Why Can't They Leave Him Be - Tumblr Posts
Team Green fanfiction will always show Rhaenyra as a sex-crazed monster who abused poor baby Alicent or she's the master manipulator who single-handedly orchestrated Alicent's suffering and left her with PTSD. Oh, and here's a treat: almost every single Rhaenicent fanfic makes Rhaenyra's little lie the driving plot and the sole reason for Alicent's misery or turning Rhaenyra into an abusive partner in modern aus, where she cheats on Alicent, leaving her alone with the kids to go party. Don't even get me started on Aemond x Sansa fanfics where, surprise, surprise, they both hate Dany and Rhaenyra equally and become the pretty perfect King and Queen of Westeros. ( Let's not forget the Ocs who kiss Alicent's ass every chance they get or Jon Snow falling head over heels in love with Alicent because she reminds him of Sansa @_@ )
I really love ao3's filter for this reason lmao. I literally can't stand to scroll through the HOTD fics with everyone's pro-TG shit.
It really shows how fucked their media comprehension is that they believe Aemond would even look at Sansa, let alone "love" her. Also the fact that they're obsessed with Alicent as Rhaenyra's victim is completely ridiculous. Alicent abused Rhaenyra for years, Rhaenyra only ever was angry with her before Alicent declared war on her. Even then Rhaenyra was wayyyyy more understanding than she should've been.
This is the first time I'm hearing about Jon falling in love with Alicent though, and I hate it with every fiber of my being. Jon likes warrior women, those who take control of their lives like Ygritte and Val. In other words the exact opposite of show Alicent.
Of course the reasoning for Jon x Alicent (🤢) is jonsa, those fans will never fail to amaze me with their delusion and stupidity. Their inability to understand the characters they claim to love is hilarious and infuriating.