Atlantis: The Lost Empire - Tumblr Posts
Helga x James, A 2 please! ^^

“You are acting like a cat”
“Oh, so you want me to leave you? To go and take my affection somewhere else?”
“Tsk, I wasn’t complaining~”

I almost disappeared
Was I the only one who thought of this??

Special effects maestro turned director George Pal followed his acclaimed adaptation of H G Wells' The Time Machine (1960) with the mythical fable Atlantis: The Lost Continent.
Out sailing with his father, Greek fisherman Demetrios (Anthony Hall) rescues the shipwrecked Atlantean Princess Antilla (Joyce Taylor). On returning the Princess to the mythical kingdom, Demetrios is imprisoned and forced into slave labour. It turns out the technologically superior Atlantiaeans are a sadistic lot, inflicting punishments on their captives such as turning them into man-beast hybrids. Demetrios rebels, attempting to win the affection of the princess in the process. He then must free the other slaves and exit Atlantis before its inevitable demise.
After the excellent Time Machine, Atlantis: The Lost Continent was seen as something of a disappointment. Actually, the movie is a fun and pretty wild ride but lacks the gravitas of earlier Pal classics such as The War of the Worlds (Byron Haskin, 1953) tom thumb (Pal, 1958) and, as mentioned, The Time Machine.
It features some impressive visual effects, most notably during the empire’s spectacular fall which serves as the movie’s climax. The cast is made up of faces largely unfamiliar to modern audiences, save for maybe John Dall as baddie Zaren and Edward Platt as the sympathetic High Priest Azar. While the performers do a proficient enough job they do get a little lost among the spectacle.
With influences of Jules Verne-esq sci-fi and the then popular sword and sandal movies, Atlantis: The Lost Continent has a somewhat uneasy footing in both genres. As a special effects laden sci-fi adventure it pales in comparison to superior epics Journey to the Center of the Earth (Henry Levin, 1959) and Jason and the Argonauts (Don Chaffey, 1963).
Yet, I have a lot of affection for the movie. If you are fan of George Pal you will definitely enjoy this. Ultimately it is little more than matinee fluff, but it’s matinee fluff on a grand scale.
Read an unedited version of this review on my blog JINGLE BONES MOVIE TIME! Link below.

LILO & STITCH (Dir: Dean DeBlois & Chris Sanders, 2002).
A heartwarming family drama/sci-fi hybrid from Walt Disney Animation Studios.
On the Hawaiian island of Kauai, misfit Lilo adopts an unwanted stray dog. Unfortunately, said dog, named Stitch by Lilo, is actually escaped extra-terrestrial genetic experiment #626, an invention of would be evil scientist Jumba. With Stitch causing havoc on the island, Jumba is dispatched to Earth with Terra-expert Pleakley to recapture the alien, but Lilo is not so eager to relinquish her pal.
Read the full review of LILO & STITCH on my blog JINGLE BONES MOVIE TIME! Link below.

my favorite fellas from Treasure Planet & Atlantis
someone draw Mole man from atlantis oiled up and write smut and i might just marry you just saying like hypothetically perchance
fart face
someone draw Mole man from atlantis oiled up and write smut and i might just marry you just saying like hypothetically perchance
Top 10 Characters I want to see come to Disney Mirrorverse
I am a fan of Disney Mirrorverse. What impresses me the most about it is the story and most of all the character designs. However, there are a lot of other characters who I think have a lot of potential to come to Mirrorverse, and I'm gonna give you my top 10 characters that deserve to come to Mirrorverse. For each pick, I'll be going over what type of character they would be (Melee, Tank, Ranged, or Support), what they're playstyle could be, and maybe how some could be incorporated in the game. Now, this is my picks and not yours, and your picks can be completely different. Now, let's dive right in.
10. Goliath (Gargoyles)[Tank]

Starting off with the protagonist of a 90s Disney tv show that helped define a lot of childhoods (along Ducktales and Talespin). Goliath is a warrior that has a lot of abilities, from gliding, super strength, his basic claw strikes to even a bit of magic, a healing factor, and a rage mode. I see him as a Tank character, given he also has super durability, given he's a stone statue by day and defender by night.
9. Namaari (Raya and the Last Dragon)[Melee]

I had to add a villain to this, simply because we have a small number of villains than heroes in Mirrorverse, and I chose Namaari because not only would she be awesome in Mirrorverse, but it should make sense that she come to Mirrorverse since Raya is in the game. I see her Namaari as a Melee character having a playstyle and appearance of an Assassin, given her skills in martial arts and the use of two blades, but she could have an ability where she uses her crossbow for a ranged attack, and an ability where she calls on her big cat to attack enemies, or she can ride on it for some mounted attacks.
8. Robin Hood (Robin Hood)[Ranged]

Even though we have an archer in Merida in Mirrorverse, I think the OG archer of the Mouse House should come into the game, heck, Merida and Robin Hood could have a friendly rivalry to see who the better archer is (old school archer vs new school archer). But seriously, he would obviously be a Ranged character were he could have the standard abilities of an archer character in any MOBA/RPG game, from volley shots, charged shots, shooting arrows in a cone, etc., but I can also see Robin have an ability where he tosses out three bags of money and if his allies collect one, the will be healed (think Cupid from SMITE and his ability Share the Love); also he could have an ability where when he attacks an enemy, he has a chance to steal health, items, and of course, currency.
7. Merlin (The Sword in the Stone)[Ranged]

We all know that Merlin is one of the most amazing mentors not just in Disney history, but in all pop culture history. Being such an amazing and powerful sorcerer, he would be a Ranged character, easily harnessing Stellar Magic to give him access to many different spells, like taking inspiration from his counterpart in SMITE. I could even see him being a chief advisor of the Guardians, aiding some of them in training to giving them some helpful advice.
6. Wart aka Arthur Pendragon (The Sword in the Stone)[Melee]

When Merlin comes to Mirrorverse, Arthur should definitely join him. Arthur does have Excalibur, and thanks to user s10127470, Arthur's Mirrorverse design could have him wear a magical suit of armor created by Merlin to enhance his physical abilities. Arthur's playstyle could possibly be similar to his SMITE counterpart, but given that Merlin is teaching him, Arthur could also be like a Spellblade or an Eldritch Knight, using a bit of magic to empower his sword fighting. While Arthur is still in training (you know, to be a warrior and a freaking king), he's got a lot of allies who have a lot of experience to help him.
5. Kidagakash "Kida" Nedakh (Atlantis: The Lost Empire)[Melee]

Atlantis: The Lost Empire is a very underrated movie, and it shouldn't be, so having someone from the movie come to Mirrorverse would give it some representation, and while Milo Thatch would also be a good candidate, I had to go with Kida. Much like Merida, Raya, and Mulan, Kida is a warrior princess (in Kida's case, a warrior princess turned queen) with a lot of abilities, from using an Atlantean spear, martial arts, throwing knives, and using Atlantean magic, so her playstyle could go from her warrior side or her mystic side, but thinking about Freya, Maman Bridgitte, and Ao Kuang (SMITE), I think that Kida could be like how they play: having physical basic attacks, and having magic abilities. So, a Melee attacks like using Atlantean magic to power up basic attacks, shooting magical shots, place a shield around an ally, or heal them.
4. Tarzan (Tarzan)[Melee]

Another warrior from Disney that needs to make it into Mirrorverse. He would clearly be a Melee character where he would use his spear for basic attacks, and even an ability were he throws it like a javelin toss, and taking some inspration from Nidalee (League of Legends) and drawing inspiration from a Totem Warrior from DnD, where he could summon a gorilla spirit to attack enemies, and he can also use his signature cry to raise the attack and critical hit stats of his allies. So yeah, this jungle daddy definitely deserves to make his mark in Mirrorverse.
3. Li Shang (Mulan)[Melee]

I believe Shang could play similarly to Mulan, but with some creative differences. He would be a Melee character where he uses a sword, like Mulan, but he would also use a bo staff and bow and arrow, and his passive could reflect his lack of sense of pain where attacks from enemies that hit him take half the damage they would normally do. He could also use buffs to raise his allies stats like critical hit chance, focus, etc. He could be incorporated in an event where he oversee's the Guardian's training session and personally training certain Guardians.
2. Prince Naveen (The Princess and the Frog)[Support]

Since Tiana is an alchemist in Mirrorverse, it only makes sense that Naveen to come to the game as a bard, given his love for music and his main instrument being a small guitar. Naveen would obviously be a Support character where his playstyle can take inspiration from characters like Apollo (SMITE) and Sona (League of Legends), using his music to heal, protect, and buff up his allies, while damaging and debuffing enemies.
Honorable Mentions
Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest)[Melee]
Shan Yu (Mulan)[Tank]
Captain Phoebus (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)[Melee]
Esmeralda (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)[Support]
Pocahontas (Pocahontas)[Support or Ranged]
Darkwing Duck (Darkwing Duck)(Ranged)
The Headless Horseman (The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad)[Melee]
Prince Eric (The Little Mermaid)[Melee]
Prince Phillip (Sleeping Beauty)[Melee]

I had to put Prince Phillip on the top spot because he should've already been in the game when it first came out. I mean, the guy is one of the most proactive characters in the Mouse House and he clearly knows his way around a fight. He would be a Melee character utilizing his classic arsenal: the Sword of Truth and the Shield of Virtue, and possibly taking some inspiration from Lancelot (SMITE) and even Leona (League of Legends). Also, since Princess Aurora is coming to Mirrorverse, Prince Phillip needs to join her.
That's it, everyone, feel free to comment, but keep any and all shady comments to yourself, or be blocked. Thank you and God bless.
Every friend group should include:

A Himbo

A mean bisexual

An even meaner lesbian



A token straight on thin ice

An astrology bitch who has everyone’s birth charts memorized

A short king
i don’t understand why atlantis isn’t more popular of a movie
i mean

amazing and unique art style

spot-on humor

strong, badass female and/or POC characters

awkward but incredibly intelligent lead that isn’t conventionally attractive


history jokes that you won’t catch as a kid



did i mention


i just have a lot of feelings about atlantis and i think it needs more love than it gets

Drawings of today! ✓

If Tyril was a character from Atlantis.
i don’t understand why atlantis isn’t more popular of a movie
i mean

amazing and unique art style

spot-on humor

strong, badass female and/or POC characters

awkward but incredibly intelligent lead that isn’t conventionally attractive


history jokes that you won’t catch as a kid



did i mention


i just have a lot of feelings about atlantis and i think it needs more love than it gets
MY CATS RUN AWAY, KILL THE MAN THAT FEEDS THEM, AND RETURN WITH *ANOTHER* CAT!!!!! (pretty sure the horse and the mouse were in on it🧐🧐) (AND THE GEESE????)
Science Nerd Goes Scuba Diving for First Time EVER and *DIES*!!!!!😱 (or does he..?)