Yandere Gamzee Makara - Tumblr Posts
Yandere Gamzee please? But like... sweet yandere 🥺
Sorry I was gone for so long 😓😓😓I tried to write this four times and it deleted every time so here we go
YaNdErE gAmZeE mAkArA
He was just slumped over karkats shoulder watching him, watch you. You were so happy to be playing this game, but in your eyes you were so scared. He needed to protect you. He had to.
He couldn’t stop thinking about the way you smiled when he first saw you on the monitor. You were a gift, his gift. He knew that he had to get close to you. So he started to troll you. To try and make you smile whenever he could. It made him so happy
When you first meet it’s a ride. He immediately wraps you in a hug and doesn’t let go u til your legs give in and you both fall over. He’s so happy your here!
For the first few days you say in his room- whatever trolls call it, you forget.
But one day you realized you never actually left
Now gamzee a semi-lucid, selfish Yandere
He wants all your attention at all times. He’s very loving and sweet to you. He’s convinced himself you’re a perfect gift from his Merthful Messiahs. He knows he shouldn’t keep you away from your friends but he has to, his mind has become so convoluted that all he can think about is his perfect gift, you.
He mostly keeps you in his respiteblock, unless you desperately ask him to let you go out and talk to someone.
He complies because well, he feels bad. He’ll cling to you and give you kisses every time you seem to stop playing attention to him. You did that way too often
He didn’t let you go back out
He’s addict, he’s chasing the high he get from being with you, and, like an addict, he need more and more of your time and affection to keep himself satisfied, to keep the parts of himself that scream to kill you at bay... he’ll keep you at all costs, even if it means hurting you. You can’t leave, he doesn’t even need pie or faygo anymore! You keep The Grand Highblood away, you keep kurloz away.
You keep them away
He’s always clinging to you now, not just when you leave anymore, which youre not allowed to anymore, he’s cradling you in his arms. You’re his relief, his happiness, his everything.
He brings you food water anything, just don’t leave okay? He’ll make sure you’re always well taken care of and even if he does need to chain you up for anything he’ll always be gentle
But don’t wait too long to summit, you wouldn’t want any unwanted... things... to pop up would you?
Oh and if you do ever try to leave well,
im sorry my motherfuckin gift YOU AINT GOING NO WHERE