Your Honor They A Mess - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

Squad Shitposts


*Gin, Zane, Audra, Adira and Daniel are chilling in Daniel's house. Gin is being dramatic as always* Gin: We are all Hispanics here! And then there is Zane. We love you Zane!


Gin to Zane: What’s your ethnicity? Zane: I am mostly American cause of my dad but I am part British due to my mom. Gin: … Gin: Oh, so you two different flavors of white! Adira: choked and laughs Daniel: Does that mean he technically got no flavor? Adira: laughs even harder Zane: Bruh Daniel: I’m sorry Zane but I had to make that joke! Audra, being the new person of the group: The juice...?


*Someone is being yelled at by Audra, Daniel, Adira and Gin in Spanish* Zane: I am so glad I am not on the receiving end of that...


Gin to Zane: You have been promoted. Gin, hugging Zane and letting him hug her back: You are now one of my elite employees!

(Zane belongs to @ikari-shinsei and Audra belongs to @willowthearts)

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