X Men Nightcrawler - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago


Sooooo I was just watching X-Men 97 and like I immediately latched onto Gambit. Sure, Nightcrawler has been my absolute fav since childhood but I thought he's gonna be a side character( and secretly wishing he'll be part of the main cast.

And then the episode happened.

When the Gambit sacrificed himself, I thought he'd live.

And then the damn intro happened and Gambit's gone and replaced by Nightcrawler.


Like holy shit, Nightcrawler is finally there... At the fucking cost that I lose my other favorite there.

Marvel please, I know your track record in the comics, you love to kill all the characters and suddenly bring them back.

Please, I'm begging you. I'm not getting any more content of Remi if he's just DEAD.

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11 months ago

Gambit AMV tribute: "All of my life"(Spoilers for episode 5, "Remember it.")

Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mu0MnwsSuvs&ab_channel=AmyFay

Newest episode broke my heart: have a cathartic AMV on me, Gambit fans and shippers!

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