Wolf Conservation Center - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago
This Isn't Something I Would Normally Post Obviously But I Just Wanted To Take The Little Platform I

this isn't something i would normally post obviously but i just wanted to take the little platform i have on this blog to talk about something very important.

in october 2020, the trump administration lifted protections on the gray wolf. they claimed that the wolf population had "bounced back", when in reality, just around 3,000 wolves currently live in the wild across north america. they removed the gray wolf from the endangered species list, allowing the states to create their own policies regarding hunting them. a few states, namely montana, idaho, and wisconsin even encourage the killing of wolves (up to as much as 90% of the populations); they allow cruel tactics such as wire snares, using dogs and vehicles to chase down wolves until they tire, and even behavior as vile as stomping on pups in their dens.

for example, in wisconsin, 216 wolves were confirmed dead in the first 60 hours of the hunting season. they wiped out 20-33% of the population in 3 days. THREE DAYS. this percentage was their entire allotted quota. they approved an additional quota of 300 more wolves to be hunted. indigenous people fought back against this decision as it violated federal agreements- to no avail.

in idaho, the foundation for wildlife management uses state funds to pay out bounties to people who have killed wolves.

in montana, the state government has sanctioned killing up to 85% of the wolf population starting in fall 2021. new laws allow for the use of choke-hold snares and extends hunting further into the breeding season. montana governor gianforte personally slaughtered a wolf at yellowstone national park.

several politicians in the aforementioned states even vouch for year-round wolf hunting seasons and giving out bounties, and encourage the cruel methods i previously spoke about.

this sheer lack of respect for life is disgusting, but it isn't too late to save the wolves.

donate. spread awareness. take action.

i created a gofundme for the wolf conservation center. here is the link to the fundraiser, and here's some info on the wcc, gathered from nywolf.org. if you'd feel more comfortable, you can donate directly to them on their website.

"The Wolf Conservation Center teaches people about wolves, their relationship to the environment, and the human role in protecting their future."

created by hélène grimmaud in 1999, the wolf conservation center is a not-for-profit environmental educational organization. they aim to protect and preserve wolves through education, advocacy, and participation in federal recovery and release programs. they emphasize the protection of the mexican red wolf and the gray wolf.

you can also check out relistwolves.org for more information regarding the new hunting laws and how else you can help out. i wanted to create a fundraiser for them too but couldn't figure out where to donate- i'll update this post when i get more information.

if you made it all the way through this post, please donate if you can. if you can't, please like and share this post, tell your family, tell your friends, tell your coworkers. spread the word. if we don't speak up for them, who will?

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