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2 years ago

Drarry Case Fic Recs

So there are eleven of these instead of the usual ten I typically try to keep my lists at, but I just couldn't pick one to cut! The first is the only non-smutty one. It's absolutely brilliant, so I didn't even miss the hanky panky. Okay, fine. Only a little bit. They're in no particular order, as each one is gorgeous, and you should read each and every one of them. Well? Go on, read them!

Each Breath My First by laughingd0g (T, 46k)

Thoughts: The characterizations were dazzling, particularly Draco's. I loved his quirks, and the descriptions of his cottage were delightful. I found the curse damage Harry suffered from as fascinating as it was heartbreaking. The case was engaging, and the suspense was super intense! I loved the slow burn. This is an amazing read by an overall dazzling writer.

Chasing Shadows by manixzen (E, 93k)

Thoughts: This is an incredible case fic. The murder mystery evolves into something so rich in detail that it blows my mind how the author kept up with all the threads of the plot. Harry being closeted hurt me down to my soul. Just.. the way he gave in to the expectations of others and never lived for himself. Twenty years. That's a long time to be lonely and consumed with a job that makes you miserable. I felt for him, and the fact that the author could write it in such a way to bring out such vivid emotions is incredible. The ones that make people feel deeply are the best kinds of stories, and that's what they've created here. Read this. Both the fic and the fan art that comes with it are absolutely gorgeous.

Life Lessons by bixgirl1 (E, 68k)

Thoughts: This was brilliant. The background plot of a shadowy figure menacing the Slytherins was engaging, and the side characters were brilliant, my favorite being Greg Goyle. Harry and Draco's chemistry was off the charts, and the snark and banter are everything I've come to expect from a bixgirl1 fic. The rimming scene was the hottest one I've ever read, so there's a ton to look forward to in this!

And an Owl Named Romeo by Rickey (E, 26k)

Thoughts: I love a good epistolary fic, and this was absolutely delightful. I loved the way Harry kept coming back to see Draco and kept writing to him even when he was rebuffed by a very prickly and standoffish Draco. Their characterizations were fantastic. Romeo was an absolute riot, and I loved him to pieces! The magical theory involved in owls and mail-carrying was really neat, and I thought it was cool how it fit into the case. And speaking of the case, the drama really came through as well! This made me feel all the feelings, and it was so wonderfully written and enjoyable.

Serpentes by xErised (E, 29k)

Thoughts: This was so fucking good. It was hilarious and intriguing and had me hooked from the very beginning. I read it in one sitting, and I was bereft when I got to the end because that meant there wasn't any more of it! Bacon was my absolute favorite thing about the fic. He stole the show and my heart. The case itself was heartbreaking with what they were doing to those poor snakes, but it sure did keep the tension high. I won’t say anymore except to assure you that the dancing and the smut were both hot as fuck and definitely worth checking out. Read this!

All the Earnest Young Men by Tepre (E, 29k)

Thoughts: Draco was perfect in this, maddening and insufferable and utterly insecure underneath. He drove everyone around him mad, including Harry, who avoided him like the plague. I enjoyed the time skips. It was an interesting and engaging way to experience the story. I loved Draco's clumsy attempts to make friends with Harry, and them at the museum was a riot. I laughed so much at this fic, but it was also full of such poignant moments between Harry and Draco. The intimacy of the sex scenes was breathtaking. Another favorite, for sure.

Kaleidoscope by Saras_Girl (E, 104k)

Thoughts: This was so insanely good, and I can't adequately express how much I enjoyed it. The pining was so potent in this that I felt the ache in my chest throughout the entire fic, and Harry's characterization was so damn good that it alone made me want to cry. Him rambling around in Grimmauld Place tending to his plants and sharing his home with Calliope and Patrick made for such a cozy and domestic scene even while Harry practically oozed longing for Draco from his very pores. I won’t spoil the plot, but this is my favorite Saras_Girl fic since Turn. It is a must-read, no doubt about it.

The Light More Beautiful by firethesound (E, 81k)

Thoughts: Draco was so clever and creative in this, and the way he felt about Harry took my breath away. He appreciated the exact things about him that make me love Harry so much as a character, and it was probably my favorite thing about this fic. The pining was achingly lovely, the banter and teasing were fun, and the smut was scorching hot. I loved everyone's rivalry with the famous Agnes from the Floo address department, and both Harry's and Draco's battle for approval of their department acronyms had me dying of laughter. This fic was fantastic and definitely worth a read.

A Sword Laid Aside by korlaena (E, 128k)

Thoughts: This fic is a gem. It is utterly original in both idea and execution. I love the fact that the author went with older versions of Harry and Draco than I usually see in fics, and I adore how they nurture each other throughout their ordeal on the run. Absolutely fantastic.

Cauldron Full of Hot, Strong Love by aibidil (E, 80k)

Thoughts: This approached the issue of consent so well, and I love it when fics make me think as much as they entertain me. This did both in spades. Hermione was a fucking rock star in this. I almost enjoyed her more than Harry and Draco, tbh. But I still loved them, of course! The switching perspectives made for a rich and intense bit of story-telling. It just really enhanced the whole thing. The arguments both for and against the use of love and lust potions, the fight to make them illegal, and then everyone dealing with the ongoing harassment Hermione and her loved ones were experiencing all made for a compelling read.

Harry and Draco's rocky relationship taking place throughout all this was so fun to see develop. Their banter was amazing. I loved the tension, and it only made the release all the sweeter when it finally happened. The many moments of levity throughout the fic were what surprised me the most. I didn't expect to laugh as much as I did for a fic that covered such heavy topics, but it was rife with humor.

A Lick and a Promise by tackytiger (E, 55k)

Thoughts: The characterizations were phenomenal, and the outpouring of emotion inherent to the author's style was so present throughout this. I found the case fascinating, and the magical theory involved behind both the stolen magic, how vampirism worked here, and the sentience of Hogwarts had me hooked and so utterly impressed by the author's creativity. Harry and Draco's banter was excellent, and their passion made my toes curl delightfully. Highly recommend.

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