A-glimpse-of-fantasy - Oshi

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More Posts from A-glimpse-of-fantasy
If it's okay to ask...:✨ friends with benefits
So thinking about this and that, I thought Faye, Phil and Kyle would be the best candidates for this troupe. (Who is Kyle? You will find out later 😉)
Finally I decided to go with Faye & Kyle😁
Here we go! ^-^
Faye clutches the blanket harder, wrapping herself inside. She seems cold. I think to myself, covering her warmly before dragging myself out of the bed. Honestly, I’m too lazy to go out on the balcony. It’s freaking cold out there.
But what to do? Faye hates the smell of cigarettes.
I will stop after one. I think to myself. Faye hated when I smell cigarettes. I have been trying to keep it under control these days.
I can’t believe I’m adjusting to her ways.
It has been two years since this relationship started. Faye was supposedly going out with Jake though I have no idea how or why. And they suddenly broke up, two years ago.
Since then, Faye never wanted to be in a committed relationship. In her words, it’s a pain in the ass. Well, not that I really cared. I didn’t want to or could handle commitments in the first place. But Faye was an interesting woman to hang out with. Not to mention, attractive. That’s why I suggested starting this kind of relationship with her.
Friends with benefits.
Well, it wasn’t the sole reason, I admit. Honestly, I was pissed at Jake. How could he abandon everything and betray us like that? That idiot even had the audacity to drag Faye, a normal citizen into our mess.
About one thing, I was sure. Jake loved Faye even though they broke up.
It was Faye who wanted to break up in the first place.
Does that fool still love Faye? I have no idea.
I turn my head to the rustling sounds. Sh*t. Faye has woken up.
“I told you not to smoke when we’re in the same space.”
I sigh. How many times has this conversation occurred? “I know. I know. That’s why I went to the balcony.”
Faye tilts her face, her lips protruding a little. D*mn. She’s pretty.
“Why are you still here though?”
I tilt my head, what does she mean?
“I mean, you used to leave immediately before. Now you stick around till I wake up.”
Did I? My lips move on their own. “That’s because you said you don’t want to wake up alone-”
She frowns. “What? When did I say that?”
F*ck. She told that to Jake. Not me.
Faye takes a step towards me, tilting her upper body a little. “Kyle, are you still in touch with Jake?”
Her eyes look weird. A weird light sparks in them whenever something about Jake is up. Not really. Even his name or that nymos sign can light her up like magic.
What the hell?
Why does my chest sting? Ridiculous. I know where this is going. “Why do you want to know?” I ask her, irritation clear in my voice.
Biting her lower lip, Faye looks at her feet. Fidgeting with her fingers, she looks up coyly.
Sh*t. D*mn it!
“How is he?”
I scoff. “You know? If you’re curious...” Walking closer, I whisper to her ear. “Go ask yourself.” I nibble her earlobe, to which she jerks back.
Come to think of it, Faye never blushed adorably unless Jake was there.
What the hell is wrong with me?
Faye glares at me, rubbing her ear roughly. How cute.
Turning away from me, she declared. “Right. Kyle, we should end this soon.”
My heart thumps. “What?” I scoff, it’s unbelievable. “Is it because I didn’t tell you about Jake?”
Faye turns around to face me. Her face bears bewilderment. “What? Are you serious? No.”
“Then why suddenly?”
Faye sighs, “It’s not sudden. You remember I applied to get transferred to Spain?”
“It was accepted. I’m leaving in two weeks.”
Honestly? What the hell is wrong with me lately? My heart aches like crazy.
Well. I still know the answer I should give. I suggested this after all.
“Friends with benefits. You can leave whenever you want. I can too.”
No strings attached.
“I see. Good luck with that.” I smirk, “Don’t come back crying when you miss me though.”
Faye smiles back. “As if.”
Yeah. I know very well that you won’t do that.
Why do I feel like crying?
Somehow it ended in a sad note? which was not my intention at all😅🤷♀️
@artic-willow Thanks for the ask❤️️
Your Dream…
Chapter 9
English is not my first language so please spare me the grammar mistakes. 🙈
You can read the previous chapters from here.
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Hope you like it 👉👈
Chapter 8 - One step closer to ‘our’ life…
“What are they talking about?” Oshi looked up as Jessy was staring at the counter, “Who?”
“My brother and Jake.”
“Huh?” She turned abruptly to see Jake having a conversation with Phil over a drink. “What could they be talking about?”
Jessy was silent for a moment before carefully choosing words, “Um...You know, Oshi, I think-It’s just a thought, okay? I could be wrong! Like ninety percent wrong!”
She tilted her head towards the side, asking Jessy, “What is it, Jessy?”
“Uh..So, I think Phil maybe …really maybe..like you?”
Oshi laughed hard, “What? No way! He just enjoys flirting around! He isn’t serious.” Jessy rolled her eyes, “Oh well. If you think so.”
Jake was changing clothes after the shower while she sat on the bed, ready to sleep. She noticed the tattoo on his back, starting from the back of his right shoulder. Though she did notice it several times before, Oshi never got a chance to take a closer look.
“That tattoo…”
He turned around to her voice, “Hm?”
“You have a tattoo on your back.”
He blinked, unable to understand shortly before getting it, “Ah. Yes.”
She waved a hand, kneeling on the bed. “ Come closer.” Obliging, he sat on the corner of the bed. A snake wrapped around a bunch of spider lilies. The snake reached the end of his right clavicle through the numerous spider lilies. It suits him and doesn’t at the same time, she thought.
As her fingertips touched his bare back, Jake stiffened, akin to a stone statue. Leaning forward, she pressed her lips on his back, causing a sigh to escape his lips.
“When did you get it?”
She was still pressing her palms on his back; thus, he couldn’t turn to face her, albeit wanting to stop her from tormenting him this way. She would never know how hard it is for him to restrain his inner beast burning with passion. He sighed as he answered, “Around six or seven years ago. I can’t remember exactly.”
“I’m curious. How were you in the past? Before you had to hide, I mean.”
Jake turned around, taking her hands in his. “I’m also curious about you. Oshi, I want to know everything about you.”
She smiled while sitting on his lap, stroking the short black hair. “You go first.”
He was about to answer when his phone rang, interrupting them. He looked at the phone before telling her that he had to answer the call. As she nodded, he went ahead, still stroking her back as she leaned on his chest.
She could see his eyes lighting up as he said with a smile, “Thank you very much. Yes. I will move in as soon as possible.” Tilting her head, she waited for him to end the call. Was he moving out? Where was he going? It would be great if it was somewhere near her home. They could see each other often that way.
Jake stroked her back, smiling, “Oshi, actually, I have a request for you.”
“Yes. You can refuse if you want to. No need to feel pressured.”
Oshi straightened her back, facing him, “What is it, Jake?”
Before continuing, albeit a little awkwardly, he was quiet in thought, “So, I am moving out to a permanent residence. It is near your workplace.”
Her lips curved up, “Really! Great! We can see each other often then!”
He licked his lips before stating his actual request. “So I was wondering if you’d like to…move out with me?”
Her eyes widened to his request.
She currently lived in a studio apartment near her workplace, which she shared with her best friend Sarah, So of course, him moving there was out of the question. He mentioned that the place was near her workplace, which probably meant he wanted to move in with her from the very beginning, even before he came to see her.
How could she say no? Someone could criticize her for being too reckless and even too trusting. How could she follow a guy whose background was so unclear and secretive, so blindly?
But Jake was not just ‘a guy’. For her, Jake was Jake. Whatever his past was, the present is, how his future would turn out. She just wanted to be there for him. Become his home, where he could return to when life is hard.
“I’ll have to inform my parents first.” Then she meekly tugged the waistband of his trousers, causing him to flinch. “You’ll need to talk to them as well. Will you?”
His lips curved up, and all the tension built up on his face relaxed. “Of course. I am no longer a shady hacker wanted by the government. I can face your parents without shame.”
She chuckled, “Jake. You aren’t going to a battle. You just have to…answer a few questions, I guess?”
The night had just started, and so was their life together.
-To be Continued.
I swear what Jake talked with Phil at the Aurora will come up in a future chapter ;) ><
Ahahaha 😂
Ok, here we go... Prompt for a Oneshot Dan&Cleo - accidental space cake
A/N: sorry this is so late TT ive been procrastinating waaaaay too much lately. since i dont know much about this topic, i made it a little short, so i hope thats okay!
Summary: Just Dan being Dan TT
Warnings: Accidental Drug Use (Correct me if im wrong)
Tags: @singerj2002 @lachimolalacarbonara @duskwood-lovers @jihanesworld

"Who do ya think I am?"
"What're ya makin'?" Dan asked, his mouth full of chips.
Cleo looked over at him, then looked away as if she were used to Dan's behaviour. "Making cake for the other's when they come over."
Dan nodded, stuffing more chips into his mouth. "Wasn't MC supposed to come to Duskwood today?"
"Their flight was cancelled last minute. But I'm going to video call her when the others come, so it'll be as if they're here," she explained, mixing the batter. She paused, sighed, then turned back to Dan. "Can you mix the batter for me for a bit? I need to get something."
"First, wash your damn hands."
"Who do ya think I am? 'Course I'll wash my hands."
Cleo sighed, again, and walked out of the kitchen, hoping that Dan wouldn't mess up the cake.
And she was right to be worried.
Because here they all were, sitting at Cleo's table with MC on a video call, and everyone except Dan and Cleo acting like they were high. Hannah seemed to be freaking out because she ate a Dorito, Lilly and Richy were both in active conversation with the wall, and Thomas was fighting with a spoon.
["Well, I didn't expect this when you asked me to video call you, Cleo."] MC spoke through the screen.
"What is going o- Dan."
Dan looked over to Cleo who had suddenly called his name.
"Is this why you didn't eat the cake? Because you put something in it?"
"Huh? No, I was just full from eating all those chips."
Cleo sighed. "Then what is going on? I know I didn't do anything because this cake is one of my usual recipes!"
["Did you perhaps leave the cake unattended at one point?"] MC spoke their detective mode on.
"Of course not! The only time I left the cake was to go get something and-" Cleo froze.
"What now?"
"Did you honestly put something in there?"
"I told you, I didn't!"
["Think, Dan. What if you accidentally dropped something in it?"]
"There's no wa-"
["Just think."]
Dan muttered something under his breath, before crossing his arms and closing his eyes. He remembered how Cleo had given him the task of mixing and watching over the cake batter, but he didn't recall putting anything in the cake-
"Well?" Cleo asked, ready to hear what Dan had to say.
Dan looked over at Cleo, then at MC through the screen, before saying one thing that had them both smacking their heads.
EXTRA: This Wall Between Us
"Lilly, stop talking to the wall!" Cleo groaned, trying to pull Lilly away.
"Noooooo," Lilly dragged, dropping down to her butt and sitting on the floor next to the passed-out Richy.
"Great," Cleo sighed.

Your Dream…
Chapter 8
English is not my first language so please spare me the grammar mistakes. 🙈
You can read the previous chapters from here.
Previous Chapter - Next Chapter
Hope you like it 👉👈
Chapter 8 - You, in my life…
“Then what am I supposed to say? Oshi, how am I supposed to look at you?”
She paused for a moment, amused that he really did surrender that easily. Then she wrapped both arms around his shoulders, rubbing her nose bridge on his neck, inhaling his scent. She closed her eyes, feeling Jake’s body stiffening. She spoke calmly, not before kissing his lips sweetly, not to keep him waiting for too long. “Hm…I love you? Thank you? Or I’m pleased to be with you? Anything that shows that you enjoy life with me instead of feeling guilty? Of course, only if you feel that way.”
He gently hugged her waist, hiding his pale face in her ebony hair. “There’s no way I wouldn’t enjoy it. But I am indeed the cause of all your sufferings.”
She felt his body stiffening again as her lips touched his nape. “If that’s what you think, you’re wrong. Right now, I can bet anything that I am the happiest woman on Earth.”
As soon as those words escaped her lips, Jake abruptly moved her to face him. Her eyes widened as she witnessed the reddened eyes. Millions of emotions passed through his gentle blue eyes. He hugged her tightly as he could. “And I can bet anything that I am even happier than you.”
A smile escaped her mouth as she stroked his hair, with her chest tightening pleasantly as he continued still burying his face in her hair. “Meeting you was the best thing that happened to me in my entire life. And you falling in love with me was the only miracle that happened to me. I…really can’t lose you.”
“You won’t lose me, Jake. Never.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too, Jake.”
. . .
As she was cuddling on his lap, she remembered trying to imagine what Jake would look like. A peal of laughter escaped her mouth as she stroked his hair. He looked at her, puzzled.
“Huh? I just remembered something funny.”
“What is it?”
She continued smiling softly as she massaged his shoulders, which had the opposite effect, albeit her motive was to relax him. “In the past, when I didn’t know what you look like, I used to imagine you know. Honestly, I thought you’d be on the chubby side. I was certainly not expecting a pot belly, but I was surprised to see you so fit.”
“Why is that?”
“Haha. Well…since I imagined you sitting in front of the computer for the whole day, I thought you possibly won’t have time for exercise?”
He looked a bit shy as he ran his fingers through her hair, “Well. I always took care of my health earnestly though I lost my membership in the gym five years ago.”
“Well, that’s good.” Grazing her slender fingers on his abdomen, she grinned. “It’s nice to have a sexy boyfriend.”
Oshi gathered everyone in the group at the Aurora later at night. Jessy, Dan, Hannah, Thomas, Cleo and Lily were all waiting for her to break her ‘surprise’ news. Jessy, who already knew what the news was, hardly containing herself not to spill the beans.
“Why at Aurora?”
Jake asked as he stroked her hair in the backseat of the cab. They were on their way to Phil’s workplace, bar Aurora.
She softly giggled at his question, “Who knows?” When Jake looked at her disapprovingly, she answered seriously. “Otherwise, Dan can’t be there. He works there, you know?”
As he nodded, enlightened, she cuddled in his arms before the taxi stopped at its destination. When the two arrived, everyone else who had already gathered there looked bewildered.
The bar was packed with people as it was just seven, thus very noisy. Yet her six friends had gone entirely mute. They all knew that their friend had been missing for some time as she supposedly met someone she knew. And they all had a hunch who the ‘someone’ could be. Also, they were all worried about the possibility of her following anyone.
But now, she was with a guy who was entirely out of their expectations. A black-haired young man with deep blue eyes, slightly tanned skin and an obvious fit body, wearing a long-sleeved black shirt, neatly tucked under black trousers. He did not appear the least like a government-wanted cold-hearted hacker on the run.
Dan was the first to break the silence, “Who the hell is this Oshi?”
She grinned widely, akin to a fool. “Four guesses?”
Jessy gasped. “Jake?!” Albeit knowing that Oshi definitely met him and had been with him since last night, she was amazed by how neat and polite he appeared. Not to mention how handsome. She recalled Oshi drunk talking that Jake was very kind, considerate, and even courteous. She did not believe her drunkard friend at all; how could Oshi know that? She had never met him personally. But she was right in the end. Oshi was truly amazing indeed. Her perceiving skills were on a whole different level.
Oshi giggled, her eyes sparkling. This was the first time she looked this happy ever since they met her. Oshi’s smile out of pure happiness, without a hint of sadness, was something that could light up a world. A smile escaped through Jessy’s face as she watched her friend overflowing with happiness. Though she never understood why Oshi loved the hacker so much, she could finally see how much bliss he could give her by merely standing next to her. Jessy was happy for her friend, genuinely.
Dan was the one to step in front again, “Dude, you work out? I could swear you were obese. Oshi and Jessy broke into laughter while Jake scratched the back of his hair awkwardly. The others were still, like stones.
Lilly finally snapped out of it, “Hello, Jake.” He greeted back awkwardly. Lilly had already told Hannah that Jake was their half-brother, but Oshi convinced them not to confront their father. Jake did not want their family to fall apart; she tried so hard to stop them, albeit it was not her place to. For Jake, Oshi could do that much. It wasn’t even close to what more she could do for him. It was inevitable that Jake would not receive a warm welcome. And she did not want him to go through such a thing. Especially when he was not the one at fault.
Soon, Hannah followed then Thomas and Cleo. Though Jake was not one to talk a lot, he was even quieter. It seemed that he was a little talkative around her. However, that didn’t matter. Jake blended into the group quite well, despite her worries. And the group had so many questions for him, and unlike before, Jake answered without much resistance.
. . .
“He is nicer than I thought,” Jessy said as they walked out of the restroom. Oshi giggled in response, “See? I told you.”
Jessy shrugged, “Well if you think about how he was to us with all the hacking our phones and threatening, how could I believe you?”
“Well, that was him being on guard. And not to mention, he changed a lot over the time.”
“What are they talking about?” Oshi looked up as Jessy was staring at the counter, “Who?”
“My brother and Jake.”
-To be Continued.
Next Chapter

And they adopted the little angel ^-^ (Later the angel managed to steal MC from Jake though ><)