Yandere Genderbent Sleeping Beauty X Gn Reader - Tumblr Posts
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Once upon a Dream || Yan GB Sleeping Beauty x GN Reader
Characters: Rory
Summary: A cursed prince with no social know how
Warnings: Yandere themes, possessiveness
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who first met you when the King and Queen were celebrating his birth. A christening. You were very young, but you barely remember it in your current days. You do, however, remember the Dark Fairy Queen that had placed a curse onto this enchanting newborn as revenge against the King who had wronged her.
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who ends up being kept away in a hidden cottage in the forest with the three good fairies as his protectors. All throughout his life, he grew up without knowing of his royal prestige. He found great comfort in the forest and the little critters within it. He did wander quite a lot when he had finished his chores.
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who grows up beautifully and full of kindness for everyone and everything around him. He has an ethereal aura around him, and he handles everything with great care. It would make anyone who saw swoon. However, he has a lack of social interaction due to living deep in the woods and the only people around him are his caretakers.
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who memorizes the forest from just exploring in his free time. He knows where the best berries, fruit, and wild vegetables are. Along with the best wild flowers grow. It was an average day when he found a scared, lost horse with a saddle on it. He approached the horse with a calm, steady hand in front of him. He placed the hand on the horse's face and tried his best to soothe it.
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who follows the now calmed horse to a clear field of grass and wild flowers. There was also a clear view of the castle that was in the distance. His “aunties” had told him stories about the castle and the King. They also told him stories about the villages that surrounded the kingdom. He was so caught up in watching the castle, he didn't hear or notice the rustling behind him.
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who becomes startled when he sees you running toward the horse. You looked soaked, and your clothes stuck to your skin in all the right places. He was flustered by not another human in the forest, but by the fact that you looked so enchanting. He remained silent as he watched you fuss over your horse. The care for your animal is very clear to him.
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who is brought out of his trance when you walk up to him with your horse following you. You were so sweet when you thanked him for watching your horse as well as calming the horse down. You go on to explain you were bucked off your horse because they were spooked. Your voice when you spoke to him was so soft. His heart was fluttering. He wanted you to stay so he could hear your voice more and to befriend you.
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who finds himself missing you over the next few days. Even when he's asleep he has dreams of you, as if he has met you some time before. There was so much longing in his heart. This is so different for him. He was acting so much out of character that even his “aunties” took notice. Rory would go out for long hours and not come home till the sun had set. What was he doing? They were worried that the Dark Fairy Queen would find him, but they couldn't share their concerns with him.
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who becomes so excited when he sees a familiar horse. He runs up to you, his face all aglow from excitement. He starts to gush about missing you. He doesn't know how to converse with another person, but he's trying. He's all blushy in front of you. He helps you off your horse with a gentle hand. Even touching you is awkward. He keeps a hold of your hand and drags you through the forest. He talks so much about his knowledge of the forest he's lived in all his life in hopes that you would be impressed.
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who ends up ranting to you about his interests. He shares things he remembers from his childhood, funny stories that involved his “aunties”. He didn't know when or how to stop. He just spilled everything to you. But to his joy, you were listening with a smile. He wanted so badly for his “aunties” to meet you. However, whenever he seemed to bring up this enchanting stranger in conversations, they would show so much hesitance. It didn't matter anyway. He was happy to just spend time with you.
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who asks you a bunch of questions about the village and the castle of the kingdom. You tell him the stories of a prince that was cursed when you were younger. You don't remember the name of the prince, but you're glad to share it as best as you remember. You also tell him that you're not from this kingdom but a different one. You entertain him with stories about your kingdom and what it was like. He is so happy to listen.
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who becomes very upset when you disappear for a couple of months. He feels completely betrayed that he's left alone just to wait for you to come back. Well, hope for you to come back. His “aunties” share with him that you were most likely visiting from another kingdom. He cries and begs for you to come back. He was acting as if you died. Those were very long weeks for everyone within the cabin.
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who has his animal friends of the forest help him feel better while you're away. This usually entailed dancing with Rory and listening to his fantasies about you. He also had an increase of dreams about you. They were usually the same thing. You would come find him and whisk him away to your kingdom where the two of you lived together and had a family of your own. He acted very much like a love sick fool. Sometimes the Dark Fairy Queen's crow would take notice when he was watching over the boy.
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who is so happy when you come back to him after a few more months of your absence. You apologizes profusely about leaving so suddenly without giving him a goodbye. Rory was so grateful that you cared about his feelings this much. He forgives you with a tight hug. What shocked him the most was that his "aunties" were right. You were just visiting. But what made his mind explode the most was that you were visiting the King and Queen. He hoped that the prince you had told him about didn't take you from him.
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who clings to you even more now that you're back. He gives you updates that he thought you would find important. Little things that happened in his daily life. He shared his overwhelming longing for you to come back and the dreams he had of you. It bothered him so much that you couldn't see him everyday. Like when you did when you were visiting. That's when his eyes lit up when an idea popped into his head.
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who decides that he'll go with you the next time you leave to go home. He declares it out loud for all to hear within the forest. He doesn't give you any chance to argue. He runs immediately after his declaration to share his decision with his “aunties”. He skips to his secret cottage, not taking any notice of the pair of eyes with wings that follow him.
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who becomes utterly distraught when his “aunties” deny him to let him leave. They were very adamant about not letting him leave with a stranger. They never met you and they couldn't take any chances. He becomes so upset that he runs out the cabin and declares that he would run away with you. He runs through the forest to try to find you.
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who finds you in a secluded lake alone. You looked just as enchanting as he did when you two first met. You were watching the ducks swim around. You must have tried to find him, but got lost along the way. However, his eyes scan over you and his face falls. You were surrounded by crows. There was one large crow that was much bigger than the rest perched on your shoulder.
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who can't help but find the scene unsettling. When all the crows turn to look at him his back shivers. You follow the crows' gazes to see your blonde haired friend standing not too far away. He fights against the unnerving feeling and runs to you. The crows let out a deathly caw as they're scared away into the tree tops. He throws his arms around you, hugging you as tight as possible. He sobs against your chest.
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who startles you with his change of moods. He was just so happy moments ago and ow he's this sobbing mess that has a deathly grip on your body. He was so cheery and was planning to leave with you, even if you didn't agree. He hiccups between his words as he tries his best to explain to you how his “aunties” don't want him to leave with you. However, he twists the story to make it seem like his “aunties” were the villains. This was all in hopes of you agreeing with him. You don't though, and he hates you for it.
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who sees you leave the forest once more. He hates how you have to go partake in some royal's birthday when his is tomorrow. Why couldn't you have stayed for him? As he watches, his eyes never leave your figure. Tears well, and he slowly makes his way back to the cabin with his “aunties”. There they tell him that he's actually a prince. The fairies tell him of his true past and the curse that was placed upon him. The more he's told the more his trust breaks. By nighttime, he's in a carriage to the castle.
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who is embraced with open arms by his actual royal parents. He's pushed into his birthday party with such suddenness. Frazzled, he tries to go about interacting with others, but there are voices in the back of his head. Voices that lead him through the castle, ending up in a secluded room where one spinning wheel stands. He reaches for the spindle, pricking his finger on its sharpness. There his eternal slumber commences. When he is found by father, he shrieks and brings him back to his royal chambers. The three good fairies make everyone within the castle fall asleep alongside their prince before they rush out to go find you.
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who is asleep all the while you fight for him. He's awake just from your touch on his hand. The amount of love he holds for you is immense. He doesn't care how long he was asleep. You're here, and you're the one who saved him. Everyone else has awoken, and they go through with the party in honor of the prince. Rory tells everyone there that you saved him. All the guests go about singing your praises.
Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who is finally happy. Back at home with his actual family, and he can be with the love of his life without worry. The transition from being in a cottage to being a prince has been hard. He doesn't understand how the nobles interactions go, but he has you to help guide him. While looking for you, however, he saw you in the royal garden in an all too familiar scene. You with crows all around you, and one large crow perched on your forearm.
Property of @secretcoralgarden! Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!