Yenifer Falle - Tumblr Posts
Yen's willingness to help. No matter how bad it gets, no matter how meaningless it feels, she'll stop and listen and fight for the little lost causes.
What is your favourite thing about your WoL?
I put it as a joke for a one-shot collab with my girlfriend, @vivailwrites, but I did find it funny enough to keep canon:
Yen was not the most gentle with any books put in front of her when the Scions began their (desperate) attempts to educate her. This led to... consequences on behalf of Papalymo, who started to give her minor shocks every time he caught her doing it. Now she has a frankly Pavlovian response to seeing anyone even attempt to dogear a page!
Does your WoL think it is acceptable to fold a page in a book to use as a bookmark, or does such desecration of books horrify them?
Yen probably would be the kind of person who gets mad at herself for being scared lol
How would your WoL handle horror movies?

Worked on making an interim RDM glam now that I'm in post-Heavensward. I think she looks damn good personally!~
Yuyuhase shrugged. “She’s resisting arrest.” he said in a falsely mournful tone. “What else can my men do to restrain her?” He nodded again, and Yenifer coughed as another blow hammered into her chest. Her grip, tenacious as it was, finally failed, and her spear tumbled from her hands uselessly. “Good girl. Fighting only makes it worse.” Yuyuhase said, stepping towards her. “In the name of Ul’dah, and of the Brass Blades, I am placing you under arrest for assault and vandalism. Do you understand these charges?” “Charges?” Yen repeated. She tasted blood, but mercifully she also felt all of her teeth still in place. Another hit, though, and she was probably going to lose one… if she was lucky. “I…”
Chapter 3.8 is LIVE!
Content warning: The chapter focuses on police and police violence, please read at your own discretion.
Check it out here!
Chapter 3.8 is LIVE!
Adalberta’s eyes went wide like dinner plates. “You know?” She asked, sounding almost horrified. “Of course she does,” Thancred said cooly. “She’s been staring at my neck since the moment we met.” The Scion reached up to his collar with a hand, and gently lowered it back down. The choker around his neck still obscured it to some degree, but it was impossible to miss the familiar shape of the tattoo Yen had seen on Yda, Papalymo, and Y’shtola. As if to remove all doubt, painted into the cloth that Thancred had just bent back into place was the familiar eye mark of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. “You…” Yen stammered, paling from sudden social horror. “You noticed?” Thancred nodded slightly. “It’s my speciality.” He gave a slight bow. “Thancred Waters, at your service.”
A day early due to me being busy as all hell tomorrow; come check it out here!
Tagging @cimarraskylark for sharing the quiz!
"Your result: Silent Admission
"In tarot, The Fool is numbered 0 - the number of unlimited potential. As the protagonist, he is ever-present and therefore needs no number as well as no introduction. The world revolves around you in ways that I can't begin to describe, though you'd shrug it off if I were to begin to explain.
"I need you to know that time is running out. If you want to get this done, you need to start now. Sloth is your greatest enemy in this world, and you can only run so far from the opposition when you start with a disadvantage.
"Keep your head high, yeah? The kid you were is still in there somewhere. You need to show her it that it was worth it."
Feels wonderfully appropriate for Yenifer at just about every point in her story, especially A Realm Reborn.
What's At Your Core?
Cauterizing Rage:

The house has burned around you, and you’re the only one left standing. Is it gratifying to be the survivor? Fear and anger are weapons in your capable hands, used only to serve your agenda of fighting back when deemed necessary. You're a powerful person, built from the ashes of your despair and your family's mistakes. With time, you'll bloom into someone softer, like the full blossoms that grow each spring and wither away with the leaves in fall. They won't disappear if you take your eyes off of them. You're enough.
.......Ouch... O.O *sits in stunned silence for a while, pondering how accurate this is for Cimarra at the end of Post-ARR*
"I should have never come back… I should have stayed lost… Forgotten…"
Tagged by: @mimble-sparklepudding (Thank you. This quiz actually made me really pause to think on some of the answers. 😊Though I was a bit belated in doing it.)
- Quiz Here -
Tagging: anyone who would like to give this a try and hasn't yet done it. Also, feel free to tag me so I can see your results! 🥰
Ch3.10 is LIVE!
A look of honest, desperate gratitude spread across Adalberta’s face, but before she could say anything, Yen forced herself to her feet. “I’m going too,” Yen said, as bravely as she could on wavering legs. Thancred turned his head to look at her, bewildered. “Yuyuhase must have struck you harder than I thought,” he mused, but his eyes had no humor in them. “You are in no state to go anywhere, Yenifer.” He pulled his fist away from his face, letting his hands return to his sides, one palm placing itself readily by his dagger’s hilt. “I can handle this better alone.”
Come read it here!
“Mmn.” Yen hummed through a full mouth to voice her accord. The edge of panic had yet to fully retreat from her chest, but food sated the gnawing in her stomach, and the flavor gave her a different sensation to focus on beyond razor-sharp anxiety. For a single, mad moment, some part of Yenifer dared to wonder if Thancred maybe wasn’t so bad after all. In fact, the suspiciously kind look in his eyes reminded her a little of…
Whatever bedraggled and exhausted part of her mind that acted as Yenifer’s voice of reason dumped the mental equivalent of a bucket of streamwater on her carriage of thought. Suddenly aware of her brush with disaster, Yen nodded vigorously and prayed he didn’t notice that any errant thought had crossed her mind at all.
Come read the new chapter here!
Hey everyone!
To repeat what I posted with the latest chapter: Starting in July, An Oasis at Twilight will be taking a one-month hiatus to let me write ahead and recover from some burn-out.
Writing has been a wonderful adventure, and I hope it has been to read, as well! I'm very excited for the future, and I can't wait for the next leg of Yen's journey!
Take care, and Happy Pride,

Made by my lovely friend @eveningcylinder! A nice little preview of things to come~

A small hint of what's to come~
(Forgive my flagging nail polish, I have yet to fix it! 😅)
Ch 3.12 is LIVE!
"Mylla!" Thancred shouted, his voice easily piercing through the din of mock battle. The woman, surprised, turned to look over at him. Yen blinked, stunned - she, too, was Ala Mhigan. It was beginning to feel almost suspicious to see so many of her countrymen in positions like this... especially after what else she had seen, had just lived through. Still, a gentle rush of relief ebbed at the back of her mind. "Thancred?" Mylla asked, hands still squarely on her armored hips. "Why the hells are you here?" There wasn't quite hostility in her voice, but it was obvious that Thancred's reputation was universal - trouble followed him almost as devastatingly as it followed Yen, it seemed. "To taste the graciousness of your hospitality, of course." The Scion replied flatteringly as he came to a halt at the foot of the perch. "I was wondering if Arenvald is still in for the day." "Mylla!" Thancred shouted, his voice easily piercing through the din of mock battle. The woman, surprised, turned to look over at him. Yen blinked, stunned - she, too, was Ala Mhigan. It was beginning to feel almost suspicious to see so many of her countrymen in positions like this... especially after what else she had seen, had just lived through. Still, a gentle rush of relief ebbed at the back of her mind. "Thancred?" Mylla asked, hands still squarely on her armored hips. "Why the hells are you here?" There wasn't quite hostility in her voice, but it was obvious that Thancred's reputation was universal - trouble followed him almost as devastatingly as it followed Yen, it seemed. "To taste the graciousness of your hospitality, of course." The Scion replied flatteringly as he came to a halt at the foot of the perch. "I was wondering if Arenvald is still in for the day."
Come read the next chapter here!
Also, as a reminder, next Sunday will be the last update before the break!

A leveling glam for Gunbreaker! I think it really works~
Ch. 3.13 is now LIVE!
Even over the unpausing din of mock combat, it was the growing sound of armor clanking against itself that snapped Yenifer back to focus. She turned to see him climbing the training floor, scant fulms away from her - and fatally inside of any guard she could snap together. From such a close distance, she could clearly see the man who’s past - and present - she’d accidentally invaded. The helm he was wearing was mostly hiding his hair, though a few golden, sweat-matted locks were pasted to his forehead. He was wearing armor not too dissimilar to Mylla’s, iron platemail that caught the torches around them with eerie golden flickers, though his was significantly less worn - and less well-kept. Everything else about him was exactly the same as Yenifer remembered him, with a single, obvious exception. Across his face, painted in white, was the shape of an X. The center of the symbol lay directly above his brow, and beneath that was less a scar and more a divot, the skin gently bowing inwards where the skull beneath had been chipped away. In the dim lighting of the guildhall, the old injury cast a shadow on the shallow valley it made.
Come read the new chapter here!
As a reminder - An Oasis at Twilight will be on break until Sunday, 11 August! I have big plans for the future, and I can't wait to show them to you <3
Until then, may you ever walk in the light of the Crystal!
The official Light's Falle timeline has been updated! Be aware, there are spoilers for the series thus far there!
Come check it out here!
By the end of the story, Yen will know a decent amount about Azem. Not enough to have a complete picture, but enough to see how they effect others.
I know the answers to many questions, only some I plan on sharing...
Does your wol(oc) know anything about their Azem/Ancient?
I generally describe Yen as pretty boyish. She's unusually tall for a Highlander, she's rough around the edges from very hard living, and I think generally does not come off as put together until she's spent some time with the Scions.
I think the best way to describe her is to imagine a medieval peasant working the fields during a bad couple of years. She's hasn't been well fed for a while, but she has enough in her to work to the bone. Sweat-matted skin and hair, nervous but genuine smiles, tired eyes.
Her becoming the Warrior of Light does only so much for her, but at least Tataru insists on her having proper nutrition!
How would you describe how your wol(oc) looks?
Yen grew up in the Gridanian hamlet of Quarrymill. In-game, it's a little nebulous how long there have been Ala Mhigans there, but I settled on it being a long term "home" for them, a kind of begrudging place for the refugees to stay as there's nowhere else to put them.
Conditions there were always pretty stark. As a small frontier outpost, it lived and died mostly on trade flowing between Gridania and Ul'dah, which meant hard living for the Gridanians and harder living for the Ala Mhigans. Yen started working at a pretty young age, just to help keep everyone afloat. She had access to a few amenities, but they were scarce and precious things.
The Calamity made it all worse: For the five years between Bahamut's rampage and the start of A Realm Reborn, conditions in Quarrymill have slowly and unsteadily climbed from "dire" to "desperate."
Life in Quarrymill has shaped Yen a lot, not necessarily for the best. She's angry, she's hurt, she's defensive of what little she has, and she's desperately afraid of the violence she's seen used on other Ala Mhigans being turned on her. She is also, at least for a good while, illiterate. However, her experiences have made her brave, stubborn (often to a fault), and compassionate. She's willing to move heavens and mountains to prevent someone else from going through what she has, even to a fraction of a degree.
I don't think it's correct to say that her life in Quarrymill made her the Warrior of Light, but it did make her willing to make the choices that led her there.
Where did your wol(oc) grow up? How did that shape them?