Miu Iruma - Tumblr Posts
Ikr I had to watch it so many times to make sure I heard right! Toko (as genocide Jill) says it in episode 12 and Byakuya says it in episode 13. They say it in the english dub at least, I haven't checked the japanese.
Also in killing harmony Miu calls Shuichi a beta boytoy and Kokichi says Kaede yaps (both in the first trial). I haven't played any of the games all the way through yet so I don't doubt there's more
Toko Fukawa canonly calling Byakuya "pookie" in the anime has me in a chokehold
Update: Byakuya calling his family the alpha and omega š
I like drv3 talent swaps but I rlly wish ppl wouldn't just stick their 'ultimate leader' in dice. Like make up a new organization or just make them a leader of smth else, that's Kokichi's thing! They were important enough to Kokichi to be in his motive video, it's not like they're just random henchmen
Nearly everyone in drv3 had something else they could've led, none of them are connected to dice bc it wasn't designed for them. Like it doesn't even need to be a crime organization, that was tailored to Kokichi.
And you don't need to take away their entire personality because they're better at a different thing? Like gonta would still like bugs, it's like 90% of his personality. Let them lead something that has meaning to them instead of just y/n-ing them into dice. I'm gonna stick ideas under the cut bc like be creative?
Rantaro - idk him very well, didn't he raise his (many) sisters? Being a leader doesn't always mean they're in an organization/club
Kaede - stick her in a band? Or like a choir group. Leading a criminal organization would change her character a lot
Ryoma - tennis team? Idk much about sports. Or like a prison gang bc didn't he say he went to prison
Kirumi - ngl you wouldn't have to change a single thing there, she's the president already
Angie - student council? Or like a priest
Tenko - idk her that well but like lead some kinda akido group? Like a martial arts club. Dice has dudes so she definitely wouldn't be their leader
Korekiyo - yeah I know nothing about him or anthropology. Study group (studying culture) ?
Miu - Engineering club
Gonta - could he be the leader of bugs? Yk like how ppl can train bugs into behaving differently. If not then a bug study group (ik I already said that but it's a different type of study group okay?)
Kaito - training group? Like with Maki and Shuichi or like a group of astronauts-in-training with Kaito as their group leader
Kiibo - robotics/engineering club. He'd be so different without his talent though ngl
Tsumugi - cosplay group
Shuichi - lead detective on a case
Maki - she was in an assassin group right? Make her the leader of that
Himiko - magician club (lol my old teacher tried to make one of those but no one wanted to go)
Like they literally could've just led a group project rlly well, it doesn't need to be dice. I once read a fic where the new leader was literally just Kokichi with a name change. Sometimes it rlly seems like people want a roleswap instead of a talent swap and like there are so many options!
Kokichi haters in chapter 4 drive me crazy ngl
Like yeah it was a dick move but really? To hate a fictional character that much bc he got a nice person to agree to kill? Maybe it was manipulative but it's really not as big of an issue as the drv3 fandom makes it out to be. Like everytime someone says "he could have done this instead" it's a shitty argument that was covered in game at least once
"why did Kokichi not kill Miu himself"
He physically couldn't, he literally could not touch her. They went over that like twice
"why did he make Gonta?"
Who else would have believed him? No other person would have wanted to help him either
"why did he kill Miu"
She was planning to kill him, he didn't just randomly choose to kill her
"at least Nagito & Byakuya didn't make anyone kill"
Byakuya tried to frame someone (she could've got executed for that) and Nagito made Teruteru and Chiaki kill
Most danganronpa characters are so complex and I feel like everyone that hates Kokichi just refuses to listen to other opinions and rationality.
Like it's danganronpa. I hear loads of people say it's stupid to hate a character bc they killed your favorite and it rlly is. And people accept that until Kokichi (essentially) killed Gonta & Miu. Plus Gonta didn't have to agree to it, Gonta isn't just a dumb kid.
And if you hate Kokichi for making someone kill, do you also hate Junko, Tsumugi, Nagito, Monokuma and the remnants of despair? Or is it just because Gonta's nice?
They really placed our guy right in between the 2 main Bimbos of the bunch, huh....

Phone wallpaper of characters I relate to low-key: Round 2
The art for Michael was made by @cryptidw00rm
I couldnāt find who made the model for Susan
This is so cool what-

just wanted to draw some ndrv3 characters maybe later iāll draw the rest of the cast

Pregame hc miu has sleepovers at kokichiās house
Shirt reads : Iām at your girls crib using her laptop to argue politics on Facebook
Did yāall know this was canon? Itās true because I said so

More Danganronpa text posts

Just felt like drawing Miu Irumaįā (ā āā Ļā āā įā )
Bela dimitrescu from resident lover and miu iruma from danganronpa look so fucking similar and I can't get that thought out of my head.
I don't kinnie these characters because i need therapy , but because im hot

How do I feel about the Danganronpa V3 characters
(Girls edition)

Kaede Akamatsu
I love her
A great (female) Protagonist. She feels much more realistic in my opinion in the sense that she has confidence but it actually comes from those around her, so if they get angry at her and call her out for her bull crap she feels absolute remorse and is willing to apologize compared to some other characters. While she does tend to dabble and toxic positivity it's not on purpose she doesn't mean to be toxic she just wants to protect her friends which is kind of like real life relationships.
A very supportive and cheerful girl, and I like the fact that she's not only a main character but also I love interest.
I see myself in her in the sense of when she's determined to do something she puts her mind to it and not much can really stop her.
It's obvious she has a crush on Shuichi so the fact that she was able to have sex with him was fantastic. (Cuz that's what she wanted)
Can be shipped with a few people but they feel awkward in comparison to her ship Shuichi
Seems to be bisexual but also sapiosexual
It's thanks to her, Shuichi was able to become the next protagonist and thanks to her Kibo was able to follow and Shuichi footsteps
As the Ultimate Pianist, The way she can bring hope with piano playing is incredible. Like how Clair de lune (a beautiful piano song that) in my opinion brings Shuichi out of despair is amazing. Plus her talent allows her to hear people much better than when you play as Shuichi

Maki Harukawa
I love her (fav)
An awesome love interest and a fantastic choice for a survivor if I'm being honest, because she's able to lead on Kaito legacy alongside Shuichi, she's not alone and she helps Shuichi to remember that he's not alone either
Well she might be cold and standoffish it makes sense considering her tragic backstory. I mean a girl who already lost somebody she cares about and it's basically forced to hurt other people, while being around people that she wants to protect, who wouldn't really be distant from other people
This girl screams bisexual but she also seems to be Morosexual (people who are attracted to stupid people) but she also seems to like protecting others as well
It's a little difficult for me to connect with her in the sense of her assassination abilities, but her being a caregiver is something you can actually see in the game. You see her constantly worried about people like Shuichi, Kaito and sometimes even Kibo and the fact that Himiko, is a survivor is another indication of her need to protect others as Himiko is physically weaker than everyone else, to mention she's never afraid to speak her mind
She's s a part of the training trio which I love I mean those three are just the perfect combo
In my opinion she deserves the two talents that she has, as their polar opposites of one another, and yet they work so well with her kind of character. She's an Ultimate Assassin yes but she is also an Ultimate Caregiver as well (maybe not a child caregiver) but she does care a lot (she shows that side more to Shuichi than she ever does to Kaito)
Training trio roll: the Powerhouse

Himiko Yumeno
She meh
A decent character I don't like the fact she doesn't get much character development until after Tenko dies. To be honest she's kind of annoying before chapter 3 and even as the game goes on she's still not my favorite she gets better just not that much
Not the best choice for a survivor. (if anything Rantaro should have been a survivor, and if we're going for another female have it be Kirumi)
I get the whole point of the survivor is to basically have them continue on the legacy of a lover they lost, but outside of that Himiko really doesn't do much outside of being the staple holder for Tenko and Angie's memory which no that shouldn't be all she has to offer as a survivor
Outside of some of the things that annoy me about her character she would have been a great rival for Kibo if he was the main character like magic vs science that would have been awesome
The love triangle between her Tenko and Angie is adorable though because it shows three characters who are all female can be in love too
Her talent and introduction is rather cute if I'm being honest being the Ultimate Mage/magician is adorable but the problem I have is the fact that she can't seem to differentiate fantasy from reality something I can do pretty often as a fantasist
Some of her quotes like 'what a pain' or 'this is a pain' while annoying or actually kind of funny in the right circumstances
I do like the fact that she definitely had some of the cutest beta designs I think I've ever seen that definitely highlighted more of her magician side than this because it just looks like a school uniform with a witch's hat but overall she is quite adorable
She is such a tsundere and she's totally pansexual, she also thinks very highly of herself and has a bit of an ego for someone so small

Kirumi Tojo
She great
I just love her overall but she definitely has a few issues with her story line that I wish were a bit more flushed out, and the fact that she doesn't know how to cut cognac is just absolutely adorable (don't worry I don't even know how to spell it you're not alone Kirumi)
My biggest issue with her is the reason why she decided to kill. It was for her people, but if her people found out she killed somebody her age just to get back to them and protect them, they wouldn't want her as their prime minister. (Like what we saw in her execution they wanted her to quit). Why it wasn't because they were upset at her abandoning them during their time of need, it was the fact that she was willing to kill someone just to get out of the bad situation she was in. What kind of prime minister does that, she's a good person so the fact that she would do something so low would probably be the biggest reason why they wouldn't want her in office. I mean how can they trust someone to protect their children if she's so quick to kill them
I love her talent as the Ultimate Maid but I don't understand why they call her mom, big sister (Onie- Chan) makes more sense
The fact that she's very respectable of everyone's opinions and she treats them all with kindness and respect and just like an awesome older sister, really compliments her charm and beauty (considering beauty appears in her name if you look up the kanji that makes up her name) and that also explains the gifts you give her during your free time events with her
The way she treats characters like Kibo a robot boy who's always being picked on and Shuichi definitely symbolizes an older sister vibe, which is why it makes me sad that she started treating Shuichi badly during the second trial just to save her own skin
Well yes she doesn't live that long in the main game but I think what makes her such a lovable character is the impact she has on the group before she betrays them. She can cook any type of food and is very willing to listen to them no matter what and doesn't judge them for their choices she's even willing to help them improve their lives that is just the emotional support they needed for all that nonsense a much better choice for survivor in my opinion
Overall I love her character I just wish we had more time with her which is why she's not a bit higher in my opinion when it comes to favorite characters and opinions but I do like the symbol that use for her it looks like a rose

Miu Iruma
Yikes (she needs help)
Where do I even begin with her. Well she's a very insane vulgar character that's a start, and while she's funny (and kind of insane how she always gets the killer right) there's just something about her vulgaris that really makes my eye roll
One thing I do find funny is her insults to everyone like: Calling Shuichi Sherlock homo (very accurate might I add) or calling Kokichi an abortion now that's funny, but also kind of messed up (I guess that's what makes it funny)
I really enjoy her talent I just wish she put it to better use than just sex object type things (like come on girl pull yourself together)
A pansexual girl who obviously has abandonment issues which is probably the reason why she offers her body up so much. If you think about it (minus the trauma) she's a lot like Mikan
When it comes to her character, I don't quite see the context behind some of the shipping with her like with Kaede.
It's also implied that if Kaede had stayed the main character she would have been her Rival the whole game. (Which would have been awesome not just because we would have had a female protagonist, but then we would have had our first female rival)

Angie Yonaga
I think her talent is pretty cool. I mean artist implies she can do all different types of art which is awesome considering she's a foreigner
Scares me about her character is the fact that it's implies she grew up in a cult
And the fact that she tried to indoctrinate so many members of her classmates into this cult (including trying to marry Shuichi doesn't really help)
In terms of her character when it comes to her love life she screams bisexual in my opinion but she also seems like the type of person who doesn't care about that so totally pan or maybe she doesn't know it's anyone's guess
She definitely seems like the type of person who would be nice to KibÅ but she's nice to anybody so I guess that's a plus
Her importance to the story was kind of there but not really she was easily forgetable in my opinion and she wasn't really my favorite
To be honest I didn't like her as much as some of the other characters
Her being in a love triangle with Tenko and Himiko didn't help
Overall not a great character but not the worst

Tenko Chabashira
I don't hate her but I don't like her (she's got issues)
Yikes, this girl I have plenty of issues with but I will start off with this her talent is pretty cool. I mean martial arts specifically Aikido that's definitely different (I'm glad it wasn't something generic like Kung Fu Master)
There are times where even though she claims to hate men, but she does defend people like Shuichi and it is kind of nice to KibÅ but that's about it
Personally I have a head Cannon where she doesn't know much about transgender or other types of gender people and the reason why she's in the middle with characters like KibÅ is because she wants to learn more about them (or because they're just scared of her)
As amazing as it is to have her be a lesbian based character, the problem I have with her is that she acts like a stereotypical feminist
And her being lesbian is me putting it lightly I'm still on the fence about that because the game gives us hints that it could be possible for her to be Bi she seems to lean more towards girls, or someone she admires (watch her love hotel seeing when she and you'll know what I'm talking about)
I don't like the fact that she calls them degenerate males she has no good reason to since they haven't done anything to her
And the reason they give her for not liking dudes isn't really a good one in my opinion she wasn't molested or raped by them no it was because her master was teasing her and she just took it too seriously
Other than that there isn't really much to say about her not really my favorite (but I do find her flustered sprites quite funny)
One thing I will admit is that I do like how open she is with her feelings, and how protective she is with Himiko
I do think her behavior is a bit better than Miu's but that's just me

Tsumugi Shirogane
I hate her guts
Where do I begin I'm just going to make her section really quick and short because if I were to go over everything that I don't like about this girl this would be way too long
She gives Cosplay a bad name
In the game she says fiction can't change reality that is a bullshit lie, not just because fiction has changed the lives of so many people in the real world but also because of the context of the final chapter
In the game she says fiction can't change the real world, but at the same time she's trying to use KibÅ (a fictional character) to change the audience's opinion about Hope in the quote unquote real world
To quote her words not mine "if the audience surrogate falls into despair then the audience should fall into despair" that's literally using fiction to change the real world
And following on that the fact that she constantly calls them fictional characters is basically devaluing their lives
She lied about the Cos Pox thing too
She's a worst liar than kokichi (and that's saying a lot)
I get why they had to make her design super plain so that way she'd be easily forgettable, but I just don't see what people like about her. she's willing to frame, hurt and kill people and then devalue their lives just because she doesn't see them as real
The games confirmed this themselves. If she never framed Kaede we wouldn't have lost an awesome protagonist, and we wouldn't have lost the Ultimate survivor / adventure in Rantaro, and Shuichi would have never fallen into such a depressive state (not to mention we could have had three protagonist or four)
The sad part is that many people believe that she was a part of the previous killing game with Rantaro which means her personality would have been different
If that's the case man I feel bad for that past version of her

Heart ronpas

Silly old aesthetic again.