Yandere Jotaro X Reader - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Love your bucci gang fic 💗💗💗

Could I request a yandere Jotaro Kujo? With some fluffy dialogue and maybe cuddling? I'll give you my firstborn 😔💞

omg thanks so much! i’m so happy to be writing on here! ok bby i tried with yan!joot joot, turning this fine tsundere into a love driven cutie. i tried to make it as fluffy as i can without making him to out of character. i’ll dive more into him when the time comes thx for being my first request too omg akriwnd

Yandere!Jotaro x Fem!Reader

The 50-Day trip never sat well with the teenage delinquent, leaving him traumatized and feared what is to come to the one dear to him.

Love Your Bucci Gang Fic

It was your first and last attempt to escape. After planning prior a few weeks before your set date of temporary freedom, your whole plan was shattered by the very man in front of you. It was perfect, he would leave for a school field trip and would not be back for another five hours giving you an open window to leave. Although there was an automatic falter in that plan, that very man you planned to escape from was a delinquent who didn’t really follow the school's rules or plans.

After the 50 day trip to Egypt with your ‘friend’ and his, the remaining crusaders' worlds were left shattered. Especially to the young ones dealing with their first traumatic life nightmare of their lost comrades. None were the same ever since. It only took 50 days in order for the surviving members to know the true dangers and fear the world held

At least that was what Jotaro had said the day he had taken you.

When he came back from that ‘supposed’ field trip, you were left standing there like a deer in headlights. The harsh punishments left you stunned and mortified. It did keep you in place and complacent for the next week, not uttering a single word. It got concerning when even the stoic teenager noticed this.

“Oi, what do you think you're doing?” The man tsked before making his way over to you and standing over with a gloom on his masculine face. “I-I’m sorry I was just trying to watch some television while you were gone
I promise I was trying to escape please believe Jotaro! I promised I wouldn’t after last time-” You abruptly got caught off with a warm hard feeling enveloping you. “Tch, I already know that. You don’t have to always act scared around me, it would defeat the purpose of being here.” Jotaro mumbled before tightening his hold on the (Y/N).

What felt like hours had passed, the two sat in silence in each other’s embraces. The rigid form the girl had now relaxed into the males touch. His soft yet harsh breathing began to turn into a relaxing rhythm the girl grew comfortable with. “You know why I’m doing this right?” He suddenly spoke up, interrupting the comfortable silence. “I just want to protect you from this world, you witnessed the same horrors you should know as to why I’m doing this. You nearly died during that battle with Dio, I can’t let that happen again. You wouldn’t want what happened to Kakyoin to happen to you now, huh (Y/N)?” The girl stiffened in his touch indicating that the words uttered were important. “I told you so.” Jotaro murmured back.

Jotaro picked up (Y/N) in his arms, snuggling her against his chest before making way to the shikibuton in the corner of the room. When settled, he pulled the crisp covering above the two, his delinquent-ripped hat falling off to the tatami mat beside him. Jotaro rolled on his side giving the girl room in between his arms and chest. Her face pushed against his warm torso, once again hearing the palpitations of her ‘lovers’ heart. Jotaro began to speak again, the grumbling of his voice vibrating throughout his body. “Yare yare, don’t make me say this again
I’ve fallen for you
” He shifted again pulling (Y/N)’s body closer to his while snuggling and nestling into the girl's peach scented hair. “If all the stars have fallen from the sky

“...then that means you have landed right into my arms.”

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3 years ago

Hello! I love your yandere Joot fic!

Can i have a request headcanons of soft! yandere Jotaro, Josuke, Jolyne & Gappy with a Kind and Domestic (Fem) reader?

okay i wrote this for u bby! i didnt expect so much jojo’s but i’m not rlly complaining because i rlly love elaborating on the different yan yan’s in jojo. thx for the support too! i love when ppl send me request istg im literally crying rn-đŸ„ș💕💗

Soft Yan! Headcanons

Including: Jotaro, Josuke, Jolyne, Gappy

Headcanons with a kind and domestic reader.


Hello! I Love Your Yandere Joot Fic!

Jotaro wouldn’t act much different than he usually acts, but he can get a little more friendly and loving if s/o doesn’t mind it and enjoys his soft calloused touches. He is just primarily more calm and laid back.

Jotaro would already want a domesticated s/o, especially with the worry of his darling's safety.

Kind s/o would be able to control Jotaro emotionally in a way due to her kind caring nature, she could easily do that. (But she’s kind so like why would she do that smh-)

A lot of ‘one-sided’ touches, mostly s/o being very affectionate but Jotaro trying not to show the joy of her PDA.

Cuddle sessions would be the best because of his big muscular body.

He would come home from wherever he would have been at for the day to be enveloped by a smaller frame holding him.He would immediately relax and subtly lean into s/o’s touch.

Eventually over time Jotaro would have s/o’s domestic side rub off on him making him more tender and soft-hearted.


Hello! I Love Your Yandere Joot Fic!

Josuke has been waiting for this one.

He would be so thrilled by this miraculous discovery.

He would already be a delusional yandere in the first place. Josuke already dreamed of having this type of relationship with darling so when he is able to get his hands on her, he is a 50/50 on how this relationship would work.

Darling would have more freedom due to her kind and gentle nature, she wouldn’t be home-bound like Jotaro, Jonathan, or Giorno would do for example.

Josuke would very much be into PDA, especially indoors because he loves to live out that husband and wife fantasy.

Basically you and him are married in his opinion.

Everytime Josuke sees s/o in a house setting, it makes him feel this indescribable feeling.

Is extremely impatient and wanting to take advantage of darlings domestic characteristics into starting his own domestic setting.

More so he is somewhat of a mild yandere when he has a kind and domestic s/o especially when he has that soft yandere trait going for him.


Hello! I Love Your Yandere Joot Fic!

Jolyne has a lack of understanding of a healthy domestic relationship due to her own family background.

She misunderstands your domesticity as a bizarre trait that has you enabled as most likely a wife for her to take care of.

Jolyne wants to build that stable relationship and lovey dovey love with darling to make up for her lack of a true normal childhood or basically family past.

She is totally in for you cooking, cleaning, and devoting yourself to her just as she devotes herself to you.

She likes the idea of a cute stay at home s/o, waiting for Jolyne to be there waiting to give her love, but the idea of taking her beloved everywhere outweighs that opinion.

It amazes her and really considers herself lucky that she is able to be with her darling and can be quite possessive when it comes to her s/o. Takes advantage of that domesticity and truly wants it to herself.

She loves to sit and watch you do what you do best at. It really intrigues her. (Anything with her darling intrigues her.)

A lot of PDA, you thought Josuke was bad but like Jolyne is worse. At least Josuke would draw the line of making out in public. Jolyne is all for it and more.

If it’s true love why hold back?


Hello! I Love Your Yandere Joot Fic!

You were there when he awoke without his memory.

He was extremely happy for your support and help with his memory loss.

Darling's kindness is the thing that really made him fall for you.

Your domestic trait really brings him comfort and happiness with how you are so kind and cute in a house-like setting.

Nicknames are a must along with cute gestures of affection between you two.

It starts out slow like Jotaro a bit but then ten folds just like his other timeline counterpart Josuke.

Once he is down for his s/o it kinda just never stops.

You have nothing to counteract that rapid decline because you literally have everything he could really ask for from someone.

Loves trying his s/o’s cooking/baking, it’s like he is already living in that setting of being bound together for life with her.

Being with Gappy is a lot more tame than the other yan jojo’s because to me he would be a chill yandere yet still hold those delusional wanting to be with darling tendencies.

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3 years ago

Hello! May i request about yandere! jotaro,jonathan and giorno having a s/o having ptsd and having a break down when someone says gentle ( because she was sexual abuse as a child and her abuser is still out there) Sorry if this is very uncomfortable, you can delete this :) ).

awww bby this would never make me uncomfortable. don’t worry I got you covered okay? 💕

Yandere Jonathan, Jotaro, Giorno x Reader

They deal with their darling who is in need of their love and help.

Hello! May I Request About Yandere! Jotaro,jonathan And Giorno Having A S/o Having Ptsd And Having A


Jonathan would be so ever gentle and loving.

He would try to understand what you have gone through and would forever be by your side.

He reassures you all the time just in case you ever would forget.

When your breakdown starts he immediately apologies.

He never would want to turn into someone who causes you pain and distress.

You’ve already gone through so much, you don’t deserve anymore than what you’ve already gone through.

Jonathan wouldn’t ever understand if you ever need personal space, he is always glued to the hip with you.

“Darling it’s okay, it’ll all be alright
it’s over. I’m here.”

Constant hugging and sweet talk. He wants to put an end to your pain and suffering so he tries to talk to you to see if you can understand.

Seeing how much pain and fear you have just by a simple word, settles something within him.

He would put an end to his darling's fear, one way or the other.

Hello! May I Request About Yandere! Jotaro,jonathan And Giorno Having A S/o Having Ptsd And Having A


At first he wouldn’t know what to do.

He never was one to deal with someone having a breakdown or anything emotionally. He just isn’t a people person.

Yet this also is affected by which Jotaro it is.

Part 3 Jotaro is less compassionate as the other Jotaro’s would be.

He would awkwardly try to hold you, yet if you're crying
it might get to him.

Jotaro would harshly make jabs at your abuser and how much of an ‘asshole’ he was.

He would still be nice and say some comforting words, they're just not as sweet as Jonathan or Giorno. He wants to say something sweet, but they just don’t come out the way he wanted them to.

Overall he still wants to be there for you, even if it’s silently holding you and letting you listen to his steady heartbeat.

4taro would be a lot more compassionate.

He would hold you and comfort a lot more than his past self would.

He hit a mature age and he has come to acknowledge how much he loves you.

He would contact the Speedwagon Foundation for you in order to bring your abuser to justice. He wouldn’t kill them like his past self would.

Although you still have to remember that this is Jotaro we are speaking about so like I said before, he wouldn’t be as comforting as others would be.

Whatever you find comfort in he would give to you.

Expect afterwards to sit on the beach in his lap listening to the relaxing waves.

Hello! May I Request About Yandere! Jotaro,jonathan And Giorno Having A S/o Having Ptsd And Having A


He would be a lot more understanding out of the three.

He had his fair share of trauma and abuse throughout his childhood. He never really got the chance to tell or vent to anyone about.

Once Giorno found out about what happened in your youth and what happened, your abuser wouldn’t be alive for much longer.

He is the head of Passione, a mafia boss, he has so many connections it would be impossible to not be tracked by him.

Giorno would remember to never again say the trigger word or anything related to it all.

Would use GER to create various flowers/plants in order to relax you. (Lavender, Jasmine, Chamomile, etc.)

He would hold you and tell you everything is okay. You’re safe now. You’re safe with him.

It would only prove to you to stay close with him because of how much safety and relaxation this man gives off.

His voice is gentle and soothing, perfect for bringing you down from your recent panicked state.

He would stop whatever he was doing, busy or not, just to be by you.

Likes to promise you things of comfort, love, etc. All he wants you to know is that he is there and if you ever need his help, there he is.

Giorno just wants you to be happy, be happy with him with nothing in the way of your love.

“Andrà tutto bene
mia cara.”

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3 years ago

Happy holidays! Can I request yandere! jonathan, jotaro, Bruno and Giorno having a s/o that is also a yandere for them but even more worst?

awww happy holidays!! sorry i haven’t posted a lot in the past week, holiday week and family business. i hope that you like this anon! 💕

Yandere Jonathan, Jotaro, Giorno, Bucciarati x Yandere!Reader

Darling is just as much as a yandere as them
yet tenfold.

Happy Holidays! Can I Request Yandere! Jonathan, Jotaro, Bruno And Giorno Having A S/o That Is Also A


Being a yandere would just make the whole “getting together” process easier.

Jonathan would be so happy you return his feelings, he is so ecstatic that he is blind to the reality of the situation.

You’ve already known his tendencies for you and reciprocate them back
but worst.

He is so easy to manipulate if you play your cards right.

Jonathan is so head over heels for you that he just listens to you and would do anything to make his dear darling happy.

Once he was the head of the Joestar family and fortune, now he is reduced to someone who stays cooped up in a room because his darling believes so.

Him being a big beefcake and literally made of 100% muscle, I doubt (know) that there really is no way into physically beating this man.

So you would have to result in some manipulation.

It would start by subliminal throwing in hints of how upset you are when he leaves you all alone. Maybe throwing in a few temper tantrums and mental breakdowns.

This would start cracking his walls because his one and only is crying because he is gone. They love him so much that they are physically and mentally distressed by his absence!

Sooner or later Jonathan would be wrapped around your finger permanently, like he always has.

Happy Holidays! Can I Request Yandere! Jonathan, Jotaro, Bruno And Giorno Having A S/o That Is Also A


Stalking is really weird.

Since Jotaro is more of a stalker type, it would be crazy when you and him try to stalk each other.

Of course you would obviously be better at it because of your undenying love for him, it would be bizarre when you have a quiet lurky stalker man up against someone who is determined just as he is.

There would be a few close calls, but I’m sure Jotaro would get the memo.

After a while of this, you would make your move and of course end up with the one and only stoic man in love.

Jotaro would honestly be immune to mental manipulation, or more like he would notice it because sometimes he does end up going through with what you want.

As with him physically, he would be just like Jonathan. He also has an over-powered stand just like him.

Jotaro wouldn’t really care if you're just like him, he would just be a little taken back a bit but not too much.

He just wouldn’t want you taking advantage of him and would easily point it out if you go too far.

After a while he would see your tendencies to be a bit of a hassle especially when you do start to go overboard.

Lets just say he would start to bend you to his will.

Happy Holidays! Can I Request Yandere! Jonathan, Jotaro, Bruno And Giorno Having A S/o That Is Also A


Giorno would really be a sucker for it. Literally.

With everything he has been through throughout his past and during Vento Aureo, he would be so happy that you feel the same.

All he wants is your love and yet here you are serving it up on a platter for him.

It could go different ways depending on how you really wanted to act although I could see this being another Jonathan situation.

You can’t limit him to staying in all the time due to him being a mafia boss, but you can obviously increase the time he spends with you. As I mean deciding he could have you by his side all the time. Which could actually turn out with him working from home.

Then after a while of making him stay, it could start with the classic “It’s to dangerous for you”.

Over time it could and most likely would get to his head.

Physically you can’t really do much as in kidnapping him because of GER and him again being a mafia boss.

He could let Mista do all the work, raising his paycheck and practically making him like a puppet boss.

Giorno doesn’t want to upset his precious cara nor does he want them to ever stress and cry over his well-being.

He can’t risk the love he worked so hard to attain.

Happy Holidays! Can I Request Yandere! Jonathan, Jotaro, Bruno And Giorno Having A S/o That Is Also A


Things get really tricky with Bucciarati.

He is a mafioso and pours himself into his line of work.

You most likely joined Passione in order to gain his attention.

Once you do gain it and he later becomes yandere for you, it’s like a spiral for both of you. A never-ending one too.

Bucciarati is overjoyed at the fact his lovely bella joined this dangerous job in order to be with him.

He was blinded by that bliss and that led you into slowly taking over his life.

You being in love with him would initially save him from his fated death being the first traitor of the group when you go in for him.

Again, this adds up with the first fact of joining.

By the end of Vento Aureo you two are inseparable.

You could argue with him that it's too dangerous out in the world using the many examples of saving him throughout the series.

Bucciarati would take it into consideration and soon you would have him zipped up by your side.

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3 years ago

Is it okay if I can ask for the prompts "If they ever become a problem, let me know. Okay, love?" and "The next time they touch you, I'll cut their wretched limbs off." with Jotaro?

Only Salvation

Yandere Jotaro x Reader

Is It Okay If I Can Ask For The Prompts "If They Ever Become A Problem, Let Me Know. Okay, Love?" And

“If they every become a problem, let me know. Okay, love?”

“The next time they touch you, I’ll cut their wretched limbs off.”

You fell in love with Jotaro freshman year. Yes you were one of those fangirls who would ‘walk’ with him to school and try to initiate convo. Although after a while you gave up due to his mistreatment of women. He would never notice you amongst the crowd of fangirls and even if he did, he probably wouldn’t have treated you the best.

During sophomore year, you took a trip with your family to Greece. Your mother, who was an art historian, brought you and your father along to the beautiful place. That was when you awakened a spirit like being that not even your family could see. Your parents didn’t believe you countless times of exclaiming that it was right in front of them, so you gave up.

When you came back to Japan you continued life like it always was, although you had the aid of your friendly spirit. She would always help you do daily chores, make food, and even cheat on the tests you had a hard time passing. Your spirit Angel Dust, helped you with practically everything. Even pranking people.

Your best friend, who had a crush on the infamous Jotaro Kujo, was heartbroken when he called her a ‘whore’ and a ‘big-titted slut’. You used Angel Dust to make Jotaro's life a wreck. There were moments where you called it close with him almost beating you up, but it was worth it because of his sour behavior. He knew it was you somehow, but he had no idea at the time what you were doing.

Not only were you enjoying missing Jotaro, you met a new friend. He went by the name Kakyoin Noriaki. Kakyoin was a very reserved artsy guy. You complimented his art and saw that he also possessed a spirit. The two of you became friends and you learnt that what you had was a stand. You learnt different abilities of your stand, but realized it was a mirage kind of thing. You would be lying if you said you didn’t envy Hierophant Green’s ability.

By the time junior year rolled around, your best friend Kakyoin came back from his trip to Egypt with his parents. He acted strange which led towards a bombarding of questions on his end. When he started to act violently, you were suspicious of what really happened in Egypt.

You began to follow him and noticed he was following Jotaro. Witnessing him using his own stand to kill Jotaro made you even step back in shock. Sure he was a little rude and all, but that didn’t give you an excuse to kill someone. When you made it into the infirmary, you saw Kakyoin incapacitated with Jotaro hovering above him. That was when you learned that Jotaro had a stand ability.

You saved the questions for later following Jotaro back to his house. That was where you met his kind relatives. Jotaro’s grandfather explained that there was a threat to the Joestar bloodline with one of the family's rivals still being alive. You helped nurse Kakyoin back to recovery while Jotaro asked you about your past year shenanigans.

You never would have thought that your average slice of life highschool experience would end in heartbreak and bloodshed. The 50 days to Egypt were probably the best 50 days of your life. You grew close to all the crusaders and they all felt like family to you, even Jotaro who you came to love again.

The defeat of Dio left you in shambles, you lost your best friend and your other close companions. Sure you were happy that Dio was out of the way and Holly could live to see another day, but you somehow felt a bit empty inside.

It was the last night before you would fly back to Japan. You had locked yourself in your hotel room, wrapped in the hotel's blankets. A cup of warm tea was situated in your hands as you mindlessly stared at the wall in front of you. Everything had sunk into you. You would never be able to see your best friend again, converse with him, nothing. Not to mention, life was going to go back to the same old boring state it once was. A knock on the door was heard and all you did was sit there continuing to stare at the wall.

Jotaro opened the door, revealing his broad muscular form. His eyebrows were furrowed as a frown was worn on his usual stoic face. He sat down next to you on the bed and pulled your form against his. The tea you had in hand, sloshing inside the cheaply plastic made cup. You felt yourself easing into his warmth as it was the only thing you wanted after everything that happened. You never thought that Jotaro would ever be this nice and affectionate, nevertheless be this close to him.

That night he confessed his feelings to you and apologized for his past behavior. Your fragile mindset easily accepted his feelings and the two of you became an item.

When you both returned to Japan, you grew to rely on him and only him. You felt that he was the only thing you could trust and cling to. He was your beacon of hope through your hard times, and he knew that. The two two of you were never seen far apart from each other unless it was for school duties. When you were without Jotaro, you lost your will to keep going most of the time. Your mental state is still reflecting from last year's Egypt trip as Jotaro had to take care of you. Your parents were so grateful to have Jotaro who could help you with life, you ‘ran away’ and came back so different from the daughter they knew.

Jotaro was the only one who could bring out the old you, and he wanted to keep it that way.

It was mid-afternoon as school just finished. Jotaro had been forced to attend detention or he would be forced to repeat senior year. While he was in detention, you were on cleaning duty in the gym. It was Thursday which was when you were assigned cleaning duty.

Stacking the excess boxes on top of each other and placing the gym equipment back into its respective area, you failed to notice a group of girls make their way into the room. Turning around you recognized some of them being from Jotaro’s fan group. You had a bad feeling pooling in the pit of your stomach as you stood there anxiously waiting for them to make a move.

“You think you could just take Jotaro-Kun like that? Ugh what does he even see you honestly?” Girl A scoffed as played with her fingernails, eyes averted away as a look of pure disgust was projected on her delicate facial features.

“Yeah you're just a skank! You look like someone ran over you with a roadrollar or something.” Girl B added on.

“Your dumb to think that you could just get away with stealing Jotaro-Senpai like that! When we get done with you, you’ll finally realize what a dumb useless whore you are!”

The next moment flashed before your eyes. You laid there curled up on the floor as the girls kicked and smacked you with full force. They called others as they came in multiplying in numbers. You tried calling Angel Dust, but there was only so much she could do when there was a large group like this. Hit after hit, you just laid there trying to process what you did to deserve this. Maybe you were holding Jotaro back.

By the time the girls were finished, you were bruised and bloodied up. Your right eye was swollen shut as the it’s left counterpart was red from the broken blood vessels in the eye itself. Your lip was split open and burning from the harsh air that made contact with it as your cheekbone was split open as well. Multiple bruises adorned your body, dark spots just like Star Platinum’s skin all over various places you could think of. You had no more energy left in you as you sat there wounded and bleeding.

A click of the door brought you to shakily look up at who it was. Your vision was hazy from the previous assault that was done to that region. Your feeble bruised hand trembled towards the tall dark figure trying to convey you needed help. You were scooped up in a familiar pair of arms and let all the tension you had in your body go. Jotaro’s enraged face was the last thing you saw before you blacked out.

There you laid in Jotaro’s comfy futon. The crinkly duvet was sparkled out on your form as an ice pack wason your right eye. A splitting headache stopped you from being able to sit up, so you continued to lay there waiting for your lover to come in.

A moment later Jotaro had entered carrying fresh bandages and a new ice pack to replace the melting one. He silently tended to all of your wounds as you continued to lay there pondering in your thoughts. His gentle touch was much enjoyed as he treated you as if you were a porcelain doll about to shatter. The silence in the room felt stifling to you, not sure what Jotaro was going to do after cleaning your mess.

“Am I good enough for you Jotaro? I feel as though I’m dragging you down in some way
I don’t want to be something you're obligated to take care of.”

A pause in Jotaro’s movements made you tilt your head in his direction. The overcast of his signature torn hat was blocking you from getting a good look at his face. Scared that your words were right, you turned away tearing up. You couldn’t help but let out little sniffles as you felt like the last thing you had didn’t want you anymore. A small nudge brought you out of your depressive spiral. Looking back over towards Jotaro, your tears came to a halt.

“Who did this to you?”

Taking a small gulp you sat there in silence, lips puckered in shock.

“I said who did this to you?!”

The sudden raise in his voice made you jump and flinch in fear. Your arms scrunched up together trying to create a barrier of safety from the sudden fright. Jotaro picked up on your distress and calmed down once he saw your frightened state.

“Why would you ask a question like that? You wouldn’t be here if I didn’t want you in my life. We made a promise, remember? A promise I would never break. Now please, come here
let me change your bandages.” Jotaro uttered, trying to keep his booming voice to a minimum.

Soaking in the truth of his words, you teared up once again. The dams in your eye bursting as you let all the tears go. Your head hurting from the sudden blood rush to your head and pressure in your eyes. Jumping into Jotaro’s arms, your body ached from the sharp movements.

Scooping you up in his arms, he held you as you continued crying. He began to rub small circles in your back trying to avoid the tender areas from the earlier beating. The scent of his cologne and the hint of cigarette smoke began to put you at ease. This went on for a couple of moments before he decided to speak again. Trying not to startle you, he placed a hand on your shoulder and tilted your body towards his face.

“Now tell me who did this to you.”

“It was those girls
you know the ones who are always hanging around you.” You timidly replied awaiting a reaction from Jotaro.

Jotaro shifted his body and used his arms to lay you back upon the futon. He wordlessly reached for the spare medical wrappings and continued to work at your injured wounds.

“The next time they touch you, I’ll cut their wretched limbs off. If they ever become a problem, let me know. Okay, love? We don’t want another repeat of what happened today. I don’t want to walk in on you ever like this again, you hear me?”

All you could do was willingly nod.

Why would you ever say no to your only salvation?

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2 years ago

How would Yandere Bruno, Giorno, Jotaro and Josuke react to Y/n having a Stand & while stalking them, seeing them kick ass to defend themselves. Pretty please đŸ„ș

i tried to respond as best as i can. at the end they it kind of just begins to address the fact y/n can fight 💀💀

i still love you anon đŸ„č💕

Darling who can defend themselves

Ft: Jotaro, Josuke, Giorno, & Bucciarati

⋘ Now Loading


How Would Yandere Bruno, Giorno, Jotaro And Josuke React To Y/n Having A Stand & While Stalking Them,

Jotaro always followed you home no matter how many times you caught him or ‘tried’ to tell him off. He is just a stubborn man.

His stalking isn’t really stalking yet still stalking. You kind of just live with it and it doesn’t really bother you to try to come up with an conclusion if he is stalking you or not.

Jotaro had no idea or even thought that you had the capabilities of self-defense, his big brain macho mind doesn’t even comprehend it.

He likes that you can fight for yourself, you're not weak, and act like a damsel in distress like the other girls in your year.

Although Jotaro would like it better if you did depend on him and him alone. He just thinks (and knows) he is stronger than you. He could protect you and if worse comes to worst, you can somewhat defend yourself.

It’s a win in his eyes, to be honest.


How Would Yandere Bruno, Giorno, Jotaro And Josuke React To Y/n Having A Stand & While Stalking Them,

Josuke is a delusional man and he originally right off the bat views you as someone who needs his protection.

His sweet baby darling

When you prove to him that you are capable of fending for yourself, a part of that delusional makeshift dream he had of you starts to crumble.

He wants you to use him as a sword and shield, not have you go out there and risk getting hurt!

Sure at first, he is happy that you defended yourself against the person who tried to force themselves upon you, but the reality starts to sink in.

It tears and eats away at him at night as he tries to lay his head down on his pillow trying to come up with a scenario of the two of you together to sleep.

If you can fend for yourself, then there would be no need for him to hover over you.

He simply cannot have that.


How Would Yandere Bruno, Giorno, Jotaro And Josuke React To Y/n Having A Stand & While Stalking Them,

With Giorno, it is a touchy subject. He doesn’t want to see someone he cares about so much be put in a situation where they would have to fight.

(I’m going with the plot of Vento Aureo where s/o is part of the gang)

It’s somewhat already a red flag to him when you are a part of Bucciarati’s gang. Something happened that made him think you would fit in with his group of already traumatic people.

During the mission, he is quite thrilled to see you can handle yourself so your not always on the verge of death or literally being shot all the time like Mista.

When the events of Vento Aureo are over and he has claimed the rightful Don of Passione, the need for you to use your skills is gone.

Of course, there are some threats to Passione, but they are nothing that he couldn’t take care of. Not only does he have powerful members of the organization, but his overpowered broken stand.

It would be easier if you were to just sit back and be pampered by him.


How Would Yandere Bruno, Giorno, Jotaro And Josuke React To Y/n Having A Stand & While Stalking Them,

I can see Bucciarati in the same predicament as Josuke. He does to have this dream where you depend on him and him alone in the small cottage he already owns.

Yet when he remembers your upbringing and how he was able to meet you, inviting you to his gang
the scenario fractures a little.

It feels wrong to him that such a beautiful person would have to learn such violent acts of display in order for simple defense. Bucciarati thinks that he is enough and should be enough.

There are times he admits to himself that your skills are quite useful with how many stand battles there are. It raises the chance of you not getting literally killed if something were to happen to him if they ever encounter such an invincible stand.

He isn’t toxic like Josuke with how pushy Josuke is to be around you 24/7, he just accepts that fact (dreadfully so) and smiles back at you. He tries to ignore that sick pleasurable feeling of you solely depending on him.

If only he could restrain himself for much longer.

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