Asexual Reader - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Slashers I think would make great ace partners.

I made this purely for my ace friends and followers. You don't have to agree with anything I say. This was made based on my own opinions and speculation. Like I said, you don't have to read this or agree with anything I say. These were also based on my own interpretations of the killers- aka- emotional support slashers.

1). Albert Wesker

Slashers I Think Would Make Great Ace Partners.

I feel like a lot of people might disagree with me on this one, but I actually believe that Albert would gladly accept an ace partner. Albert has a high standard for people, especially partners. He puts personality value and skill value above all else. He looks for someone who is smart, talented, trustworthy, dependable and loyal. He wants someone who isn't too physically needy and can hold their own while he's gone on long trips. If he can have a partner who meets those needs, then I think he'd probably care less about sexual gratification. He would probably love to tease, pamper and spoil his partner as well for he just loves showing off how good he is at taking care of his loved one.

2). Michael Myers

Slashers I Think Would Make Great Ace Partners.

It goes without saying that Michael probably despises sex or has no idea what sex actually is. If Michael were to find a partner, I think he'd choose a partner who is interesting, emotional and has certain needs. Michael is a protector; he likes guarding his loved one and providing them with care. He finds pride in the service he provides them, especially if it makes them feel happy, comfortable and safe. I do think Michael would like to hold and/or cuddle his partner, but not much more than that. Sex isn't even a part of his vocabulary. He loves his partner no matter who they are.

3). Jason Voorhees (the ultimate baby boy!)

Slashers I Think Would Make Great Ace Partners.

The ultimate sexual pleasure destroyer here who kills every naked person in literally every movie, lol. Jason is a person who needs love, acceptance and reassurance, so he seeks out a partner who is kind, modest and pure. Jason is number one when it comes to putting personality value first. He could care less what his partner looks like, just as long as they are empathetic, accepting, trustworthy, loyal and compassionate. He also probably does love hugs, cuddles and soft, platonic touches because it makes him feel good, but sex is a no no. Jason is extremely caring too, so if his partner has needs, he will glady take care of them. He is a protector.

4). Pinhead/Elliot Spencer (baby boy number 2!)

Slashers I Think Would Make Great Ace Partners.

I believe, due to his power, Elliot can feel the pleasure and determine the worth of a person without even touching them. Physical/sexual gratification isn't exactly something he needs to be able to feel what his partner is feeling. Elliot has a significant attraction towards those who are strong, passionate and determined. The worth of his partner is determined by their aspirations and outlooks on life. He loves to feel their emotions through the bond that they share because it's more meaningful and important to him. I think Elliot would also be pretty obedient and considerate, putting the needs of his partner first. You wanna cuddle? Then let's cuddle. You want space? Then you have your space, he understands.

5). Pyramid Head/The Executioner

Slashers I Think Would Make Great Ace Partners.

I believe that Pyramid baby here is a special case because I don't think he has a "type". I believe he discovers love at first sight- like a soulmate thing. Doesn't matter what the person looks like or anything else. When he can feel that his potential partner is true to him despite whatever flaws they may have, he will instantly submit himself and live up to their expectations. If they prefer not to have sex, then that is perfectly fine. Just as long as this incredible person will stay with him, show him the world and share all kinds of meaningful experiences with him, then he will be infinitely grateful.

6). Jeffrey Hawk/Kenneth Chase (baby boy number 3!)

Slashers I Think Would Make Great Ace Partners.

Jeffrey Hawk is a classical Kentucky tease (psst, I literally have no idea if he's from Kentucky. I just made it up, hehehe). Jeffrey does not define his partner's worth based on anything other than personality. Appearance doesn't matter, financial stance doesn't matter. Just as long as his partner is honest, loyal, caring and fun, then he will love them till the cows come home. His favorite things to do with his partner are cracking jokes, teasing, doing magic tricks, eating and exploring. He loves the attention and having his partner with him. Their smile and laugh is the very heart of his day. When it comes to sexual intimacy, he doesn't really care.

7). Ji-woon Hak

Slashers I Think Would Make Great Ace Partners.

Some people might not agree with me on this one either, but whatever. I believe that Ji-woon would be a bit like Pyramid Head and view his partner as his soul mate. To him, they are the most precious, most beautiful and the most important jewel to him and he would do anything for them. Including giving up sex. There are other ways to enjoy time like teaching his partner how to play instruments or taking them on tour. Just as long as you're having fun, that's all that matters to him. He also loves attention and showing his partner off to the world. "Ha, jealous much? Look at my beautiful partner that you don't have!"

8). Carmina Mora

Slashers I Think Would Make Great Ace Partners.

Carmina has been through a lot in life. She takes loss very seriously and will do anything to keep those closest to her safe. She also has insecurities and emotional issues, so risking bad behavior that would result in losing her partner is too great a risk. If she could find someone who was understanding, gentle and kind, and could accept her despite all her bad mistakes, I think she would be ever grateful to that person. I see Carmina as being more demi; needing that strong, emotional connection before ever doing anything intimate with her partner if that's what her partner wants. She's very loyal and caring, and will love her partner no matter what.

Fellow mentions I couldn't decide on (tell me what you think): Evan MacMillan, Bubba Sawyer, Bo Sinclair, Max Thompson, and Rin Yamaoka.

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8 months ago

Slashers attempting to seduce an asexual reader. (Written for my asexual viewers).

Notes: This is meant to be purely humorous and fun. I wrote it for my asexual viewers in the hopes that I can put a smile on their faces. All the love in the world to you, my dears! 💜🤍🖤


Albert Wesker

After killing two survivors in the trial, Wesker took his time unbuttoning his shirt. Then he slid off his glasses and ruffled his hair- something he never did unless it was for someone very special.

Ever since he had arrived here, countless people had tried getting into his pants. He was used to it, honestly. And while the attention felt good, he wasn't interested in anyone else. No.

He was interested in 'you'.

Anticipating your arrival at a generator, Wesker casually leaned against the hill and posed, showing off his smooth, veiny muscles and glistening abs. His sleeves were rolled up, showing off the divine luxury of his biceps.

Oh yes, (y/n), look at him. Take it all in. Stare at the wondrous array of his beauty, his irresistible essence. There was no way you could resist him, no one could. Any second and you would either come running, or he would catch you staring at him like a red faced fish.

Grinning big in confidence, Wesker was midway through running his hand through his hair when he turned to see what your reaction was. He expected you to be excited, flustered and breathless, but instead...

You were rummaging through a chest, your side to him and your attention completely focused on the task at hand.

Ok, umm... What!?

Wesker pushed himself away from the hill. You were searching a chest? What? Why? What was so bloody important about 'that'? You should be paying attention to him.

Unable to believe it, Wesker watched as you proudly lifted up a flashlight that you clicked multiple times before standing up and tossing your old toolbox at the poor chest. Then you turned around and skipped away without a care in the world.

In the abyss, Wesker was left frustrated, humiliated and determined. Don't think that this was over with, (y/n), because it's not. Wesker isn't a man who likes to give up.

He'd have your attention eventually.

Herman Carter

He unlatches his mouth and head restraints and sheds his torn lab coat. His eyes glow a light pink as he unfastens his belt, untucks his shirt and purposely rips certain areas of his clothes thus leaving more lush, gorgeous skin to shine through.

They say that you were hard to get, But Herman liked to believe otherwise. Being one of the most popular people in the realm, his fame made him confident and certain of himself. If he wanted someone's attention, then he would get it.

Casually swinging his weapon around while guarding his perimeter, Herman kept an eye out for you. Any second and you should be returning to finish the generator.

When he finally saw you approach, he stretched, one arm moving behind his head to show off the gorgeous curve of his back and his strong muscles. His bare arms crackled with teasing electricity as he stroked his body, his fingers tugging at holes in his clothes and exposing the exciting view from within.

That's it, (y/n), look at him. Don't be shy. Bask in his charm and handsome, good looks. Stare at the way his muscles moved. Watch his strong thighs flex and let your imagination run wild. Yes.

Chancing a look in your direction, Herman expected to see you flustered, intimidated or frozen in awe, but instead...

You were talking to a crow.

Herman nearly dropped his weapon.

Are you joking him right now?

You were talking to a crow. Literally. You were kneeling down with a stick in your hand in which you tried to use to serenade the crow. Your back was to him and you were completely submerged in your essential conversation.

What on earth? Herman sighed in disbelief and frustration. Why were you talking to a crow? Were you mad? Look at him! He was practically famous- not to mention extraordinarily good looking. You shouldn't be paying attention to no crow.

Seeing as how he wasn't going to get your attention today, Herman sighed and walked away. You were certainly unique, but that only made him want you more.

Soon, (y/n). Very, very soon.

Frank Morrison

He was almost shaking with excitement as he took off his jacket and shirt. Today was the day. Today was the day that he finally got a rise out of you, and he would be the first. Everyone says you're unresponsive to this kind of act, but he begged to differ.

You just haven't got to see him in action yet is all.

Going so far as to unzip his pants, Frank then took his mask off and leaned against the rumbling generator. His plan was in motion. All he needed was to wait for you and everything would fall into place exactly how he wanted it to.

When he saw you come into view, Frank leaned back against the generator, stretching his arms and legs and glancing in your direction.

Go on, (y/n), look at him. Take it all in. Witness his exposed body and come undone. If you're good, he might even help you with all those flustered emotions. All you had to do was ask nicely.

Glancing in your direction, Frank catches you looking at him and he grins maliciously. Yes. That's it. He looks at you further, his body turning towards you as he gets ready to gesture you forward. Be good now, (y/n).

After a few seconds of staring at him though, something else caught your attention, and suddenly you were jogging off to a set of pillars nearby.

"Hey," Frank immediately protested as he pushed himself away from the generator. Where were you going?

Following you a bit, Frank's hands flew up in complete and utter disbelief.

A totem? You were cleansing a dull totem? Are you serious right now? What the heck!

Frank was utterly baffled. All of his hard work, and you barely even noticed him. Did you even have any kind of reaction at all? And what the hell was so great about a totem???

For a minute, Frank watched as you cleansed the totem and began searching the area for more, not a second glance given to him or the generator. Growling in frustration, Frank kicked the ground and wandered back to his stripped clothes.

They really weren't joking when they said you were unresponsive. Well, Frank wasn't joking either. He would get your attention one day, and he can guarantee that.

Evan MacMillan

He had worn his apron and jeans specifically for you. After he killed off at least two survivors, he shedded his apron thus leaving his upper body bare. Taking off his mask came next, and then he sat on a crate, patiently waiting for you to come around.

Most people love seeing him show off his strength, which is what he planned to do with you. If he could lure you in enough, then he would intimidate you, steal the words right out of your stuttering mouth and tell you what he knew you wanted deep, deep down.

Feeling himself burn with excitement, Evan nearly stood up too fast when he saw you come into view. Turning around, he kicked the generator, putting his muscles and strength on display. Then he grabbed a trap and kneeled down to set it, the air tickling his exposed crack.

Evan knew that he had a good body, and he wanted you to look at it. Look at it and imagine all the things it could do to you. Think about his strong thighs and thick waist. Think about his rough, calloused hands and fingers. Take it all in and imagine the possibilities.

Planning on playing the victim to your staring, Evan turned his head back, fully prepared to see you gawking at him. But instead...

You were looting David's belongings in which he had left after dying on a hook.

What in God's name?

Evan stood up, confused and somewhat irritated. Had you not noticed him? He growled, watching as you tossed out unimportant tools from a toolbox, completely focused on your own tasks.

You gotta be kidding him. This is what you were interested in instead of him? A toolbox? Really?

Crossing his arms, Evan sighed. He wasn't mad. He knew they had said that you were hard to get. Sure, he hadn't imagined you being quite this clueless, but still. It was strange.

Evan watched as you got your tools collected and skittered off in a different direction, and he shook his head in amusement. One of these days he was going to get a reaction from you. Just you wait.

Ji-woon Hak

They say you can't be seduced? Well, Ji-woon would like to prove otherwise. After all, who can resist the practical God of good looks? No one!

Wearing none other than his fancy swim shorts, Ji-woon was pumped with confidence and optimism. Getting your attention was going to be a piece of cake.

Waiting on top of a hill, Ji-woon waits until you come into view and then shouts to get your attention. You stop in your tracks and look at him. He smirks and takes out his throwing knives.

Facing a nearby fence, Ji-woon throws and throws his knives until he creates a heart shape in the old wood. Huffing in pride, he skillfully twirls a knife around while waiting your reaction.

You were staring at the fence, seeming to be in awe.

Ji-woon grins and strokes his hair, mumbling arrogant phrases in Korean as he begins to walk down the hill. On his way, he pushes his shorts down a bit, exposing the fine ridges of his pelvic bones. Then he trails his fingers down his sides and over his abs.

By the time he looks up to give you a wink, he sees you staring at him with a somewhat emotionless face. He smiled, ready to throw out the grand finale.

But suddenly...

Something passed by your face. It was a butterfly. A butterfly that had you gasping in delight and grinning big. Not but a few seconds after it flew by, you began chasing it.

"Eh?" Ji-woon was dumbfounded.

You. Were. Chasing. A. Butterfly?!

How could you be chasing a butterfly instead of paying attention to him? Come on. He just put on a big show for you. You should be falling to pieces in admiration and lust.

And yet you were chasing a freakin butterfly!!!

Cursing, Ji-woon covered his face and shook his head. You really were a difficult person to please. But, no matter. The more challenging the person, the more fun the possibilities.

Chuckling fondly, Ji-woon fought against chasing the butterfly with you. Instead he watched, adoring your childish nature.

Don't worry, (y/n), he wasn't giving up. One day he would steal your heart. One day...

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1 year ago

Markiplier Egos with an Asexual DA / Viewer

a/n: I decided to write this specifically as you coming out to them after you've already been dating for a while so it'd be different enough from the Aro hcs thing I already did. We cool with that? Alright.

Markiplier Egos With An Asexual DA / Viewer


Like I've already said, he doesn't care what your sexuality/gender is, he's immediately accepting of you and your identity.

That really doesn't change if you're dating.

Boundaries can take a lot of getting used to for him; he's a very physically affectionate kind of person.

He tries his best tho and always apologizes if he realizes he's touching you in a way that you've said makes you uncomfortable.

There's really not much else to it, things just continue as normal.


Doesn't care. (supportive)

It really doesn't affect your relationship at all.

He doesn't usually like people touching him apart from specific circumstances with those he trusts, so boundaries aren't really an issue.

Again, not much left to say.


He'd probably recite the definition of asexual except it's like the one for reproduction.

He's not being a dick for once though, he's just genuinely confused.

After explaining it to him, he finds the right definition and is kinda just like: "...Oh yeah, me too."


"...Like a plant?"

Yeah, he doesn't get it at first either.

"Ooohhhhh! Same, brah. Same."


I can't not see him as a little aphobic before the events of wkm, but considering he's now lived for over like a hundred years or something, he outta be a little less ignorant now.

I mean, he might not fully get it at first still, but he'd try his best to for you.

He'd never force you into something you're uncomfortable with like that anyway. If you really don't wanna have sex, he's not gonna throw a hissy fit over it. (even tho that does feel like a very actor mark thing to do)

Just remember to assure him that it has nothing to do with him specifically or it's gonna make him insecure. He's a narcissist, the love of his life not finding him attractive is gonna make an impact.

Very respectful about your boundaries despite being a touchy kinda person. If you're not okay with certain kinds of touches, just let him know.

Overall, it might take a bit for him to adapt, but his effort is at least endearing.


As previously mentioned, he'll most likely already be familiar with it due to his very inclusive friend group.

He's at least knowledgeable enough to know that asexuality is a spectrum, so he'd probably ask you to explain what flavor of it you happen to be.

Very supportive!

He's never really felt like he needs sex in a relationship anyway.

He's honestly just happy you gave him enough of a shot to wanna be friends let alone date him.

Would stab an aphobe for you<3


Honestly surprised at first, he had no idea that was even a thing.

He's totally okay with it of course! He just didn't know you could have a relationship where sex isn't like...mandatory.

Similarly relieved as I've described before when you explain it to him. It's a welcomed change to be sure.

He'll hold back on flirtatious comments if they make you uncomfortable.

Tries his best to respect your boundaries. He feels lonely if you don't cuddle him at night tho.

Sexual intimacy has become something he dreads with meaningful relationships. He likes getting to focus more of his time on you as a person, making sure you feel loved, and just treasuring your time together.

Overall really supportive.


A little awkward around the topic of sex I imagine.

Mostly cus you're still the captain so power dynamics and all that.

You're already risking a lot just by being together romantically, that kind of workplace relationship could definitely get you both in some hot water. No matter how temptingly scandalous it can seem.

This was basically the stuff that first came to mind once you told him and he almost felt relieved because of it. I mean, that's certainly a headache you shouldn't have to risk dealing with now.

Outside of logistic nonsense, he's very supportive all around.

Like I've said, he can sometimes overcompensate when it comes to boundaries, so assurance helps if that's not something that bothers you.

He came up with this like dorky way of quantifying things where basically he says any energy he'd put into sex he instead puts into cuddling you twice as much and- just- yeah-


Very calm and reassuring if he sees you were anxious while telling him.

Even if you weren't he's pretty chill about it.

Every action of his is typically very calculated no matter the situation, even if in more of a purposely sporadic kind of way. So needless to say, he's pretty good about boundaries.

I mean, if you're in the middle of making a quick get away and end up having to get uncomfortably close to hide or something, that can't really be helped, but yk. (he'd make it up to you later anyway, probably something dinner related)

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2 years ago

Pens For Two

Shall We Date?: Obey Me! One Master to Rule Them All!

Summary: You just need a quiet place to study so that you can do your homework for once! Solomon offers to let you study with him at Purgatory Hall. Before the two of you can head over, however, you need to buy some new stationary first.

Word Count: 1514 ✯ AO3 Version

Characters: Aromantic! Asexual! Solomon x Aromantic! Asexual! GN! Reader

Tags: Fluff, aroace reader x aroace character, reader referred to as ‘MC’

Pens For Two

When one is presented with the trip of a lifetime, would one ever want to say no, especially when all expenses are paid and covered for you?

Staying in the Devildom as an exchange student was an adventure that you had never imagined you would be going on in your wildest dreams until you had actually lived it. Being able to experience the culture of an entire realm so unlike your own, discovering a whole new set of media, food, trends, stores, and scenery unlike that of the human realm was dazzling and made it easy to forget about missing home when there were dozens of new things to experience everyday.

Unfortunately, this was an exchange program - meaning, you still had to do homework.

While homework and classwork was in and of it something that basically everyone hated doing, the homework assigned to you honestly wasn’t that difficult to deal with. As long as you set aside quiet time to get it done, didn’t let it pile up, and had meticulous notes to study from (which Satan was always willing to help you out with), the homework was no sweat. Except, living in the House of Lamentation with all seven demon brothers made doing homework in a timely manner, or even having a quiet place to do your homework, was basically impossible.

At first, when you had first arrived, the brothers were wary of you and gave you a wide berth and it was easy for you to do your homework in your room during your free time. Then, as they started to warm up to you and became your friends, you found yourself having to do your homework in the quiet of Satan’s room (he was very kind over it, even helping you do your homework sometimes) or in Lucifer’s hidden study in the library (it was always peacefully quiet in there, since he did work in one corner while you did homework in the other corner). But after the whole ordeal with Belphegor was resolved and all the brothers seemed to collectively decide to promote you to best friend status, all of them tried to monopolize your time, always trying to come find you to try and ask you to spend time with them, even when you had your designated homework time in Satan’s room or Lucifer’s hidden study. It was frustrating you to no end, leaving you to resort to staying behind at RAD after classes end to try and do your work, but the chatter of students in the hallways doing extracurricular activities combined with the need to hide from the brothers while you tried to do homework in peace made it a difficult environment to do your homework in.

If Lucifer didn’t pressure you so much on doing your tasks and doing well with RAD school work since you were one of the important human exchange students, you would probably have given up on doing any homework at all out of frustration.

So today you found yourself this afternoon curled up under a stairwell at RAD, trying to ignore the chatter of other students with a pair of headphones Levi had gifted you sometime ago, hunched over your homework, when your pen ran out of ink. It was your last pen. You had no pencils on you. And you were running out of paper to do your homework on top of that. The stress of it all was almost enough to make you cry. Almost.

“MC? Is that you?”

Your head whipped up at the soft voice calling out to you, half afraid one of the brothers had come to pester you when you wanted to be alone, but were relieved to see it was only Solomon, who was watching you from the stairwell, eyes partly curious and partly concerned for you.

“So it was you. What are you doing hiding under the stairwell?”

You sighed, slowly standing and holding up your homework, “I was trying to do my homework, but my pen ran out of ink. It was my last pen, too. Don’t have any pencils. Before you ask why under the stairwell and not at the library - well, I’m trying to hide from the brothers. I can’t get any work done around them.”

Solomon chuckled, nodding in understanding, “Yes, I would imagine that it would be hard to get any studying done around the House of Lamentation. Hm...I was actually going to start on that homework assignment today, myself. Would you like to come over to study with me? It’ll be quiet, that’s for sure. Simeon and Luke would be happy to see you, too.”

“You have no idea how helpful that would be,” you gushed, relieved, “I’m so happy that I could kiss you!”

His easy going smile turned a little strained, “I’m glad that I could be of help to you. We can go right now, if you’d like?”

You wanted to ask him what you had said that had made him uncomfortable, feeling bad that his smile had turned positively fake, but then you remembered that you needed new pens, “I need to get new pens. Pencils too! If you don’t mind? Or I can go get some and I’ll meet you at your dorm later?”

Solomon shook his head, offering you a hand to help you pick up your things, “No, I’ll go with you. I could use a few new pens myself.”

Thanking him, the two of you set off into town, the streets a little crowded with the after school hour, but the little stationery store was fairly empty as the two of you walked in. Walking through the aisles, admiring the cutesy black and pink decor and little fuzzy bats hanging from the ceiling, you picked up a stack of paper before heading over to the shelves that had the pens and pencils, when you gasped in utter delight at a brand new display just in front of the pen aisle. It was a pride themed stationary display!

Pens and pencils all in different colors of all kinds of different flags, rainbow erasers in the shape of hearts, little magnets with pride puns printed on them, and even special stacks of colored letter paper and envelopes, thumb tacks, staples, and paper clips!

And there was even the aromantic pride flag and the asexual pride flag present!

“Sol! Solomon, come look at this!” you gushed as you picked up some aromantic themed pens and some asexual themed pencils, already knowing that you were going to buy as many as you could with the grimm that you had on you.

Solomon looked up from the notebooks he was looking at to walk over to you, surprised to see you gushing over the pride display. He was even more surprised to see you hoarding the aromantic themed pens and asexual themed pencils.

“It’s a pride display,” he blinked, unsure what to say, still stunned that this display even had the aromantic flag to begin with.

“Yea, isn’t it great? I’m going to get as many of these pens and pencils as I can afford!” you grinned up at him, but the grin slowly slipped off your face as your face as Solomon just continued to stare at the display with a furrowed brow, “...Solomon? You okay?”

He startled slightly, before smiling sheepishly at you, cheeks flushing at having been caught spacing out, “I’m fine, sorry. I was just...really surprised, is all. The aromantic flag is usually never included with the rest of the community.”

He picked up a few aromantic themed pens and pencils for himself, then picked up a few magnets with ace pride puns on them after a moment of debating it.

“You’re aromantic too, Sol?”

He nodded, smile less embarrassed now as he looked down at his little armful of pride themed stationary, and suddenly you felt embarrassed yourself as you just realized that the kiss comment you made earlier was what had made Solomon uncomfortable earlier.

“Oh geez, I made you so uncomfortable earlier, didn’t I?? With that kiss comment? I didn’t mean it, I promise!”

“It’s okay, I know,” Solomon laughed that soft, hushed giggle of his, smiling fondly at you, “It seems that we have something more to bond over than just being the two human exchange students, huh? Let’s go buy these. We still have some studying to do.”

You nodded, going with him to the teller after grabbing an eraser for good measure, still feeling embarrassed. The walk down to Purgatory Hall was enough to forget the embarrassment as the two of you chatted the whole walk there, bonding over when the two of you had first realized the possibility of being aromantic and asexual, the feelings that came to the two of you when you had discovered the exitencse of aromanticism and asexuality, and how the two of you had become the people you are today. When the two of you arrived at Purgatory Hall, you and Solomon had had such a good time chatting that you both almost forgot you were supposed to start the day’s homework. Almost.

Pens For Two

Likes and reblogs are loved and appreciated!

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2 years ago

Let’s Talk About Love

Shall We Date?: Obey Me! One Master To Rule Them All!

Summary: Levi doesn’t understand why you keep choosing him over his brothers time and time again. He can’t offer you the same things that they would be able to offer you.

Word Count: 2174 ✯ AO3 Version

Characters: Aromantic! Asexual! Leviathan x Aromantic! Asexual! GN! Reader

Tags: Fluff, aroace reader x aroace character, discussions of aromanticism, discussions of queer platonic relationships, autistic-coded Levi

Lets Talk About Love

Jealousy was an emotion that Leviathan spent the whole of his existence being intimately familiar with. Such a thing is no surprise, really - he transformed into the Avatar of Envy after his fall from heaven, afterall. Envy was a black, ugly feeling that he lived with too closely anytime he didn't drown himself in his manga, anime, or games to escape from it.

Inferiority was another emotion he knew just as well, even if he experienced it less often, since he shut himself away in his room most everyday so that he wouldn't have to deal with the overwhelming weight of all he was lacking that came with inferiority. That and so he wouldn't have to deal with his social anxiety, too.

Inferiority was, unfortunately, something he was feeling way too much lately, ever since you have come to the Devildom and wormed your way into his family’s life. Watching his brothers all fawn over you around the breakfast table, the inferiority was especially oppressive today. Each of them had a different approach to you, but he knew that each one of them was in love with you.

Mammon was the most obvious about his being in love with you with how he constantly tried to get your attention and monopolize your time, even if he wasn’t entirely honest about his feelings. Satan was slightly more devious about it, covering up his shyness over outright saying his feelings by straight-forward actions, flirting with you and asking you out on dates. Belphegor was territorial and possessive of you, easily upset when your thoughts and time weren’t devoted to him, wanting to monopolize you in a way that was much less wholesome than how Mammon desired to monopolize your time.

Levi sincerely hopes that his younger brother was not a yandere, like the kinds he sometimes saw in his manga and anime. For your safety as well as the safety of the rest of them.

Asmodeus flirted with you just as he flirted with every person he found attractive, but Levi knows that Asmo’s love for you was genuine in that you were the only person allowed to see the true insecurities lying under the air-headed facade Asmo maintained. Lucifer desired you just as Asmo desired you, openly fond of you when he thought no one else was watching, being severely strict upon you to try and maintain the idea that he had no favoritism towards you when he thought people were watching. Beelzebub - well, Levi actually wasn’t sure that Beel experienced love or desire for anything that wasn’t food. But he did know that it definitely meant something that his younger brother willingly shared food with you and cooked for you.

As soon as Lucifer dismissed them from the breakfast table, Levi made a beeline for his room, itching to bury himself under a blanket to try and not thinking about the whirlwind of barbed thoughts running through his mind right now.

Leviathan himself, well...he is fairly sure that he does love you too, in some capacity. He knows for a fact that he cares for you deeply, that he’s fond of you, and that he finds himself wanting to share his special interests with you - but he’s also aware, somewhere in the back of his mind, that the way he feels about you is not the same way that his brothers feel about you. He’s painfully conscious of the fact that even when these tangle of emotions confuse him when he thinks on them too long that he’s not, not in love with you. At least, not like how Satan and Mammon are in love with you. And he doesn’t desire you either, not the way that Lucifer and Asmodeus desire you.

The inferiority that overcomes him whenever he acknowledges these thoughts, these feelings, that he can’t offer to you what his brothers can, yet selfishly desiring to spend every waking moment he could just enjoying your makes him want to just curl up under his blankets, blocking out all the lights of his room, their lights brighter than usual in his heightened emotional distress, blocking out all the buzzing of his electronics with his headphones, just blocking out the world entirely, trying to block out his mind at the same time.

Why - despite his brothers constantly vying for your time, attention, and affections - do you continue to keep choosing him out of all them to spend all your time with?

“Levi? Are you in there?” you called from outside his bedroom door with a knock, “I wanted to watch the new TSL DVD with you, if you were still up for that?”

Levi groggily unfurled himself from his blanket nest, squinting at the brightness of his phone, faintly surprised that he had basically let himself pass the whole day away hiding under his blankets.

“I can go if you aren’t feeling well…”

Rubbing at his eyes, Levi pulled himself out of his tub-bed with a grimace, striding over and opening the door for you, before turning back and disappearing back into his room so he wouldn’t have to deal with the brightness of the hall lights, “I’ll set up the movie once I find it. You can set up the pillows.”

Entering his room, you were caught over by the big nest of blankets all heaped in the tub-bed already, and looking over at Leviathan, you could see his tail sticking out from the one blanket that was still wrapped about him like a hood, his tail flicking up and down rapidly. Levi was obviously really upset about something.

Pursing your lips, contemplating if you should just straight up give him a hug, or ask him what was wrong first, then give him the hug, you picked out the pillows that you know were Levi’s favorites and arranged the tub-bed to be as comfy as possible. Nodding in satisfaction, you turned to see Levi still rummaging through his stack of DVDs, head drooped and tail still flicking with irritation. He seemed as though he was lost in thought.

“Levi? Are you okay?”

He startled, dropping the DVDs he was holding and tipping over the whole stack. Feeling positively horrible that you startled him like that, you quickly rushed over to help him pick up the fallen DVDs.

“I’m fine, I’m just really tired,” he mumbled as he avoided eye-contact, picking up DVD after DVD quickly.

You sighed softly, gently putting a hand on his arm and stopping him, “You’re in your demon form, Levi. You morph into your demon form whenever you’re upset. ...can I give you a hug?”

He hesitated for a moment before he nodded, putting aside the DVDs onto his desk. You wrapped him up in a huge hug, patting his back gently, and Levi found himself relaxing into your tender embrace, resting his cheek against your head, exhaling long and slow. He already felt loads better.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“No, it’’s fine. It’s...silly. I don’t want to bother you with - “

You squeezed him gently, tightening your arms around him, “Levi. You are never a bother to me. And your feelings are never, ever ‘silly.’ Okay? Your feelings are important, just like how you’re important. Okay? Now, talk to me, Levi. What’s wrong? Why’re you upset?”

Levi trembled at the utter anxiety clogging his throat up at just the mere thought of trying to express what he was feeling out loud, hiding his face in your hair as he held you close, “It’’s, um…”

“You can take all the time you need,” you quietly encouraged him, rubbing a comforting hand up and down his back.

Shakily taking a breath, he tried again, “I, um...All my brothers...they’re in love with you. But I...I don’t love you. Ah, but that’s - ! That’s not - ! It’s, that’s, what I meant, is that, I don’t...I don’t love you the same way they do. I...I can't give you the same kind of love they would, so I don’t - I don’t understand why you...why keep choosing to spend all your time with...with someone like me…”

You stood quietly, letting his words wash over you as you processed what he was telling you. Pulling away from the hug with careful movements, you looked up at Levi to see he had his eyes anxiously squeezed shut, likely afraid of what your reaction would be to his words.

“Levi, look at me. Please,” you asked him, keeping your voice hushed, knowing how he became hyper sensitive when his emotions were high strung.

He hesitantly opened his eyes, looking down at you, heart near stopping at how you were looking at him with such...utter understanding.

You took his hands and sat him down in the nest of pillows and blankets you had set up in his tub-bed, plopping down next him.

“I keep choosing you to spend all my time with because I like you, Levi.”

Levi sat straight up, struggling against sinking into all the pillows, “But - !”

“I’m not interest in what your brothers have to offer me, either.”

“But I - “

You turned to look up at him, avoiding eye contact so that you wouldn’t make him uncomfortable with how distraught he already was, “I don’t return any of their feelings. And I don’t expect you to feel any differently for me than you already do. Have you aromanticism, Levi?”

He blinked, caught off guard by the question Levi shook his head.

“Aromanticism is when a person very rarely, or never, feels romantic attraction.”

Levi gaped at you, “That’s - that’s a real thing?!”

“It is,” you nodded, smiling fondly at him, “There’s an entire spectrum, for all the different ways a person experiences aromanticism.”

Levi slumped back into the pillows and blankets, sinking into them as he stared at the ceiling in wonderment, mulling over what you had just told him. He sat up suddenly, struggling to not sit back into the bed again,

“Wait! Are you aromantic?”

You nodded, smiling at him all the same, “Yeah. I am. I’m asexual too. Asexuality means that you rarely or never feel sexual attraction. There’s a whole spectrum to how people experience asexuality too.”

Leviathan stared at you, utterly wowed, trying to figure out how to say what he was feeling, inhaling sharply, “I - I think I might be aromantic and, and asexual…”

You grinned as you pulled him into another big hug and he returned the hug, and Levi found himself grinning too as he returned the hug, his tail rapidly thumping against the pillows all around the both of you, but this time it was because he was excited to learn this new thing you just told him about.

“...there’s nothing wrong with me,” Leviathan murmured, finally allowing himself to sink back into the pillows and blankets and stay there.

“There was nothing wrong with you to begin with,” you agree, sinking into the pillows and blankets beside him, feeling comfortable and safe in his arms.

“...but you know, I...I feel really deeply for you, but I do know that I don’t want to like, be your boyfriend or anything, but I, I do want to spend like - agh, I’m not making any sense, am I…?” he huffed, hiding his face into the pillows, frustrated with himself.

“No, I get it,” you reassured him, poking at him to try and get him to stop hiding, “Do you know what a queer platonic relationship is?”

Levi peeked up at you, face adorably scrunched up in confusion, “Huh? A what?”

“I’m guessing not,” you giggled, cuddling up close, “Let’s see...a QPR is something more intense than friendship, but isn’t exactly romantic. The lines between platonic feelings and romantic feelings can be blurred and it can be hard for both people involved to really understand how they feel about each other fully. They can include friendships and ambiguously-romantic relationships that go beyond friendship norms in emotional intensity, physical affection, or other areas. Some QPR partners get married. A QPR can look different for everyone, depending on what the people involved are comfortable with and how they feel for each other.”

Levi mouthed out a “wow,” thinking this over, “So what I feel…”

You squished his cheeks together playfully, giggling, “I understand what you feel entirely. In fact, I feel the same. You just learned a lot in a few minutes, but...I really like you, Levi. Would you want to be my queer platonic partner?”

He gaped at you, before laughing excitedly, nodding and pulling you into an even tighter hug, positively delighted. You returned the hug just as happily, resting your head on his shoulder. The two of you pulled back to smile at each other, the world feeling perfectly in balance at this new decision that the two of you made together.

That evening, the two of you thoroughly enjoyed the new TSL DVD together, cuddling under the light of the movie that played on Levi’s large flat screen television.

Lets Talk About Love

Likes and reblogs are loved and appreciated!

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1 year ago

Omg, first off I've been seeing you in my notes frequently and I just wanted to say thank you so much for following me and reblogging my posts 😊✨

I really love your works and I saw requests are open and that you write for asexual readers too so may I request Malleus with an ace reader? 🥺

There's not enough ace content out there hdhshdhhs 💜

I hope you have a great day! ☺️

Omg, First Off I've Been Seeing You In My Notes Frequently And I Just Wanted To Say Thank You So Much

Thank you so much!! I love your works and writing too! :D I agree that there’s not enough ace content out there and I’m more than happy to take your request!!!!! Apologies for how long it took me to complete your request, I hope you enjoy it! :)

Malleus Draconia x Ace! Reader

Word Count: 668

You and Malleus are in love with each other. There’s no doubt to you that the pining between the two of you is mutual, but the relationship between the two of you remains ambiguous and carefully unacknowledged on your part as you step around these unspoken feelings until Malleus takes you on your usual evening walk with him around NRC.

Tags: Gender Neutral Reader, Asexual Reader, brief discussions of asexuality, author spreading the ace!malleus propaganda

Omg, First Off I've Been Seeing You In My Notes Frequently And I Just Wanted To Say Thank You So Much

The night was the same as any other - you and one Malleus Draconia were out for one of your nightly outings after he’d deigned to drop by for a visit. There wasn’t truly anything out of the ordinary on this night at first glance. Conversation was as light hearted as always, flowing from the day’s assignments to Malleus teaching you about the architecture of any buildings the two of you wandered past under the light of the moon.

He’d usually take you on an aimless loop about campus to look at the various gargoyles and grotesques that Night Raven had to offer until the two of you eventually returned to Ramshackle at the end of the night…but tonight he led you into the woods beyond campus with a promise of a surprise ahead.

“Can I get any hints of what this surprise might be?”

You tried to peek around him, but he blocked the path ahead from view as the two of you walked, moving in front of every way you swiveled your head.

“You’ll spoil yourself in your impatience,” he teased before suddenly stopping, flashing you one of his smug smiles. “We’ve arrived.”

You couldn’t help but gasp when you stepped past him and found that what he’d led you to was a meadow of pale blue flowers that glowed with a gentle bioluminescence , some of the flowers blooming an ethereal white where dapples of moonlight touched their petals. Nestled carefully among this meadow was a picnic blanket and a basket with carefully wrapped sandwiches within.

Malleus walked for the picnic blanket, turning to flash you another smile. “Join me?”

You smile and take his hand, the night song of nocturnal birds a peaceful backdrop as the two of you sat to picnic.

“I can’t help but wonder what I’d done to earn such a nice surprise?” You ask, half suspecting that you already knew, but not quite ready to breach voicing it out loud just yet.

The way the two of you were now, in the ambiguous and unspoken relationship that you’d been sharing, was a constant tip-toe recently. A status quo you weren’t quite ready to confront for something deeper between the two of you.

“Is it not obvious how infatuated I am?” Malleus gently challenged, looking you in the eye. “I’m simply repaying your devotion to me in kind.”

You found yourself breathless as he lifted your hand to press a chaste kiss to your knuckles.

“Are you courting me?” You blurt out, heart racing, mouth suddenly dry.

It was obvious that the confrontation between the two of you was going to happen between the two of you soon enough, of what the two of you wanted out of the feelings flowing between the two of you, but…

“I am,” he confirmed, his eyes attempting to search yours, but you’d already looked away from him, overwhelmed by the tumult of emotion welling within you.

“Malleus,” you manage to whisper out, before swallowing and attempting to get your words out again. “I…I, I, um…I should’ve seen this coming, I…but I, uh…before you try to court me in earnest, you should know that…That I don’t experience sexual attraction. If you aren’t okay with - “

“Is that not considered the norm for humans?” Malleus interrupted you and you looked up in confusion, only to find him looking back at you with just as much confusion.


“Is not experiencing attraction of a sexual nature not the norm for humans?” He repeats for you, his thumb rubbing the knuckles of the hand that he still held soothingly.

“No, it’’s not. Does that mean you…?”

Malleus shrugs, smiling at you reassuringly, “I am unsure if I am an exception to any norms among the fae, but it would seem that you and I are the same.”

The laugh that escaped you unbidden as your smile slowly returned sapped the tension from your shoulders. “We’re the same?”

“We’re the same, my love,” he reaffirmed, pressing a kiss to your forehead.

Omg, First Off I've Been Seeing You In My Notes Frequently And I Just Wanted To Say Thank You So Much

Apologies that it was a bit short, but I hope that you enjoyed! :)

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5 years ago

Salvatore (Cambion Incubus)


Rating: Mature Relationship: Human Female Reader x Male Incubus (Cambion) Additional Tags: Exophilia, Incubus, Cambion, Incubus Boyfriend, Monster Boyfriend, Asexual Monster, Asexual Incubus, Asexual Reader Content Warnings: Prostitution, Mention of Alcoholism, Strong Language, Use of a Slur, Open Discussion of Sex and Sexuality Words: 5270

Here it is! This story just poured out of me yesterday, and I hope you guys like Sal. I love him. He needs all the love he can get, the poor dear. Please leave feedback!

*Note: A Cambion is a half-human, half-Incubus/Succubus, originating in medieval European folklore.


How did you get talked into this? You hated bars. The smoke, the noise, the drunk girls falling all over themselves, the guys trying to get the drunk girls to go home with them. It was all tedious and you hated it.

It was supposed to be a celebration. You had just graduated from school with a business degree, and a bunch of friends suggested dinner. You didn’t realize dinner would be alcohol. You groaned as soon as you set foot into the place and just ordered a water. You sat in the corner and watched your friends get properly sloshed, grimacing into your glass and wishing you were somewhere else.

Keep reading

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3 years ago

Headcanon for Loki Laufeyson, please? With a shy, ace SO who's easily embarrassed. If that's ok? Thanks!

Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x gn!reader

Warnings: none

A/N: I'm so sorry this took so long to write! I've been slipping back into depression and I'm getting hospitalized in a few days, so I've had a lot on my hands. But I've finally gotten the inspiration to create again, so I hope you'll like it! I've also tried to make this as gender neutral and race neutral as I could, but definitely tell me if there's something I could do better!

Headcanon For Loki Laufeyson, Please? With A Shy, Ace SO Who's Easily Embarrassed. If That's Ok? Thanks!

I personally think Loki wouldn't normally pick someone shy to be in a relationship with, but I have to say it, it's a little bit of a power trip for him.

I don't mean this in a bad way, not at all, he'd never take advantage of you in a way that would seriously harm you.

It's just...I guess you could say he feels a bit more...important? In a way? Useful? Yeah. He feels like there's finally someone who really needs him, either for protection or consolation.

Not that he thinks you can't take care of yourself! . . . Well maybe a little bit, at first, but he really can't help it!

He is naturally protective over people and things precious to him, but he still sees you as an equal, so if you tell him he's being overbearing, he'll ease down on the protectiveness.

If there's one thing he truly desires though, it's to show you off to the world. Whether it be taking you to numerous Asgardian balls or intergalactic gatherings. He is just very proud of you as a partner and wants everyone to be jealous. He swears you don't have to talk to anybody! He'll do all the talking abńd praising for you both, but his heart swells when he introduces you to someone and then sees your embarassed expression.

After a while he'd give you a break and take you further away from all that ruckuss and cup your face in his hands, to feel for himself how warm your cheeks are. If you really want, you'll leave the party early.

If you endure that, the next day (or few days) will be all about pampering and relaxing. He'll do stuff with you that you want to do and you'll have a nice day in, before you're ready for him to embarass you somewhere again.

But he enjoys the quiet days with you as much as the ones where he can show you off. The ones where you're simply...existing in each other's presence. It's quiet and nice and...domestic. And he loves it.

As for your sexuality (hello fellow aces!), he is very respectful. No matter what your relationship with sex is, he respects it. He won't deny that if he had the chance to, he'd worship every part of you and make you feel like the most beautiful person in the world, but he doesn't mind he won't get to do that in this particular way.

He completely understands that sex, while an important sign of intimacy for others, isn't really that important for some and he's totally fine with that.

Besides, he has other ways to make you feel beautiful and appreciated <3

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1 year ago

Monster Call of Duty Men with a dread ducky demon reader

Monster Call Of Duty Men With A Dread Ducky Demon Reader

Author’s Note: characters may be out of character, Dread Ducky is one of my favorite characters in dark deception and I’m also getting into call of duty so I made this, cod monster types are based off of the designs of @bluegiragi , I hope you enjoy it. I also might make a gold watcher and doom ducky one, hell I might make a murder monkey one. I apologize if I get some stuff wrong about call of duty. Let me know if you want more.

You were a Dread Ducky, a demon who was made of flesh and robotics, wearing your traffic cone hat and doing the dance of your people with pride, not afraid to bust some ass either if they say otherwise. Just like your mama who was a Doom Ducky demon, you wanted to join the military and wallop those asses in battle and have justice served. When you first got there, you already felt eyes on you by others soldiers. Some were curious stares and some were “what the hell is that” stares but you pushed them away because there was no way you were going to let them ruin your day. Price had read your files and he was both impressed in your skills and is interested in you, he was the first one to welcome you to the team when you got there. Price always gives a listening ear even if you can’t really speak and you mostly communicate through quacks and movement. Your silly duck dance manages to make him crack a smile. In battle, the dragon hybrid man is impressed by your strength and moves, especially when you open your mouth real wide only to reveal another head coming out with a swift movement to bite and drag your opponent back to your mouth like a cuckoo clock. In the background of the battle field fighting and watching you kick ass like “that’s my boy/girl/Ducky”.

Monster Call Of Duty Men With A Dread Ducky Demon Reader

Ghost was suspicious of you when he first met you, he observes you from a far, when he finally opens up to you more he will tell the most cheesy dad jokes. “Hey what do you call a bear that has no teeth?”. . . . . “A gummy bear” (sorry I had too, my bad 😂💀) “what did the duck say to the bar tender?”. . . . . “Put it on my bill.” (Ok fine I’ll stop)

He enjoys just sitting down with you, there’s a smile behind his mask when you do your ducky dance, he doesn’t know why but he manages to crack a smile and let out a snort when you do it. He also can’t help but to crack a smile behind his mask when you make quacks to say “hey ghost how are you doing?” And “what up Lt.” as for Soap, he loves you, Johnny loves you, from your traffic cone hat to your ducky dance and to your cute little waddles when you walk or run. He was always curious about your monster type and he finds you both cool and adorable. He hypes you up when you ducky dance, he will also make an attempt to try to do your ducky dance as well with a funky beat in the background. It always blows a circuit in his mind when you sit down because it looks like your legs completely disappeared without a trace. He also asks if he can ride you (Ayo? Not like that, he means like a piggy or more like ducky back ride) Gaz like soap, loves you, he also hypes up your sweet dance moves. he might attempt on trying to do your ducky dance. He runs around with you on free time. He in enjoys roof top talks with you and goofing off with you.

You and Alejandro get along, you two are dance buddies, you two joke around and laugh a lot. You love helping Rudy, Soap, and Gaz play pranks then act a fool when you are questioned by it.

In the end they love you, you are their chaotic ball of sunshine.

Monster Call Of Duty Men With A Dread Ducky Demon Reader

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2 years ago

OG Michael Myers x Asexual S/O HC'S

Not prood read | Feedback is always appreciated <3

@spookyscaryslashy : I remember saying I'd write you something like this but then I left before I could finish my promise. Please forgive me 💀

OG Michael Myers X Asexual S/O HC'S

Michael didn't spare your life because he wanted a sexual relationship. Your body wasn't what he was chasing after. He needed shelter. You were kind (probably not so smart) enough to offer whatever he needed to survive. For a while he only took what he absolutely needed— then he started to toy with you.

Michael has no understanding of personal space for other people. He will follow you around the house like a dog. But he's not acting like a clingy dog, he's acting like a dangerous stray following you in hopes of catching you, to destroy you when you least expect it.

You have every right to assume he wanted something intimate from you— the way he stares and shares his body heat by pressing himself closer than necessary against you is enough to think he felt needy for some kind of sexual release. That's far from the truth.

Michael somehow managed to form some kind of attachment towards you, or at least the dynamic you've created. You offer and he takes. It's convenient and comfortable - it's easy to fall into a pattern.

Time jump to both of you feeling comfortable enough to share a bed. He isn't touchy (at first) he likes to stare, listen to your breathing, wondering if you feel safe so close to him. At first his touches are more like gripping-- he squeezes your wrist, arm, hand, etc.

After he discovers how touch starved he actually is that's when he pushes your boundaries without any warnings. Michael enjoys cuddling in bed more than you think. He wraps himself around you or lays on top of you. Either way you feel constricted like prey.

It's okay to push him away (sometimes) he understands to a point. It all depends on his mood.

His physical affection is nothing near sexual.

Michael genuinely feels deprived of all things considered as affection. He's trying to experience whatever he can handle without harming you due to cute aggression. (He definitely squeezes too hard at times and nips at your neck.)

Sex isn't a necessity in a relationship for a man like him. All he wants is food and shelter. Someone loyal. Don't snitch on him and everything will be fine.

He probably likes to cuddle nude. Half nude. Whatever you like most is okay with him. (Especially during summer nights, he can't stand the feeling of his own sweat. Heat makes him angry. Unless it's from you. He doesn't care then. He's weird like that.)

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4 years ago

Hi, if it isn't too much to ask, could you write the v3 guys finding out their s/o is asexual? Like they tried to hide the fact their ace in fear of it negatively impacting their relationship but the boys find out anyways through some means. If that's too much, then just write for kiibo, ouma and saihara please. Thank you!

Ooo! So I’m taking this as they like people romantically but not sexually!! And I don’t really do the whole cast but those three are fine!! Thanks for the request anon!! Also to all you Asexual or Aromantics out thre, you are so valid and I love you! /p

- Mod Kirumi 



- He never really bothered trying to figure out, he just happened to hear it from one of your friends.

- (personal hc) he’s Asexual himself, so he wasn’t bothered by it.

- He was confused on why you were trying to hide it though..

- That made him... worried.. 

- What if you didn’t trust him?! Or maybe he did something wrong?!

- THAT’S why he confronted you.

- He saw the fear in your eyes as he asked about it, and heard as you went quiet.

- “(S/O)? Are you alright?”

- “I-I’m sorry, Kiibo”

- “Wh??? Why???”

- You had to explain that you were afraid it may impact your relationship, then he explained he was ace too.

- Asexualbuddies


- He didn’t really care about your sexuality, but he sure as hell was searching through your stuff.

- When he came across an Asexual pride flag, he was confused.

- But then it dawned on him.

- And then he shrugged it away.

- He didn’t mind it, but looked at it a while more.

- “Hey Kichi! Whatcha do-”

- You paused in your tracks as you watched him stare at the flag.

- “Hi (S/O)!!!!”

- He greeted you like he normally did, smiling as he rushed over to give you a hug.

- Kokichi knew you were scared, he could see it in your eyes.

- He never would bring it up, and he was just like his normal self.

- It gave you a mix of anxiety and relief.


- How he found out was similar to Kiibo’s, except it was someone telling him out of spite.

- Shuichi didn’t care about it all that much, he knows you still love him the same! 

- He also wasn’t planning any sexual encounters either, so its all fine.

- He shows it in... subtle ways that he knows and supports you!!

- Like he bought a few pride flags, but only put two up. One being the bi flag and the other the ace flag!

- (yeahIheadcannonhimasbi)

- He also researches a bit more into your sexuality!! He wants to make sure he understands it fully!!

- He a supportive bf love him..

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