Wish Reimagined - Tumblr Posts
Upon a Star (A Wish Rewrite)
Synopsis: On an island deep in the Mediterranean Sea stands the kingdom of Rosas. Everyone in the kingdom lives happily, believing their beloved and magical rulers- King Manuel and Queen Amaya -will make their wishes come true. In truth however, the two are collecting wishes to fuel their magic and harness power.
Not everyone is fooled however. Deep in the Uncharted Forest lies a quaint village, where people live peacefully away from the rulers. One citizen is Asha, the one person who occasionally ventures into Rosas to steal supplies and money from nobles, known to them as “The Alondra of Rosas”.
Time is running out before the King and Queen find the village, and Asha knows it. One night in desperation, Asha makes a wish on a star, and to her surprise, the star falls from the sky. The star takes the form of a young boy with magic of his own, and Asha believes with him there is still hope for her people. Joined by the star and the young Prince Flazino, Asha sets out to stop the evil rulers once and for all.

(🚧Work In Progress 🚧)
Chapter One: Welcome to Rosas
Chapter Two: A Humble Yet Cozy Abode
Chapter Three: Star Light, Star Bright
Chapter Four: So I Make This Wish
Chapter Five: You’re a Star!
Chapter Six: A Chance Meeting
Asha (The Alondra of Rosas)
Prince Flazino
King Manuel
Queen Amaya
Bonus Features
Asha’s Character Arc
Character Fun Facts
Asha (The Alondra of Rosas)

I have no idea how to start one of these so let’s just dive into the madness-
I took a very different take on Asha, to say the least. Instead of being a cheery peasant girl or a gracious princess, she’s a charismatic, cunning, and emotionally distant thief. so an accidental puss in boots ripoff-
My main goal with Asha in this rewrite is to give her more of a personality, as well as a character arc. She had a little personality in the movie, but ultimately just falls into that “quirky female protagonist” trope Disney has been doing lately. I drew a lot of Asha’s personality from characters like Meg, Raya, and especially Esmeralda. As far as a character arc, she doesn’t really have one in the film. The only change she really goes through is becoming a little sparkly and becoming the fairy godmother or whatever (which was such a stupid idea especially after they JUST defeated Magnifico but for another day). Not to spoil much here, but in this rewrite I decided her character arc will mainly revolve around opening up to people and vulnerability.
As a quick side note, her nickname means “The Lark of Rosas”. The citizens call her lark because of the way she glides across rooftops so gracefully, and for her singing voice.
As far as her design goes, I wanted her to closer resemble Brittney Lee’s concept art, shown below.

Her facial features and hairstyle just seem more fitting to her in this rewrite, and the warmer colored clothing would make her stand out against the other citizens of Rosas, who wear a lot of cooler colors.

(credit unknown)
As for her outfit, I went with the classic Spanish Musketeer look like the design above (minus the pistol). The art is pretty close to what I imagine, though I’d probably have her just wear a shirt and not the blue vest seen above.
Now, I know what you may be asking: What about Valentino? Well, he’s still here, but um…

…he changed quite a bit too. This is a genet, a catlike animal native to Spain, and a much more fitting companion to a thief than a goat. Think of him like Abu from Aladdin.
Now for the fun part: angst
Asha was born in Rosas to Thomás and Sakina. A few years after she was born, her mother died during the raids. Afterwords, her father guided her and many others to the Uncharted Forest, where they built the hamlet.
Like Asha, her father was a thief who stole supplies for the hamlet and gave money from the nobility to the poor of Rosas. He became well-liked by many, and stood as a symbol of hope for poorer citizens. He was basically the closest thing the hamlet had to a leader. Until one day he disappeared when Asha was just 14. (This will be somewhat important later in the story)
Asha felt she had to take her father’s place to keep hope alive in Rosas and began to steal from the nobles, sharing their riches with commoners as he had done. Around this time she was taken in by an older man named Sabino, who had been friends with her father.
Sabino never really approved of Asha’s thievery, but since she was the only one bringing supplies into the hamlet he didn’t say much. Asha eventually became very closed off to people, and had Sabino and Valentino as her only real companions. Although most people like her, she doesn’t really have friends in Rosas or even the hamlet. She’s too scared of failing their expectations of her, and avoids growing close to anyone besides Sabino.
This girl has a lot of expectations weighing on her, and they’re only about to get a lot heavier. But this time, she won’t have to carry them alone.
Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for more.


Okay, I'm gonna reference this scene in "Wish Granted", but with Dahlia and Flazino. There's only one problem...its not for another five chapters and I really want to do it badly now, SON OF A-😭
A lot of the cool stuff I have in my head is coming, but its not until all the teens assemble. ITS AGONIZING. Chapter 7 was only a taste of that!
Like, the line delivery? The softness? The expressions?? Its exactly how I imagine their interaction after the gang rescues him. Plus I just realized I accidentally made Flazino look like a younger version of Phobeus by accident. No wonder people are simping for him. 😂
I swear these two are growing on me now-

(Also, yeah this is the design of Dahlia I'm going with for my AU. I don't know, there's something cool about it to me and I can't explain it. Its either the addition of the gloves, or that its a closer callback to Doc.)
@oh-shtars @your-ne1ghbor @signed-sapphire @ishadow246
@chillwildwave @tumblingdownthefoxden @snackara

So I decided to change the Tittle of my Wish Rewrite because I don't want to get copyrighted by Disney.
So there's a lot on my thoughts in my head like "What should the name tittle on my Wish Rewrite?"
And it came through my thoughts and💡 an idea pop in my head
And it's.
And yes I use the tittle of the song 'Wish Upon a Star ' why? Well idk it just came out of my thoughts