Zigi Is Fake - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

Ok, ya me harté de esto. / Ok, i'm sick of this.

He tolerado toda la mierda que han estado diciendo de Zayn desde que se fue de 1D. Tanto la prensa como algunos Directioners se han encargado de desprestigiar su reputación y carrera como solista.

I've tolerated all the shit they've been saying about Zayn since he left 1D. Both the press and some Directioners have been responsible for discrediting his reputation and his solo career.

Pero ya no puedo mas, necesito expresar lo que siento, compartir lo que pienso de todo eso, ya no quiero seguir mirando y no decir nada al respecto. Y si, tal vez a nadie le importa lo que diga o no estén de acuerdo conmigo pero al menos habré sacado todo de mi pecho.

But I can't anymore, I need to express what I feel, share what I think of all that, I don't want to keep looking and not saying anything about it. And yes, maybe nobody cares what I say or they don't agree with me but at least I'll have taken everything out of my chest.

Ok, Ya Me Hart De Esto. / Ok, I'm Sick Of This.

Recientemente tuvimos la entrevista ESCRITA de Z para Vogue y vaya que hubo un gran retroceso. Nos están vendiendo misma vieja historia, ya saben, la estúpida narrativa de que ZM nunca tuvo amigos en la banda, que todo estuvo lleno de falsedad e hipocresía (así es como lo interpreté) y que ni disfrutó del todo su etapa en One Direction.

We recently had the WRITTEN interview from Z for Vogue and there was a big setback. They are selling to us the same old story, you know, the stupid narrative that ZM never had friends in the band, that everything was full of falsehood and hypocrisy (that's how I played it) and that he did not fully enjoy his time in One Direction.

Ok, Ya Me Hart De Esto. / Ok, I'm Sick Of This.

Zayn Malik ha hablado sobre su tiempo 'sin amistad' en One Direction en una entrevista para Vogue, revelando que cuando él dejo la banda en 2015 no tuvo 'un amigo' y una serie de 'pequeñas cosas' después de su salida que lo llevaron a perder contacto con sus compañeros del grupo.

Ok, Ya Me Hart De Esto. / Ok, I'm Sick Of This.

"No le he hablado a ninguno de ellos por un largo tiempo, para ser honesto. Asi es como es. Hay cosas que pasaron y cosas que fueron dichas después de que me fui... Pequeñas cosas que nunca hubiera esperado."

¡Oh! Casi lo olvido, también se aseguraron de mencionar que Z*g* sigue vigente y que Jee Jee es la reina y única salvadora de Zayn. Sin ella él no es nada.

Oh! I almost forgot, they also made sure to mention that Z*g* exists and that Jee Jee is the queen and only savior of Zayn. Without her he is nothing.

Ok, Ya Me Hart De Esto. / Ok, I'm Sick Of This.

"Todo es grandioso. Ella es súper organizada y yo no. Ayuda que ella pueda juntar cosas por mi un poco. Me apoyo en ella demasiado"

-Zayn sobre Jee Jee Hadid.

¿Por qué siempre las mismas preguntas? 1D/Z*g*. El dude lanzó un nuevo single, tiene un álbum en camino creo que el prefiere preguntas sobre sus futuros proyectos y su carrera pero como sea.

Why always the same questions? 1D/Z*g*. The dude released a new single, he has an album on the way, I think he prefers questions about his future projects and his career, but anyway.

Todo esto no es nuevo, es decir cada cierto tiempo tenemos esta clase de artículos o entrevistas para seguir alimentando La Historia y esta bien ya me acostumbre, pero lo que acabó con mi paciencia fue tener que leer cada publicación de algunos fans creyendo toda esa basura, todos estaban como locos al ver que Zayn volvió a decir que no formo vinculo alguno con Harry, Niall, Louis o Liam. Los que estuvimos en el fandom desde los inicios de la banda sabemos que es mentira, obvio Zee paso por momentos difíciles ahí no puede estar feliz todo el tiempo pero tampoco fue miserable los cinco años que él duró en 1D.

All this is not new, I mean every so often we have this kind of articles or interviews to continue feeding The Story and it's ok, I get used to it, but what ended my patience was having to read every publication of some fans believing all that trash, they were all crazy when they saw that Zayn again said that he didn't form any link with Harry, Niall, Louis or Liam. Those of us who were in the fandom since the beginning of the band know that it is a lie, obviously Zee went through difficult times there, he can't be happy all the time but he was not miserable during the five years that he lasted in 1D.

Luego están los que se "enfadaron" con Zayn al salir de la banda.

Then there are those who "got angry" with Zayn when leaving the band.

*suspiro* Cuando Z dejo One Direction (a pesar de que soy de los que creen que su partida fue un stunt o ya estaba planeada) yo estaba sin palabras, ni siquiera reaccioné al instante ya que fue una noticia tuvo un gran impacto en mi y en y en millones de personas mas. Al momento de procesar esa información y ver las cosas desde un punto de vista objetivo, opté por continuar como Directioner pero también quise apoyar 100% la carrera de Zayn. Comprendí que él, al tomar esa decisión necesitó un gran valor. El sabía lo que quería y estaba dispuesto a enfrentar nuevos desafíos, obstáculos y cualquier dificultad que pudiera interferir con tal de lograr su sueño.

*sigh* When Z left One Direction (even though I am one of those who believe that his departure was a stunt or was already planned) I was speechless, I didn't even react at once as it was a news had a great impact on me and in and in millions of other people. At the time of processing that information and seeing things from an objective point of view, I opted to continue as a Directioner but I also wanted to support Zayn's career 100%. I understood that he, in making that decision, needed great courage. He knew what he wanted and was willing to face new challenges, obstacles and any difficulties that could interfere with achieving his dream.

Y, en ese tiempo mas que nunca nos necesitaba, el esperaba contar con nosotros. Si gracias a él junto con cuatro chicos mas nos hizo vivir una de las épocas mas felices en nuestras vidas, lo que podíamos hacer era devolverle aunque sea un poco de todo lo que nos dio. :,)

And, in that time more than ever he needed us, he expected to have us. If thanks to him, along with four guys, he made us live one of the happiest times in our lives, what we could do was give him back even a bit of everything he gave us. :,)

Lamentablemente no todos lo vieron así, no me atrevo a decir que la mayoría de fans pero si una parte considerable del fandom, se molesto por eso, se sentieron decepcionados, traicionados o abandonados y es entendible no fue nada fácil asimilar esa publicación en Facebook. Pero es demasiado cuando hay gente diciendo que Z nunca fue un miembro importante de 1D y que a los muchachos les iría mejor sin él. Es admirable la manera en que One Direction siguió adelante y superó este golpe tan duro, sin embargo olvidar que alguna vez hubo cinco integrantes es ridículo.

Unfortunately not everyone saw it that way, I dare not say that most fans but a considerable part of the fandom, they were upset by that, they felt disappointed, betrayed or abandoned and it is understandable it wasn't easy to assimilate that post on Facebook. But it's too much when there are people saying that Z was never an important member of 1D and that the boys would do better without him. It is admirable how One Direction went ahead and overcame this moment so hard, but forgetting that there were once five members is ridiculous.

Me refiero a que cuando encuentras fans así es muy triste:

I mean, when you find fans like that it's very sad:

Ok, Ya Me Hart De Esto. / Ok, I'm Sick Of This.

uno me enseñó amor

uno me enseñó paciencia


No hay nada que perdonar. Ver estos tweets y fotos en Instagram me hicieron enojar tanto. Hay mas como estos que no vale la pena mostrar aquí.

There's nothing to forgive. Seeing these tweets and photos on Instagram made me so angry. There are more like these that are not worth showing here.

En fin, ¿qué tan confiables son las entrevistas escritas? ¿Cómo estamos seguros que lo que se dice es la verdad? ¿El artista dijo eso en verdad? Nos guiamos en la veracidad de los medios y nada mas...

In short, how reliable are the written interviews? How are we sure that what is said is the truth? Did the artist say that really? We are guided in the veracity of the media and that's it...

Y aunque los medios o quien sea sigan tratando de poner a los chicos en contra de Zayn o viceversa, nosotros conocemos la realidad de su relación entre ellos. Como dije antes tal vez Zee no quería dejar 1D y fue forzado a salirse. Y los chicos se encargaron en varias ocasiones de demostrar que todo seguía bien entre ellos.

And although the media or whoever is still trying to put the boys against Zayn or vice versa, we know the reality of their relationship between them. As I said before maybe Zee didn't want to leave 1D and was forced to leave. And the boys were in charge on several occasions to show that everything was going well between them.

Recordemos el primer premio que gano fuera de One Direction (Asian Awards), Zayn dio un discurso mencionando a sus 4 amigos con quienes compartió grandes momentos de su vida.

Recall the first prize he won outside of One Direction (Asian Awards), Zayn gave a speech mentioning his 4 friends with whom he shared great moments of his life.

Ok, Ya Me Hart De Esto. / Ok, I'm Sick Of This.

"También me gustaría tomar este momento para agradecer a cuatro de los mejores amigos que he conocido, todo lo que he hecho con ellos se quedara conmigo por el resto de mi vida."

O cuando dio sus primeras entrevistas y al poco tiempo de su partida comento que le gustaría hacer una colaboración con Liam y mostró sus deseos de reunirse con el.

Or when he gave his first interviews and shortly after his departure he commented that he would like to collaborate with Liam and showed his desire to meet with him.

Ok, Ya Me Hart De Esto. / Ok, I'm Sick Of This.

Zayn Malik quiere colaborar con Liam Payne de 1D

Ok, Ya Me Hart De Esto. / Ok, I'm Sick Of This.

Hablando para la revista Fader, el dijo: "Yo hable con Liam hace dos semanas. Fue la primera vez que le hable desde que deje la banda, y le llame, y el quería hablar.

O cuando tuvo una entrevista y hay un AUDIO donde menciona que hablo con Niall y solo había buena vibra y competencia sana entre ellos. Eran como hermanos, orgullosos del otro.

Or when he had an interview and there is an AUDIO where he mentions that he spoke with Niall and there was only good vibes and healthy competition between them. They were like brothers, proud of each other.

Audio de Zayn sobre Niall. Español/Ingles

Zayn's audio about Niall. Spanish/English

Y en una ocasión en que respondió un comentario en IG sobre One Direction y mencionó que estaba muy agradecido y feliz al recordar esos tiempos.

And that occasion when he responded to a comment in IG about One Direction and mentioned that he was very grateful and happy to remember those times.

Ok, Ya Me Hart De Esto. / Ok, I'm Sick Of This.

Fan: Entonces sigues admirando tus días en 1D verdad!

Zayn: por siempre agradecido y humilde por los tiempos que pase ahí. No puedo esperar para estar detrás del micrófono aunque esta vez con algo de Z.

OT4 no se quedó atrás y al igual que Zayn, el primer premio que ganaron sin él (Billboard Music Awards) Liam se aseguro de decir que el galardón le pertenecía a Z también en su discurso.

OT4 was not left behind and like Zayn, the first prize they won without him (Billboard Music Awards) Liam made sure to say that the award belonged to Z also in his speech.

Ok, Ya Me Hart De Esto. / Ok, I'm Sick Of This.

"Hay una persona mas con quien compartir esto y ese es nuestro hermano Zayn".

Si después de esto siguen creyendo que Zayn es tan sensato en Vogue lean el tweet de hace unos días. Ahí se disculpa con sus fans por la demora de su nuevo álbum, diciendo que la fecha de estreno no esta en sus manos y esta siendo retenida por la marca.

If after this you still believe that Zayn is so honest in Vogue, read the tweet from a few days ago. There he apologizes to his fans for the delay of his new album, saying that the release date is not in his hands and is being retained by the label.

(No lo coloco aquí porque estoy desde el celular) :(

(I don't place it here because I'm from the phone) :(

El punto es que cada vez que hay nueva musica de Z comienza a haber promo: tenemos nuevas fotos de él con su novia, habla de One Direction. No dice nada sobre las canciones, su inspiración al escribirlas, el tema que el álbum tendrá, etc.

The point is that every time Z has new music he starts to have promo: we have new pictures of him with his girlfriend, he talks about One Direction. He doesn't say anything about the songs, his inspiration when writing them, the theme that the album will have, etc.

Piensen, sin Z*g* Zayn no tendría casi nada para promocionar su material, en serio es para reflexionar.

Think, without Z*g* Zayn would have almost nothing to promote his material, seriously it is to reflect.

Zayn sigue sin ser libre...

Zayn is still not free ...

Bueno, muchas gracias por leer esto. Yo me despido deseando en verdad que les haya gustado este texto. Esta es solo mi opinión y entiendo si no la comparten conmigo.

Well, thank you very much for reading this. I say goodbye, really wishing you liked this text. This is only my opinion and I understand if you don't share it with me.

Sigan juntos.

Keep together.

P.D. No crean todo lo que leen. ;)

P.S. Don't believe everything you read. ;)

Fuente/Source: Capital FM • Channel 24 • Twitter: @zaynmalik • Instagram: ziamcollab, zigiphotos • Youtube

Imágenes/Images: Twitter: @zaynmalik

Gifs: Crédito a los propietarios/ Credit to the owners

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4 years ago

that child has BLONDE HAIR STRAIGHT UP-- and also looks at least nine months old if not more

Did anyone save the pic?

Here you go

Did Anyone Save The Pic?

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4 years ago

i love how the lantis on twitter are all freaking out because "don't compare the baby's appearance" or whatever and tumblr is just like BRO THAT KID IS WHITE

i’d like to note that i’m multiracial (my dad’s of korean and pakistani descent) and even though my features are lighter and i’m white-passing, i still look like my dad. that’s all.

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4 years ago

#lmao is twitter really saying that?? 😂😂


i’d like to note that i’m multiracial (my dad’s of korean and pakistani descent) and even though my features are lighter and i’m white-passing, i still look like my dad. that’s all.

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4 years ago

i never even thought about how weird it is that she didn’t like his tweets... how can ziglets say this is relationship goals when she only supports him when it benefits her ??

G*gi didn’t even like any of zayns grammy tweets to probably not piss off her other sources of income of attention like her best friend Taylor Swift and Dua Lipa etc etc so she’s not the supportive gf everyone make her out to be after all

Of course she hasn’t said anything to support him in this issue. As you said, this would have impacted her bffs lives and also her image. 

If you pay attention especially in the last year, she only showed support towards him when it’s good for her. When it gives her the attention she wants. Like when she promoted Nobody is Listening... she made that whole release about herself with the pap pics with the van and all the fan interaction. 

Apart from that, she only does it to make things about herself. 

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4 years ago

the way people literally get cancelled for saying this on twitter but here it's just like... DUH


i know tbh it the child looks like gigi pale and blue eyes 

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4 years ago

zayn said he's watching kid shows with his baby... the child is like 6 months old?? why would she already be watching tv

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4 years ago

in the new interview zayn said "nobody is listening" was in reference to how people in GENERAL don't listen to each other.... but that has literally nothing to do with what's actually on the album and what the songs say... sure zayn

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4 years ago

"The fact that she [Khai] has been so easy to kind of just adjust to, it's been surprising to me because I just love spending my days with her, hanging out with her, and just doing really relaxing and chill stuff with her."

this definitely does not sound like a man who knows what it's like to parent a six month old infant?? it's anything but relaxing and chill?? like what

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4 years ago

"It's pretty cool."

i have to laugh cause this is verbatim what he said literally every time the zerrie engagement was brought up

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4 years ago

No stunt larries really forget how to use their big brain when it comes to other relationships.

Zigi and Laya SCREAM stunt and yet they’re all, “not everything is a stunt”.


I didn’t care for Gigi AT ALL until I joined this fandom. Knew who she was but didn’t care to follow her on social media, etc.

Me becoming an OT5/Zayn stan GAVE HER a follower. And I’m not the only one who started following her over the last year.

Her fame as increased SUBSTANTIALLY since being associated with Zayn. It’s all the media ever talks about. They barely ever mention her without mentioning Zayn. HER MOTHER admitted she wanted them to date to use Zayn for his money and to increase Gigi’s fame.

Then there’s Maya. People say they knew who she was prior to dating Liam or that they would have “discovered her eventually because she’s a model”. Okay? You make a fine point that maybe you’d know who she was without Liam but then dating CATAPULTED her career and fame.

Maya would not have gained such a following so quickly without Liam. Her rich daddy certainly set her up well.

It’s just so obvious.

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4 years ago
Zayn Looking Straight At The Camera Like Hes In The Office As They Just So Happen To Walk DIRECTLY IN
Zayn Looking Straight At The Camera Like Hes In The Office As They Just So Happen To Walk DIRECTLY IN

zayn looking straight at the camera like he’s in the office as they just so happen to walk DIRECTLY IN FRONT of a pap... like literally the guy has got to be sitting on the ground right in front of them

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4 years ago

no better way to celebrate the day zayn officially left the band and then a year later dropped his debut album than to have him walk across the street a couple times to get hd photos with his beard and an empty stroller amirite???

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4 years ago

Who are the best ziam accounts in tumblr? Like the ones who give so much proof and answer a lot of things on the asks

@insomniziam @ziamminds @yaz-the-spaz @lsmoments @right-next-to-u @zaynfeatliam @deathwish-koala @quietzap @harryandlouisarehappilystrong @bakagamieru @ziamscolours @redyellowberry @trytobullyhimnow-ziam @ziamissoimportant @dailydoseofziam @maliktxmptation

These are the blogs that I cite most often from, although I'm not sure how active all of them are. But a lot of these people have made really good masterposts on a lot of topics so I recommend you check them out!!

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4 years ago

and its not a pr walk. ok :) 

source: @hlnlzdaily on twitter

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4 years ago

Just wanted to point out that after this supposed babygate nobody is talking anymore about the fake video. This isn't a coincidence. I feel like they did that on purpose, then they are going to deny the pregnancy (I'm not sure if today on Fellon or in a few days) and nobody will ever again talk about the fake video. Let's hope for the best.

Have a good day,

Giorgia xx

29.04.20: G*gi's mother confirmed the birth, I guess I was wrong. I don't know how this will go on. We'll see.

Just Wanted To Point Out That After This Supposed Babygate Nobody Is Talking Anymore About The Fake Video.

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4 years ago

Yet I'm still waiting for Zayn to confirm the baby is his. I couldn't care less about what Yolanda says, this woman is SO fucked up. Let's also talk about the fact that even G*gi's dad didn't know anything about the pregnancy. Gosh, I really hate it here.

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