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Rivals of Aether just announced their first guest character, Ori from the eponimous game! I got the chance to work on some shots from the reveal trailer, go check it ot if you’d like. Also you can check out the game over at http://furrytrashsmash.com it’s a fun 2d fighting game inspired by Smash Bros.
My 2 shots for the OKKO short “COMMERCIAL”. Sadly as of today, they haven’t been oficially uploaded to Youtube, but if you are in the US you can check it here. Shot on the left was cleaned up by Valerie Garnace Twitter - Patreon These were some of my very first assignments in Yotta, and I’m very grateful to Jake for the opportunity. Simple, fun stuff.
Same as before, these are my shots for the OKKO short Power Up, that you can (hopefully) watch here.
The bottom uncolored shot was cleaned up by the ever amazing Zeurel Twitter - Youtube I wish I could’ve done more with Enid. She was harder for me to draw so I sorta got cheap with her animation.