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Bad Things Happen Bingo
Peter never wanted to know how much pain he could experience before he passed out from it.
TW: Kidnapping, non-consensual drug use, attempted murder, vivisection, pain
Disclaimer: I own nothing except for my plot.
Peter P.: If it wasn't illegal, I would eat cereal for every meal of the day.
Tony Stark, about to be punched by May Parker:I have some wonderful news for you.

Spider-Man: No Way Home - Troubled Birds Vol.1
Part 2
Tony, to May, about you kids: You were right, May. I needed to let my baby birds fly. My bratty little baby birds fly with their crappy little wings. Sometimes, you've got to push them out the window
May, patting him on the back: you were crying looking through Instagram again?
Tony: Shut up Maybelle.
*Peter, Ben and Kaine wearing red, blue and green*
May: Awn are so cute they look like Huey, Dawey and Louie!
Sarcastic Kaine: Yeah, all that’s left is a cranky, rich old man to take us on big adventures and punch mummies.
Peter:… Mr Stark?
peter B: i don’t like children
Aunt May: but you love Miles
Peter B: but who doesn’t love Miles!
spiderham: I don’t love Miles!
Peter B: you are a psychopath
May: Sorry it took me so long to bail you out of jail.
Peter: No it’s my fault, I shouldn’t’ve used my one phone call to prank call the police
May: You can't spend the rest of your life alone, wearing black, listening to angry music and turning into nights
Peter: I can, 'cause I'm Batman!

Matt Murdock and Peter Parker really are very similar huh?
They are “orphans” (or so they’re told)

They were raised by mother and father-figures

Their father figures and mentors died and they couldn’t save them

Their mother figures do their best to support them and their second life

They became vigilantes fighting crime in NYC

They have red suits
They use their special senses

They don’t kill people (usually) but a villain frames them for murder

And their girlfriends die in their arms because they couldn’t save them

Thank you for coming to my TED talk
He’s alive.
Mr. Stark is alive.
Peter stumbles back a few steps and totally zones out whatever Tony has said because it just can’t be him. He was there when the man snapped his fingers. He was there when he heard his heartbeat stop. He was there when they lowered him into the ground.
What the actual fuck is going on? Despite the protest of whoever stands before him, Peter rips his mask off to reveal his face.
“Mr. Stark?”
Tony blanches at the sight, the gauntlet he had aimed at what had to be a ghost immediately dropping to his side.
Peter Parker gets stuck in a universe where he quickly discovers that the boy who had it all is dead, while the boy who lost it all was left alive to witness others go through the same devastation he’s felt for almost his entire life. Maybe together they can figure out life isn’t as narrowed path as it seems and pick up the shattered pieces of the living left in the wake of the dead.
A voice suddenly breaks through his memories of what feels like forever ago which makes Peter snap back to the present, and it takes everything in him to not start webbing in all directions to find Beck and get him to stop.
Because seeing the lake house is one thing.
But hearing that voice…it’s on a whole other level of messed up.
Peter has to remind himself though it’s not Beck, he killed himself.
Beck is dead.
He’s dead.
It can’t possibly be him creating that voice.
And his Spidey sense tells him it's safe.
Nothing is adding up. If it’s not Beck then who is it? Peter slightly turns but stops when he hears the voice again, rougher and on edge this time.
“I said don’t move, what do you have cotton in your ears? You have two seconds to tell me who the hell you are and why you’re wearing that suit before I blow you into a million tiny pieces.”
Peter physically pales as his legs grow weak.
This can’t be real.
This couldn’t be happening.
Peter is fully convinced he’s been killed by that purple ravine because what else but death can explain why he’s hearing this voice behind him?
What else but death can explain this view?
Maybe his death is meant to be a torturous one. Just like his dreams he is doomed to live in a never-ending loop of hearing the voices of his loved ones, seeing them, but none of them looking at Peter with the same warmth he had.
His head feels like it’s spinning a mile a minute and his breath was…is he breathing? Yes, he is. In out. In out.
Against his better judgment, Peter turns around not listening to what the voice had threatened to do at all. He needs to know, although a part of him doesn’t want to turn, because how cruel would it be for nothing but empty space to be in its place? He needs to know why a voice he hasn’t heard in two years can suddenly be speaking behind him. How that person can be there when the last time they saw each other was on a battlefield, right before one of them snapped their fingers for the entire universe and has been resting in the ground ever since.
Peter doesn’t know what he’s expecting.
He hopes the person will be real, but he is never that lucky, not with his infamous Peter luck.
Maybe that’s why he can’t contain the audible gasp that slips past his lips at seeing Tony Stark standing only a few feet away.
He’s alive.
He’s alive.
Mr. Stark is alive.

“I know my boy.” — Aunt May to Peter in Spider-Man: Far From Home
Stay With Me

"But Mr Stark I am ready for missions! I can handle them well! Please let me go on the field!"
" Kid, just train for a bit we got a mission upcoming for you. Go on now Cap is waiting for you"
Ugh... training with Captain America... so boring whatever he makes me do is what I do on a daily and ALWAYS he will tell me his life stories which I have heard millions of times. Honestly, by now, I can write a whole book about him. I just don't have anyone who is like me...
top floor? Yes! finally some action!
Peter activates his suit and swings over to the top floor and sees the girl fly off in a helicopter and jumps to hold her back but something comes in and chops off his webs and something is fired at Peter's hands and feet to bind them in place
"Holy Cow! What is that?! Is that my webbing?!"
"Hey Peter, I'm Sorry but I gotta impress Fury... Catch ya later"
"Kid move out, NOW! I'm going to blast her"
"I can't move Mr Stark! I'm bound"
"FRIDAY, Get peter in"
great, now I will be inspected like a lab rat and then be interrogated
but what even is that? it looks so much like my webbing... I have to ask Mr Stark. This is so close to my webbing. There can't be two spider-mans, Can they?
Natasha, Bruce, Steve, Tony and Clint walk into Peter's room to find him stuck to the ceiling, bound by some substance. He is quite clearly daydreaming as he isn't blinking but the whole thing is so freaky that the rest tense up. A worried Natasha starts poking him with one of Clint's arrows in an attempt to get him into consciousness.
"Hey! Peter! you there?" Natasha pokes Peter as she asks worriedly
"FRIDAY, get Wanda and her brother," Tony says before checking his vitals
"YES BOSS" FRIDAY replies instantly sending the message
"What do you want- WOAH... What's the Spider doing?!" Pietro says as he speeds in
"Pietro, Get your sister," Clint says hooking himself to the ceiling
"Jeez Old man, wait I'll get her" Pietro replies before speeding out to get his sister
"What went wrong now?" Wanda says as Pietro puts her down
"Wanda, can you wake the kid up?" Bruce says trying to help Clint get him down
"Give me a second..." Wanda replies before floating up to Peter
"Wake up..." she whispers
And just like that Peter's claws (the weird thing on his back, ima call them claws) open up as he jolts and the chaos settles
"yeah, I'm here... I'm alive" Peter says catching Clint before he hits the floor
"What was that kid?!" Clint asked worried about him
"Nothing... Just zoned out" Peter replied setting Clint down and retracting his suit
"That can't be nothing, and did you aim yourself? you got web everywhere" Steve said collecting some of the webs off Peter's body
"This isn't mine, it's that girl's, the one on the rooftop who got away..." Peter said taking a box from his table and putting the webs in there
"Is that possible? You said the spider that bit you died so how is it possible that there are two spider-mans or women?" Natasha asked
"I don't know but I have to run an analysis on the webbing to see its components cause' she didn't have any web shooters and she also knew what I was going to do next, it was almost like she had already seen what would be happening," Peter said pulling off his shirt that was also covered in the webs
"That is not possible... There are only two beings on this earth that can do that, The monks of Kamar Taj and me, there are no other known beings who can do that" Wanda said, confused
"Well then either she has very good intuition, is our stalker who studied us so well to understand each of our moves, is actually one copy of Wanda or is a runaway monk from Kamar Taj," Steve said unable to find anything believable
"Wow Cap, that's a lot of useful stuff coming from you," Tony said being sarcastic
"Can I have a lab to work in? and maybe some hours away from training..." Peter requested in hopes of having a peaceful space to work in
"of course Peter, but we will have FRIDAY supervise you," Bruce said giving Peter a fresh shirt from his closet
"Can Ned and MJ come over?" Peter asked
"Uh..." Bruce began before he was cut off by Tony
"Listen, kid, we can't risk having anyone of your friends over, if that girl is a threat she may have some potential hostage targets," Tony said being blunt
"Can I have pop tarts?"Peter asked feeling hungry
"Yes that we can manage," Tony said
"FRIDAY tell me which is the nearest convenience store that sells pop-tarts?"
"No need I got them while we were talking about them, I wanted a re-stock too," Pietro said dropping four bags full of Pop-tarts on the floor
"How much do I owe you?" Peter asked getting his wallet from his table
"Nothing, consider this a gift," Pietro said speeding out to get coffee for himself
"All right kid, get some rest you'll get your lab tomorrow," Tony said before ushering everyone out of the room and closing the door behind him
Finally, some peace, is what is needed but I think what is more needed is a shower
Peter got took a shower and changed into clean clothes before crashing into bed
After a few hours, he is again awoken by FRIDAY
There is some disturbance again at the compound...
It's that girl...
She's Back...