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Pleasure in Pain (AU)
To be fair, I really haven’t written anything in a hot minute, but I blame school for being so damn stressful. So here’s a snippet of Cordova and Rojan in an AU where a forge master took on an apprentice. They’re still going through training.
Contents: TW branding/ burning mentioned, TW torture mentioned, TW burn scars mentioned, begging, merciful Whumper, pet Whumpee, Forge master Whumper, Apprentice Whumpee.
“N-no no no no p-ple— hiccup… p-p-please. N-not today I-I, I’ve been g-good. I p-promise I’ve been good.”
Rojan looming over the shivering body of Cordova curled up in the corner of the large room. The heat from the forge radiating in the room. Making Cordova’s tears mix with his sweat that glistened on his bare body. A pathetic sight of begging. Rojan couldn’t ask for a better way to start his morning.
Cordova flinches and whines breathily when a calloused hand runs through their tangled and dirty hair. It had been months of training, setbacks, and a bit of manipulation. Though Rojan knew in the end that they could make this once bold and strong willed person crumble to a shell of their former self.
“What gives you the right to decide whether you’ve been good or not?”
Fresh tears pooled in the sniveling figure trembling at their feet. The fear in his eyes when he grew so quick to believe he made a mistake in his choice of words, as if it was an act of treason that deserved death. The rough hand grips his hair only in warning before loosening and slipping from his curls.
“Why don’t we let the forge decide whether you’ve been good today, as you so claim.”
The thought of struggling crossing the Cordova’s mind, as it has countless times. He knew where this led to and every time felt like the last time he would be able to handle it. Throat thick with saliva, tears streaking through the soot on his cheeks, a dull hope flickering like a dying flame in a storm.
Rojan turned their back and walked to the forge. Grabbing a fire poker that was left to heat up prior. A bright red hue at the tip of the metal. Cordova could feel the scars on their skin heat up as if he were being engraved for the first time.
Rojan softly humming to themselves a tune he had sung since the very first day while using pliers to bend and shape the metal into the perfect sharpness. To his surprise, a feeling of weak and trembly arms wrapped from behind him. Soft hands trying their best to cling onto their shirt. A gentle press of a forehead on their back. A new development.
“… please. Whatever I’ve— sniffle… done wrong today. M’s-so sorry. I’m t-trying to be g-good for y-you, but I don’t know what I did wrong and I know that’s not a good answer, b-but… p-please give me a chance to correct it.”
Such a quiet and delicate voice. One that a strong enough breeze could blow away. Rojan wasn’t a breeze, he was a hurricane, but perhaps just for today he could relax and be a simple breeze. The fire poker goes back to cook in the blazing flames. Cordova tenses when his captor turns around and faces him. Making his gaze turn down to the floor as he took his arms off of them. Another mistake, another punishment, another scar, another meal lost, anoth—
“Your mistake today was not greeting me when I arrived today.”
Rojan’s arms wrapped around the confused and timid person who was at eye level to his chest. A gentle embrace that he’s never blessed his pet with. He could practically feel their heart pounding in their chest and the subtle tremble in their body from the unfamiliar yet comforting touch.
“I’ll let it slide today. Only because I believe you’ve certainly learned some manners and you’ve been working very hard to please me as of late. Just a simple warning then, always greet me when I come in. Okay, little flame?”
The relief the younger man felt was immense. When had his master become so merciful? No, he wouldn’t question it. It was a blessing he needed and he wouldn’t take it for granted. He would behave better than he ever has before and prove to his master that he deserves days like this more often. He could hardly control the way his body naturally clung onto his master. How his face buried into the rugged man’s broad chest while stray tears fell onto his shirt. Soft, relatively quiet sniffles leaving him while Rojan rubbed his back in circular motions.
“You’re being extra good today. Perhaps this warrants a reward. How does a bath sound, my little apprentice?”
Date: May 23, 2024
Taglist: @turn-the-tables-on-them
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