Y/n X Peter Parker - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

I Got You [andrew!peter parker]


requested (anon)

pairings: Andrew!Peter Parker x Reader

warnings: fluff, harmless following <3

an: italics = peters thoughts



As she walked down the busy streets with her friend, Gwen, Y/n failed to notice the spandex wearing, spider-web slinging hero following her from above. “I totally didn’t notice Gwen! Thank you oh thank you for opening my eyes.” She giggled as her friend pulled a “shocked” face. “Well if it wasn’t for me he would’ve never given you his number! Your welcome, Your Highness Y/n.” Gwen spoke as she nudged Y/n’s arm. 

Number? Who’s number? Why are you taking other guys’ number?

“Oh whatever Gwen.” Y/n giggled, “This is my stop, Y/n/n.” Gwen said, “You’re sleeping over tonight, right?” Y/n nodded, “But I have to go do file a few things at Oscorp, I’ll be back by 3.” Gwen got up to her doorstep and looked back, “Good to know, I’ll see you later!” Y/n waved as she walked away smiling.

God she look’s pretty.

Y/n walked a few minutes before attempting to cross the road. Key word, attempting. As she walked across looking down at the pavement as usual with her headphones in she missed the huge OSCORP labelled truck barrelling down the road towards her. C’mon Y/n look around! Peter said as he sprung into action.

“I got you!” He shouted,  as he swung down and scooped Y/n up by her waist, “Ah!” She screamed as she grabbed onto the nearest solid thing, Peter. As they effortlessly swung through the air, Peter couldn’t help but smile under his mask, he was so close to his crush. Y/n’s excited squeals filled Peter’s ears as they continued to swing around NYC until landing on top of a tall building.

“Oh my god!” Y/n spoke as she tried not to have her heart explode out of her chest as adrenaline pumped through her. “That- you.” Y/n stumbled over her words as she tried to catch her breath, “You saved me! Thank you so much.” She spoke with a smile on her face. “Uh no problem!” Spider-Man spoke as he tried to alter his voice. 

As Y/n looked up her eyes dilated at the sight of the man in front of her. “You’re, holy shit, you’re Spider-Man!” She gushed as Peter awkwardly stood trying to contain himself. “Yeah! I am! I mean uh-uhm, yeah. You should really start looking left and right Y/n.” Peter explained to the teen, “How do you know my name?” She enquired, “Well I was swinging in the neighbour-hood when someone said your name, next thing I knew you’re in-front of a truck.”

Great save idiot. Couldn’t have just pointed to her name tag?

Y/n’s shirt had an Oscorp name tag on the right. “And uh you have a name tag.” Peter explained to her. “Oh yeah! That makes sense, well uh thanks for the save down there and I’m late! Damn it.” Y/n sighed, “I can take you there, or y’know swing you there.” He said as he slowly stepped closer, “You’d be a life saver thanks.” She gushed as she stepped closer, Peter wrapped his arm around her waist as Y/n placed a hand on his chest and another around his back, locking herself in.

Spider-Man extended his arm which shot out a web and they were off! Left and right they dodged buildings as people shouted, “Spider-Man! It’s Spider-Man! Holy shit Spider-Man! He probably saved her! We love you!” Their time was cut short as they reached the Oscorp building, “Here we are.” Y/n smiled, “Thank you so much, for y’know. I gotta go but it was great meeting you!” 

“Y/n!” A co-worker of hers shouted at her, “C’mon! It’s Harry’s birthday!” The woman shouted at her, “Gotta run bye! Nice to meet you!” 

Peter sighed, “Nice to meet you too.”

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