Erin Hunter Warriors - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago
Finally Some Warrior Cats Art. Brightheart My Beloved

Finally some warrior cats art. Brightheart my beloved

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10 months ago
I Love Remaking Old Mary Sue Ocs!!

I love remaking old mary sue ocs!!

Her name is Angel and she's in love with Scourge!!

There's more to her lore but that's all I'll say for now.. (the lil words at the bottom is my irl signature-)

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4 months ago

en (rus under pics)

Hello Tumblr! This is my first post here.

At the end of my days (I'm 18) I've read Warrior Cats (only the first 4 books for now). When i was younger, I couldn't manage to read the second part. But I've re-read the first book several times.

I decided to draw arts inspired by the book after every one I read. The first art idea is rather simple, but next arts are more idea rich.

This art it reminds me of my cat statuette. The whole first book Yellowfang was with matted fur and I would really like for somebody fix it.

sorry for my english🦆

En (rus Under Pics)

En (rus Under Pics)


Привет интернет Тамблер! Это мой первый пост здесь.

На закате моих дней (мне 18) я решила прочитать Котов-Воителей. Когда я была помельче, я так и не смогла осилить вторую часть, зато первую я перечитывала раза три.

Я решила рисовать по арту, вдохновлённому книгой, после каждой прочтённой. Первый арт довольно простой, но в дальнейшем произошёл рост идейной мысли (чтобы это не значило). Он напоминает мне мою кото-статуэтку.

На протяжении всей первой книги (и не только) у Щербатой было куча колтунов, и я бы очень хотела, чтобы кто-нибудь (не Огник) её вылизал.

простите за мой русский🦜

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4 months ago

en (rus under the pic)

Naturally, you can't be in the fandom of Warrior Cats for many years and to not know that Fireheart will become the leader of ThunderClan. Even if you hadn't read this far. But hadn't you thought that the role of medicine cat suits him as well? Let's assume that in this AU main character decided to abandon warriorship.

Seems like we saw how Fireheart and Yellowfang gossiping😊

(this post is re-uploading, because I thought that reblogging my own posts one for one isn't a good idea for promotion)

En (rus Under The Pic)


Естественно, нельзя быть в фд КВ много лет, и не знать, что Огнегрив станет предводителем, даже если сам ты до этого момента так и не дочитал. Но вас не посещала мысль, что ему также вполне подходит роль целителя? Предположим, что это АУ где гг остался близко общаться с Щербатой, а не с остальным племенем и всякими неверными Крутобоками.

Кажется, мы подсмотрели, как эти двое обсуждают местные сплетни😊

(этот пост - перезалив, так как я подумала, что репостить собственные посты один в другой - не самая лучшая идея продвижения в карьере начинающего тамблер артиста)

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4 months ago

eng (rus under pics)

At the same time as I was reading the 3rd book I was re-watching the Owl House. And I thought that Eda resembles Yellowfang. I like to find parallels between different media, but it's much more pleasant to realize their differences. Despite their similarities these projects retain their individuality🤔 Cinderpelt resembles Luz a little bit as well.

(I wonder if Dana Terrace has read Warrior Cats. That would be cute😊)

In fact, I've already read the 4th book. But I've gotten a cold and I can't draw right now (but I'd like to draw Cloudpaw, so wait). Also I'm having terrible lilli with my hehe (mental problems) which i'm trying to fight. Wish me good luck 😋

(this post is re-uploading, because I thought that reblogging my own posts one for one isn't a good idea for promotion)

Eng (rus Under Pics)
Eng (rus Under Pics)


Параллельно с третьей книгой КВ я пересматривала Совиный Дом и задумалась, что Ида похожа на Щербатую. Приятно искать параллели между разными медиа, но гораздо более приятно осознавать их различия. Несмотря на схожести проекты сохраняют свой индивидуальный вектор развития🤔Пепелюшка также немного похожа на Луз.

(Интересно, читала ли Дана Террас КВ. Было бы мило😊)

На самом деле я уже давно прочитала и 4-ую книгу, но я тут приболела и мне всё не до иллюстраций (но я хотела бы нарисовать Белыша, так что ждите). Кроме того у меня ужасные бебе с баба, с которыми я пытаюсь справиться, пожелайте мне удачи😋

(этот пост - перезалив, так как я подумала, что репостить собственные посты один в другой - не самая лучшая идея продвижения в карьере начинающего тамблер артиста)

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4 months ago

eng (rus under the pic)

As I promised, Cloudpaw in one's own person.

His behavior in the fourth part make sense that if he was human, he would be a baby rapper. He doesn't respect elders, religion, rules and with all of that he's mommy's fatty babe. He was overfed, of course, not by his mother, but by Twolegs, you know. (He's lucky to have two lovely mothers: Princess and Brindleface, i envy).

In general, Cloudpaw is complex character. He can make reader laugh, angry, shame. (He cringe.) I love him for that.

Eng (rus Under The Pic)


Как и обещала, Белыш собственной персоной.

Его поведение в четвёртой части натолкнуло меня на мысль, что будь он человеком, он был бы малолетним рэпером, не уважающим старших, религию, закон, при этом будучи этаким маменькиным раскормленным сынком (прим. редактора: западным выкормышем). Кормила его, конечно, не мать, а Двуногие, и всё же. (А ещё ему очень повезло иметь двух любящих мам: Принцессу и Чернобурку, я завидую).

Вообще, Белыш – неоднозначный персонаж: он вызывает то приливы смеха, то гнева, то самого настоящего испанского стыда (кринжа). Несмотря на всё это я его очень люблю.

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1 year ago
A drawing of Firestar from Warrior Cats. It looks like traditional art, but isn't. Firestar is smiling.

Don't come at me, I'm the main character and you have to like me.

Rambling under the cut

The character here is Firestar from Warriors. I'd tentatively recommend reading the books if you haven't read them, but I'm not confident people will like them as they have their problems. Although most of the problems show up after the books that feature Firestar. He's supposed to be a Somali cat here. There wasn't any reason for drawing him. I just default to cats with my art experiments because they're easy to draw. And I did a study last night and I wanted to put the stuff I remembered to good use.

I'm trying to experiment with art that mimics traditional art, specifically the doodles I like to draw in class and stuff. This was really my first attempt and I think it turned out good so yeah!

Also, this is my first art piece of the year! Well, the first finished one. The New Year's Redraw is coming... eventually... I'm not too fussed about that coming out on time because I'm not usually on time with them anyway. One of them took four months and another was just never finished because it looked so ugly. This year's version will hopefully turn out very good, but I'll have to see. Anyway. Thanks to all my followers and stuff, and here's to a good year. Maybe I'll even open commissions.

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11 months ago

I really need to do this challenge but for now, look at this

It's My Turn ! I Absolutely Adore The Concept Of This Challenge And I've Decided To Participate ! My

It's my turn ! I absolutely adore the concept of this challenge and i've decided to participate ! My very first Warrior Cats challenge, whooo ~ So, it was the first time i draw Crowfeather, Cinderpelt and Ashfur, and i did a bit of research to add my own headcanons to their designs. Let's take a look at all of them, shall we ? Bluestar : Pretty straight foward for the pretty blue. I already designed her, and she's the character i draw the most for Warrior cats. I give her the red stain, as a little nod to Little Pistol, aand black pointed ears... because of her sister youknow. Crowfeather : I don't have a big opinion on this fella, except that i didn't want his fur to be a blueish gray. The only blueish gray is Bluestar and her childrens in my head ! So, i've decided to go for a pretty green. Like that, he will look really close to his daughter Hollyleaf. And why the long fur ? Because asian long hair are handsome and I headcanon him as a handsome boy. Cinderpelt : I had a big headcanon for her. Her fur. I'd always visualise her with a brownish gray, that looked like burning wood. A warm dark gray, to go against the yellow and dirty gray of Yellowfang ! And her bushy fur come from some art i've seen of her. Also, i've found a cat who look pretty close to my headcanon and took inspiration from his fur. For her eyes, i've decided to go for a really dark and desatured blue, so it won't clash with her fur. Ashfur : Also a big headcanon for him. Since i saw his "You must destroy" design, i've headcanon him with a cream belly and a dirty gray. I've decided to go for a pink gray, more on the light side. For his eyes, he got those heart shaped pupils and i've give him glowing clear blue eyes. In ancient greece, blue eyes were believed to be a sign of insanity, and I feel like those beautiful glowing eyes (that no other cats would have) give him a creepy vibe.

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1 year ago
Day One Of Drawing Random Warrior Cats! Day One, BLUESTAR!
Day One Of Drawing Random Warrior Cats! Day One, BLUESTAR!

Day one of drawing random warrior cats! Day one, BLUESTAR!

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2 years ago

Hello! If anyone wants talk with me about the following let me know. Please be respectful I am a minor :D

Stranger things, the owl house, harry potter golden ear or marauders is fine (or like cursed child time to,) marvel (i don't know a lot but i'm happy to talk,) the land of stories, gravity falls, wings of fire, warriors, bravelands, hermitcraft, empires smp, other series, and amphibia!

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1 year ago

Warrior Cats Art Progress

Warrior Cats Art Progress
Warrior Cats Art Progress
Warrior Cats Art Progress
Warrior Cats Art Progress
Warrior Cats Art Progress
Warrior Cats Art Progress
Warrior Cats Art Progress

its a lot to see how erm


my old art was

recently my style has been heavily inspired by @berrym00n, and all of this art is from [nov 6th 2022-jan 11th 2024]

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5 months ago


This is the second time I've found Plas in a Warriors AU and I am living for it

I sincerely hope Plastic Man is on your list…or Creeper? They’re both so SILLY

I Sincerely Hope Plastic Man Is On Your Listor Creeper? Theyre Both So SILLY

49. Flexyfoot

he is on the list!! he was once a loner named flexy, and when he joined justiceclan he kept his name as a prefix! he's extremely flexible -- more than an average cat

(creeper is on the following post)

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1 year ago

I really need to read the rest of the Warriors series

But I am at that age where I would feel awkward if I perused the kids section of the library

And also with what time????

Also driving??? Being in public???

If any wc fans see this, try to explain a wc book as vaguely as possible

For science

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