chihayafuru side blog || ot3 hell and multishipping zone || @watcher-ofthe-sky
212 posts
Aboatmanadrift - I Do Not Know Where This Love Will Take Me - Tumblr Blog

ペン入れに合う色塗りを模索してます。 アニメ○ィアの雑誌投稿で育ったので、モノクロ絵はたくさん描いていたのですが、フルカラーには慣れてないんです。

CHIHAYAFURU (2007-2022) by suetsugu yuki

Chihayafuru - ちはやふる

he looks like he's about to roll the fattest joint

“I, for one, don’t like karuta either”
141, my favorite chapter

Promotional image for Chihayafuru week in Awara 2015

Precious girls :) Chihayafuru manga coloring

Just a few of the pictures that come in the Diary of Chihayafuru which comes with the Deluxe Edition of the 1st part of the Chihayafuru live action movie DVD.
Hi, I hope you're doing great! For an art request, could I ask anything Chihayafuru-related?
here's karuta nerds

if i had my way shinobu would be chubby all the time and chihaya would have her tomboy hairstyle from her childhood. and they would be endgame.