Anna Marie LeBeau - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

Eliza in the x-mens clothing

Eliza In The X-mens Clothing

Here are some separate ones

Eliza In The X-mens Clothing
Eliza In The X-mens Clothing
Eliza In The X-mens Clothing
Eliza In The X-mens Clothing
Eliza In The X-mens Clothing
Eliza In The X-mens Clothing

Can you guess who?

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7 months ago

To be honest, I think they all look really good. However when I am writing, I always note that they have Red/Auburn hair.

Hey Romy enjoyers, I’m curious about something. I’m making this poll to see how people like seeing Rogue and Gambit portrayed hair color wise.

A is red/auburn

B is light brown

C is dark brown

Pics are for example purposes and your answer doesn’t have to be based on official portrayals. Please reblog for a larger sample size. :)

Hey Romy Enjoyers, Im Curious About Something. Im Making This Poll To See How People Like Seeing Rogue
Hey Romy Enjoyers, Im Curious About Something. Im Making This Poll To See How People Like Seeing Rogue
Hey Romy Enjoyers, Im Curious About Something. Im Making This Poll To See How People Like Seeing Rogue
Hey Romy Enjoyers, Im Curious About Something. Im Making This Poll To See How People Like Seeing Rogue
Hey Romy Enjoyers, Im Curious About Something. Im Making This Poll To See How People Like Seeing Rogue
Hey Romy Enjoyers, Im Curious About Something. Im Making This Poll To See How People Like Seeing Rogue

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7 months ago

I got the story for you my friend! My pinned post is a t4t Romy story that I just updated this morning!

t4t gambit x rogue

hit post

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10 months ago

AAAA YOUR REQUESTS ARE OPEN!!!! :3333 could I maybe request CG Storm and CG Rogue? Maybe them and a little reader who’s a bit on the fussy/ tantrum-y side?

Thank you!!!!! ^^ (u probably know who this is but I’m too scared to come off anon 😭)

X-MEN '97 - Little reader who's fussy and tends to have tantrums


AAAA YOUR REQUESTS ARE OPEN!!!! :3333could I Maybe Request CG Storm And CG Rogue? Maybe Them And A Little

Note(s): HEHHE I KNOW!! It's alright tbh I'm terrified of coming off anon too (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`⁠;⁠)

Powered through writing this because you're cool as hell and I like you! 💪 I don't and didn't really have the most idk 'attentive' family, so I'm not the best judge on how to take care of kids or people in a kids mindset, I may be a little bad at writing for caregivers and age regression in general because of this.


AAAA YOUR REQUESTS ARE OPEN!!!! :3333could I Maybe Request CG Storm And CG Rogue? Maybe Them And A Little

'Hey, hey now sugah, let's calm down, you don't want to go in time out and I don't want to send ya. Explain to me why you don't like the food, I'm perfectly alright gettin' you somethin' different, there ain't no need to get upset.'

Anna can sometimes tell when you're about to have a tantrum or become more fussy than usual, even if you tend to take a while to throw a full fit, she'll watch you carefully and try to prevent one from fully forming. Gently kissing you on the forehead and brushing back your hair, asking what's wrong with a worried look on her face.

The moment you start yelling, kicking, or even crying, maybe after ignoring her question, she finds it hard not to just fold and give you what you want, after all, you're just so cute. However, her sense of responsibility and care for you overwhelms her need to coddle you.

Anna will say your name firmly, getting you to pay attention to her, and only her. She'll get a tissue for you and wipe your tears away, and ask firmly what you're sad or angry about and if you could possibly explain it to her.

If you can't verbally, for whatever reason, she'll give you the opportunity to write it on paper or she'll play a guessing game with you, the guessing game is only for when you're extremely upset and need cheering up though.

If you explain, in whatever format you need to, that you're upset because of an issue that's causing you distress, maybe food triggered sensory issues, someone was mean to you, etc, then she'll let you off the hook because you clearly didn't mean to cause any harm and you were just acting out.

Rogue will give you a bit of a talking to, telling you that crying and throwing things makes it difficult to help, but that's about it. Given it's not your fault she isn't actually too mad, she just wants you to understand that she won't know how to help if you're kicking and screaming.

If, however, your outburst was because of a silly reason, say you don't like the colour crayons and you throw them at her, she won't be as quick to accept it and move on.

She's still very sympathetic and won't ever raise her voice at you, even when you've done something especially terrible for no apparent reason.

Anna is very lenient and her 'punishments' usually just include a minute or so sitting in the corner, maybe withholding drawing from you for the day, but she always makes sure to explain in detail why you're being punished and it's usually only a last resort.

Rogue is very sweet even when she's being stern, her eyes can't help but go soft and her tone slips from that firm scolding one she uses when you're being bad, to a sweet almost coo-like baby voice.

Afterwards she comforts you like there's no tomorrow, telling you that she didn't want to hurt your feelings by taking away something or sending you to the corner, but you just need to learn some manners and how to handle yourself.

If you're fussy in terms of only liking clothes of a certain colour, food cut or made in a certain way, or things being done in a particular order, she absolutely doesn't mind doing these things for you! When it comes to cooking Rogue tends to ask for Gambit's help, she's not the worst cook in the world, but she can't do it like Remy can.

When it comes to removing parts of food, maybe you like to remove the crusts of bread and have them separate or not at all, she'll happily cut them off for you and maybe even eat the crusts while talking to you.

Sometimes she matches clothes with you! After all, 'If you like these clothes, they must be the best ones they got!' She says with a grin.


AAAA YOUR REQUESTS ARE OPEN!!!! :3333could I Maybe Request CG Storm And CG Rogue? Maybe Them And A Little

'My child, it's important to remember your manners when speaking to those around you. I am not angry, but you must tell me what is wrong if I am to correct my mistake or you are able to grow.'

The moment she notices you starting to throw a tantrum, which is fairly fast even if your signs are just a deep frown, asking you if everythings alright and most of the time avoiding any tantrums before they begin.

However, sometimes you refuse to tell her what's wrong, perhaps you go straight to throwing toys or food, pouting, yelling, in replying she will simply hold a gentle hand on your shoulder and kindly repeat her question on what the matter is. Her tone is gentle and her face is one of genuine concern.

Like Rogue, if you're in distress because of something that's not your fault, or maybe you're just overwhelmed, she will never hold it against you at all. If you're comfortable with it and it's something you need to calm down, Storm will pick you up and give you a tight hug, if not, she's alright with just holding a hand on your shoulder, or even removing her hand and only speaking to you.

Ororo will get on one knee, bending down to speak to you in a hushed whisper, she'll tell you that it's all okay, that she'll help you and make it better, give you different food, turn off the lights, whatever you need, she can give it to you.

However, if you're just being fussy to perhaps get a reaction out of her, she'll raise her brow in an almost amused action, as if she finds your attempts to be aggravating as cute as a cat nibbling on its owner's hand. If you're throwing a fit just to throw one, she will definitely tell you sternly that you cannot do such things, at least not in her care.

I don't think that Storm is the type to use the corner or naughty step as a punishment, after all, she has her own fear of tight, dark places, you may fear loneliness, or abandonment, she does not wish her own troubles onto a mind like yours.

Instead, she talks to you, more importantly, she'll help you figure out what you did wrong, how to improve next time, and reflect on her own actions to see if the trouble was caused by a mistake on her part. It won't be an in depth conversation, she tends to use stuffed animals as an aid to show you an outsiders perspective.

If you're struggling with saying your words out loud, never fear, she has tons of paper and crayons, or pencils, pen, markers, etc if that's what you prefer, just for you! She keeps them in her room for whenever you regress and want to keep near her when doing so.

Ororo will advise you to draw your feelings, maybe even write a letter if that's more what you're comfortable with. She doesn't mind bad spelling or handwriting, she's quite good at deciphering even the most atrociously unintelligible handwriting.

At most, and only if you've been really bad, she'll lead you to your room, or hers, just to make sure you don't get embarrassed and act out further. Storm will tell you what you did wrong as firmly as she can so that you'll understand. It's only a light scolding though, she never ever raises her voice when you're around unless you need or want her to.

If she ever does raise her voice and it startles or frightens you, she will apologise, regardless of if you've done something wrong or not. It's never her intention to harm you, you've entrusted her to care for you and she will do anything in her power to achieve that goal.

If your fussiness is about certain clothes, textures, toys, etc, she absolutely doesn't mind exclusively getting you certain clothes or toys, and she won't be angry at all if you throw a tantrum over texture or taste, because she's fully aware it can be distressing to have an unfavourable texture of clothing of food.

Ororo will always ask questions about something before she gets it for you, after a while she knows pretty much all of your likes and dislikes.

She's a great cook and can switch the taste or texture in something with just a flick of her wrist, something she doesn't mind doing, especially if the food she's already making is something that causes a lot of stress.

AAAA YOUR REQUESTS ARE OPEN!!!! :3333could I Maybe Request CG Storm And CG Rogue? Maybe Them And A Little

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1 year ago
Cat Version Of Rogue I Made About A Year Or Two Ago.

Cat version of Rogue I made about a year or two ago.

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9 months ago
I Have Been Thinking Of Drawing Rogue In This Shirt For Months

I have been thinking of drawing Rogue in this shirt for months

For those who can't read my shitty handwriting the shirt says 'Hate my mom's, not cause their gay their just assholes'

Rogue being the adopted daughter of two evil lesbians will forever be peak to me

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6 months ago

So I’m taking a break from writing for today and possibly tomorrow to work on an art piece. See the final sketch below.

So Im Taking A Break From Writing For Today And Possibly Tomorrow To Work On An Art Piece. See The Final

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6 months ago
Thank You To Everyone Who Got Me To 500 Likes! Yall Are Really Gonna Love My Next Art Post. Be Sure To

Thank you to everyone who got me to 500 likes! Y’all are really gonna love my next art post. Be sure to follow for updates.

So I’m taking a break from writing for today and possibly tomorrow to work on an art piece. See the final sketch below.

So Im Taking A Break From Writing For Today And Possibly Tomorrow To Work On An Art Piece. See The Final

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11 months ago
How About The Winner Get A Kiss From The Loser? Do You Wanna End Up In A Coma? You Can Drain My Energy
How About The Winner Get A Kiss From The Loser? Do You Wanna End Up In A Coma? You Can Drain My Energy

How about the winner get a kiss from the loser? Do you wanna end up in a coma? You can drain my energy any time, chère. Gambit has plenty.

GAMBIT & ROGUE | X-Men '97 1.03 "Fire Made Flesh"

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7 months ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

chapters: 1/1 rating: E word count: 7,108 characters: rogue, remy lebeau, logan pairings: remy lebeau/rogue summary:

On their way to Mississippi to meet Harvey X, Rogue, Remy and Logan stop at a motel in Texas for the night.

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