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1 year ago

8 useful websites & apps for writers


8 Useful Websites & Apps For Writers

Desktop app for organizing your notes with tons of views and functions - works like a mini personal website.


8 Useful Websites & Apps For Writers

A peaceful writing program with focus options and ambience settings - complete with typing sound effects!


8 Useful Websites & Apps For Writers

A massive website for writers with tools, generators, prompts, programs, tips and services.


8 Useful Websites & Apps For Writers

A free-form editable and collaborative mind-map interface, for laying all your notes out visually.


8 Useful Websites & Apps For Writers

Free online writing software with goal setting and thorough tracking options, now with in-app courses as well.


8 Useful Websites & Apps For Writers

Distraction-muting app that blocks attention-sucking websites for a set period of time.


8 Useful Websites & Apps For Writers

Another visual board organizer for your notes and plans.


8 Useful Websites & Apps For Writers

Editing app to rephrase your sentences depending on length or tone.

Do you need help getting your WIP organized?

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The Writer’s ToolBoox contains: The Character Bible, The Plotter’s Almanac, and The World-Builder’s Chronicle

Grab it through the [link here] or below!

Writer's ToolBoox
The Writer's ToolBoox is a pack of 3 extensive E-books that cover the areas of: character craft, world building, and plotting. It comes with

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