You Can Tell - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

hello just wanted to say that i love your art and i hope you're doing well :))

JUST FIGURED OUT HOW ASKS WORK OML- BUT TY!!! Also- this is probably wayy too late to answer, but yes! Doing very okay! :]

Hello Just Wanted To Say That I Love Your Art And I Hope You're Doing Well :))

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8 months ago
Say The Fucking Name, Seventeen! Seventeen KILLED It At Glastonbury Yesterday. Carats, Remember The Date

Say the fucking name, Seventeen! Seventeen KILLED it at Glastonbury yesterday. Carats, remember the date 28 June 2024 because Seventeen made fucking history!

I went into the stage slightly nervous because I was worried about how the locals would react. However, my doubts were gone as soon as Seventeen started performing. Knowing them as well as I do, I know they were NERVOUS af to perform in front of 200k people, but when they were on stage, no one could tell. They were as confident and charming as ever when they performed, and it made me so happy that they enjoyed the stage as much as we did. As for the locals, we can see a LOT of them turning into Carats after the performance. It's hilarious.

Their setlist was also perfect. You could tell the crowd grew to love them in that 1 hour. Every single song made the crowd scream and cheer and clap. It makes me really happy that till this day, people of all ages can enjoy the masterpiece that is Seventeen's discography. Lee Jihoon, who hates it when we call him a genius, is a MAESTRO.

The fact that the local British people get to witness SOS being performed for the first time ever is something to be extremely jealous of. What did the Brits do to deserve this? 😭

Jokes aside, saying I'm proud would be a fucking understatement but I'll say it anyway. Seventeen, I am so BEYOND PROUD of you. You have made HISTORY just like you always wanted, being the first k-pop group to perform and HEADLINE Glastonbury. But I know you're not stopping here, right? You have so much more to accomplish, and I will ALWAYS be here, right behind you. I fucking love you my 13 and I always will. Even after the last "say the name," I'll always be a Carat. 🩷🩵

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5 months ago

the most disorienting thing thats ever happened to me was when a linguistics major stopped in the middle of our conversation, looked me in the eye, and said, "you have a very interesting vernacular. were you on tumblr in 2014?" and i had to just stand there and process that one for a good ten seconds

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