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Charlie hummed into the kiss, a smile coming to his lips. "Wine and dessert it is my little computer bug." Putting his glass back on the counter, he then grabbed Ivy by her hips, kissing her again before lifting her so she sat on the counter and he stood between her legs. Chuckling against the skin on her neck, "You're saying I'm never romantic?!?" His teeth grazed against the sensitive skin. " What about," his lips came up to her ear, nipping softly at her earlobe. "What about Spain?" The words were breathy as the memories overtook him too. The days that they would spend sight seeing, the nights that they would become tangled up in each other. Hell, even a day or two there when they couldn't bear to untangle from one another in the morning.
He knew what she meant though. Sharing this house, while as big as it was, felt weird when someone you considered your sister was just in a room down the hall. "As we please, huh?" His voice was low, deep, wanting. "And what is it that you would like me to do?" He'd take his time with her, properly. One hand stayed on her hip, pulling her against him as he stood there between her legs and the other snaked up the bottom of her shirt to cup her breast as he stole more wine-tasting kisses from her.

On some level Ivy was grateful for the blackout. It gave her a chance to switch off the screen. While she loved her job, she needed a break once in awhile. And what better excuse than no power? Not only that but it gave her and Charlie and chance to be together without the added stress of hiding their feelings - even if Elizabeth had already figured them out by now.
"I don't know," she said with a smirk, glancing between the bottle and ice cream before looking to him. "Wine and dessert sounds pretty romantic to me," she added, letting her smirk tick higher as she wrapped an arm around his shoulders and pressed a kiss to his lips.
She kept her arm around him a few moments longer, her fingers playing at the ends of his hair. Her smile softened as she looked at him. She was genuinely lucky that she'd met him when she had and for the first time she felt content. She wished she could shout it to the world that she was his. She highly doubted The Collector would be happy that two-thirds of his team were sharing a bed however.
"It's just too bad we had to wait for a blackout to have any romance," she continued with a slight pout, taking the bottle from him. She grabbed two glasses from the cabinet and poured their drinks. "But at least the house is ours..." she started, reaching for him and pulling him close. "...which means we have free reign to enjoy ourselves wherever....we....please," she finished mischievously, giving him another kiss before taking a drink.

A sigh of relief came from him at her reluctance to help. He wasn't stupid by all means. He knew that she was only helping him find Elizabeth because he had promised her what she needed.
"Thank you," he muttered sitting in a chair before laying out all that he had to tell her. "I don't know who," She had long ago stopped telling him everything she did for the family. Finding her loyalties more and more with them the more they made her feel at home. "Sent her out to fetch something. No one is saying much but that. Something big and important." Charlie was muscle, the brute force, his job wasn't to know much, just who and when, and how far he could take it.
"It's been a week. I've tried her usual aliases, hide outs, places she'd like to lie low, but no use. The only message I got was a single word Amsterdam." He knew it meant nothing to others, but it meant a lot to both of them. "It's a code word, one of the worst time of her life. A type of SOS. But I don't know where to start and they're keeping everything under lock and key. If I ask around, they'll suspect something."
Looking up at her, his blue eyes pleading. "Julieta, you're my only hope. Has there been talks of something important that the family may have wanted? Somewhere I can start to look for her?" He knew that Julieta had more sources than just him within the family, if there was something going down, she would know.

The hell it wasn't a concern. Managing to walk through what is supposed to be a highly secured facility for one of the most powerful organizations was unimaginable, and yet Charlie pulled it off as if he were walking into a grocery store. It begged the question, who else could? Who else has?
All the raging questions stopped the moment 'Cardenas' was uttered. Suddenly, Julieta was thrusted into reality. Indeed, her emotions did cloud her judgment, but how could she miss the unmistakable desperation coating his aura. The fidgeting. The shifty eyes. The growing irritation - it was all there. God, I'm such an idiot.
Finally the agent took a seat, pushing away any evidence of excitement for cartel information. It could wait. Right now they needed to find his sister.
"When was the last time you heard from her?"

"Oh," was all Elizabeth could muster, adding this to more moments that were lost after...everything. She hated thinking about what had happened, the time that the gods inside of her and Sage almost destroyed every thing and every one that they held near to them. There was nothing else she could add to that, unsure what the moment that lead to her doing so was.
"I didn't want help, I want my memories back and there's nothing I can do to get them back. There was nothing you all could do to help me do that." That was a lie, she had never asked, never brought it up, asking for help was weakness. God, she wish she could take it back now but she was upset at the way he demanded to tell him what she wanted. Her heart had already broke the day she told him to leave, now it became a pit where one used to be. "From you," she said as she turned away. "Nothing." It'd be better this way, she said as she walked away from him.

"Yeah." Rafe nodded. He didn't think she'd want to deal with him, so flowers were the best bet, but at the last moment, he he left his name off. "I didn't know what else to do, I seemed to get a lot things wrong. You saw me for me and not my money and I didn't know what to do with that." So used to just buying affection with gifts.
"I didn't know how to help because you didn't tell me you needed it. I would have done anything to help you." He sighed, tired of arguing, tired of not knowing if he was doing right or wrong. "Tell me what you want?"

Alejandra had never been this close to a landwalker before. Part of her was scared wanting to swim away from him due to all the stories they were all told since they were born. But she was so fascinated by him too and her curiosity was outweighing her fear. So she slowly came over closer to him, leaning on the rock ledge of the pool.
"Huh?" Alejandra asked cocking her head to the side unsure about how to answer the man. Hold her breath? Why would she have to hold her breath to swim? "I don't remember. Maybe ten minutes? Are you okay?" She asked taking in his demeanor. " Did you swim here too?" It was something she found hard to believe seeing his lack of fin, but it would be a new fact that she could add to her collection. Maybe thats how all the things she had collected so far had ended up on the ocean floor? "Do you have anything shiny?"

"Hello?" Dominic called out in response. This was officially the worst case scenario. Stranded in a cave with no hope of getting out. It wasn't the first time he'd done a dumb thing and ended up on death's door. This one though, he wasn't so sure he would get out of it. Until of course another person made their way into the cave.
He didn't think anything was broken but Dominic wasn't sure whether there would be any possibility that he could get out. The rope he'd used to enter the cave from the hole in the ground had snapped when he was a few feet above the water. He dropped in and spent a good hour trying to climb out.
Soon enough, Dominic abandoned hope and contemplated scratching out his last will and testament on the beautiful bio-luminescent cave walls but ultimately decided the leave no trace protocol was more important than his legacy. He perched on the small rock ledge that surrounded the water and idly daydreamed.
He sat up straight when he heard someone else. "Oh shit, how long did you have to hold your breath to get here?" If it wasn't too long, he could swim his way out.

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