on the right track, but NONE take into account the fact that Black America needs an extra scoop of whatever they propose.

The Black Agenda deals w/ the issues of Community Development: Residential & Commercial/ Business Property Ownership, Job Development, Training & Employment Opportunities, Health Care & Mental Health Solutions, School Reform, After School Programs, Youth Empowerment, Visual & Performing Arts Programs, Daycare & Pre- K Programs, along w/ the necessary Community Boards needed to present these & other Community related issues to Local & State Agencies. The goal, is to improve the overall Quality of Life in Black Communities- up to the level of Every Other Community.

The Reparations Movement, is a specific call for American Society to pay their long overdue debt to American Descendants of Chattel Slavery. This Movement is about Indemnification. While Black America collectively deserves legislation, American Descendants Of Slavery deserve much more. The problem w/ EVERY Reparations Program offered so far, is they All ignore the fact that Reparations is a debt owed. They All read like Politicians are giving Blackfolk a hand out. These Programs also fall short on what is really owed.

A lot of numbers have been thrown around over the years, but I have consistently said that Final Reparations numbers will depend on WHO is held liable. If the U.S. Government alone is held liable, Reparations will probably be in the $18 Trillion- $22 Trillion range. If Corporations & Individual families are included, that number could reach $64 Trillion. That should give a clue to the extent of Exploitation, Theft, Terrorism & Oppression that Black America endured over the last 246Yrs- 400Yrs. American History is a chronicle of Anti- Black sentiment. Reparations Naysayers point out the impossibility of dispensing Trillions of Dollars, but a Multigenerational Reparations Program is an easy solution.

The Republican Party's outright refusal of, & The Democratic Party's attempt to graft Feminist & LGBTQ... rhetoric to Critical Race Theory (CRT), are attempts by both Parties to keep Mainstream America away from Our Nation's cruel & bloody past. They obviously fear divulging this history, because it will quell the Argument 'Against', as it strengthens the National Argument 'For' Reparations. The Immigrant Argument of 'I wasnt Here' becomes embarrassing, when We consider 2 facts:

It was Black American Labor that built America up & made it attractive (i.e. The Land of Milk & Honey) to Europeans, Asians, Latinos, Caribbeans, & Afrikans looking to start a New Life.

Black America is responsible for motivating ALL of the Immigration Initatives over the last 150Yrs; especially those since 1965.

It's only fitting for Immigrants living their American Dream (at another's expense) to pay tribute to the people who made that dream possible. I like the analogy of 'Inheriting an Old House'. The New Occupant didn't cause the wear & tear on the house, but that doesn't change the fact that they will have to invest the Time, Work, & Money needed to restore & maintain it. THAT, is the price of Occupancy.

Another thing to consider, is the fact that most Black Americans are descendants of Indigenous Americans or American Indians (Coppertoned Aborigines); not to be confused w/ 'Native Americans', who migrated from Siberia. Less than 10% of Transatlantic Slaves landed in North America. Our Ancestors were Prisoners Of War, that were forced into Indentured Servitude, & later Chattel Slavery on their Own Land. Census Records reveal the effort to hide Our lineage.

Starting w/ the 1790 Census, Indigenous indentured servants were reclassified as Negro & Colored. By the 1900 Census, Indigenous People were being punished for identifying as 'Indian'. They were forced to identify as Negro, Colored, or Mulatto. By the 1970 Census, We were designated 'Black'; & on the 1990 Census, We were labeled 'Afrikan American'... Out Of Afrika Theory is not only Culturally false, it now appears to be a ploy to get Us off of Our Land. We're looking to Afrika, while the Blood & Bones of Our Ancestors fertilize This Land. Our success in agriculture isn't an accident- We were Here for millennia!... I guess that adds an extra wrinkle to the Reparations Discussion.

It's Time for Us to link the moving parts of Our Lineage into Black Voltron, so We can get on w/ The Work. -Just Saying

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1 year ago

The March On Washington 60Yrs later- What does it mean?

Mainstream Media is almost tripping over themselves to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of The March On Washington... Seriously?! Black America is WORSE OFF now, than We were 60Yrs ago! We're still being oppressed by the Same Institutions that Dr. King & 'The Big 6' were marching to protest. I respect my Elder, but Andrew Young is speaking for himself when he says he's 'No ways tired'- more than a few of Us are Sick & Tired of being sick & tired!

U KNOW Mainstream Media had to play Dr. King's 'I have a Dream' speech; I think it's the only MLK Speech allowed. Maybe its just me, but the crowd participating in this 'Event' looked as disingenuous as the Event itself. Why were they there? What are they celebrating? They remind me of the Yuppies that make their pilgrimage to Newburg, N Y. to celebrate the glory & wonder of Woodstock; but the Event itself was a literal Mud Bowl that tested the resolve of the Attendees.

The Kumbaya Coalition looked happy to be part of 'History', but do they understand The History? The individuals that were interviewed ran the usual talking points of 'I have a dream'; are they aware that Dr. King famously said that he 'feared integrating Us into a burning building'? He also said that 'America owes Us a debt & We're coming to Washington to collect Our Check'. Once again, I feel like Black American Culture is being looted to suit another's purpose. MLK is being lauded, but he's just a prop. At the time of his assassination, Dr. King was disliked by 2/3rds of America. Over 160 Newspapers denounced him.

The 'Cloth' of Black American Culture is literally being removed from Us & placed on other groups. First Barack Obama calls his Immigration Policy: 'The Dream Act', & labels the children of Illegal Immigrants 'Dreamers'. Next, (White) LGBTQ... Individuals appropriate Civil Rights to normalize a Counter Culture. NOTHING is politically 'Black Specific', Everything is 'Black & Brown'; meanwhile, Latinx, & Asian Americans get specificity for their respective communities. It's the same thing w/ The Congressional Black Caucus (CBC). Their Mission Statement offers more to Immigrants, than the Black Americans that put them in Office.

As an Indigenous Black American, I feel an all out effort to remove & replace my lineage group. Efforts to rewrite American History, as it relates to Anti- Black Racism is gaining traction. Democrats & Republicans appear to be in agreement w/ placing Illegal Immigrants in Black Communities & instigating competition between Us for the same resources. Los Angeles was just The Beginning. The blatant culture appropriation by folks that We thought were 'Family', is forcing Us to revisit John Henrik Clarke's assessment (30Yrs ago) that: 'We don't have any friends'.

-It doesn't look good.

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