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My Main Pokemon Team

Eevee→Umbreon [Official Starter]
*Name: Yuna
*Type: Normal→Dark
*Gender: Female
*Ability: Adaptability→Synchronize (Anticipation→Inner Focus)
*Nature: Gentle
*Egg Moves: Wish
- Tackle
- Quick Attack
- Swift
- Bite
- Dig
- Shadow Ball
- Assurance
- Psychic
- Baddy Bad
- Dark Pulse
- Snarl
- Moonlight

Riolu→Lucario→Mega Lucario
*Name: Lancelot
*Type: Fighting→Fighting/Steel
*Gender: Male
*Ability: Inner Focus (Prankster→Justified)
*Nature: Calm
*Egg Move: Bite
- Quick Attack
- Force Palm
- Thunder Punch
- Shadow Claw
- Blaze Kick
- Sword Dance
- Metal Claw
- Dark Pulse
- Bone Rush
- Aura Sphere
- Dragon Pulse

*Name: Halilintar
*Type: Electric
*Gender: Male
*Ability: Volt Absorb
*Nature: Serious
*Egg Moves:—
- Spark
- Quick Attack
- Volt Switch
- Home Claw
- Slash
- Wild Charge
- Quick Guard
- Plasma Fist
- Close Combat
- Aerial Ace

*Name: Koyuki
*Type: Ice→Ice/Ghost
*Gender: Female
*Ability: Inner Focus (Cursed Body)
*Nature: Mild
*Egg Moves: Icicle Crash
- Icy Wind
- Bite
- Protect
- Crunch
- Rain Dance
- Double Team
- Destiny Bond
- Draining Kiss
- Wake Up Slap
- Shadow Ball
- Freezy Frost

Iron Valiant (shiny)
*Name: Paimon
*Type: Fairy/Fighting
*Gender: —
*Ability: Quark Drive
*Nature: Naughty
*Egg Moves:—
- Low Kick
- Shadow Sneak
- Fury Cutter
- Psycho Cut
- Night Slash
- Leaf Blade
- Moonblast
- Destiny Bond
- Hypnosis
- Dream Eater
- Glitzy Glow

[Draco] Dreepy→Drakloak→Dragapult
*Type: Dragon/Ghost
*Gender: Male
*Ability: Infiltrator (Cursed Body)
*Nature: Quirky
*Egg Moves: Dragon Tail
- Astonish
- Infestation
- Quick Attack
- Bite
- Dragon Pulse
- Lock-On
- Assurance
- Phantom Firce
- Dragon Darts
- Sucker Punch
- Draco Meteor
- Steel Wing

The speedster gang has come to gank your lane
Any Unite players around? Who else is a huge fan of those who are capable of playing speedsters without griefing? Because I certainly am!
I'm a potato that only knows how to play pokémon with high sustain like slowbro or charizard :>
Finally got to update the icon with the lastest speedster inclusion, meowscarada! And decided to switch to video so I can add more speedsters in the future :>
Here's Thunderous-Claws-Necrozma.