Yusei X Aki - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago
I Always Loved Tag Duel Event And Duel Links Is Giving Me Yet Again Faithsipping Moments
I Always Loved Tag Duel Event And Duel Links Is Giving Me Yet Again Faithsipping Moments
I Always Loved Tag Duel Event And Duel Links Is Giving Me Yet Again Faithsipping Moments
I Always Loved Tag Duel Event And Duel Links Is Giving Me Yet Again Faithsipping Moments

I always loved tag duel event and duel links is giving me yet again faithsipping moments <3

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4 years ago
Just Gonna Put My Shipping Moment Here

Just gonna put my shipping moment here <3

Also, Yusei has a dialogue when he uses Black Rose dragon 


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4 years ago


My favourite song from 5d’s. Yeah, super sad etc, but whenever it played some amazing moments happened.

Also, this in my opinion is not only the best 5d’s ff, but also one of the best ff’s ever xd

https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6112759/1/The-Kingdom-BeComes I also really appreciate author, it’s obvious they put a lot of effort in this, and they didn’t abandon the  story

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4 years ago


Have you ever wanted to see the cast of Yu-Gi-Oh 5ds paired up with someone from another show entirely? Wanna see Yusei Fudo in a relationship with Dawn from Pokemon? Now’s your chance! Anything is possible today!

I am so boring but I always only shipped Yusei and Aki and Jack/Carly.  Though I didn’t get those shipps ( even if there were feelings there) so in a way they are star-crossed lovers for me, lol.


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4 years ago


We all have our different headcanons about the characters or story. What are yours? It can be anything from changing canon to implementing your own ideas!

This is kinda self indulging since most of my shipps end together but xd

-As per canon, Yusei stays in NDC, he’s single all the time, Akiza is   successful doctor and has occasional relationships

-All the Signers meet up at least once a year to spend time together/catch up

-Jack is his usual self and is bantering with Crow who always say he will be the next King

-Rua is making name for himself, Luna blossoms and has a lot of friends/enjoying her time in university 

-Kiryu finds peace within himself and is doing something similar as Martha did with Satellite children, takes care of children/lost youth in Satisfaction town

-Yusei is  successful scientist and is making progress with his fathers work, he duels only for fun now (thank God) or when is asked to make a guest appearance in Duel school

-Sherry is still thirsty for Yusei ( she feels only passion though not love) but Yusei is playing dense

-In one of those met ups, Yusei and Aki are finally in place where they don’t put each other on pedestal .  Aki accepted herself and loves herself, she’s grateful for all the things Yusei did for her, but love she feels for him is genuine, not the one that comes from feeling thankful.  Yusei knows she doesn’t need his help anymore, and is happy she can stand on her own. He loves her for a strong woman she is. They have long distance relationship and eventually they make plans for moving in together. 

-Jack in secret relationship with Carly all the time ( secret for public, his friends know)

-Tired of getting rejected by Yusei all the time, Shirley and Crow hook up, but will they be in a relationship only time will tell. For now, they are happy with how things are

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4 years ago


Our second free day! You can use this day to submit whatever you wish, or you can shout out your favorite artist, fanfiction author, or just your favorite character! Give someone else some well-deserved love.

Just wanted to share this amazing ff by  NineInchNailed  https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6112759/1/The-Kingdom-BeComes

I am so happy they didn’t have up on it <3 Hopefully someone will read this too :)

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4 years ago

What do you like the most about Yusei x Akiza?

*cracks knuckles*

the fact that Yusei encourages Aki to love herself and standing for herself??? my jam

Yusei accepts dueling with Aki the 2nd time. Bc he cares about her

the fact that they’re both strong and don’t need each other (I don’t like complete dependence from the partner)

the fact that it’s a healthy relationship?? they completely support each other???? doesn’t matter if they’re far from each other????

Yusei is a lil nerd sometimes but he def noticed Aki and ep 154 shows that

just. look at them. I see a perfect duo

even their monsters are a symbol of both of them and I live for parallelisms

whenever Yusei summons Black Rose or Aki summons Stardust there goes my heart

no other pairing makes as much sense as this one, fite me

I got attached 10 years ago to these two dorks and I’m surprisingly still here lol

it’s faithshipping. Mutual trust. Bruh

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