I love to write in my free time. I post on Archive of our Own if anyone is interested. My pseud is ADGAEA.
434 posts
Tony, Pepper, Peter, And May Had Gone On A Vacation To South America, And They Were Looking Forward To
Tony, Pepper, Peter, and May had gone on a vacation to South America, and they were looking forward to a good vacation where they could relax in one of Tony’s houses on his private property down there. They should have known that any vacation with Peter Parker would be anything but relaxing.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything!
Note: Jesus Christ's name is used like a curse.
TW: Blood and panic attack.
More Posts from Adgaea
Can you please reblog if your blog is a safe place for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, asexual, aromantic, pansexual, non binary, demisexual or any other kind of queer or questioning people? Because mine is.
Okay fuck it if this post reaches 666k notes by the end of 2023 I'll practise basic self care
Why 666k? Because it's funny and impossible so good fucking luck
Okay fuck it if this post reaches 666k notes by the end of 2023 I'll practise basic self care
Why 666k? Because it's funny and impossible so good fucking luck
You know what I love about Irondad? That Tony genuinely likes Peter. From the first time they meet. It is clear as a day that Peter is someone Tony looks up to, can act naturally around and that they have the potential to understand each other.
It's not "I got stuck with this kid". It's more like " I found this kid and now I'm emotionally invested that he is well and happy."
You can see it in little moments, between lines of dialogue, body language. The way Tony acts with Peter is completely different from say how he acted around Harley. Tony is immediately relaxed, like he was with Bruce. Because when Tony likes someone, you can tell. His love language is generosity and he is generous with Peter. He gives but doesn't expect anything back. Like remember when Coulson was having trouble making time for the woman he was dating? Tony immediately offered him a private jet and you could tell by his tone that he was being genuine.
Just imagine what happened after homecoming? There is no doubt that Tony and Peter kept contact. They spent time together, joked together, opened up about their trauma (I have always thought Tony could relate to Peter being an orphan since Tony lost his parents suddenly and tragically when he was at a vulnerable age).
But yeah, people keep telling Tony was cold and just used Peter. I never read anything like that about their relationship. I am like Tony when it comes to people. Hurt too many times, sensitive to rejection and so have trouble trusting peple will like me enough to stay. Therefore the erasure of Irondad really hurts me, and the villanisation of Tony makes me feel like people like me are evil and bad, and I am afraid my loneliness and torn relationships are due to me being a bad person.
Agreed. I didn’t care for the MIT arc very much either. I love ESU in the comics. Don’t get me wrong, I adore Irondad and Spider-son canon dynamics, but they could have kept ESU as the primary college Peter wanted to get into. (I honestly liked NWH until the ending, but at least there’s hope that it’ll be fixed eventually with another movie.)
Is ESU like the NYU of the MCU?
ESU (aka Empire State University) is not based in the MCU, but rather 616 comics canon. It’s where Peter (and the rest of the Coffee Bean Gang™️) went to college with it’s arguable best real life equivalent being CUNY.
It would’ve been my dream for Peter to go to ESU, not MIT because I can’t stand how much of fandom chose MIT because of its connection to Tony Stark + hate how that it’s been made canon that that’s where he wanted to go Spider-Man should stay in New York.
“There’s crime in Boston” my enemy. NWH was a fanfic come to life but it DID get parts wrong I fear.
(Though now Considering Everything the MCU could still make the ESU exist. You can do it Feige. Don’t listen to the other clowns on this hellsite they don’t love Peter like I do listen to ME)