Taka is Best Boy ⭐️ Inbox is Always Open ⭐️ Submit a Quote if you want ⭐️ They/Them, Pan ⭐️ Icon made by me.
304 posts
Abandonded-warehouse-cleanup - Incorrect Dang Aron Quotes - Tumblr Blog
Angie: This is so great getting to hang out with you! I forgot how great you were.
Tenko: Aww Yonaga-san, you’re so nice! I like hanging out with you too!
Angie, on the phone: Shh, I’m on video chat with Himiko.
[at an inconvenience]
Sonia: Well this really fruits my loops
Akane: This honestly grills my cheese
Teruteru: This really just stirs my fry
Mahiru: Man this really waters my melon
Souda: This captains my crunch
Ibuki: Honestly this marshes my mallow
Chiaki: This really dungeons my dragons
Fuyuhiko: Damn this kits my kat
Hinata: I gotta say, this really FUCKING SUCKS—
Happy birthday, Gamble Girl
Angie, giving directions: Than you are going to yeet off the next exit
Kiibo: I'm going to what
HIro: I had to use my brain this morning. It was incredibly taxing.
Kokichi: You are a hot mess.
Miu: But hot.
comfort characters
- Taka (literal ray of sunshine)
- Fuyuhiko (murderer)
- Komaeda (war criminal)
- Saihara (six feet under)
gay ppl be like yea these are my comfort characters *literal ray of sunshine*, *murderer*, *war criminal*, *six feet under*
Ask away!
“I have nothing to hide” Asks
(For those daring enough to reblog)
1. What are 4 tabs that you have open on your browser right now?
2. Have you ever thought about seriously harming someone?
3. How are you feeling emotionally right now?
4. What type of place(Like building) are you in right now?
5. Does anyone know your deepest, darkest secret?
6. Have you ever tried to feign mental illness for personal gain?
7. Do you have any enemies?
8. Do you have any people you only pretend to like?
9. What is one item that you never let anyone besides yourself look at or in?
10. Do you have any talents that people say you have but you don’t believe you actually have?
11. Something you like that other people generally do not like?
12. Are you a Virgin?
13. Is there anyone that your grandma would hate that you are subscribed to on youtube?
14. Introvert or extrovert?
15. What is the most used application on your device?
16. How much fan fiction have you actually read?
17. Worst Fears?
18. Biggest mistake you’ve ever made?
19. Worst lie you’ve ever told?
20. Do you consider yourself a trustworthy person?
Toko: I have a stick and no self-preservation instincts.
Toko: Lets go kill God.
Chiaki: Legend is just leg and end, and the end of a leg is a foot. so calling yourself a legend is basically saying that you’re a foot.
Kiibo: I think you’re still suffering the effects of the party last night.
Miu: All I drank was Redbull!
Kiibo: How many?
Miu: Eighteen
Junko: I've invited you to this school because I crave the deadliest game...
Mondo: *nodding* Knife Monopoly.
Junko: I was actually going to hunt you for sport, but now I'm really interested in what Knife Monopoly is.
Chihiro does this to Leon
Celeste: I'm into dark humor
Kyoko: *turns off the lights*
Kyoko: wanna hear a joke?
Ibuki: Can we give gorillas hot chocolate?
Ibuki: When they're cold
Tanaka: I'm curious as to what prompted you to ask this
Ibuki: Saw a video of a cold gorilla
Souda gets bored in the kitchen, chaos ensues
Not a predator, and I have a few online friends myself!
Dear friends of Tumblr,
Today at my school we had an assembly about internet predators and when I had said that most of my true friends are over the internet and they gave me a lecture about how “I don’t know who I’m talking to” blah blah. So please, if you aren’t a predator in any way, please reblog so i can prove a point.
Himiko: I just walked into my room holding the remote and a glass of chocolate milk.
Himiko: I meant to toss the remote into my bed but instead I tossed the glass of chocolate milk onto my bed.
Himiko: I'm gonna cry now.
Maki: Kaito was just acting like he wasn't my boyfriend at the gym. He said “you look nice in those leggings, can I take you out some time?”
Maki: This girl that I don't know came up to me and says “hey, you ready to leave?”
Maki: I informed her he was my boyfriend, but I appreciate you, random girl.
Taka: I tried forming a gang once, but it turned into a book club.
just wanted to say ur really cool n u make me happy when i see ur notifications because ur funny n cool
Ok, but same to you! I love seeing your posts!
Miu: It started when that bitch came to my birthday party.
Kaede: He humiliated you?
Miu: No. He ate cake and ice cream until he nearly burst and danced with my aunt until two in the morning and had a wonderful time.
Tsumugi: If you're not on a diet, why do you drink diet soda?
Miu: So I can eat regular cake.
Happy Birthday, Iruma!