Yancy X Reader - Tumblr Posts
Markiplier Egos with an Asexual DA / Viewer
a/n: I decided to write this specifically as you coming out to them after you've already been dating for a while so it'd be different enough from the Aro hcs thing I already did. We cool with that? Alright.

Like I've already said, he doesn't care what your sexuality/gender is, he's immediately accepting of you and your identity.
That really doesn't change if you're dating.
Boundaries can take a lot of getting used to for him; he's a very physically affectionate kind of person.
He tries his best tho and always apologizes if he realizes he's touching you in a way that you've said makes you uncomfortable.
There's really not much else to it, things just continue as normal.
Doesn't care. (supportive)
It really doesn't affect your relationship at all.
He doesn't usually like people touching him apart from specific circumstances with those he trusts, so boundaries aren't really an issue.
Again, not much left to say.
He'd probably recite the definition of asexual except it's like the one for reproduction.
He's not being a dick for once though, he's just genuinely confused.
After explaining it to him, he finds the right definition and is kinda just like: "...Oh yeah, me too."
"...Like a plant?"
Yeah, he doesn't get it at first either.
"Ooohhhhh! Same, brah. Same."
I can't not see him as a little aphobic before the events of wkm, but considering he's now lived for over like a hundred years or something, he outta be a little less ignorant now.
I mean, he might not fully get it at first still, but he'd try his best to for you.
He'd never force you into something you're uncomfortable with like that anyway. If you really don't wanna have sex, he's not gonna throw a hissy fit over it. (even tho that does feel like a very actor mark thing to do)
Just remember to assure him that it has nothing to do with him specifically or it's gonna make him insecure. He's a narcissist, the love of his life not finding him attractive is gonna make an impact.
Very respectful about your boundaries despite being a touchy kinda person. If you're not okay with certain kinds of touches, just let him know.
Overall, it might take a bit for him to adapt, but his effort is at least endearing.
As previously mentioned, he'll most likely already be familiar with it due to his very inclusive friend group.
He's at least knowledgeable enough to know that asexuality is a spectrum, so he'd probably ask you to explain what flavor of it you happen to be.
Very supportive!
He's never really felt like he needs sex in a relationship anyway.
He's honestly just happy you gave him enough of a shot to wanna be friends let alone date him.
Would stab an aphobe for you<3
Honestly surprised at first, he had no idea that was even a thing.
He's totally okay with it of course! He just didn't know you could have a relationship where sex isn't like...mandatory.
Similarly relieved as I've described before when you explain it to him. It's a welcomed change to be sure.
He'll hold back on flirtatious comments if they make you uncomfortable.
Tries his best to respect your boundaries. He feels lonely if you don't cuddle him at night tho.
Sexual intimacy has become something he dreads with meaningful relationships. He likes getting to focus more of his time on you as a person, making sure you feel loved, and just treasuring your time together.
Overall really supportive.
A little awkward around the topic of sex I imagine.
Mostly cus you're still the captain so power dynamics and all that.
You're already risking a lot just by being together romantically, that kind of workplace relationship could definitely get you both in some hot water. No matter how temptingly scandalous it can seem.
This was basically the stuff that first came to mind once you told him and he almost felt relieved because of it. I mean, that's certainly a headache you shouldn't have to risk dealing with now.
Outside of logistic nonsense, he's very supportive all around.
Like I've said, he can sometimes overcompensate when it comes to boundaries, so assurance helps if that's not something that bothers you.
He came up with this like dorky way of quantifying things where basically he says any energy he'd put into sex he instead puts into cuddling you twice as much and- just- yeah-
Very calm and reassuring if he sees you were anxious while telling him.
Even if you weren't he's pretty chill about it.
Every action of his is typically very calculated no matter the situation, even if in more of a purposely sporadic kind of way. So needless to say, he's pretty good about boundaries.
I mean, if you're in the middle of making a quick get away and end up having to get uncomfortably close to hide or something, that can't really be helped, but yk. (he'd make it up to you later anyway, probably something dinner related)
Nothing Feels Better Than This

Listen to “Better” by Khalid as you listen to this, it’ll make the story better.
Feel free to leave constructive criticism in the comments, as I’ve never written for Yancy before but I’m willing to learn. As always, I don’t own anything having to do with AHWM except for this story. Enjoy!
You knew leaving him behind was going to be hard, but at the time you knew you couldn’t stay. There was still so much you had to do with the box and Mark, and you weren’t ready to settle down anywhere, nonetheless in a prison.
Watching him leave to go back to his cell hurt. You could feel your heart hurt as you turned away from him, unable to keep watching him leave, just as you were leaving him.
Once he was out of sight you opened the box, and the skeleton key now in your hand was practically taunting you. There had been a way for you both to get out, and now you wouldn’t be able to use it. Looking back at the gate one more time, you debated on going back for him. For Yancy. But you knew that no matter how comfortable prison life would be with him, you would just feel stuck. Settling down in one spot wasn’t for you. Not yet at least. So you turned and walked away, feeling just as much a prisoner of your own heart as you were a free person.
That had been years ago. Not many, but a small handful. Over that time you never gave up the potential you had with Yancy. The both of you knew that visiting him would be too risky, even if you were to wear a disguise of some sort, but there was still contact through the phone calls you made to each other.
Neither of you would waste time with formalities of ‘How’ve you been’ or anything of that nature; you did have a time limit after all. You both would just jump into conversations as if you never stopped them, talking about anything and everything until a guard told Yancy that his time was up. In all of this time you never mentioned your life outside of prison and he never mentioned his life inside of it unless it related to the conversation in some way. Neither of you had wanted to let the other know that life without the other wasn’t as bright as they thought it would be.
Damn you both for falling in love with a person you seemingly couldn’t have.
You were in the shower scrubbing up when the music on your phone was interrupted by the sound of your ringtone. Grabbing it, you checked the number and chuckled a little. The one pitfall of contacting each other via phone was that you could be doing anything when he would call. Pressing the answer button, you put the phone on speaker and put it back on the sink where you had it.
“Hi Yancy.” you said as you washed the soap off of your body.
“Hey. Are youse okay, youse sound far away?” he asked, sounding confused and slightly concerned.
“Yeah I’m fine, I was just showering when you called.” you said as you rinsed conditioner out of your hair, having left it in for a little bit so your hair could soak the moisture in.
“Oh! Sorry ‘bout that. Kinda hard to tell what youse doin’ these days.” the apologized, a slight chuckle laced in his voice.
“It’s fine hun, I’m almost done anyway. So what’s up?” you asked him, shutting the water off and grabbing a towel to dry your body off.
“Ah, well I thought youse should know...my chance at parole is coming up.” he brought up awkwardly.
“Oh. And?” you asked cautiously, stopping what you were doing to hear him properly.
“And...I’ve decided to take it.”
And damn if those words didn’t make you the happiest person in the world.
“Really? That’s amazing hun, I’m so glad.” you said eagerly as you moved to towel dry your hair.
“Yeah, uh, I was also wondering if youse would be willing to, yanno, let me stay with youse until I could find some place to go?” he asked, his voice sounding awkward and slightly strained. You could tell that it was hard for him to ask for your help with this, but it didn’t deter you in the slightest.
“Of course you can stay. I’ll set up the guest room for you and make sure I have enough food for the both of us. Just be sure not to shower for hours like you do there, as I’m actually paying the water bill.” you replied with a chuckle at the last part.
The relief in his voice was tangible in his voice. “Thank youse. My hearin’ is next week, so I’ll call and let youse know more about it then.”
You agreed, and then when you had put on your robe you grabbed your phone and turned it off of speaker phone to continue having your conversation with the Ohioan.
As he had promised, the next week he called to tell you about his parole hearing.
“So I got granted for my’s parole. I met with my parole officer this mornin’.”
“That’s awesome! When are you getting let out?”
“Three days from now. Youse got everythin’ ready for me?” he asked curiously.
“I’ve had everything ready since you first mentioned your hearing.” you admitted sheepishly.
He gave a chuckle at the admission. “Good to know youse still lookin’ forward to seein’ me.”
“I’ve been wanting to see you since the night I left.” you admitted, a blush blooming on your cheeks.
The other side of the line was quiet and you couldn’t help but assume the worst. Neither of you talked about that night. Until now.
“Yeah. Yeah, me too doll.” Yancy finally admitted, sounding relieved.
You both continued to talk about anything and everything, and an idea popped up in your head. You asked about who his parole officer was, and while he was slightly confused on why you’d want to know he gave you the officer’s name. Before long he had to go, and you wished each other a goodbye. This goodbye was easier than the rest though, as you knew you’d be seeing him in three days.
In the meantime you looked up his parole officer, got their number, and decided to make a call. You explained your idea to them, wanting to get permission first just in case it would violate his parole, mainly with him not being allowed to leave after a specific geographic point. With a bit of a chuckle, his parole officer granted the permission needed to put the idea into effect and promised not to tell him. Thanking him, you hung up and started to plan Yancy’s first day as a free man. Or, as free as he would be for a while.
I love to see you shine in the night like the diamond you are
No one's got to know what we do, hit me up when you're bored
Three days later you pulled up to Happy Trails Penitentiary, got out of your car and waited for him to walk out the gate. Seeing him walk out was such an overwhelming sight, and before you knew it you ran over to him and hugged him tightly. It had been years since you had seen him last, but he hadn’t changed one bit. Yancy stumbled under the force that you ran to and hugged him, but he kept his balance and awkwardly moved an arm around you.
“Hey doll, it’s good to see youse.”
“It’s so good to see you too Yancy.” you replied before pulling away from him. Noticing his clothes, you saw he wore a pair of black pants and a black and red plaid flannel. It looked good on him, and he would fit right in with everybody else. “Come on, we’ve got your new life to start.” you said as you grabbed his hand and tugged him to follow you to your car. He chuckled and followed after you, not that he had a choice in the matter.
Getting in, you both put on your seat belts and you started driving, not to home, but to start your plan. Yancy played with the radio until he found the type of music he liked, and turned it up to be able to listen to it but not loud enough to distract you.
All I hear is... Nothing feels better than this Nothing feels better Nothing feels better than this Nothing feels better, ooh now
He then watched out the window for a while as you drove. When you guys reached a specific point, he looked over at you.
“Uh, doll I’m not allowed to goes past this point.” he said, sounding very concerned and slightly scared. He had decided to try out parole to be able to see you and be with you, and he didn’t want to be thrown back in the same day he got out.
“Don’t worry about that, I’ve got it handled.” you reassured him as you drove past his parole limit to continue to the setting of your plan.
It took some time, but you pulled up to the closest beach and parked in the parking lot.
“Doll, whatcha doin’?” Yancy asked as you both got out of the car.
“I want your first day out to be a good one. Prove that it’s not all that bad out here.” you told him with a small smile.
He gave a small and shy smirk as he looked at you. “Youse didn’t have to go to all the trouble. It was already worth it to see youse’s face again.” he admitted, causing a small blush to appear on his and your face.
We don't gotta hide This is what you like, gotta admit Nothing feels better than this
“Well come on, we’ve got the rest of our day ahead of us.” you told him as you led him to a restaurant that was across from the beach. It was mainly seafood due to its location by the sea, but there were also options of burgers, fries, and even pizza. They also had a nice selection of desserts for after the main meal. You both ended up ordering burgers, fries, and some colas, and you both talked while waiting for your food to be ready. When it was served, you thanked the server and dug into your meals. The burgers were hot and juicy, the fries were crispy and delicious, and the colas were refreshing. Once you were both done you asked him if he wanted a dessert and he seemed hesitant.
“It’s okay Yancy, I don’t mind it if you do.” you told him.
“I kinda wanna try one of those milkshakes, but I dunno if I would be able to finish it.” Yancy told you as he watched a server making a milkshake.
“We could always share one.” you suggested. He looked back at you in surprise and you shrugged. “I wouldn’t mind trying one either, but we’re in the same boat. I wouldn’t be able to finish one by myself.”
“Alright, if youse sure.” he agreed after a moment. You nodded in response, and when your server came back over you asked if you could have a milkshake. You both had agreed on a chocolate one, though he liked chocolate more than you did. But this was his day, not yours. The server made your milkshake, put whipped cream on top and a cherry and brought it to you, handing over two straws. “Enjoy.” they said before leaving again.
You say we're just friends, but I swear when nobody's around I keep my hand around your neck, we connect, are you feelin' it now?
You and Yancy each grabbed a straw, removed the paper on it and stuck it into the milkshake. Due to the single serve cup for the milkshake, you each had to take turns taking a sip of the cold treat, though you both fell into an easy rhythm. You always did, and this was no different.
“So, what else does youse have planned for this adventure?” Yancy asked, making conversation as you both drank the milkshake. You finished your momentary sip and he went in for his as you answered.
“It’s supposed to get dark in a bit and I was thinking we’d watch the sunset, and there’s supposed to be music at the pier tonight. I thought we could maybe take a listen.” you told him as he drank his milkshake. When he came up from his momentary sip, he swallowed and nodded.
I get so high that I ignite, I swear to God, feel my feet leave the ground Ooh, yeah Your back against the wall, this is what you been talkin' about In my ears
“Alright, sounds good.” he said, and as he watched you take another turn at the milkshake he couldn’t help but think that you were amazing. You did all of this just for him and he couldn’t be anymore grateful to have you in his life. Ever since that day you went into prison you had changed his life, and now he was going to be spending it with you. What could he have possibly done to be so lucky?
You both finished up the milkshake and talked some more. You were given the bill and paid for your meals because he didn’t have any money yet due to it being his first day out. He felt bad about that, but you reassured him that him being around and out of prison more than made up for it. You both walked out and walked back across the street to the beach, walking across it as the sun set.
“It’s beautiful tonight.” Yancy commented as he watched the sunset. You nodded in agreement.
“It sure is.”
Nothing feels better than this Nothing feels better Nothing feels better than this Nothing feels better, ooh now
When the sun left the sky and the stars came out shimmering in the black sky, some music started to play at the dock and you smiled, taking his hand to join in on the fun. There was a small band set up on the pier and playing music people could dance to. Looking at him, you tilted your head towards the music in a silent offer to dance, which he agreed to with a hesitant nod.
We don't gotta hide This is what you like, gotta admit Nothing feels better than this
“Just follow my lead.” you told him as you placed a hand at his waist and connected your left hand to his right one.
You know that if I left I'd take you back When you say it, you say it like that, oh yeah
You know that if I left I'd take you back When you say it, you say it like
As you led, you moved left a couple of steps, moved back a couple of steps and then made you both sway from side to side a little before having him move left and you move right a couple steps, made him move back a couple steps, then sway side to side again. It was a cute and slightly elaborate square you were dancing in, but it was perfect for the both of you.
Soon enough you grew tired and he did as well, and you both walked back to the car, him grabbing the keys off of you and getting in the drivers seat to go home. Home. It felt odd calling somewhere that wasn’t the prison home, but he knew that being with you would give him the best home he ever had. Because you were there, and you were on his side. Looking over at you in the passenger seat he saw you had fallen asleep and he smiled a little before paying attention to the road again. Yeah, life on the outside was definitely going to be okay.
Nothing feels better than this Nothing feels better Nothing feels better than this (Nothing feels better) ooh now, now We don't gotta hide (This is what you like, gotta admit) Nothing feels better than this (Better than this) Nothing feels better than this
Nothing Feels Better Than This

Listen to “Better” by Khalid as you listen to this, it’ll make the story better.
Feel free to leave constructive criticism in the comments, as I’ve never written for Yancy before but I’m willing to learn. As always, I don’t own anything having to do with AHWM except for this story. Enjoy!
You knew leaving him behind was going to be hard, but at the time you knew you couldn’t stay. There was still so much you had to do with the box and Mark, and you weren’t ready to settle down anywhere, nonetheless in a prison.
Watching him leave to go back to his cell hurt. You could feel your heart hurt as you turned away from him, unable to keep watching him leave, just as you were leaving him.
Once he was out of sight you opened the box, and the skeleton key now in your hand was practically taunting you. There had been a way for you both to get out, and now you wouldn’t be able to use it. Looking back at the gate one more time, you debated on going back for him. For Yancy. But you knew that no matter how comfortable prison life would be with him, you would just feel stuck. Settling down in one spot wasn’t for you. Not yet at least. So you turned and walked away, feeling just as much a prisoner of your own heart as you were a free person.
That had been years ago. Not many, but a small handful. Over that time you never gave up the potential you had with Yancy. The both of you knew that visiting him would be too risky, even if you were to wear a disguise of some sort, but there was still contact through the phone calls you made to each other.
Neither of you would waste time with formalities of ‘How’ve you been’ or anything of that nature; you did have a time limit after all. You both would just jump into conversations as if you never stopped them, talking about anything and everything until a guard told Yancy that his time was up. In all of this time you never mentioned your life outside of prison and he never mentioned his life inside of it unless it related to the conversation in some way. Neither of you had wanted to let the other know that life without the other wasn’t as bright as they thought it would be.
Damn you both for falling in love with a person you seemingly couldn’t have.
You were in the shower scrubbing up when the music on your phone was interrupted by the sound of your ringtone. Grabbing it, you checked the number and chuckled a little. The one pitfall of contacting each other via phone was that you could be doing anything when he would call. Pressing the answer button, you put the phone on speaker and put it back on the sink where you had it.
“Hi Yancy.” you said as you washed the soap off of your body.
“Hey. Are youse okay, youse sound far away?” he asked, sounding confused and slightly concerned.
“Yeah I’m fine, I was just showering when you called.” you said as you rinsed conditioner out of your hair, having left it in for a little bit so your hair could soak the moisture in.
“Oh! Sorry ‘bout that. Kinda hard to tell what youse doin’ these days.” the apologized, a slight chuckle laced in his voice.
“It’s fine hun, I’m almost done anyway. So what’s up?” you asked him, shutting the water off and grabbing a towel to dry your body off.
“Ah, well I thought youse should know...my chance at parole is coming up.” he brought up awkwardly.
“Oh. And?” you asked cautiously, stopping what you were doing to hear him properly.
“And...I’ve decided to take it.”
And damn if those words didn’t make you the happiest person in the world.
“Really? That’s amazing hun, I’m so glad.” you said eagerly as you moved to towel dry your hair.
“Yeah, uh, I was also wondering if youse would be willing to, yanno, let me stay with youse until I could find some place to go?” he asked, his voice sounding awkward and slightly strained. You could tell that it was hard for him to ask for your help with this, but it didn’t deter you in the slightest.
“Of course you can stay. I’ll set up the guest room for you and make sure I have enough food for the both of us. Just be sure not to shower for hours like you do there, as I’m actually paying the water bill.” you replied with a chuckle at the last part.
The relief in his voice was tangible in his voice. “Thank youse. My hearin’ is next week, so I’ll call and let youse know more about it then.”
You agreed, and then when you had put on your robe you grabbed your phone and turned it off of speaker phone to continue having your conversation with the Ohioan.
As he had promised, the next week he called to tell you about his parole hearing.
“So I got granted for my’s parole. I met with my parole officer this mornin’.”
“That’s awesome! When are you getting let out?”
“Three days from now. Youse got everythin’ ready for me?” he asked curiously.
“I’ve had everything ready since you first mentioned your hearing.” you admitted sheepishly.
He gave a chuckle at the admission. “Good to know youse still lookin’ forward to seein’ me.”
“I’ve been wanting to see you since the night I left.” you admitted, a blush blooming on your cheeks.
The other side of the line was quiet and you couldn’t help but assume the worst. Neither of you talked about that night. Until now.
“Yeah. Yeah, me too doll.” Yancy finally admitted, sounding relieved.
You both continued to talk about anything and everything, and an idea popped up in your head. You asked about who his parole officer was, and while he was slightly confused on why you’d want to know he gave you the officer’s name. Before long he had to go, and you wished each other a goodbye. This goodbye was easier than the rest though, as you knew you’d be seeing him in three days.
In the meantime you looked up his parole officer, got their number, and decided to make a call. You explained your idea to them, wanting to get permission first just in case it would violate his parole, mainly with him not being allowed to leave after a specific geographic point. With a bit of a chuckle, his parole officer granted the permission needed to put the idea into effect and promised not to tell him. Thanking him, you hung up and started to plan Yancy’s first day as a free man. Or, as free as he would be for a while.
I love to see you shine in the night like the diamond you are
No one's got to know what we do, hit me up when you're bored
Three days later you pulled up to Happy Trails Penitentiary, got out of your car and waited for him to walk out the gate. Seeing him walk out was such an overwhelming sight, and before you knew it you ran over to him and hugged him tightly. It had been years since you had seen him last, but he hadn’t changed one bit. Yancy stumbled under the force that you ran to and hugged him, but he kept his balance and awkwardly moved an arm around you.
“Hey doll, it’s good to see youse.”
“It’s so good to see you too Yancy.” you replied before pulling away from him. Noticing his clothes, you saw he wore a pair of black pants and a black and red plaid flannel. It looked good on him, and he would fit right in with everybody else. “Come on, we’ve got your new life to start.” you said as you grabbed his hand and tugged him to follow you to your car. He chuckled and followed after you, not that he had a choice in the matter.
Getting in, you both put on your seat belts and you started driving, not to home, but to start your plan. Yancy played with the radio until he found the type of music he liked, and turned it up to be able to listen to it but not loud enough to distract you.
All I hear is... Nothing feels better than this Nothing feels better Nothing feels better than this Nothing feels better, ooh now
He then watched out the window for a while as you drove. When you guys reached a specific point, he looked over at you.
“Uh, doll I’m not allowed to goes past this point.” he said, sounding very concerned and slightly scared. He had decided to try out parole to be able to see you and be with you, and he didn’t want to be thrown back in the same day he got out.
“Don’t worry about that, I’ve got it handled.” you reassured him as you drove past his parole limit to continue to the setting of your plan.
It took some time, but you pulled up to the closest beach and parked in the parking lot.
“Doll, whatcha doin’?” Yancy asked as you both got out of the car.
“I want your first day out to be a good one. Prove that it’s not all that bad out here.” you told him with a small smile.
He gave a small and shy smirk as he looked at you. “Youse didn’t have to go to all the trouble. It was already worth it to see youse’s face again.” he admitted, causing a small blush to appear on his and your face.
We don't gotta hide This is what you like, gotta admit Nothing feels better than this
“Well come on, we’ve got the rest of our day ahead of us.” you told him as you led him to a restaurant that was across from the beach. It was mainly seafood due to its location by the sea, but there were also options of burgers, fries, and even pizza. They also had a nice selection of desserts for after the main meal. You both ended up ordering burgers, fries, and some colas, and you both talked while waiting for your food to be ready. When it was served, you thanked the server and dug into your meals. The burgers were hot and juicy, the fries were crispy and delicious, and the colas were refreshing. Once you were both done you asked him if he wanted a dessert and he seemed hesitant.
“It’s okay Yancy, I don’t mind it if you do.” you told him.
“I kinda wanna try one of those milkshakes, but I dunno if I would be able to finish it.” Yancy told you as he watched a server making a milkshake.
“We could always share one.” you suggested. He looked back at you in surprise and you shrugged. “I wouldn’t mind trying one either, but we’re in the same boat. I wouldn’t be able to finish one by myself.”
“Alright, if youse sure.” he agreed after a moment. You nodded in response, and when your server came back over you asked if you could have a milkshake. You both had agreed on a chocolate one, though he liked chocolate more than you did. But this was his day, not yours. The server made your milkshake, put whipped cream on top and a cherry and brought it to you, handing over two straws. “Enjoy.” they said before leaving again.
You say we're just friends, but I swear when nobody's around I keep my hand around your neck, we connect, are you feelin' it now?
You and Yancy each grabbed a straw, removed the paper on it and stuck it into the milkshake. Due to the single serve cup for the milkshake, you each had to take turns taking a sip of the cold treat, though you both fell into an easy rhythm. You always did, and this was no different.
“So, what else does youse have planned for this adventure?” Yancy asked, making conversation as you both drank the milkshake. You finished your momentary sip and he went in for his as you answered.
“It’s supposed to get dark in a bit and I was thinking we’d watch the sunset, and there’s supposed to be music at the pier tonight. I thought we could maybe take a listen.” you told him as he drank his milkshake. When he came up from his momentary sip, he swallowed and nodded.
I get so high that I ignite, I swear to God, feel my feet leave the ground Ooh, yeah Your back against the wall, this is what you been talkin' about In my ears
“Alright, sounds good.” he said, and as he watched you take another turn at the milkshake he couldn’t help but think that you were amazing. You did all of this just for him and he couldn’t be anymore grateful to have you in his life. Ever since that day you went into prison you had changed his life, and now he was going to be spending it with you. What could he have possibly done to be so lucky?
You both finished up the milkshake and talked some more. You were given the bill and paid for your meals because he didn’t have any money yet due to it being his first day out. He felt bad about that, but you reassured him that him being around and out of prison more than made up for it. You both walked out and walked back across the street to the beach, walking across it as the sun set.
“It’s beautiful tonight.” Yancy commented as he watched the sunset. You nodded in agreement.
“It sure is.”
Nothing feels better than this Nothing feels better Nothing feels better than this Nothing feels better, ooh now
When the sun left the sky and the stars came out shimmering in the black sky, some music started to play at the dock and you smiled, taking his hand to join in on the fun. There was a small band set up on the pier and playing music people could dance to. Looking at him, you tilted your head towards the music in a silent offer to dance, which he agreed to with a hesitant nod.
We don't gotta hide This is what you like, gotta admit Nothing feels better than this
“Just follow my lead.” you told him as you placed a hand at his waist and connected your left hand to his right one.
You know that if I left I'd take you back When you say it, you say it like that, oh yeah
You know that if I left I'd take you back When you say it, you say it like
As you led, you moved left a couple of steps, moved back a couple of steps and then made you both sway from side to side a little before having him move left and you move right a couple steps, made him move back a couple steps, then sway side to side again. It was a cute and slightly elaborate square you were dancing in, but it was perfect for the both of you.
Soon enough you grew tired and he did as well, and you both walked back to the car, him grabbing the keys off of you and getting in the drivers seat to go home. Home. It felt odd calling somewhere that wasn’t the prison home, but he knew that being with you would give him the best home he ever had. Because you were there, and you were on his side. Looking over at you in the passenger seat he saw you had fallen asleep and he smiled a little before paying attention to the road again. Yeah, life on the outside was definitely going to be okay.
Nothing feels better than this Nothing feels better Nothing feels better than this (Nothing feels better) ooh now, now We don't gotta hide (This is what you like, gotta admit) Nothing feels better than this (Better than this) Nothing feels better than this
Nothing Feels Better Than This

Listen to “Better” by Khalid as you listen to this, it’ll make the story better.
Feel free to leave constructive criticism in the comments, as I’ve never written for Yancy before but I’m willing to learn. As always, I don’t own anything having to do with AHWM except for this story. Enjoy!
You knew leaving him behind was going to be hard, but at the time you knew you couldn’t stay. There was still so much you had to do with the box and Mark, and you weren’t ready to settle down anywhere, nonetheless in a prison.
Watching him leave to go back to his cell hurt. You could feel your heart hurt as you turned away from him, unable to keep watching him leave, just as you were leaving him.
Once he was out of sight you opened the box, and the skeleton key now in your hand was practically taunting you. There had been a way for you both to get out, and now you wouldn’t be able to use it. Looking back at the gate one more time, you debated on going back for him. For Yancy. But you knew that no matter how comfortable prison life would be with him, you would just feel stuck. Settling down in one spot wasn’t for you. Not yet at least. So you turned and walked away, feeling just as much a prisoner of your own heart as you were a free person.
That had been years ago. Not many, but a small handful. Over that time you never gave up the potential you had with Yancy. The both of you knew that visiting him would be too risky, even if you were to wear a disguise of some sort, but there was still contact through the phone calls you made to each other.
Neither of you would waste time with formalities of ‘How’ve you been’ or anything of that nature; you did have a time limit after all. You both would just jump into conversations as if you never stopped them, talking about anything and everything until a guard told Yancy that his time was up. In all of this time you never mentioned your life outside of prison and he never mentioned his life inside of it unless it related to the conversation in some way. Neither of you had wanted to let the other know that life without the other wasn’t as bright as they thought it would be.
Damn you both for falling in love with a person you seemingly couldn’t have.
You were in the shower scrubbing up when the music on your phone was interrupted by the sound of your ringtone. Grabbing it, you checked the number and chuckled a little. The one pitfall of contacting each other via phone was that you could be doing anything when he would call. Pressing the answer button, you put the phone on speaker and put it back on the sink where you had it.
“Hi Yancy.” you said as you washed the soap off of your body.
“Hey. Are youse okay, youse sound far away?” he asked, sounding confused and slightly concerned.
“Yeah I’m fine, I was just showering when you called.” you said as you rinsed conditioner out of your hair, having left it in for a little bit so your hair could soak the moisture in.
“Oh! Sorry ‘bout that. Kinda hard to tell what youse doin’ these days.” the apologized, a slight chuckle laced in his voice.
“It’s fine hun, I’m almost done anyway. So what’s up?” you asked him, shutting the water off and grabbing a towel to dry your body off.
“Ah, well I thought youse should know...my chance at parole is coming up.” he brought up awkwardly.
“Oh. And?” you asked cautiously, stopping what you were doing to hear him properly.
“And...I’ve decided to take it.”
And damn if those words didn’t make you the happiest person in the world.
“Really? That’s amazing hun, I’m so glad.” you said eagerly as you moved to towel dry your hair.
“Yeah, uh, I was also wondering if youse would be willing to, yanno, let me stay with youse until I could find some place to go?” he asked, his voice sounding awkward and slightly strained. You could tell that it was hard for him to ask for your help with this, but it didn’t deter you in the slightest.
“Of course you can stay. I’ll set up the guest room for you and make sure I have enough food for the both of us. Just be sure not to shower for hours like you do there, as I’m actually paying the water bill.” you replied with a chuckle at the last part.
The relief in his voice was tangible in his voice. “Thank youse. My hearin’ is next week, so I’ll call and let youse know more about it then.”
You agreed, and then when you had put on your robe you grabbed your phone and turned it off of speaker phone to continue having your conversation with the Ohioan.
As he had promised, the next week he called to tell you about his parole hearing.
“So I got granted for my’s parole. I met with my parole officer this mornin’.”
“That’s awesome! When are you getting let out?”
“Three days from now. Youse got everythin’ ready for me?” he asked curiously.
“I’ve had everything ready since you first mentioned your hearing.” you admitted sheepishly.
He gave a chuckle at the admission. “Good to know youse still lookin’ forward to seein’ me.”
“I’ve been wanting to see you since the night I left.” you admitted, a blush blooming on your cheeks.
The other side of the line was quiet and you couldn’t help but assume the worst. Neither of you talked about that night. Until now.
“Yeah. Yeah, me too doll.” Yancy finally admitted, sounding relieved.
You both continued to talk about anything and everything, and an idea popped up in your head. You asked about who his parole officer was, and while he was slightly confused on why you’d want to know he gave you the officer’s name. Before long he had to go, and you wished each other a goodbye. This goodbye was easier than the rest though, as you knew you’d be seeing him in three days.
In the meantime you looked up his parole officer, got their number, and decided to make a call. You explained your idea to them, wanting to get permission first just in case it would violate his parole, mainly with him not being allowed to leave after a specific geographic point. With a bit of a chuckle, his parole officer granted the permission needed to put the idea into effect and promised not to tell him. Thanking him, you hung up and started to plan Yancy’s first day as a free man. Or, as free as he would be for a while.
I love to see you shine in the night like the diamond you are
No one's got to know what we do, hit me up when you're bored
Three days later you pulled up to Happy Trails Penitentiary, got out of your car and waited for him to walk out the gate. Seeing him walk out was such an overwhelming sight, and before you knew it you ran over to him and hugged him tightly. It had been years since you had seen him last, but he hadn’t changed one bit. Yancy stumbled under the force that you ran to and hugged him, but he kept his balance and awkwardly moved an arm around you.
“Hey doll, it’s good to see youse.”
“It’s so good to see you too Yancy.” you replied before pulling away from him. Noticing his clothes, you saw he wore a pair of black pants and a black and red plaid flannel. It looked good on him, and he would fit right in with everybody else. “Come on, we’ve got your new life to start.” you said as you grabbed his hand and tugged him to follow you to your car. He chuckled and followed after you, not that he had a choice in the matter.
Getting in, you both put on your seat belts and you started driving, not to home, but to start your plan. Yancy played with the radio until he found the type of music he liked, and turned it up to be able to listen to it but not loud enough to distract you.
All I hear is... Nothing feels better than this Nothing feels better Nothing feels better than this Nothing feels better, ooh now
He then watched out the window for a while as you drove. When you guys reached a specific point, he looked over at you.
“Uh, doll I’m not allowed to goes past this point.” he said, sounding very concerned and slightly scared. He had decided to try out parole to be able to see you and be with you, and he didn’t want to be thrown back in the same day he got out.
“Don’t worry about that, I’ve got it handled.” you reassured him as you drove past his parole limit to continue to the setting of your plan.
It took some time, but you pulled up to the closest beach and parked in the parking lot.
“Doll, whatcha doin’?” Yancy asked as you both got out of the car.
“I want your first day out to be a good one. Prove that it’s not all that bad out here.” you told him with a small smile.
He gave a small and shy smirk as he looked at you. “Youse didn’t have to go to all the trouble. It was already worth it to see youse’s face again.” he admitted, causing a small blush to appear on his and your face.
We don't gotta hide This is what you like, gotta admit Nothing feels better than this
“Well come on, we’ve got the rest of our day ahead of us.” you told him as you led him to a restaurant that was across from the beach. It was mainly seafood due to its location by the sea, but there were also options of burgers, fries, and even pizza. They also had a nice selection of desserts for after the main meal. You both ended up ordering burgers, fries, and some colas, and you both talked while waiting for your food to be ready. When it was served, you thanked the server and dug into your meals. The burgers were hot and juicy, the fries were crispy and delicious, and the colas were refreshing. Once you were both done you asked him if he wanted a dessert and he seemed hesitant.
“It’s okay Yancy, I don’t mind it if you do.” you told him.
“I kinda wanna try one of those milkshakes, but I dunno if I would be able to finish it.” Yancy told you as he watched a server making a milkshake.
“We could always share one.” you suggested. He looked back at you in surprise and you shrugged. “I wouldn’t mind trying one either, but we’re in the same boat. I wouldn’t be able to finish one by myself.”
“Alright, if youse sure.” he agreed after a moment. You nodded in response, and when your server came back over you asked if you could have a milkshake. You both had agreed on a chocolate one, though he liked chocolate more than you did. But this was his day, not yours. The server made your milkshake, put whipped cream on top and a cherry and brought it to you, handing over two straws. “Enjoy.” they said before leaving again.
You say we're just friends, but I swear when nobody's around I keep my hand around your neck, we connect, are you feelin' it now?
You and Yancy each grabbed a straw, removed the paper on it and stuck it into the milkshake. Due to the single serve cup for the milkshake, you each had to take turns taking a sip of the cold treat, though you both fell into an easy rhythm. You always did, and this was no different.
“So, what else does youse have planned for this adventure?” Yancy asked, making conversation as you both drank the milkshake. You finished your momentary sip and he went in for his as you answered.
“It’s supposed to get dark in a bit and I was thinking we’d watch the sunset, and there’s supposed to be music at the pier tonight. I thought we could maybe take a listen.” you told him as he drank his milkshake. When he came up from his momentary sip, he swallowed and nodded.
I get so high that I ignite, I swear to God, feel my feet leave the ground Ooh, yeah Your back against the wall, this is what you been talkin' about In my ears
“Alright, sounds good.” he said, and as he watched you take another turn at the milkshake he couldn’t help but think that you were amazing. You did all of this just for him and he couldn’t be anymore grateful to have you in his life. Ever since that day you went into prison you had changed his life, and now he was going to be spending it with you. What could he have possibly done to be so lucky?
You both finished up the milkshake and talked some more. You were given the bill and paid for your meals because he didn’t have any money yet due to it being his first day out. He felt bad about that, but you reassured him that him being around and out of prison more than made up for it. You both walked out and walked back across the street to the beach, walking across it as the sun set.
“It’s beautiful tonight.” Yancy commented as he watched the sunset. You nodded in agreement.
“It sure is.”
Nothing feels better than this Nothing feels better Nothing feels better than this Nothing feels better, ooh now
When the sun left the sky and the stars came out shimmering in the black sky, some music started to play at the dock and you smiled, taking his hand to join in on the fun. There was a small band set up on the pier and playing music people could dance to. Looking at him, you tilted your head towards the music in a silent offer to dance, which he agreed to with a hesitant nod.
We don't gotta hide This is what you like, gotta admit Nothing feels better than this
“Just follow my lead.” you told him as you placed a hand at his waist and connected your left hand to his right one.
You know that if I left I'd take you back When you say it, you say it like that, oh yeah
You know that if I left I'd take you back When you say it, you say it like
As you led, you moved left a couple of steps, moved back a couple of steps and then made you both sway from side to side a little before having him move left and you move right a couple steps, made him move back a couple steps, then sway side to side again. It was a cute and slightly elaborate square you were dancing in, but it was perfect for the both of you.
Soon enough you grew tired and he did as well, and you both walked back to the car, him grabbing the keys off of you and getting in the drivers seat to go home. Home. It felt odd calling somewhere that wasn’t the prison home, but he knew that being with you would give him the best home he ever had. Because you were there, and you were on his side. Looking over at you in the passenger seat he saw you had fallen asleep and he smiled a little before paying attention to the road again. Yeah, life on the outside was definitely going to be okay.
Nothing feels better than this Nothing feels better Nothing feels better than this (Nothing feels better) ooh now, now We don't gotta hide (This is what you like, gotta admit) Nothing feels better than this (Better than this) Nothing feels better than this
This one has been in my ask box for a few months, sorry about that, but anyways, same with all the anons, hope you see and enjoy this! Let me know if this should be turned into a short fic
Characters: Yancy x gn!Reader - Also, I hc that Yancy goes by he/they so theres that included as well
Short summery: cuddling with Yancy HCs!
Warnings: None, but, this isn't proof-read, but if there are mistakes I will go through later and fix them
my requests are open <3

Yancy adores cuddling, he's a slightly touchy person in general, but when he's with you, he adores feeling your warmth
They don't really have a preference with little/big spoon, it more so depends on your mood
If they were to pick a favorite cuddling position, it would have to include anything where either he could listen to your heart-beat or they could be tangled up with you
please play with his hair, he loves it
he'll play with your hair if you ask him too
they'll trace little shapes/random things into your arm/back or wherever his hands are resting
He hums random tunes, more so his own that he's made up. probably one he's made up specifically for you
If they are tired, he'll mumble more than whisper or talk, it's kind of hard to understand what he's saying but you can pick up on random words and you can put together the fact that is random praises and things like "I love yous"/"I'm so lucky that I have you in my arms"
if you were to slump into them whenever and wherever he would wrap you up in his arms, if he was talking to someone he would carry on with the conversation like nothing happened. If he was sitting, you would be going straight into his lap
Dating hcs for your fave ego, Actor Mark, and Murdock? :0
A/n: This took so long my hands are dead. Sorry this is so long, this legitimately took four whole pages to write lmao
Genre: Headcannons, Fluff

When he first met you through Damien, he was a total ass
He would take every chance he got to make some sort of prude comment pertaining to you in some way
So of course your first impression of him was that he was just some rich asshole, and of course during that whole ordeal Damien was defending you but that didn’t stop Mark
Anytime there would be some sort of event Damien would go to he would invite you to tag along and Actor would go to seek you out
At first Actor felt a sort of entitlement towards you that all the harsh comments were justified by your status, but over time Actor started to…question his feelings towards you
Every time he saw you he felt his chest tighten and a fluttering feeling in his stomach made it hard to articulate the words he wanted to say to you
You noticed that his comments towards you slowly became less brash and sometimes he would even offer you a small smile here and there
Which was incredibly rare to see a genuine smile from the Actor
But Mark was frustrated with himself, why was he treating you like this? Surely he wasn’t opening up to you so easily
This internal conflict lead to him going back to treating you like shit then feeling guilty and going back to being strangely sweet was exhausting for you
There was a party going on at the Actors house and for some reason you went carefully optimistic about how you would be treated
But tonight was some hoe the worse he's ever been
Not just some rude comments here and there, they were cruel
But it was only when he started to mock your physical appearance that you had enough of his bs
You slammed your drink to the ground looking the now stunned Actor in the eyes “You know what, Mark?? Fuck you.” you hissed, storming off towards the door . You could hear Damien calling after you as you opened the door slamming it You could hear the door slam behind you as someone called for you, you felt some grip your shoulder lightly turning you around
“Damien, listen…” you said before being turned to face the Actor, his face held an uncharacteristic soft look of worry. Yet you glared, shrugging him off angrily “What the hell do you want from me?! Why do some days you have to be such an ass, and then be so kind the next?” The Actor avoided your gaze a guilty expression crossing his features “It’s..its complicated…” he murmured . “Fine! If you don’t want to tell me? I’ll just be on my way then, have a lovely day Mark!” you shout turning quickly
Mark's eyes widen frantically and he calls to you “Because I love you!” you freeze turning to him “What?” he feels this suddenly sting of vulnerability in this moment something he's not use to “I..wasn’t ready to open up to someone again. I thought I would be able to push you away and the feeling would just…go away. But I never meant to hurt you.” his gaze was fixed on the ground, afraid to meet your disgusted expression. But that feeling of dread washed away when your soft lips met his . For once in his life, the Actor had nothing to say, stunned by the realization that you had just kissed him
“See you tomorrow Mark” you smiled softly walking into the night
Once you start to date this man though he will show you how truly dramatic he is
Like this man is such a diva
“Darling, please I beg you if you truly love me don't leave”
“Mark I have to get up for work”
He is so needy, he needs constant attention and affection 24/7
You’ll wake up in the morning with his face buried in your stomach, or he’ll be clinging to your side
Have fun trying to get him off you, because this man has a grip of steel, your not getting him off
He’s very hesitant when you say you need to leave the manor for something insisting he can just have one of the staff members get it for you
He has serious abandonment issues, afraid that every time you leave the house will be the last time he sees you
He needs reassurance from you, though he talks big all the time he’s a very insecure person, please tell him you love him, he needs it
Whenever he sees you he likes to pepper your face with kisses, his stubble tickling you in the process
He cannot handle horror movies or games whatsoever, he talks shit, but just one jump scare and he's clinging to you in fear
He’ll get really defensive afterwards so I would not recommend trying to scare him unless you want to spend the whole day making it up to him
He’s not big on pet names but when he does use them they’re usually the more classic ones
Like ‘Love, Darling, Beloved, etc’ but if he’s feeling soft which is very rare he’ll call you ‘Sweetheart, Honey’
Softest you’ll see him is either when he's had a long day and all he wants to do is come home to you and fall asleep on the couch or when he’s half asleep he’ll cuddle up to you and whisper how much he loves you
He’s prone to start petty arguments sometimes that get out of hand pretty quickly
He’ll give you the silent treatment even if you try to apologize and even if it was his fault
But eventually he’ll start to feel a tiny bit guilty after ignoring you for a week
He’ll peeper your face and neck with kisses and whisper sweet nothings to you as an apology
He’ll take you out to a very expensive restaurant just to emphasizes how sorry he is
He does love you after all he just has a very funny way of showing it
You first saw him at a coffee shop you frequently visited, mostly just to work, it was nice to get up in the mornings starting your day with a latte and just working in that quiet little coffee shop. And since it was early in the morning not many people came in to sit down, just a couple of morning joggers here and there but nobody who was there to stay, that was until one day. The morning had started like normal you got your drink and you went to sit down, but then this man had walked in.
Something about him had caught your eye, maybe it was his stylish sense of dressing, maybe it was this sort of mysterious feeling that lurked around him wherever he went. But something about him was alluring to you, drawing you in and captivating you. He sat at one of the many empty tables next to you sipping his coffee quietly
You wanted to make conversation, to reach out and introduce yourself, but felt too intimidated by him to say anything. Instead you internally struggled on what to say for ten minutes until much to your dismay he had gotten up and left the shop. This continued for a couple days until finally one day he spoke to you
“Hey, I see you here every morning, how long have you been here?” You were a little surprised that he was talking to you at first but none the less you were overcome with joy that he had actually started a conversion. “Oh! Um about two years, I think?” you replied turning away from your laptop to face him “Two years huh? That’s some dedication right there” he let out a low, gravelly, chuckle to which you smiled
“Yeah I guess so”
He turned his head looking down at his watch frowning slightly “Well it’s been wonderful talking to you, but I’m afraid I have to go now, see you later Y/n” he waved, making his way through the door
‘Wait, Y/n? I didn’t tell him my name’
You two met up at the shop every morning chatting and conversing on the many topics of life before one day Murdock had asked you on date
Walking through the park on a cool starry night, you wished you could have stayed there forever but sadly Murdock and you had to part ways eventually
“Alright, well I’ll see you again tomorrow” he said smiling yet the soft frown of disappointment didn’t go unnoticed by him “Yeah! I’ll see you” you said forcing a smile on your face not wanting to keep Murdock for any longer . As you turned, walking in the direction of your car you were spun around to Murdock once more “Ah-! Murdock what -” you were cut off with a soft kiss to the cheek as Murdock smirked “See you tomorrow, sweetheart” he whispered in your ear before slinking away leaving you behind, flustered and confused
Dating this man is…an experience to say the least
Not in a bad way at all! He’s just so quiet your never really sure what's going on inside his head
He doesn't plan on ever telling that he’s a *cough murder cough* simply because he wants to keep you from harm's way including himself
He loves flustering you beyond anything else
And he uses any chance he gets to do it
He’s sitting down and you walk by? He’s pulling you into his lap
You're standing somewhere just minding your own business? He’s coming up behind and wrapping his arms around your waist while he lays kisses along your neck
And despite this he claims he's not one for touch, yeah right
If you ever do the same to him though?? This man is putty in your hands
He loves to compare hand sizes with you, it makes his heart flutter <3
Ok but this man drives so f a s t
Not even intentionally, he just speeds, you're convinced your going to hit someone, but somehow you never do
He absolutely hates lazy weekends so don’t ever expect to be laying in bed with him in the mornings, he feels the need to always be productive
He has no chill, despite his calm composure which in a way is sort of ironic
He loves rainy days though, so expect him to drag you out during a rainy day to have a walk, under a shared umbrella
And also long talks in front of the fireplace, very specific but he enjoys the feeling of the warmth from the fire and the warmth that your presence provides him as well
Today was visitation day at the Happy trails prison. The visitation hours had started about two hours ago and were now almost over, you sighed as you watched the other families visit and talk for away before departing. They hadn’t shown up, they called you here yet they hadn’t shown up. Honestly this didn’t surprise you in the slightest this wasn’t out of character for them at all. You sat waiting in the room surrounded by inmates, families, couples and yet no sign of your friend. You glanced at the clock watching the minutes tick by with a heavy heart hoping at any minute they would walk in, explaining to you there delay yet fifteen minutes passed by and there was no such luck
“Youse waiting for someone too?”
You turned around to be faced with a tall boston man looking down at you
“Yeah, but I don’t think they’ll show” you respond tiredly, as the man sits next to you on the bench “Me neither” you turned to him, frowning “Who are you waiting for?” you asked curiously
“It doesn't matter now” you frowned, reaching out to pat him on the back, he suddenly tensed at the action and you quickly retracted your hand “I’m so sorry! I should have asked first” you quickly apologized. And he…chuckled? “No no, youse fine. I’m just not used to being touched is all” he offered a small smiled to you, one which you happily returned . Though your friend didn’t show up during visiting hours you and Yancy talked, laughed, and joked with each other until the last hour. It was nice, you hadn’t felt that comfortable with someone in a very long time. Yancy was so kind, you wondered how he’d ever managed to end up in prison in the first place, but there was no doubt in your mind you be back for the next visitation
It was only until Yancy actually applied for Parole that you started dating he wanted to wait until you could be together outside of just visitation hours
Yancy is so touched starved please give him lots of love please
He will not be able to sleep without out you after the first time you cuddled
So if you stay up late to work, draw, write, etc
Yancy will find a blanket and curl up next to you
So if you sleep at your desk you’ll wake up with Yancy curled up against you
Yancy loves to bake for you, once he got out of prison he started to look for things to do during the day and cooking just so happened to catch his eye
He’ll make you anything from deserts, pastries, full meals, etc you name it and Yancy will make it for you
He also loves to knit
So he’ll make you scarfs, mittens, jackets, cardigans, and a lot more, he has a lot of time on his hands
Yancy loves to nap with you, especially on cold days he’ll come up from behind you and wrap all his limbs around you so you can’t leave
Yancy also loves you carry you places, don’t worry about being to heavy he’s very strong so weight is not a problem for him
Kisses <3
All the time, he loves them so much
And he melts when you give him any sort of affection especially kisses he just loves you so much
He’s pretty easy to fluster considering he's never been in a relationship before
Very worried he's going to hurt you with his strength he gets so excited whenever he sees you he just wants to engulf you with a big warm hug but hes so worried he's going to crush you
This man is like a golden retriever I swear
But you love him anyways <33

A/n: This took me all day ahhhhhhh
Got any general hcs for yancy and Illinois
A/n: Sorry this took so long, work has kept me kinda busy this week, but thank you for the request anon!
Genre: Headcannons, Crack, Fluff

Yancy has a soft spot for small animals, any sort of tiny creature no matter what kind
Possums, raccoons, bunnies, puppies, kitties, doesn't matter
Loves to knit, during his time in prison he picked up a couple of new hobbies to pass the time
He’s also surprisingly good at cooking, he spent some time doing kitchen duty so he was able to pick up some tricks and tips from chef
Very touched starved hasn’t been held since he was a little kid and though he’ll never ask he really could just use a hug from someone
Loves warm weather throughout his time in prison he’s grown used to the cold night in his cell so when it warms up he finds himself sleeping easier
Isn’t a big sports guy believe it or not
Very shy about any sort of physical affection he's worried he's going to hurt someone with his strength, and he doesn't want to hurt more people
More of a cat person, likes the big fluffy cats especially
One thing he's always wanted to try, was roller skating the idea of skating on wheels just sounds so enchanting to him for some reason
He definitely ate bugs as a kid, look me in the eyes and tell me he didn’t
Crashed his bike when he was younger several times
Mama’s boy all the way
His mother was the only one who raised him growing up so he learned quite a lot from her
Very respectful he was taught to never judge people from the outside for any sort of reason, he really only judges based on character
Another man who can cook well, his Mom taught him how when he was younger and while growing up he would help his Mom prepare meals
Had a cocker spaniel growing up named Tucker
He kinda just gives random like nicknames to anyone he meets, like sweet little nicknames
Mostly ‘Darling, Sugar, Sweetheart, Pumpkin, Sweet-pea, etc.’
Hates cold weather with a passion, he’s used to it don’t get me wrong adventuring out with nothing but a sleeping bag he's definitely adjusted he’s just not a big fan
Probably grew up on a farm of some sort
Has always really enjoyed farm animals, Cows, Sheep, Pigs etc.
They remind him of home
Hates bugs especially spiders
Loves hiking though hes basically adventuring all the time any way he dose enjoy hiking, to him it’s like a adventure with less stress
Might I request some sick!Yancy hcs? <3
Genre: Fluff, Headcannons, Angst if you squint

Kinda dense, doesn't think it’s anything to really worry about no matter how bad he feels
Usually he’s fine when he gets sick, I mean years in prison there have been a couple things passed around now and then especially during flu season
But Yancy’s built up an immune system
On the occasions were it is bad enough for him to need to lay down you will have to force him in bed or he’ll just insist that he’s fine
He’s very reluctant to accept your help
He doesn't want to bother you with any of his problems
In his eyes your this wonderful kind, loving person willing to waste time helping some as bad as him
He doesn't want to waste your time or breath, so he’s very stubborn when it comes to letting you take care of him or help him in any way
Very grateful once you finally manage to convince him to let you help him
Will show his gratitude in any way he can
If your tired after watching over him and helping him he’ll be sure to try and get you anything you need
Food, Water, Blankets, anything you need
You’ll have to lightly remind him that you’re supposed to be taking care of him, although you do appreciate his efforts
Is very much a child when it comes to taking medicine
Hates the taste of it and will complain every time
“Youse don’t have anything else less bitter?”
“For the last time no Yancy, so please just take this and then I’ll get you a soda”
If he starts to feel cold due to his fever he’ll absolutely snuggle up to you like a lovesick puppy
He’ll apologize for ‘invading’ your personal space though so just reassure him that it’s fine or he’ll feel guilty about it for a while
“Youse don’t have to do dis ya know?” Yancy murmured his voice sounded like two pieces of leather being rubbed together.
His breath was ragged and shallow, chest heaving in and out like a dog left outside on a hot day. Anxious of the state of the Boston man who laid before you. The wind whistled through the bars of the cell, the bitter wind nipping at your bare skin leaving a shiver down your spine.
You frowned sympathetically, the cold couldn’t have been making this any easier for Yancy as a soft shiver took hold of him for a moment. Taking the wet cloth you lightly pressed it to Yancy's forehead.
“Don’t say that. I told you I want to be here.” you softly scold him, he frowned in reply. “Don’t youse have family or somewhere ya rather be, than having to sit here stuck with me?” he sulked a guilty look crossing his features as he turned from you fixing his gaze to the wall.
Yancy hated this feeling of weakness, he wasn’t afraid of vulnerability, no not at all. He hated the idea he was bothering you with this, he didn’t want you to waste your time on him, especially when there are people more worthy of your time and in his eyes Yancy wasn’t one of them.
“Yancy…” you cooed gently, taking hold of his shoulder turning him to you. The broken look in his sweet hazel eyes made your heart clench in pain.
“Yancy, listen to me. I wanted to be here for you, okay? I made the choice to come here because I care about you. And this is just more time to spend with you which you know is always a good thing.”
you smiled grasping the man's hand lightly, as a sweet smile softly returned to ruggish features he leaned up to you rewarding you with a kiss on the cheek.
“Danks, I uh really appreciate youse being here.” he replied.
“Anytime Yancy.”

A/n: I love him sm <33333333