Would You Believe Me If I Told You The Original Quote Is From Veggietales? - Tumblr Posts
4 years ago
*Watching Shigaraki getting his ass kicked from a distance*
Twice: “Shigaraki’s in trouble! He’s fine. We gotta help him! Anybody got a knife I can throw at the heroes?!”
Toga, bringing him a knife: “Right here!”
Twice: “Hang on Shigaraki, help is on the way! YEET!!!”
*Zooms out to show the knife is still right beside him*
Twice: “Huh? Wait, the hell did I throw?”
Toga, flying through the air toward the heroes:
Tags :
bnha incorrect quotes
shigaraki tomura
toga himiko
twice bnha
league of villains
let’s be honest toga already has another knife out ready to stab whoever she lands on
twice be like: ima beat that motherfucker by throwing this motherfucker at them
real families use each other as weaponized projectiles
would you believe me if I told you the original quote is from Veggietales?
because it is