You Just Know Those Fuckers In KOTOR Did That Crap - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

i forgot to add this to the original post, but what was obi-wan and yoda's plan if luke didn't save leia? like, assuming he died, and leia was taken prisoner or died, what would they do? would they run jedi boot camp in leia's prison cell? would they perform some ancient jedi resurrection ritual to try to bring them back? was force ghost corpse possession on the table?

what was the plan?

"That boy is our last hope."

"No there is another."

Funniest fucking exchange between these two. seriously, i rewatched ESB and these two were fucking killing me. Absolutely hilarious. i'm dying. first of all, way to disregard the other actual force sensitive you met personally, who is literally his sister. also, didn't you dumb fucks just say that you needed to leave these two to die? and how it was a trap and luke could get hurt? you should be encouraging him to save his replacement. why are you just letting your backup plan get killed? i mean, you should be trying to get him to go. this is really shitty planning, and honestly, george lucas can say that obi and yoda were right all he wants, but he's the one who created the narrative that obi-wan and yoda were willing to fuck up their backup plan. there are losing their other potential replacement by not letting him help. what a load of bullshit.

i'd like it to be remembered that this is the conversation we got AFTER luke left. this was their reaction: 'whelp, he's going to die or turn, guess we'll rely on this other girl who we discouraged him to save.'

it's even worse knowing that obi-wan is aware of leia's existence, and has a preexisting relationship. you'd think that he of all people would understand what leia is capable of. he's just willing to let this kid, the kid that he is fully aware of in terms of potential and strength, the kid that is literally their other hope, and is just like 'welp, she'll die. maybe we can resurrect her in case luke dies and we run of pinball chances.' idiots, these two. i love them.

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