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Not So Happy Halloween.
Egon Spengler x Fem!Zeddemore!Reader
Warnings: Cursing, mentions of arguments and following, Ooc Egon, definitely a stalker, gross comments, I’m so sorry.
It was quiet at headquarters, the only thing being heard was the scribbling of Janine’s pen against the paperwork she had to do. It was Halloween and Janine and the guys except Peter, we’re giving out candy before they had to go on a bust, Janine only running out of candy shortly afterwards. Stopping to get up for a stretch, she heard the doors open, looking over she saw Y/n come in. Y/n being Winston’s little sister, she hung out with them so much, sometimes even filling in for someone.
Tonight, She had just finished leaving Dana’s place because she had taken Oscar trick or treating, dressing herself up as a witch. Looking over, Y/n had walked over to Janine’s desk, leaning on it just a bit. “Hey Janine, do you want some candy? Dana gave me too much of Oscar’s and I know I won’t finish it all” She huffed out, removing the witch hat from her head. Her witch costume consisted of a long black, partly backless dress. It hugged her body and made her look stunning. Janine nodded, smiling softly as she moved to grab the bag of candy from Y/n. “Anything I can get you z? You look like you had a long night” Janine started, grabbing a few candies to put in her drawer for later. “I don’t think so nin' but thank you, uhm I’m gonna be upstairs for a coffee if you wanna come up with me, I think they’re playing all of these horror movies tonight as well” “I should be up in a moment for some coffee, I just wanna finish this paperwork” Janine smiled as she sat up, watching as Y/n nodded and made her way up the stairs.
With a small huff, Y/n set the candy bag down onto the sofa they had there before walking over to the counter to make her coffee. As she put the water in the machine, a yawn left her lips, only allowing her body to stretch just a small bit. Careful to not spill, she carefully placed it down before moving over and adding sugar to her mug. With another yawn, she rested against the counter a bit, simply waiting for the coffee to finish.
Once it was ready, she carefully poured it into her mug before reaching into the refrigerator, where she grabbed the milk (or creamer). When she had her coffee the way she liked it, she turned on the small tv mainly for ambience before resting her head on her arm. She had a long night, only wanting to think about what she could have done to avoid it. Not realizing it, she had begun to doze off, Janine coming in shortly after she had fallen asleep with her barely drunken mug of coffee. With a small but hearty sigh, Janine smiled to herself before moving the mug back to the counter before lowering the tv’s volume.
Janine grabbed a bottled water from the fridge before making her way back downstairs just to see that the guys have arrived, with Ray taking a few traps out of the back, and Egon making sure the proton packs were alright, Winston could only watch. “Hey Janine, how did everything go?” Winston asked after seeing Janine had just come down the stairs. “Oh, everything was alright, I ran out of candy shortly after you guys left, so I got a head start on some of the paperwork”
Winston nodded as Egon began to make his way up the stairs to go to the lab. “Is Y/n back yet?” Ray asked as he handed Janine the used traps to take downstairs, who only grimaced after the smell caught her nose. “Ah, she should be, I think she went upstairs” She said before rushing down to get the traps cleaned.
Winston nodded to himself as he followed shortly behind Egon, stopping to see what he was looking at before realizing they were looking at his little sister who had fallen asleep at the table. Egon was struck, the amount of times the girl had surprised him, she never failed to surprise him even more than the times before. He’s never seen her this tired, and this was coming from someone who got 14 minutes of sleep.
“Poor thing didn’t even get her shoes off” Winston mumbled as he moved past Egon to go pick up his little sister, being ever so careful with her as if she was the most fragile thing. Egon watched the scene play out in front of him, sort of wishing he would’ve made the initiative to move her to the couch.
Over the past few months, Egon had grown a small crush on Y/n but Egon being Egon, he was probably able to hide it so well no one could tell, or maybe they did but chose not to say anything. He went with the latter most of the time and simply watched this moment. He hasn’t even removed his suit and watched as Winston made way to go and be the most careful anyone has ever seen him, just for his sister.
Not realizing that Winston had been calling him, he snapped out of his daze and looked over, slightly embarrassed that he’d been staring, a bit of red tainting his cheeks as he listened to what Winston wanted. “Egie, could you move the bag of candy for me please and get me a blanket for her please?” Winston asked kindly and Egon jumped up to go and move the bag of candy, placing it on the counter, making a small reminder to look through the candy for any sweets he could take. Once he got the candy out of the way, he walked into the bedroom where all the other beds were, grabbing his blanket off of the bed before taking it back to Winston to place over Y/n.
“Sorry could you also help me get her shoes off, I just know she’s going to complain tomorrow that her feet hurt” Winston chuckled, moving over to her feet to untie the boots she had worn. “Am not…” A groggy Y/n spoke as she began to sit up herself. “Egie, you are awfully quiet tonight, you catch a spooky one for me?..” Y/n said quietly, waking herself up as she looked over with sleepy eyes to Egon who was untying her boot to remove it from her foot. “I did, shame you weren’t there to see it” He said, almost chuckling knowing that she had been talking about the bust.
“I feel like Cinderella” Y/n grinned in a hushed tone, wiping her eyes before she sat up completely. “Thank you gentlemen for removing my shoes, Winston I swear you need to be more like Egon when you talk, you’re so loud. Hi Ray!” Y/n trailed with a sleepy smile, definitely more awake than she was a few moments ago. Winston only laughed and shook his head at his little sister, ruffling her straightened hair, who only smacked his hands away.
Both men stood up to move away, Egon unzipping his suit to reveal the simple cardigan and dress pants he always wore. Ray began to move over to the bag of candy after greeting y/n. “How did the trick or treating go Y/n?” Ray asked, opening up a 3 musketeers candy as he leant against the counter. With a sigh, Y/n leant back against the couch, closing her eyes before looking over at Ray.
“That bad huh?” Y/n only nodding before starting. “We got kinda lost downtown, dumb I know. I got into a slight argument and I feel bad because Oscar had to witness it, the guy just wouldn’t stop following me, oh my god” She huffed as she closed her eyes once more. “The good thing is we got to so many houses, they loved Oscar’s outfit.” She smiled, remembering how happy Oscar would get when they complimented his little cowboy outfit. “Oh Y/n, I’m sorry. One of us should’ve gone with you” Ray replied, Y/n only waving her hand. “Thank you Ray but I’m a big girl, I can handle some guy” She grinned, almost laughing to herself before sitting up once more. “Have you guys eaten anything? I can make something?” Y/n offered, getting up as if she wasn’t tired a few minutes ago. Winston came back down sitting his sister down as he and Ray looked at each other.
“You think the Chinese place is still open?” “They don’t close till twelve right?” Ray responded, Winston nodding before looking to Y/n “Same as usual?” He asked, still kneeling in front of her before she got up to grab her purse, taking money out of her wallet. “Ray, you paid last time so it’s all I can do” She huffed, passing the money to Winston. “Thank you gentlemen, be safe” She grinned as Ray and Winston began to walk downstairs, asking Janine what she’d like.
While y/n was upstairs, Janine and Egon had been downstairs talking about random things before a man walked into the building, catching Janine’s attention first. “Good evening, is there a woman who was in a witch costume here? I thought I saw her come in here…” the guy questioned himself as he looked between Janine and Egon, looking around as well. Egon didn’t feel right about this man, and neither did Janine. With a gentle step forward, the guy looked down at Janine. “Sweetheart, I know you heard me, so could you just answer my question?” He said a little louder, making Egon step in front of her a bit.
Despite being upstairs, Y/n was hearing everything. She didn’t come fully down the steps, but the fact that they were old didn’t help. With a creak, they all turned towards the stairs and Y/n gave up and came down all the way. “Why is he here?” She muttered loud enough for all of them to hear.
“I’m here cause I wanted to see you sweetheart, we got off on a bad foot, you know” The guy said sheepishly, moving closer to Y/n, making her move quickly towards Egon. “Don’t be such a priss babe, I only wanna talk to ya” He grinned, making the two women in front of him grimace, leaving Egon to feel bad. “You need to leave” Egon said sternly, stepping up, Y/n’s grip on him tightening just a little bit. “Or what, you gonna make me into your little science experiment?” The guy laughed, looking over to Y/n from behind Egon, who only held a stone face, like if she was holding back on her anger.
“You’re so lucky they’re here, cause I could be so much worse” He chuckled, pointing his nasty finger at her, implying gross things that would make anyone sick. “Just leave” Y/n murmured, biting her tongue to stop herself from saying anything else. The guy laughed once more, and it just seemed to anger Y/n more. She was upset, that not only had her Halloween night had been ruined, but that she had been followed and tried being humiliated by someone who was trying way too hard. She knew better, but she couldn’t help, letting Egon go and standing right behind him to breathe. Clenching her hands, she was basically digging moon shapes into her palm, allowing Egon to speak for her, Janine keeping a close eye on her.
The guy only kept making gross comments, and Egon tried his best to get him out without doing anything rational. A soft sigh left Y/n’s lips and she looked at Janine, giving her a nod that she was alright before she came from behind Egon, patting his arm to let it go. “Get out” Y/n said, keeping herself steady, trying her hardest to breathe. ‘In and out’ “or what, you gonna make me princess? You shouldn’t dress like that if you don’t want the attention, slu-” Before he could finish that last word, Y/n smacked him square in the jaw, knocking him unconscious. “Didn’t hear you…” she whispered before shaking her hand out, taking a deep breath in before letting it out.
Janine had her hands over her mouth, and Egon had a slack jaw and wide eyes, watching as Y/n had slowly turned to look at them both. The way they were looking at her, instantly guilt pooled in her stomach and she looked between the guy on the floor and the two of them. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” She rushed repeatedly, panic once again rising as she stepped away. She felt horrible, the way Egon and Janine were looking at her, made her feel like she was the enemy. Janine was the first to step up and comfort Y/n, taking her in for a hug, making her sit in the chair Janine was usually in. With a shudder, the tears came and a sob left Y/n’s lips as Janine held her.
“Egon, call the police so they could get him out of here, please” Janine said quietly as Egon nodded, going behind to be Venkman’s office and calling them there. While Y/n let everything out, Janine listened and comforted her through all of the apologies and how she’s never acted out like that before. Egon waited for the police, them coming a bit after the call. Egon explained everything that happened, from Y/n telling them that she had gotten into an argument with someone while trick or treating to the moment she knocked him out. The police took the man who was finally awaking when they were handcuffing him.
“Oh ho up, guys you got the wrong one, this bitch punched me, she put her hands on me” the guy started exclaiming, as they were taking him away. “This isn’t the last of me sweetheart” he shouted before being completely out of sight. A shaky sigh racked y/n’s body as she clung to Janine. She began to apologize once more before Janine shushed her. “You don’t need to apologize hun, he deserved it, you honestly caught me by surprise” Janine muttered, grinning at the end as she replayed the moment in her head all over again.
“Uh, why don’t we go back upstairs, get you another coffee, since you left yours cold earlier” Egon offered, quite awkwardly, holding his hand out. Taking his hand, Y/n stood slowly, taking in a shaky breath as she gently held onto his hand. His heart fluttered as if it would be the first time she’s ever touched him. Janine decided it would be best if she stayed downstairs, still shaken up about everything and thought being alone would be better for her.
With a quiet trip up the stairs, Egon carefully looked down at Y/n’s hand that was becoming bruised from the punch. “We should get some ice for that right hook, you did hit him pretty hard” he chuckled, pulling the seat out for her to sit in. She gave him a half smile as she looked down at her hand, running a finger over her knuckles before looking back up to Egon, who had just finished wrapping a bag of ice for her hand. Passing it over to her, she gave him a thankful smile, mumbling a small thank you to him. He began to reheat her coffee in the microwave as he made his. It was quiet and it was awkward, Egon shuffling around in his spot as Y/n played with the ice pack on her hand. Neither of them knew what to do but they kept quiet. Usually they enjoyed it, but Y/n felt like she was suffocating in the awkward air. “I never said thank you” Y/n started, moving over to the couch once more as she got her coffee. “It’s not a problem” Egon responded as he began pouring his coffee into his mug. With a small sigh, Y/n carefully thought out her words before she turned over to look at Egon who began making his way to sit next to her.
“I know tonight was rough, and very difficult, but I just wanna say thank you. You know for sticking up for me, and all that other stuff. Uhm, I wanted to say something but I don’t know how to say it.” Y/n hesitated after a few moments, Egon trying his hardest to read Y/n’s emotions like he always did. “Do you know when you like someone, and you wanna tell them, but every time you try, it gets a lot harder to breathe and like everything is closing in?” Y/n questioned, almost to herself but the glance at Egon gave away that she was speaking to him. He thought, remembering how he wasn’t ever one to get asked out, or be the one who does the asking out. “Well, no not really” He responded, Y/n smiling a bit before continuing. “What I’m trying to say is, every time I’m near this specific person, my heart goes absolutely crazy, and I feel like I’m literally going crazy. I want to be around him all the time, and the little touches here and there make me feel like I’m special and I’m the only one. He does these little things that are so unique to who he is, and I can’t help but fall for him more and more every time.” “Who is it y/n?..That you like Of course” He questioned, now feeling doubtful that he wasn’t the one she liked, again. He was prepared for his feelings to get hurt, but he knew how to get over it. He found a way to ignore his feelings but he wanted to listen to her, hear her voice that he loved hearing so much. “It’s you…” she whispered, looking down at her hands, a habit of hers really. “I’m sorry?” He said, unsure of what she had said.
“It’s you Egon. It’s always been you” She said, finally looking back up at him, feeling anxious once again. What if he didn’t feel the same way, what if everything they’ve done meant nothing, again, she knew how to handle rejection after a good amount of time. “I don’t usually voice things out like this, because it’s awkward… but I like you too, I just find it so hard because being the outcast and the geek everywhere you went, made it difficult to do so. To be honest, I thought you were going to say someone completely different.” Egon responded, chuckling to himself after a bit.
“My my, Spengler, didn’t know you felt that way about me” Y/n laughed for what seemed like the first time tonight, an actual genuine laugh. Egon grinned, pulling Y/n closer to him, remembering seeing how tired she looked after everything that happened literally minutes ago. “Funny how after everything, we’re getting together” Egon whispered low enough for Y/n to hear. “You wanna be together?..” she asked softly, almost in a whispered tone as well. Egon nodded, a grin appearing on his face as Y/n began to smile to herself. “But we can’t tell anyone… not even Winston” she said childishly, a laugh escaping her lips shortly after.
While they talked, Y/n got comfortable, Laying her head on Egon’s lap, generously placing a pillow there so that his legs wouldn’t fall asleep. He had began running her fingers through her hair while she talked to him about her day and how much Winston was a shy guy in high school and university. She eventually ended up falling asleep after moments of silence. Egon couldn’t move, he didn’t want to move, he was right where he always wanted to be. Just as he was getting comfortable himself, he leant his head back, Winston and Ray come up the stairs with the Chinese food in their arms, looking at the two questionably. “She just feel back to sleep. Rough night” Egon whispered in a low voice, Ray trying his best to be quiet, while Winston rolled his eyes.
“Need some help?” Winston asked as he set the food down carefully on the table as Egon nodded, pursing his lips once Winston made his way over to gently lift his sisters head, careful as to not wake her. Once Egon was standing, he stretched, a yawn escaping his lips. “How do you do it without waking her” Ray questioned, watching everything play out. “Years of practice, she’s always been a heavy sleeper except for when I move her. So I had take matters into my own hands when she would fall asleep the exact same way she was now” He chuckled, covering Y/n with a blanket, and pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead.
Egon smiled softly, ready to sit down and eat with the others. “So Spengs, why did my sister curl up on you, Instead of Janine?” Winston asked after a while, Egon coughing on his food a bit as if he was caught in bed with someone else. “Long night, some guy was following Y/n and she ended up knocking him out. Janine got shaken up and wanted to be alone and she asked me to come up with her for a coffee” Egon explained rapidly before stuffing his mouth once more to avoid Winston’s questioning, knowing he’d have to explain everything in detail to him afterwards. After finishing their food, Winston put Y/n’a food away for her and Ray muttered a happy Halloween to everyone before he decided to crash from his food coma. Once Winston and Ray went to bed, Egon made sure Y/n was comfortable and warm enough, getting her an extra blanket in case before kneeling down to leave a small kiss on her cheek. “Happy Halloween, dear”
Thank you for reading, I hope you guys enjoyed this. I literally had so many different endings planned, but went with this one. I know this isn’t the Halloween imagine you were expecting but surprise!! I’m kidding, but seriously, I appreciate you guys so much and I love you, I hope you’re having a good day/night/afternoon and have a great read. Love you sweetheart <3
Pairing- Ghost!Reader x Ghostbusters.
Platonic relationship between all of them. There’s like a parent sort of dynamic between them all.
Warnings: none.
With a sigh from downstairs, Janine had just finished getting off the phone with someone from a dance studio. Complaining that they needed the ghost gone because it was disrupting their classes. Janine being Janine, she agreed to the job, pressing the button to alert the guys downstairs.
She told them the address, and since it was late, she told them they wouldn’t have to worry about anyone being there but the owner of the building. With a grunt from at least 3 of the guys, they all loaded into the ecto-1, making sure they had everything before heading off to the address they were given.
Once they’d arrived, Peter and Ray were the first to get off, Winston and Egon last. Egon was first to get the proton packs out, Winston helping him as Ray and Peter got situated. As they all finished getting everything, the owner of the dance studio came out, cigarette in hand. He looked furious, Peter couldn’t hold back a laugh, seeing the grown man in tights.
Ray giving him quite a shove to shut him up before they all walked up, the owner beginning to step up to explain what the problem is. “There’s this ghost in there, dressed like a ballerina, I don’t know what it’s doing but it’s scaring away all my potential teachers and students” The owner cried out, basically annoyed to get the problem gone. With a nod, they all walked inside, with Ray asking to lead to where this ghost was.
Trailing behind them, Egon was looking at the pke meter, watching as there was nothing coming up until passing a dance room, where he thought he heard faint humming. Ignoring the small spike in energy he continued following behind the others, only to stop in his tracks as if he heard a door open.
The others heard and turned back as well, the same door he stopped by had the door partly opened. With slow looks between each other, the owner (we’ll call him Dave) sighed as if he knew this was going to happen. “She moved again, she’s been doing this anytime I’ve gotten close” Dave huffed as Ray and Winston glanced at him.
“Would you possibly happen to know why?” Asked Ray “Obviously not, I just want her gone” Dave exclaimed “Look, Look. Please just Notify me when she’s gone, I will pay anything to have her gone” Dave added before walking away, leaving before any of them agreed to anything.
With them all alone now, they all turned to each other before the door. With a gentle pull of the door from Winston, they all poked their heads into the door. Sure they’ve done this billions of times before, but they could never get too used to the fact that they are handling and catching ghosts. They looked around the room to see a ghost, dressed as a ballerina, doing all sorts of moves around the room.
She had this purple-ish aura around her, something telling them she’s calm, she wouldn’t try to hurt them or run away. After watching her for a bit, Peter and Ray looked at each other, thinking if they should just trap her now, the two nodding at each other as Peter began to power his proton pack up, Ray sliding the trap to the center of the room.
Egon and Winston went along with it, only watching as the ghost stood dead still. She looked to be breathing, panting almost but she forced herself to stop. She was aware she was dead, but she couldn’t leave, it was home for her. Taking a breath, She slowly began turning around, looking up at all of them, making eye contact with each, only one of them seeming afraid to her.
“I don’t… wanna leave…” she tried to say, her ‘voice’ sounding hoarse, as if she’d been screaming for eternity. They looked at each other before Winston stepped out. “We can take you to a better place, we just have to get you out of here, alright?” He said to her, watching her step back as he stepped forward.
“Home…” she said quietly — “Home.” Once more “This is my Home.” She said loudly, the others assuming she was only going to get louder. They stepped back and covered their ears.
Seeing this, she immediately stepped down, covering her mouth with her ghostly hands before running through the mirrors basically, leaving slime on them. With a roll of his eyes, Venkman looked to Winston with a ‘Thanks a lot’ look. Winston only shook his head.
“What was that about?” Ray asked, looking over at the others then at the mirror. “Not sure, but she seemed pretty young to not want to leave, after all, she most likely did die here” Egon explained, walking over to where she left slime on the mirrors. He quickly collected a sample, only before realizing they needed to get her gone.
Looking over at the others, Egon walked over as they began to plan something quick but easy, not wanting to make a mess but that never failed to happen. As they made the plan to trap her as soon as they got her, they heard a giggle down the hall.
Looking over to the open door, they slowly piled out of it, seeing an open one down the hall a few doors down. “She’s so bipolar, wonder what she was like when she was alive” Venkman commented, the others rolling their eyes before making their way over. With a pull of the other door, the ghost stood in the middle of the room, her feet almost crossed as her arms were extended.
The guys piled into the room, circling her but not to the point where the streams would cross over each other. With a quick countdown from Peter, one my one they turned on their proton packs , Ray sliding the trap beneath her as soon as they lifted her. Noticing she wasn’t fighting it, he smiled before opening the trap.
Once they ghost was gone, they walked over to the trap, one of them kicking it slightly before Ray picked up the smoking trap, ready to walk out and get the payment to go home. “So for dinner tonight what are we havin’?” Winston asked as they all walked out, Ray chuckling and Peter rolling his eyes. “I heard there’s a new pizza place down the road from here?” Ray mentioned as they stepped out and saw the owner walking over, looking relieved but nervous.
“Is she gone?” Dave asked with a hopeful smile, Ray only lifting the smoking trap in response before Egon began to pull the proton packs off of the others. Peter began establishing prices with Dave, the others acting like they aren’t listening but are making sure it’s enough to split between them all. Once they were all ready to go and had their check, they drove off to the firehouse.
Months later, things were like normal except they now had two ghosts hanging around instead of one. Egon now had a new experiment for weeks at a time, testing the ballerina. She had told them her name after they settled so much. Y/n, It fit for such a lovely ballerina.
They warmed up to her and treated her as their own child, sometimes forgetting that she’s a ghost and all. They made some room for her to practice her ballet when she needed to be alone and such. She was kinda happy she had a new home as a ghost.
Thank you guys so much for reading, I know this isn’t as good as my others since i did kind of rush it out after this motivation boost. I hope you enjoyed it, and such. I hope you have a good day and or evening and I love you! See you🤎