adina123 - Fandom ideas
Fandom ideas

226 posts

Empires Smp Avengers Au Seablings

Empires smp avengers au seablings 

Jimmy and Lizzie are a combination of Thor and aqua man they have a human dad and ocean queen mom 

Having kids with a human was a very controversial move from the last queen 

she met her human love many years ago he was a British man that loved to sail he was surprisingly respectful to the ocean at a time in history where that was rare 

The way he treated her reminded her of the days of her youth when she could go to the surface and be treated like a praised goddess and not as a feared monster 

when he died she was heartbroken and after many years of gathering energy she was finally ready to lay her eggs she put them as close to the beach they met as she could with out being close enough to be spotted by humans 

the royal family has a  magical trident that like Thor’s hammer can only be used by a select few in this case anyone with royal blood 

the queen died laying her eggs and a supervillain with a vendetta against the kingdom took the opportunity and tried to kill them so that the line would end and the royal powers could never be used again 

but two eggs survived one shiny and brimming with magic the other cracked barely holding on to life but miraculously still intact 

There aunt was put in charge of watching over the remaining two eggs after there mothers death 

she was unsure if the cracked one still had a living being in it but she held hope that it would pull through 

but even though everyone wanted both eggs to hatch they hoped that the one with more potential hatched first so they could be the heir 

And the shining one did hatch first and from it came out a very powerful baby girl with blue skin and pink hair she looked just like her mother but had her fathers brown eyes the kingdom celebrated and she was immediately brought to the palace to be queen 

there aunt ruled until she was ready and because of that she was unable to watch the second egg but she still had hope and made sure there was always someone watching 

But After much more waiting they gave up hope of the other one making it and left it there 

the aunt was heart broken and though she wished to takeoff work to check it herself she knew they where right and the thought of going back to the place her sister died was to much 

not to mention wasting resources and sending people to watch an egg so close to humans was dangerous 

Lizzie knew she had a sibling and was excited to meet them so when they broke the news to her she was saddened 

she would steak off to visit the egg ever now and then 

But thousands of years later it hatched out came a boy but no one was there to celebrate the miracle 

he found his way to the near by shore and because he took more after there human dad in appearance he was assumed to be a baby human 

And the next time Lizzie went to the egg she found the remains she went straight home to spread the news but no one believed her she was told that it was probably the remains of one of their many potential siblings that they didn’t clear from the area 

she promised to look for her sibling but tragedy struck her again when her aunt died she took the throne and she could no longer search for her sibling but she knew he was out there and hoped he would find his way back there her she swore as soon as they reunited she would be the best sister ever 

the trident is powerful giving the wielder complete control of water that does not just include The ocean but all water like rainstorms and the ability to fly by controlling the water in the air 

 jimmy was brought into the foster care system but ended up being taken out by a secret organization that sought to create assassins he was singled out because of he Atlantean durability and strength they didn’t know he was Atlantean but his inhuman traits caused him to be seen as a perfect candidate for there brutal training program

while going through the harsh training he managed to hold on to his optimism by remembering the cowboy movies he’d obsess over while he was in the system he would think about how they would face obstacles and eventually get there happy ending and comforted himself by saying that he would be just like them and have a happy ending 

he only knows basic knowledge since he was taken out of school and was forced to focus on training they wanted him to be stupid obedient and not ask questions 

he was always ignored and tried to fill the silence with noise with added bonus of getting them to react on occasion 

he is way stronger than n the average Atlantean lizzie is still stronger though

when he got out he became the vigilante sheriff like his mother he loved being respected

 both he and his sister where recruited to join the team and they booth excepted 

eventually they realized they where related when jimmy was able to lift the trident after that a lot of things started to make sense to jimmy the main ones being able to breath underwater and talking to fish 

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More Posts from Adina123

2 years ago

The reason for season 1 jimmy hating salmon headcannon

In there childhood Lizzie was very overprotective towards jimmy 

Which was understandable because he was always trying to do stuff that wasn’t safe for him to do 

like eating stuff that where not edible or trying to befriend hostile sea creatures like sharks piranhas and salmon the last one being the newest threatening creature that causes the most life changing accident of the two siblings lives

It happened one day while he was playing Lizzie had left him Alone for only a second when he saw a friendly looking salmon he went to go pet it or strike up a conversation with one of his new neighbors depending on how intelligent the salmon where

 But as soon as jimmy approached the harmless looking fish he quickly discovered that it was very much not harmless the salmon lunged at him and attacked 

just as the salmon attacked Lizzie returned just in time to witness the fish clamp it’s jaws on one of his body parts

the injury was not lethal and was easily  taken care of but the encounter was incredibly traumatizing for jimmy and from that moment on he could not even look at A salmon with out being triggered 

unfortunately there home was soon completely taken over by the salmon they where everywhere jimmy couldn’t even look out the window with out seeing a salmon 

Before Jimmy hatched Lizzie promised she would protect him no matter what so decided to head towards the direction the salmon came from 

She said she would drive them from the place they called home for thousands of years and return home but she didn’t return and jimmy stayed in there house to afraid to even look out side just waiting for his sister for hundreds of years he lived in fear 

Until till one day he snapped his fear turned to rage the salmon where why his sister left why he had nightmares and why he was living in constant fear he decided to follow his sister to the surface killing as many salmon as he could along the way and so even when he reached the shore and forgot his past he still had the trauma and rage that came with those lost memories 

but also he still had those feelings from when he was happy little boy with out a trouble in the ocean before his life fell apart around him he still had his love for his sister and while it was hazy and muted it was still there

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2 years ago

I don’t think season 2 Joel is a god but I do think the headcannon I’ve seen of Joel from season 1 and season 2 being the same person is true 

I believe what happened was that after his palace was destroyed and his loved ones went missing joel searched for a purpose to distract himself from the grief 

He still wanted to leave behind a legacy so he became obsessed with building his magnum opus a statue just like his citizens but so much more he would get giant muscles and be very tall and have the power of a god

he based the design off of myths like Zeus because he was inspired by his wife who was debatably a goddess also he used famous Greek sculptures as references 

While He is the same Joel from season 1 he is not an immortal god like he claims he is It would be ironic because it would make him making fun of Jimmy for being a toy hypocritical 

I also think the reason Joel targets Jimmy so much is because they used to be brothers in laws and he used to think Jimmy was a great ally and friend so seeing someone with the same face and even some similarities in personality being a corrupt sheriff well it infuriates him to no end 

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2 years ago

People have been talking about the awful velma show and it’s got me thinking of scooby doo and My favorite pitch for a scooby doo reboot and the potential of the Scooby gang i recommend watching the jello apocalypse video called which scooby doo character is the best its. Not a show or anything but he has great ideas and it’s worth it

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2 years ago

The beach

You are trapped in an elevator with the person on your lockscreen. Who is it?

Reblog with who you get stuck with~

2 years ago

I thought of a hilarious situation for Hermes what if Joel one day choose to mess with jimmy by leaving Hermes in tumble town forced jimmy to be a babysitter or something 

well turns out that Hermes because of the dolls Joel makes ends up being very receptive to all the cowboy things Jimmy let’s him do to keep him happy while he’s there 

And joel doesn’t know it but it at first but there are consequences for the huge mistake he inflicted upon himself 

because in doing that because when Hermes goes home he now wants to be a cowboy 

and nothing Joel does gets him to stop the experience changed him now he always wears his hat that Jimmy made him and throws tantrums when someone try’s to take it and refuses to go anywhere if he doesn’t have the hat on 

he turns into one of those kids that’s obsessed with a movie so he watches it over and over again and who’s parents are also forced to watch it or a kid with a special interest in wild west and he never stops talking about the topic 

Hermes loved the dessert and him and his father can make rain storms so he doesn’t like the rain any more so he starts claiming to be the god of cowboys

when he gets older and he develops a unique domain he officially becomes the god of deserts and oasis’s patron of explorers and pioneer a guide to those looking to start journeys and facings trials 

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