No, there are not 69 of us but we are hiding in a trenchcoat.. medically recognised adult DID system studying to become a clinical psych. We are aware we make mistakes, we know we make mistakes, we're open to kind discussion!!!! π³πΏπ³οΈβππ³οΈββ§οΈ Please remember, there is a person behind almost every post on the internet, including syscourse. Be kind.
1611 posts
Aaaa That's A Pain!!!! I Hope It Works Out Y'all
Aaaa that's a pain!!!! I hope it works out y'all<3
LMAOO TRUCK BALLS π yes please do it
Lol adding to that our family has been jokingly threatening to slap a learner's plate on our chair like "this one cannot drive don't trust"
Disabled system culture is having everyone slap stickers on our wheelchair until it looks like a paper-mache project done by a 6 year old
We've removed some for sanities sakes lmao
hough we have this with our cane!! we havent been able to use our wheelchair much recently because there was a period where we moved, didnt have our old one, got a new one, and then school started. our campus is p inaccessible so we havent had much of a chance to use it but once we do. vibrates. gonna sticker that thing up.
very slight nsfw but its funny//
we do, however, have a keychain that looks like testicles and we are gonna attach it to our wc like truck balls :))
-aimee (any)
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More Posts from 69constellationsinatrenchcoat
Undiagnosed systemhood is
Thinking you just have no sense of self, and that's why your "personality" keeps changing.
Feeling like you're watching someone else operate your body, with no idea how or why.
Having strange deja vu moments where you feel like you've done something, but you don't remember any specific details.
Feeling like years of your life weren't actually lived by you, but by someone else that still exists somewhere in you.
Saying things that you can't control or don't agree with and not being able to do anything to fix it.
Feeling like you don't belong in your body, like you aren't actually you.
REMEMBER: your online fun is your responsibility!

Simply Plural on our end! The feature set works better for our needs, we're in the beta group, and we have too much data stored in it to happily switch to Octocon without a lot of effort β maybe once Octocon is on web, and we can quickly copy/paste from our current SP profiles we might more seriously consider switching (pun not really intended, but I'll take it).
We struggle to understand how to view Plural Kit information at a glance, and by the time we had access to PK, our system had already got used to the keyboard shortcuts for Tupperbox so we don't use it β if we're messaging on Discord, we use Tupperbox or nothing at all.
Besides, we feel safer with the little amount of information shown in a Tupperbox profile (and yes I am aware PK settings can be changed so that certain data doesn't show up: we just use TB, it's a personal preference).
Us personally use both SP and Octo but slowly transitioning to using Octocon only.
The number of disabled cats in Warrior Cats genuinely made it so much easier when I developed my disabilities.
If Briarlight, Jayfeather, Cinderpelt, Longtail, Crookedstar, Nightpelt/Nightstar, Brightheart, Lilywhisker, and Snowkit hadn't done it first, I'm not sure if I'd have managed to come to terms with my own..
Thanks to the Erin Hunters πΎ
why thank u @thehaunteddollhouse-sys

spicy PSTD and PSTD+ (or PTSD pro) are some of our fav stupid names for DID ππ
Sometimes DID will have you doing stupid things like trying to clarify where someone's from just because they share a name with a past abusive relationship π
Spicy PSTD, chill tf out.