Erin Hunter - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

The Erin's be like: WhAtS a CaT bReEd?!?!!!!!??????

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5 years ago
This Took WAY Too Long, I Really Pushed Myself Outta My Comfort Zone With The Background Since I Dont

this took WAY too long,  i really pushed myself outta my comfort zone with the background since i don’t usually do em

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5 years ago

Starclan : yeah sorry Night pelt, we know ur a cat who only wishes the best for ur clan mates and to keep them safe from their past leader who used child soldiers to beef up his ranks and was pretty much a horrible fucking monster buuutt,,, ur pretty old man.

Also starclan : oh!! Tigerclaw, the cat who had an entire prophecy about how he'll destroy the clans!! Nice to see you!!! Now, I see you killed your deputy and conspired against your own clan to get power which resulted in several innocence dying. Well I mean, ur perfect to lead shadowclan!! Wait how are u in shadowclan. . ? You tried to kill bluestar and were banished??? Pfft, all cats make a few Mistakes!! Here are ur nine lives buddy

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5 years ago

Nightpelt deserved so much better, this elder who was neglected by his leader despite already serving his clan for many season and deserving rest and peace, raised up and took the role of leader to save his home clan and clan mates. He then proceeded to be told that, no, he would not get his nine lives because he was too old and that, the leader who caused so much pain, indirectly caused the death of several kits, was still the rightful leader in his ancestors eyes. HE THEN DECIDED TO LIE SO HIS CLAN MATES WOULD BE HAPPY AND CALM, COMPLETELY SHOULDERING THE ENTIRE BURDEN OF THE TRUTH THAT IF HE DIED, WHICH IS PRETTY FUCKING LIKLY, HIS CLAN, HE TRIED SO DESPERATELY TO SAVE WILL YET AGAIN BE LEFT VULRABLE.


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5 years ago

What if, when a leader gets their nine lives they gain nine extra marking oon their body, each in different places to signify where they will die.

Say, firestar, in his battle with scourge he gets his throat clawed out, so he had a sharp orange mark around his neck. Where he gets crushed by the tree he gains a small round yet jagged mark where the tree first makes contact against his body.

Tigerstar however only gains one mark, to which he thinks means he'll live forever and only lose a single life, never really considering that the single mark would drain out his entire nine lives.

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5 years ago

What if when a cat dies and goes to starclan they get the scent of the season they died in mingled in with their normal scent.

And the dark forest cats get a sickniss from said season, winter comes greencough, constant coughing fits and chest pains from df cats who died in leaf bare. Greenleaf could have heat stroke. I'm not sure for the other seasons-- any ideas??

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5 years ago

Tbh I really wanted Fuzzball to stay in the clans, of course I knew he couldn't since A, he didn't wish to, b, his interest in medicine would have made a 4th medicine cat.

But his entire dynamic with Jayfeather was great, even if Jayfeather gave him the cold shoulder Fuzzball still loved the guy, and Jayfeather obviously cared for Fuzzball due to him comforting him.



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4 years ago
 There Will Be Three, Kin Of Your Kin, Who Will Hold The Power Of The Stars In Their Paws.

『 There will be three,  kin of your kin,  who will hold the power of the stars in their paws. 』

Its the big boy,  Lionblaze,  tbh i know his chapters aren’t the best but i still like the guy.  I should probs do an actual ref sheet on him where you can see him better,  but basically his biggest character definition is his massive sabre like teeth,  they grow when he uses his powers witch y;know,,  gives him a horribly bad bite. 

i did this because of what happened with russetfur,  like yeah she was old but just him ripping her off firestar shouldn’t have been enough to kill her--  So imagine if his teeth were so big it was inevitable in his panic--

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4 years ago
ITS THE CURLY BOY Hes A Relativly Notmal Looking Cat, Taking On The Curl Of GrandFather, Firestar, And

ITS THE CURLY BOY Hes a relativly notmal looking cat, taking on the curl of grandFather, Firestar, and the fur colour being a mix of Leafpool and his aunt, Squirrelflight. The weirdest parts of him are his massive teeth, which both he an Crowfeather have; albiet much bigger. His other weirdest trait is his the colour of the curls on his fur, which no one questioned due to his brother having such a colour on his pelt. But im super proud of this-- and is probably my favourite design ive done !

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9 years ago
Dreaming Of The Forest - Ikebee

Dreaming of the forest - Ikebee

Felt like drawing something warriorcats related :/

So I drew Rusty :O Enjoy

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9 years ago
:U The Warrior Name I Got From @s-t-a-r-c-l-a-n For My Blog

:U The warrior name I got from @s-t-a-r-c-l-a-n for my blog

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6 months ago
This Girl Was A Request From @michi-i! :D

This girl was a request from @michi-i! :D

You can find the reverse side of her design here.

For her physical design, Fury is described as a long-furred cat with one eye slashed away, a pelt seamed with many scars, and scars across her muzzle and her shoulders. The large scar (or bits of scar you can see through her fur) on her side is from the gash on her side that cost her the battle, and the leadership of BloodClan, in Graystripe's Vow. She's a big, intimidating sort of cat, with long ragged fur.

For her pattern, Fury is just described as a tabby. I went with a sort of medium brown for her, with a dark orange for her eye, partially inspired by her wiki design.

Overall, I'm really happy with how she turned out.

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1 year ago

does anybody wonder if incest accidently happen in the (warrior) clans?

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