Zaynmalik - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

1. MR 👑 #zarryislife #zarry #zarrystylik #zayn #zaynmalik #harrystyles #harryloveszayn #pretty #crush

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6 years ago

Esto es hermoso, se que el centro de atención está en Harry pero me encanta Zayn riendo y disfrutando de él. Ahí está al fondo amando a su bebé. 😍😍

This is beautiful, I know the focus is on Harry but I love Zayn laughing and enjoying him. There he is in the background loving his baby. 😍😍

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6 years ago

2. The thirst. ***** La sed. MR 👑 #zarry #zarryvideos #zarrystylik #harrystyles #zayn #zaynmalik #zarryesreal #zarryislife #alwayzarry

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6 years ago
...You Know I'm Always Gonna Look For Your Face. Sorry I Couldn't Help It. Am I Being Too Extra ? *****

...You know I'm always gonna look for your face. 🎤 Sorry I couldn't help it. 😁 Am I being too extra ? 😆 ***** Lo siento no pude evitarlo. 😁 ¿ Estoy siendo demasiado extra ? 😆 MR 👑 #zarry #zarryesreal #zarrystylik #zayn #harrystyles #zaynmalik #icarusfalls #insomnia #am #zarryforever #alwayszarry #love

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6 years ago
 Happy New Year Zarry Sisters !! I Want To Wish You A Very Great Night And That Next Year You'll Be Much

🙌🙌 Happy New Year Zarry Sisters !! 😄😄 I want to wish you a very great night and that next year you'll be much happier. Thank you so much for letting me be part of this special and beautiful family. All the love as always. 💜 ***** 🙌🙌 ¡¡ Feliz Año Nuevo Hermanas Zarry !! 😄😄 Quiero desearles una noche grandiosa y que el año que viene sean mucho mas felices. Les agradezco un montón por dejarme ser parte de esta hermosa y especial familia. Todo el amor como siempre. 💜 MR 👑 #happynewyear #2019 #newyearseve #zarry #zarryisreal #harrystyles #zayn #zaynmalik

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6 years ago

¿Está hablando de Louis? / Is he talking about Louis?

Primero quiero disculparme por el vídeo 😔, solo elegí este por la calidad de audio. Si quieren cerrar sus ojitos y solamente escuchar, está bien. 😏

Hablemos de Harry y por qué está tan nervioso, el tropieza con sus propias palabras, etc. A las Larries les gusta decir que el actuó así en el momento que el escucho el nombre de Louis y que no quiere revelar información extra. Bla bla bla.

En realidad, el no sabe que decir al principio porque tal vez estaba harto de que lo cuestionaran tanto acerca de las personas de las que habla en sus canciones. Es decir ,yo creo que le molesta que alguien afirme algo que es incorrecto y todos los demás lo crean y también lo digan. Debe ser agotador. 🙇 Por eso respondió así, el no solo está aclarando que todo lo que la gente cree esta mal, sino que el trata de que nos demos cuenta sobre quien H si está hablando.

¿ O ustedes que piensan ? 😣

I want to apologize in advance for the video 😔, I chose this one only for the quality of the audio. If you want to close your eyes and just listen, it's fine. 😏

Let's talk about Harry and why he is so nervous, he stumbles on his own words, etc. Larries like to say that he acted like this when he heard the name Louis and that he doesn't want to reveal extra info. Blah blah blah.

Actually he doesn't know what to say at the beginning because maybe he was sick of being questioned so much about the people he talks about in his songs. That is, I think it bothers him that someone says something that is wrong and everyone else believes it and also says it. Must be exhausting. 🙇 That's why he answered like this, he's not only clarifying that everything people believe is wrong, but that he tries to make us realize who H is talking about.

Or what do you think ? 😣

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6 years ago
Hi, I Just Realized That I Haven't Post Zarry Shit And Then Found This Con My Phone And Here It Is. So

Hi, I just realized that I haven't post Zarry shit and then found this con my phone and here it is. So how does perfection looks ? 😏 ***** Hola, me acabo de cuenta que no he posteado mierda Zarry y luego encontré esto en mi teléfono y aquí está. ¿ Cómo luce la perfección ? 😏 MR 👑 #zarry #zarrystylik #zayn #harrystyles #zaynmalik #zarryesreal #zarrykiss #zarryisreal #zarryisalive #zarryedit

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6 years ago
B-Birthday Week ! So I Wanted To Do Something Special For Z's Birthday And Every Day Until January 12

B-Birthday Week ! So I wanted to do something special for Z's birthday and every day until January 12 I'm going to post my favorite pics of Zayn. I know this isn't new but I feel that I must do this, for everything he has done for me... And don't forget to use his Birthday hashtag. 🎈🎂🎉🎁 ***** ¡ S-Semana de cumpleaños ! Así que yo quería hacer algo especial por el cumpleaños de Z y cada día hasta el 12 de Enero voy a postear mis fotos favoritas de Zayn. Se que esto no es nuevo pero siento que debo hacer esto, por todo lo que él ha hecho por mi... Y no se olviden usar su hashtag de Cumpleaños. 🎈🎂🎉🎁 MR 👑 #26reasonswhyweloveZayn #zaynmalik #zayn #birthday #birthdayweek #26 #january

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6 years ago
"We Would All Like To Have Superpowers Because We Would All Like More Of What We Can Do." - Stan Lee

"We would all like to have superpowers because we would all like more of what we can do." - Stan Lee (1922-2018) ***** "A todos nos gustaría tener superpoderes ya que a todos nos gustaría más de lo que podemos hacer." - Stan Lee (1922-2018) #26reasonswhyweloveZayn MR 👑 #zayn #zaynmalik #zaynjmalik #happybday #birthdayweek #bdayweek #january #happybirthday #26

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6 years ago
"I Guess I Flew Too Close To The Sun ..." -Icarus Interlude From Icarus Falls #26reasonswhyweloveZayn

"I guess I flew too close to the sun ..." -Icarus Interlude from Icarus Falls #26reasonswhyweloveZayn MR 👑 #zaynmalik #zayn #zaynjmalik #happybirthday #happybday #birthdayweek #bdayweek #january #26

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6 years ago
I Feel Like Im In A Good Place, Like Ive Grown Up. My Energy Tank Is Definitely Slowing Down A Little

“I feel like I’m in a good place, like I’ve grown up. My energy tank is definitely slowing down a little bit.” “It’s a progression of my age, of my experience.” -Zayn Malik for Vogue ***** "Siento que estoy en un buen lugar, como que he crecido. Mi tanque de energía definitivamente se está ralentizando un poquito." "Es una progresión de mi edad, de mi experiencia." -Zayn Malik para Vogue #26reasonswhyweloveZayn MR 👑 #zayn #zaynmalik #zaynjmalik #happybday #birthdayweek #happybirthday #birthdayweek #january #26

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6 years ago
"Your Smile Is A Triumph Over The Sadness Of This World." -Unknown ***** "Tu Sonrisa Es Un Triunfo Sobre

"Your smile is a triumph over the sadness of this world." -Unknown ***** "Tu sonrisa es un triunfo sobre la tristeza de este mundo." -Desconocido #26reasonswhyweloveZayn MR 👑 #zayn #zaynmalik #happybirthday #bdayweek #happybday #zaynjmalik #birthdayweek #january #26

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6 years ago
My Other I Is The Mask That Hides Under Our Instincts. What We Want To Be And We Do Not Dare For Fear

My other I is the mask that hides under our instincts. What we want to be and we do not dare for fear of revealing it. On many occasions we feel in ourselves an internal struggle of two personalities that seem to push us in different ways and that come to confirm that of ... "I am my worst enemy" - Phsychology by Eduardo Ortega Mi otro YO es la mascara que se esconde bajo nuestros instintos. Lo que queremos ser y no nos atrevemos por miedo a desvelarlo. En multitud de ocasiones sentimos en nosotros una lucha interna de dos personalidades que parecen empujarnos en sentidos diferentes y que vienen a confirmar aquello de … “Yo soy mi peor enemigo” - Psicología por Eduardo Ortega #26reasonswhyweloveZayn MR 👑 #zayn #zaynmalik #zaynjmalik #happybirthday #bdayweek #happybday #bdayweek #january #26

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6 years ago
CAPRICORN One Of The Most Powerful And Mysterious Signs Of The Zodiac ...A Capricorn Has Ambition And

CAPRICORN one of the most powerful and mysterious signs of the zodiac ...A Capricorn has ambition and is disciplined. Is practical and prudent, he has patience and is cautious. Has a good sense of humor and is reserved. Feel an absolute loyalty towards the people they love. ***** CAPRICORNIO uno de los signos más poderosos y misteriosos del zodiaco ...Un Capricornio tiene ambición y es disciplinado. Es práctico y prudente, tiene paciencia y es cauteloso. Tiene un buen sentido de humor y es reservado. Sienten una lealtad absoluta hacia las personas que aman. #26reasonswhyweloveZayn MR 👑 #zayn #zaynmalik #zaynjmalik #happybirthdayzayn #bdayweek #happybday #birthdayweek #happybirthday #january #26

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6 years ago
Happy Birthday To The Sweetest Creature: Zayn !! I Hope Life Offers You What You Deserve, Just The Best.

Happy Birthday to the sweetest creature: Zayn !! I hope life offers you what you deserve, just the best. I love you so much and only I want you to be happy, thank you for existing, you're my best inspiration, you have a beautiful soul and an amazing heart. Your talent is pure art, the most powerful voice ...An angel our only angel. ***** ¡¡ Feliz cumpleaños a la criatura más dulce: Zayn !! Espero que la vida te ofrezca lo que mereces, solo lo mejor. Te amo mucho y solo quiero que seas feliz, gracias por existir, eres mi mejor inspiración, tienes un alma hermosa y un corazón increíble. Tu talento es arte puro, la voz más poderosa ... Un ángel, nuestro único ángel. #26reasonswhyweloveZayn MR 👑 #zayn #zaynmalik #zaynjmalik #happybirthday #bdayweek #birthdayweek #happybirthdayzayn #happybday #january #26

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6 years ago
It Was A Great Week. Thank You For Your Support, I'm Happy And Super Grateful For Making Zayn's Birthday

It was a great week. Thank you for your support, I'm happy and super grateful for making Zayn's Birthday a special one !! 😘😊 ***** Fue una gran semana. Gracias por su apoyo, estoy feliz y súper agradecida por hacer el Cumpleaños de Zayn ¡¡ uno especial !! 😘😊 #26reasonswhyweloveZayn MR 👑 #zayn #zaynmalik #zaynjmalik #birthdayweek #happybday #bdayweek #happybirthdayzayn #happybirthday #january #26

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6 years ago
Javadd & Edward MR #zarry #zarryisreal #zarryesreal #zarryislife #zayn #harrystyles #zaynmalik #iwontmind

Javadd & Edward 😄 💞 😎 MR 👑 #zarry #zarryisreal #zarryesreal #zarryislife #zayn #harrystyles #zaynmalik #iwontmind #somedaymaybe #love #shipping #zarryestavivo #zarryisalive #zarrystylik

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6 years ago
Zarry Kissing I Love Them So Much ...I Love Us So Much. The Best Fucking Romance, We're So Lucky, We're

Zarry kissing 😍😍😍 I love them so much ...I love us so much. The best fucking romance, we're so lucky, we're so ...Ok I'll shut up. 😅 ***** Zarry besándose 😍😍😍 Los amo demasiado ...Nos amo demasiado. El mejor puto romance, somos tan afortunados, somos tan ...Ok me callaré. 😅 Credits to the owner. 😊 ✌ ***** Crédito al propietario. 😊 ✌ MR 👑 #zarry #zarrystylik #zayn #harrystyles #zaynmalik #zarryedits #zarrymanip #zarryisreal #zarryisalive #zarrypic #zarryesreal

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